While attempts to tackle the issue of illegal drugs through decriminalisation in the US and Canada have been less than successful, former Police Scotland Superintendent Martin Gallagher argues that as traditional enforcement measures have... more
3,4‐methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or "Ecstasy", which has been used for recreational purposes, is shown to cause learning and memory impairment. Statins, beyond their efficient cholesterol-lowering action through... more
Post traumatic stress disorder is a clinical disorder characterized by emotional and physical symptoms that may occur after exposure to a severely traumatic event. It occurs commonly as a co-morbid diagnosis with substance related... more
La presente investigación recolecta datos de una muestra n=10, consumidores de tabaco en la FESI-UNAM, los resultados arrojaron que gran parte del alumnado presenta problemas de tabaquismo, en específico en contexto relacionado con las... more
Highlights of this episode are: 1. Not only poverty in general, homelessness and social stigma exacerbate 'substance abuse;’ ‘substance abuse’ can also make people homeless. 2. People with mental anxieties fall easy prey to drugs;... more
Los participantes serán capaces de saber cuales son las drogas, que es la adicción, tipos de drogas, causas, síntomas, tratamiento, recuperación, prevención, lo que es una sobredosis, como identificar a un drogadicto y algunas sugerencias... more
La cerveza y cualquier tipo de estimulante realmente mata: cómo se deteriora el organismo desde el primer consumo" Bogotá, 13/06/2024 En la sociedad actual, el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas, incluido el alcohol, el tabaco y otras... more
Alcohol consumption as you all know can be for the person who consumes it, it is easy to think of it lightly but it’s very hard to get out of it. The harmful use of alcohol is the cause for all deaths and the global burden of disease and... more
Introduction: This study has been done to compare resiliency and coping strategies in addicted individuals to drug and non-addicted people. Methodology: This study is descriptive and casual-comparative. Sampling population was all people... more
Las redes sociales causan un gran problema si no las sabemos gestionar bien, por eso en este documento narrare acerca de sus peligros.
Drug addiction and mental health from Islamic perspectives
In a 2016 paper, Nora Volkov said, sharp increases in the release of dopamine elicit a reward signal that triggers associative learning or conditioning. In this type of Pavlovian learning, repeated experiences of reward become associated... more
El uso de los denominados enteógenos, en tanto herramientas de utilización milenaria por parte del ser humano, en conjunto con el desarrollo científico moderno en éstas áreas, pueden resultar una propuesta no sólo novedosa, sino también... more
El propósito general de este trabajo se encuadra en la línea de investigaciones que pretenden elevar los niveles de calidad de las estrategias preventivas desarrolladas, analizando la eficacia diferencial de los programas escolares al... more
RESUMO - A proposta deste estudo é refletir acerca da relação terapêutica no contexto musicoterapêutico e compreender como musicoterapeutas e estudantes de musicoterapia alicerçam e constroem um repertório de ações, intervenções e... more
Se investigo sobre el tipo de creencias relacionadas con el consumo de sustancias psicoactivas (SPA), y su relacion con la abstinencia voluntaria, en pacientes farmacodependientes con diagnostico dual (psicosis inducida por sustancias,... more
Los programas de Habilidades para la Vida suponen un espacio para el fomento del desarrollo humano y son un mecanismo preventivo para el combate de problemáticas como el consumo de drogas y la violencia, especialmente en la región... more
Objetivo. Avanzar hacia una definición de la perspectiva llamada “De las Personas que Usan Drogas (PUD)”. Metodología. El método utilizado es la arqueología filosófica consistente en la descripción del sistema de formación de la reducción... more
3,4‐methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or "Ecstasy", which has been used for recreational purposes, is shown to cause learning and memory impairment. Statins, beyond their efficient cholesterol-lowering action through... more
The increase in the percentage of drug addiction every year is of great concern to society and the country. However, there is no denying that various parties such as government agencies, non-governmental organizations, private agencies... more
The research presented deals with the evaluation of the school program and family Prevention "Among All", belonging to the Association Man Project, in order to present to the scientific community's strengths and weaknesses to continue to... more
Acta Académica es un proyecto académico sin fines de lucro enmarcado en la iniciativa de acceso abierto. Acta Académica fue creado para facilitar a investigadores de todo el mundo el compartir su producción académica. Para crear un perfil... more
271 Revista Española de Drogodependencias 33 (4) 2008 Correspondencia a: Dra. María J. Zarza a la siguiente dirección: maria. zarza@ fepad. es c/Guardia Civil 30, entlo. B. 46020 Valencia Originales Evaluación de la Exposición para... more
Este estudio se ha financiado con fondos Delegación del Gobierno para el Plan Nacional sobre Drogas (Exp. 2015I070) (Ministerio de Sanidad, Servicios Sociales e Igualdad). RESUMEN Fundamentos: La prevención selectiva aborda los factores... more
This qualitative research presents theoretical reflections about the effects of music on people. The study was developed at the Programa de Iniciação Científica at the Faculdade de Artes do Paraná between 2009 and 2010. The goal of this... more
The increase in the percentage of drug addiction every year is of great concern to society and the country. However, there is no denying that various parties such as government agencies, non-governmental organizations, private agencies... more
The fentanyl epidemic represents a public health crisis that requires a deep understanding of its psychology. This extremely potent drug has become a deadly threat due to its high potency and widespread use. In this work, we explore the... more
transferencias de las competencias entre las categorías de actores locales de cultura diferente. El objetivo de este enfoque es asegurar, en sentido literal y figurado, en el nivel territorial las posibilidades para desarrollar lo que... more
De origen socioeconómico diverso los estudiantes de Medicina tienen su propia comprensión cultural y sentimiento sobre la diversidad social, pero tienen que estar preparados para enfrentarse a la infinidad de comportamientos humanos sin... more
The increase in the percentage of drug addiction every year is of great concern to society and the country. However, there is no denying that various parties such as government agencies, non-governmental organizations, private agencies... more
El domingo 9 de noviembre , luego de una larga enfermedad, el Dr. Ronald Betancourt falleció. Ese día este número de Cuadernos de Neuropsicología estaba por publicarse. El presente In Memoriam pretende hacer un reconocimiento tanto... more
The increase in the percentage of drug addiction every year is of great concern to society and the country. However, there is no denying that various parties such as government agencies, non-governmental organizations, private agencies... more
The integration of screening, brief interventions, and referral to treatment is a preventive and care strategy that has demonstrated effectiveness in improving the health of alcohol and other drug users. The implementation of this... more
The increase in the percentage of drug addiction every year is of great concern to society and the country. However, there is no denying that various parties such as government agencies, non-governmental organizations, private agencies... more
La cocaína conlleva alteraciones de diversa gravedad en la densidad de neuronas dopaminérgicas, así como en la expresión de factores tróficos cerebrales y en la funcionalidad de la barrera hematoencefálica. La cocaína actúa como un... more
Nota bibliográfica del libro Los accidentes laborales en perspectiva histórica (2019) de Karina Ramacciotti
The present work identifies the relations between the socioeconomic level of the Ecuadorian population and the excessive consumption of alcohol. The theory of rational addiction is used to determine addictive behavior, which holds that... more
RESUMEN El Trastorno límite de la personalidad (TLP) es un síndrome heterogéneo, con limites aun poco definidos; con diversas formas de presentaciones clínicas, que varían de un individuo a otro, e incluso, dentro del mismo paciente,... more
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto
British Columbia Canada has implemented decriminalization of drugs to attempt to improve access to services with the goal of saving lives. This is an article about "hopefully" government getting it right.
3,4‐methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or "Ecstasy", which has been used for recreational purposes, is shown to cause learning and memory impairment. Statins, beyond their efficient cholesterol-lowering action through... more
This study sought to examine the extent to which age at first substance use contributes to later addiction severity and how PTSD affects their relationships. The study enrolled 315 patients from tertiary addiction services in Rwanda. The... more
El abuso de sustancias psicoactivas está implicado en por lo menos tres tipos de delitos: los delitos por la posesión o venta de drogas, los directamente relacionados con el abuso de drogas (ej., robo de dinero para comprar la sustancia),... more
Background Empathy is defined as the ability to simulate the mental states of others. Recent studies have demonstrated empathy-like behaviors in other animals including rats and mice. The objective of the current study was to evaluate the... more
3,4‐methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) or "Ecstasy", which has been used for recreational purposes, is shown to cause learning and memory impairment. Statins, beyond their efficient cholesterol-lowering action through... more