Drug abuse and addiction
Recent papers in Drug abuse and addiction
Therapy material on coping with negative thoughts
Successfully engaging difficult and resistant clients in substance abuse treatment is a frequent and prevalent obstacle for counselors particulalry when client's insight and motivation levels may be limited or questionable. Learning to... more
In todays changing world where treatment has become increasingly client-centered and accepting of incremental change, it makes to sense to re-examine how we view addiction, reccovery, abstinence and sobriety and the overall process of... more
Therapy material on trust building and aspects of increasing trust in groups and relationships
The following is published on the www.takingtheescalator.com website but is also being made available on Academia.edu for review. It is designed for groups as an in-depth look at self esteem from a realistic perspective, with substance... more
The vast majority of people in this world have heard about the idea of "hitting bottom" when it comes to addiction and making positve changes, which can be a reality, but often can be a fallacy. "Topping Out" may be a more crucial... more
This is an insight and self-awareness building exercise specific to self-esteem and self-image. In this exercise everyone in the group will consider different descriptive words and then discuss how they feel personally about these word... more
Several pilot studies have provided evidence supporting the potential of classic psychedelics like psilocybin in the treatment of substance use disorders (SUDs). If larger trials confirm efficacy, classic psychedelic-assisted psy-... more
Background: In the present study, we have explored the link among styles of attachment and psychopathology in drug users. We know that insecure attachment predisposes the individuals the development of drug-addiction and... more
""Volumul Andradei Fatu-Tutoveanu reuseste sa transforme marginalitatea tematica in centralitate, dovedind ca anumite calitati si valente simbolice asociate cu experienta intima a opiaceelor sunt strins legate de insasi configurarea unei... more
Objectives: To determine the extent of pharmacists' participation in methadone services, type of services provided, views on current service provision and suggestions for future service developments. Methods and setting: An anonymous... more
Objective: In the United States, 28.6 million people used illicit drugs or misused prescription drugs in the last 30 days. Thus, identifying factors linked with lower likelihood of future drug misuse is an important target for research... more
The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded file. All in-text references underlined in blue are added to the original document and are linked to publications on ResearchGate, letting you access and read them immediately. This... more
E ' ormai noto che i percorsi della tossicodipendenza sono fortemente differenziati sulla base del genere di appartenenza. Infatti, la genesi e l'evoluzione dell'abuso di sostanze così come l'approccio e la risposta ai trattamenti nella... more
On Drugs explores philosopher Chris Fleming’s experience of addiction, which begins when he is a student and escalates into a life-threatening compulsion. In a memoir by turns insightful and outlandish, Fleming combines meticulous... more
Below is a review of some reasons why engagement has become an ever-increasing challenge for clients and counselors in today's world, particularly in the world of substance abuse and mental health treatment. The fact is that there are... more
Este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar as relações entre transtornos da personalidade e crimes violentos, com as consequentes repercussões jurídicas advindas dessas associações. Para tanto, foram entrevistados 116 indivíduos em... more
Group activity focuse on review of knowledge and skills needed for positive change when coping with substance use and coexisting mental health issues
Values is such a critical aspect of the change process when dealing with substance use, mental health and co-ocurring disorders
Every day, children in rural, low-income communities live within families who themselves are experiencing numerous life challenges that put both the adults, and especially the children, at-risk. Indeed, the rates of drug, alcohol, and... more
This study was performed to asses and establishes the prevalence of Polypharmacy in geriatric population in the Medicine ward of Rajah Muthaiya Medical College and Hospital, Annamalai University, during one year from January 2013 to... more
Boredom is quite often cited as one of the more challenging aspects when dealing with recovery from substance use issues. It is safe to say that no one likes boredom, and we all have to face boredom at one time or another. Therefore, it... more
This study aims to develop, implement, and test the effectiveness of a model prepared with a crossdisciplinary approach, which includes religious and spiritual elements that could be applied in the treatment of alcohol and substance... more
The following is adapted from the original Taking the Escalator: An Alternative to the 12 Steps, text - Now being made available open source for viewing, sharing and download through the academia website
Resumen. El teléfono móvil es un instrumento tecnológico relativamente nuevo, versátil y accesible, muy atractivo, especialmente para jóvenes, cuyo uso conlleva riesgo de abuso y comportamiento adictivo. En los últimos años ha aumentando... more
This research dissertation and /thesis pertains to the role of Newspaper (Punch Newspaper) in tackling the menace of drug abuse. Lagos state also offers a hub of people who abuse drugs of different forms. Hence, this study succintly... more
In the late 1980s illicit drug use became a major social problem in the UK. Since then policy and practice has largely been shaped by psychological and medical perspectives that emphasise the physiological and psychological nature of... more
The power of encouragement in substance abuse treatment and in life in general cannot be underemphasized. Consequences are always looming but a sincere dose of encouragement can be the elixir of choice in today's challenging world
A research paper regarding matters about drug addiction and abuse
Psychoactive plant research has been actively pursued over the last century around the world, particularly in the Americas. Yet, southern Africa has often been regarded to have relatively few psychoactive plant species of cultural... more
Over the past several years, a growing number of social scientists studying addiction have begun paying attention to materiality, embodiment, and biology in potentially novel ways. In this this chapter, I ask what it means, concretely,... more
We thank C. S. I. Jenkins and Neil Levy for their thoughtful comments on our article about love and addiction (Earp, Wudarczyk, Foddy, & Savulescu, in press). While we do not have room for a comprehensive reply, we would like to touch on... more
This study aimed at investigating if there is any significant difference between gender, depression and drug abuse among senior secondary school students in Calabar, Cross River State, Nigeria. The survey design was adopted. The study... more
Another change planning exercise for staying motivated and prepared to remain on a positive course with recovery goals for substance use and mental health
N.B This is a significantly revised version of my earlier “Addiction within a Thomistic Philosophical Anthropology: A Conceptual Analysis.” When I wrote it I had only started thinking about addiction and my ideas have developed... more
Most drugs we take on a regular basis, such as antibiotics and over-the-counter pain and cold medications do not produce noticeable mind-altering effects. However, all drugs affect the brain at some level because they alter the function... more
The aging of the Baby Boom presents long-term care with many new challenges. Among these are the historically high levels of drug use by this cohort. This study surveyed administrators of licensed skilled nursing facilities in the... more
The ever important quality of resilience can be strengthened by building meaningful connections. This is a discussion and activity focused on this vital process
This brief self-assessment and group discussion tool is designed for the purpose of looking at how far you have come. Even if you are new at this, just by showing up and trying you have already come a long way.
Irony occurs when what actually happens is much different from or the opposite of what is expected - This is a look at irony, addiction and recovery for groups