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Dracorex was a dinosaur of the family Pachycephalosauridae, that lived during the Late Cretaceous of North America. The type (and only) species is Dracorex hogwartsia, meaning "dragon king of Hogwarts". It is known from one nearly... more
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      Native American ReligionsMythology And FolklorePrehistoric ArchaeologyPaleontology
El agua en la piedra es una aventura para juegos de rol que se puede acabar en una sola sesión (one-shot). Es ideal para personas que comienzan su camino en los juegos de rol. Los encuentros y desafíos tienen una dificultad media y están... more
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      Game TheoryGame DesignRole-playing Game TheoryEducational Games
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      HistoryEastern European StudiesAnthropologyMythology
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      Dungeons and DragonsDungeons & Dragons
This is an unpublished, semi-edited edition of my 'special essay', completed during my third year of my Classical Civilisation undergraduate degree in Classical Studies. The paper acheived a first-class grade and explores the extent to... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreJ. R. R. TolkienClassical ArtClassical Reception Studies
La tesi indaga il potenziale utilizzo del gioco di ruolo Dungeons & Dragons come strumento pratico-progettuale nella formazione aziendale delle soft skill. Si analizza il valore pedagogico di gioco e narrazione, per poi definire la natura... more
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      NarrativeStorytellingPedagogyRole-playing Game Theory
Purpose-This paper aims to describe the critical literacies of high school students engaged in a youth participatory action research (YPAR) project focused on a roleplaying game, Dungeons and Dragons, in a queer-led afterschool space. The... more
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      Discourse AnalysisQueer TheoryParticipatory Action Research with YouthCritical Literacy
The Drachenfels (Dragon's Rock) in the Siebengebirge uplands between Königswinter and Bad Honnef in Germany. The hill is located in the North Rhine-Westphalia area. History The ruined castle Burg Drachenfels, on the summit of the hill,... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreGerman LiteratureMythologyGerman History
World-building in Dungeons and Dragons as an Environmental Experience An ecocritical based analysis of the worldbuilding in Dungeons and Dragons, focused on the relationships between the concepts of natural and social environments, and... more
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      StorytellingEcocriticismTabletopRoleplaying Games
This master's dissertation examines communication methods and strategies employed by EFL learners when playing tabletop roleplaying games (RPGs) in an online environment. While research has been undertaken into the use of RPGs as a... more
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      Social InteractionEnglish language teachingEnglish EducationTeacher Education in Teaching English to Speakers of Second/Foreign Languages (TESOL)
Dalam sejarah festival Oscar Academy Award yang berlangsung sejak 1929 sehingga 2019, tiada seorang pun tokoh dalam bidang lakonan dari adaptasi adiwira komik yang berjaya menjulang piala tersebut kecuali seorang, Joker versi Heath... more
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      PhysiologyPsychologyFilm AnalysisBoard Games
Long before dragons were busy being the best things in Game of Thrones, the world has been telling tales about them. And guess what: they don't all end in monsters being slain and maidens being rescued. In Iran, for instance, a dragon is... more
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      HistoryMiddle East StudiesMiddle East & North AfricaIraqi History
Dungeons and Dragons é extremamente popular-provavelmente a releitura de fantasia mais popular sobre Idade Média no mundo hoje. Considerando que as edições anteriores do jogo sempre foram um pilar da cultura "nerd" mais hardcore, a atual... more
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      MedievalismContemporary MedievalismNeomedievalismVikings
Dragons - Serpent Gods from the Old Kingdom -- 1/Apep The Ancient Gods Speak. Apep (also known as Apophis), a terrifying great sea-serpent, is one of Egypt’s most noted dragons. Apep lay in wait in the Egyptian underworld to ambush the... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryAncient HistoryEgyptology
Dungeons & Dragons Dungeon Master's Guide by Wizards RPG Team pdf
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    • Dungeons & Dragons
Review by Alexandros Diakosavvas and interview with the artists Kostis Stafylakis, Alexis Fidentis and Theo Triantafyllidis on the occasion of the work Notes to Readiness: Step 1, an artistic participation in the show ENTER by the Onassis... more
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      Online GamingGamingPreppersPost-Internet Art
The Wawel Dragon (Polish: Smok Wawelski), also known as the Dragon of Wawel Hill, is a famous dragon in Polish folklore. His lair was in a cave at the foot of Wawel Hill on the bank of the Vistula River. Wawel Hill is in Kraków, which was... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryAncient HistoryPrehistoric Archaeology
The chapter examines how wargaming directly influenced roleplaying games, both in their tabletop and digital iterations, to the point of establishing combat as a core component of roleplaying, narratively as well as in terms of game... more
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      Cultural StudiesGame TheoryGame studiesGame Design
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryAncient HistoryFolklore
This paper situates gamer discussions of the fantasy race the drow, or dark elves, in masculinity theory. I examine threads from a Facebook group discussing the topic, and code the reactions of men participating. I discuss how some gamer... more
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      Masculinity StudiesThematic AnalysisOnline ethnographyRole Playing Games
Con el presente artículo se busca dar a conocer la metodología utilizada para analizar el juego de rol Calabozos y Dragones, así como el desarrollo de la investigación, aparato teórico metodológico, los respectivos resultados y... more
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      GamestudiesRole Playing GamesDungeons & Dragons
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      Mythology And FolkloreGeologyMythologyGeobiology
Resumo: O RPG D&D é um jogo de interpretação fantasiosa sobre uma narrativa contemporânea acerca do medievo. Desta forma, se apropria, associa e (re)produz o medievo de forma peculiar, (re)construindo uma "Idade Média fantasiada"... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryHistóriaHistoria Medieval
Vermilion is both a brilliant red or scarlet pigment, originally made from the powdered mineral cinnabar, and the corresponding color. It is commonly used in Hindu culture, primarily by women, and was widely used in the art and decoration... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreMythologyGeobiologyNorth American (Archaeology)
A theatre creation, even the most minimalistic or humble, holds many elements, depends on many people and is easy to mess up by one person not being there at the right moment. That naturally implies a strict discipline and hierarchy.... more
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      ImprovisationTheatre StudiesSet Design (Theatre Studies)Games
This paper discusses the communication in tabletop role-playing games that we call metadiscourse. Prior study of gaming and the act of play prove that the space is inherently social. However, we speculate that, through metadiscourse, the... more
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      Sociology of LanguageGenderMasculinityRole Playing Games
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryAncient HistoryPrehistoric Archaeology
Los juegos de rol de mesa y los grupos de jugadores de mesa crecen en Argentina. En los últimos años, este crecimiento ha ido acompañado por la creación de clubes y eventos relacionados con este tipo de juegos. En un contexto global de... more
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      Board GamesRole-Playing GamesParticipant ObservationJuegos De Rol
Legend of the Grosse Biesse Once upon a time, deep in the woods of Marche-en-Famenne, in the "Fond des Vaulx" (Back of the Vault), lived a bearded race of dwarfs (nutons) wearing pointed caps. They were very kind and hardworking.... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryPrehistoric ArchaeologyGeomorphology
Dune (n.) "mound, ridge, or hill of loose sand heaped up by the wind near the coast of a sea," 1790, from French, Middle Dutch or Middle Low German dune, all of which are perhaps from Gaulish *dunom (making it cousin to down (n.2) "small,... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryMythologyMedieval History
Dread Trident examines the rise of imaginary worlds in tabletop role-playing games (TRPGs), such as Dungeons and Dragons. With the combination of analog and digital mechanisms, from traditional books to the internet, new ways of engaging... more
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      Role Playing GamesDungeons & Dragons
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      New Zealand LiteratureMythology And FolkloreHistoryPrehistoric Archaeology
Located on a limestone promontory overlooking the River Wye, Chepstow Castle, even today, dominates the landscape and takes the breath away. It’s both magnificent in its medieval might as it is in its beauty and attention to medieval... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryTudor EnglandFolk legends
The name of this high and bizarre rock - Hercules' Club - perfectly captures its shape. There is of course a number of legends explaining its strange form. One of them says that it is actually a club of Krak, the legendary ruler of... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHistoryAncient HistoryPolish History
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      HistoryNorth African prehistory (Archaeology)ArizonaDragons