Due Process Rights
Recent papers in Due Process Rights
Since 1976, the VSBO disciplinary board has been only a body oF unauthorized individuals with no judicial authority created by fiat by the Supreme Court of Virginia. Current research and evidence supports that Supreme Court of Virginia... more
In this paper, we examine the relationship between socioeconomic vulnerabilities and due process violations in contemporary Mexico, using a novel survey of imprisoned populations. We further investigate whether institutional reforms—in... more
This article addresses the question whether the European Union defaulted on the ‘strict observance’ of international law and ‘respect’ for the UN Charter, which are now express objectives of the EU following the Lisbon reform, in the... more
O processo civil brasileiro segue as regras descritas no código de processo civil, então aqui tem-se um roteiro de como se desenvolve o procedimento comum descrito no código de processo civil brasileiro
It has been argued, “the legal effect of the double jeopardy principle does not mean that a person cannot be prosecuted more than once for the same criminal offence”. The principle had previously been subject to significant statutory... more
In this Essay, I sketch out some First Amendment and Due Process issues that arise from recent efforts by the World Intellectual Property Organization (“WIPO”) to revise U.S. copyright law. My focus will be on the WIPO Treaty on... more
Standards of Professional Conduct for Prosecution Counsel at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia and the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, The Code of Conduct for the Office of the Prosecutor of the... more
The Texas Supreme Court recently held that a "proper court" under Civil Procedure Rule 202— the rule that allows a potential plaintiff to file a petition for a court order to depose a potential defendant—is one where venue would be... more
Procedural flexibility and party autonomy are likely the most distinguishing features of arbitration that allow for arguably more efficient, cost-effective and individualised dispute resolution process than traditional recourse to... more
A competent United States Attorney should easily win any federal drug case. The elements of federal drug crimes are easy to prove, easy to explain, and easy for juries to comprehend. Why then does the government need members of law... more
Describes the burden of proof imposed upon the government whenever enforcement actions are employed.
Th is article begins by recounting the facts and rulings of Atala-Riffo and Daughters v. Chile, such as the Inter-American Court of Human Rights’ interpretation of the right to private and family life, its categorisation of sexual... more
El artículo explora las relaciones entre el derecho, la democracia y el imperativo del trato igual, deteniéndose en el desarrollo de nociones como "comunidad política", "actos políticos" o "derechos", y proponiendo un entendimiento... more
Nadie puede concebir hoy la existencia de una decisión judicial que carezca de motivación; esto es, que no explique a los justiciables las razones por las cuales resuelve el conflicto del modo en que lo hace y no de otro. El principio... more
La cuestión de calificación de invalidez atañe principalmente a quienes se encuentran en la necesidad de ser calificados con el objeto de obtener una prestación económica, como las reguladas por la ley general de seguridad social;... more
En la vida cotidiana del ejercicio del derecho, ya sea en el campo de la judicatura, ora en el del litigio, bien sea en el de la academia, o en actividades administrativas, es bastante común que se hable de la prueba sumaria; pero... more
El ejercicio del derecho de defensa implica el acceso y toma de vista del expediente, pero muchas veces los funcionarios públicos impiden que se tome fotografías del mismo, exigiendo en su lugar que se solicite una certificación por... more
AInnocent Until Proven Guilty: The Origins of a Legal Maxim,@ A Ennio Cortese (3 Volumes. Roma: Il Cigno Galileo Galilei Edizioni, 2001) 3.59-73, a revised version translated into Italian as AInnocente fino a prova contraria: Le origini... more
Common false presumptions by revenue agents For reasons why NONE of our materials may legally be censored and violate NO Google policies, see: https://sedm.org/why-our-materials-cannot-legally-be-censored/ Disclaimer:... more
Permission will be quickly and freely granted for non-commercial, non-profit use by any organization promoting shared parenting or other policies to ensure children's rights to a full relationship with both parents upon divorce.
This article advances an interpretative account of parental rights and builds a normative case against them. This normative account considers how parental rights function in existing constitutional and family law, and assesses theoretical... more
The PPP attached is presented in Law School, Tirana University, Albania - an open lecture. It analyses the application of the due process, a fundamental human right, as well as procedural right in Albanian administrative law. It also... more
Constitutional Law Reviewer (END Law Notes)
The term ‘algocracy’ was coined by A.Aneesh to refer to a new form of governance which rivals bureaucracy. The suffix ‘cracy’ derives from the Greek word for ‘rule’. Algocracy means rule by algorithms as opposed to bureaucracy which... more
Ante las enormes lagunas existentes en este campo, y en un contexto social donde la promoción de acciones colectivas se ha multiplicado exponencialmente, la Corte Suprema de Justicia de la Nación (CSJN) asumió –especialmente a lo largo de... more
Silvano Cantú, El régimen penal de excepción para delincuencia organizada bajo el test de los derechos humanos, en Ferrer MacGregor Poisot, Eduardo, José Luis Caballero Ochoa y Christian Steiner (Coord.), 2013, Derechos humanos en la... more
This is the final version of my PhD thesis, as deposited in Cambridge University Library.
El capítulo analiza el derecho al debido proceso a la luz de la jurisprudencia de la Corte Interamericana de Derechos, el Tribunal Constitutional y la Corte Suprema de Chile, en los años 2011 y 2012.
P. 181 (fol. 13):veritatem, dixit quod etnonverttutum. Dixit quod P. 181 (fol. 13), demière ligne : suppléez dixit avant quod ipse audiverat. P. 1 8l (fol. 13) : audiverat a quodam et non audiverat de quodam. P. 1 83 (fol. 13v) : in... more
Desafios debido proceso en América Latina
"El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo primordial el análisis de los estándares de la tutela judicial efectiva y del Debido Proceso en los procedimientos establecidos por la Ley Nº 20.600 que crea los Tribunales Ambientales, desde una... more
The objective legal norm violated by the superintendent to issue the resolution 035 is in Article 76 paragraph 7 literal l of the Constitution: The lack of protection is abhorred in a State of Constitutional Rights and Justice because... more
Professional regulatory bodies - including ethics committee, association boards, and government licensing authorities - oversee the ethical behaviour of professionals, specifically monitoring their use of power. However there is... more
Civil forfeiture is playing an increasingly prominent role in the fight against organised crime. While this tool is attractive to law enforcement agencies, it does give rise to concerns under Art 6 of the ECHR. Such proceedings ought to... more
Análisis del nuevo borrador de Código Tributario, introducido al Congreso Nacional y elaborado por el Poder Ejecutivo, el Consejo Hondureño de la Empresa Privada (COHEP) y el Consejo Hondureño del Sector Social de la Economía (COHDESSE).
Se establece un marco general sobre el fundamento, las circunstancias habilitantes y la forma de usar las facultades probatorias de oficio del juez.
Trabajo final de Máster de la VII Edición del Máster de Gobernanza y Derechos Humanos de la Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. Estudio sobre el proceso de expulsión de un extranjero en Chile en comparación con los criterios de los distintos... more