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Deel 4 van de hertaalde uitgave van Petrus van Mastricht Theoretisch-Praktische Godgeleerdheid. In dit deel gaat het over de verlossing zoals die toegepast wordt aan de zondaar en over de kerk. De volgende onderdelen van de heilsorde... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyBiblical StudiesBiblical Theology
Roerige periode in nuchtere feiten...
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      17th Century Dutch RepublicHugo GrotiusDutch Reformed ChurchTacitism
This article assesses the role of late nineteenth- to early twentieth-century Afrikaner missionaries in their ecological positioning in Nyasaland. As envoys of South Africa’s Dutch Reformed Church, they were predisposed to self-identify... more
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      EcologyAfrikaner historyMissionsDutch Reformed Church
5-Part Discussion Handouts for TULIP Handouts to discuss the Canons of Dordt (or Dort). Includes summaries of the canons for an introduction and overview. Helpful to use along with a video series, such as Sproul's "What is Reformed... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyReformed theologyReformed Biblical Theology
I. INTRODUCTION Neo-Calvinism was a 19th century movement which sought to promote Christ's economic Lordship over all spheres of life. While not making much of a movement in the United States, it was primarily active in the Netherlands,... more
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      TheologySystematic TheologyCalvinismBiblical Theology
In two articles is dealt with the confrontations of Wilhelmus a Brakel (1635-1711) with the local government and what vision he had of the government. This is the first part. A Brakel stood on the Voetian point of view: the government has... more
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      Historical TheologyReformed theologyDutch Reformed ChurchChurch and State
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      Urban GeographyEastern European StudiesOttoman HistoryEastern Europe
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      Reception StudiesNeocalvinismProtestantismKarl Barth
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesProtestantismReformation and Post-Reformation
In September 1609 Henry Hudson first made his first landfall in in the river valley named after him (originally known as the North River) in Raritan Bay. Fifteen years later in 1624 Captain Cornelius May (after whom Cape May is named)... more
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      Parent InvolvementDutch Reformed ChurchNew Jersey HistoryDutch-Americans
The second Sunday service has always been a notable liturgical feature of the Reformed churches of Dutch heritage. Since the beginnings of the Dutch Reformed tradition this service has also been associated with catechism preaching. This... more
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      Reformation and Post-ReformationDutch Reformed ChurchSynod of Dordt 1618-1619Dutch Church History
sociology of religion
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      ChristianityHistorical TheologyAfrican HistoryIslamic History
This article highlights the presence within the seventeenth-century Dutch Reformed Church of a strong appreciation of their missionary calling. In the first half of the article, attention is given to the presence and character of the idea... more
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      MissiologyMissiology and Mission TheologyChristian MissionsHistory of Missions
This article explores the treatment of unmarried mothers by the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) at the Cape of Good Hope during the VOC period (1652-1795) in the belief that by concentrating on this exceptional group of people much is... more
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      Women's HistoryGender HistoryReligion and SexualitySingle Mothers
Across Europe, the parish church has stood for centuries at the centre of local communities; it was the focal point of its religious life, the rituals performed there marked the stages of life from the cradle to the grave. Nonetheless the... more
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      Latin American StudiesEarly Modern HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesColonial America
When in 1621 was established the Dutch West India Company, the United Provinces of the Netherlands were ready to enter in the Spanish mare clausum in the New World. Due to their traditional liberal approach to religious freedom, the Dutch... more
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      ColonialismSuriname historyPrivateeringAntilles
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      ChristianityMissionary HistoryMission StudiesArabian Gulf
Sedert veral die jaar 2000 is daar voortdurend debatte in Suid-Afrika oor of Jesus regtig uit die dood opgestaan het, en of dit nie eerder as ʼn metafoor verstaan moet word nie. In hierdie boek neem Ferdie Mulder gelowiges op ʼn... more
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      Dutch Reformed ChurchLiberalismeDutch Reformed Theologians
Cornelius Van Til was part of the Dutch reformed or Calvinist day school movement in both the Netherlands and America. He attended a two-room schoolhouse in an immigrant Dutch community in Hammond, Indiana. During his days as professor at... more
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      Christian EducationReligious EducationPhilosophy of EducationCalvinism
Lexham Press is pleased to announce the publication of a major series of new translations of Abraham Kuyper’s key works in public theology. Never before available in English, these works will introduce a new audience to the thoughts of... more
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      Reformed Theology and EthicsNeocalvinismHistory of The NetherlandsReformed theology
For ordinary people, the impact of the Reformation would have centred around local parish churches, rather than the theological debates of the Reformers. Focusing on the Calvinists, this volume explores how the architecture, appearance... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMaterial culture of religionReformation HistoryReformation Studies
This article presents an historical appraisal of Botlhale Tema's historical novel about her extended family set in the nineteenth-and twentieth-century Western Transvaal. Tema's forbearers were seized as children following commando... more
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      SlaveryDutch Reformed ChurchBoersTransvaal
This book examines John Calvin’s sense of vocation. 1) It begins with an analysis of thinking on prophecy in early, medieval, and Reformation theology. 2) It finds Calvin within a non-mystical, non-apocalyptic prophetic tradition... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryEuropean History
40 essays by Ronnie Hsia, Ulrich Leinsle, Marius Reiser, Thomas Marschler, Trent Pomplun, Jean-Louis Quantin, William O'Brien SJ, Stefania Tutino, Carl Trueman, Andreas Beck, Willem van Asselt, Eric Carlsson, Stephen Hampton, Benjamin... more
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      ReligionChristianityNew Religious MovementsComparative Religion
To the sacred dead. Florentius made this monument to his worthy son Appronianus, who lived one year, nine months, and five days. Since he was dearly loved by his grandmother, and she saw that he was going to die, she asked from the church... more
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      HistoryTheologyBaptist TheologyMonastic Studies
The aim of this paper is to investigate how Abraham Kuyper and some late neo-Calvinists have addressed the doctrine of creation in light of the challenges posed by evolutionary scientific theory. I argue that most neo-Calvinists today,... more
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      Reformed theologyAbraham KuyperDutch Reformed ChurchEvolutionary Creationism
Last night I attended a discussion in which the host listed several, more than eleven, different things one needs to be saved. I said to our small group: "Why is baptism not on the list?" A woman next to me said "no church teaches you... more
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      TheologyLiturgyEarly ChristianityBaptist Theology
He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the gospel (good news) to all creation (Jew and Gentile) . Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned."- Mark 16:15-16 -
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      EducationTheologyHermeneuticsEarly Christianity
The research wants to contribute to the development of a missional ecclesiology for the Dutch Reformed Church (DRC) in South Africa. This was done by answering the following two questions: what does the current context of the DRC look... more
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      MissiologyEcclesiologyDutch Reformed ChurchMissional Church Theology
Cambridge Studies in Early Modern History (Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press; 1978).
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      Historical TheologyReformation HistoryIconoclasmPreaching
Because one is made spiritually alive from the dead, baptism into Christ can accurately be described as a spiritual revolution of the heart.
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      HistoryCognitive Behavioral TherapyMusicPhilosophy
This research assignment is an attempt to engage with the theology of the Framework Document on the Missional Nature and Calling of the Dutch Reformed Church. The document presents itself as a foundational document furthering the... more
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      Contextual TheologiesSocial JusticeMissiology and Mission TheologyPublic Theology
Gereformeerde kerk Francois Lamprecht 16396219 Skripsie ingelewer ter gedeeltelike vervulling van die vereistes vir die graad Magister in Divinitas in die Fakulteit Teologie: Departement Praktiese Teologie aan die Universiteit... more
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      MusicLiturgyReformed theologyDutch Reformed Church
Miroslav Volf is not just a well-recognized author but also a person whose biography is intriguing. He is a Croatian who was raised in Serbia. He experienced both Eastern and Western Europe and he currently lives in the United States.... more
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      EcclesiologyDutch Reformed ChurchCalvin, Calvinism, Reformed TraditionMiroslav Volf
도르트 신조는 아르미니우스의 신학을 따른 항론파의 주장을 반대하고 개혁파의 주요 교리들을 천명했다. 그 교리들은 무조건적 선택, 제한 속죄, 전적 타락, 불가항력적 은혜, 성도의 견인에 대한 가르침이다. 그런데 이 다섯 가지 교리들은 모두 인간론에 대한 다음과 같이 핵심적인 가르침들을 준다. 첫째, 인간의 죄성을 기억해야 한다. 도르트 신조는 “내가 죄인임을 고백하는 것이 하나님께 영광이 된다.”라고 가르친다. 죄론이... more
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      AnthropologyCalvinismReformed Theology and EthicsReformed theology
도르트 회의(1618-1619)는 최초의 그리고 현재까지 유일한 국제적 개혁파 총회였다. 회의의 참가자들은 항론파의 다섯 가지 요점들에 대하여 오직 성경만으로 반박하고자 했다. 그럼에도 불구하고 도르트 회의의 몇몇 주요 문건 속에서는 아우구스티누스의 작품이 종종 인용되는 것을 볼 수 있다. 이 점은 매우 중요한데 항론파의 이론적 근거를 제공했던 아르미니우스는 아우구스티누스에 의지하여 자신의 주장을 전개하곤 했기 때문이다.... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesReformation TheologyReformed Theology and Ethics
Two of the many consequences of the expansion of Europe during the early modern period were the spread of Christianity to areas outside of the Mediterranean world and the large-scale forced migration of enslaved people to work in European... more
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      History of ReligionReligion and ColonialismCalvinismSlavery
Abraham Kuypert úgy méltatták 70. születésnapján 1907-ben, hogy a megelőző negyven év holland történelmét nem lehetne úgy megírni, hogy legyen szó akár az állam, a társadalom, a sajtó, az egyház és az oktatásügy kérdéseiről, ne... more
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      CalvinCalvinismChurch HistoryJohn Calvin
Philip William Otterbein stands at the head of a German awakening in America, which occurred shortly after the Great Awakening begun by Jonathan Edwards, and slightly prior to the introduction of Methodism to the American Colonies. He and... more
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      MelanchthonChurch HistoryMoravian (Church History)German Pietism
This paper will mainly focus on the material culture surrounding the administration of the Lord’s Supper in the Reformed churches of the Dutch Republic. After a brief survey of the ecclesiastical setting for the service and the practical... more
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      Liturgical StudiesEarly Modern HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesMaterial culture of religion
The celebration of the Lord's Supper in the Dutch Reformed Church - between tradition and renewal. Part 2. In this article, part 2 of our series, the historical survey of the celebration of the Lord's Supper in the Reformed tradition is... more
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      LiturgyPractical theologyDutch Reformed Church
This article argues for understanding the nineteenth-century, evangelical DRC as an outward looking church, firmly positioned within the Protestant Atlantic. Not only were DRC ministers and congregations in contact with clergy,... more
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      ReligionChristianityEarly Modern HistorySocial History
Rudie van Leeuwen The painting Moses and the Israelites from 1574, which was commissioned by Peeter Panhuys (1529-85) from the Antwerp painter Maerten de Vos (1532-1603), serves as a case study for answering the question how the choice of... more
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      Reformation HistoryReformation StudiesCalvinismLutheranism
An address to the thirty-eighth meeting of the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council held at Mid-America Reformed Seminary on November 13, 2012
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      PresbyterianismEcclesiologyEcumenismDutch Reformed Church
The Dutch Reformed Church has been regarded as an apartheid collaborator due to its close relationship with the National Party, earning it the label “The National Party at prayer”. This perception is strengthened by the fact that a... more
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      ApartheidAfrikaner nationalismD.F. MalanDutch Reformed Church
What is your view after reading this paper? Email your views to [email protected] THE HEART OF THE MATTER: The idea that every conceived human being is naturally evil, guilty, a sinner, or sinful, is itself child abuse and a... more
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      Missionary HistoryDutch Reformed Church
Baruch Spinoza's (1632–77) Tractatus theologico-politicus (1669/70) caused outrage across the Dutch Republic, for it obliterated the carefully installed separation between philosophy and theology. The posthumous publication of Spinoza's... more
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      History of IdeasHistory of ScienceCartesianismBenedict de Spinoza
In a qualitative study recently carried out by the author amongst ministers in a Circuit of Dutch Reformed Congregations in a suburban context in the Western Cape, South Africa, respondents were asked whether they sensed a ‘shift of view’... more
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      LeadershipCongregational StudiesTransformational LeadershipCongregational Leadership
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      Asian StudiesSoutheast Asian StudiesIndonesian HistoryCatholic Missionary History