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      Environmental ScienceDrought
Abiotic stresses arising from climate change negates crop growth and yield, leading to food insecurity. Drought causes oxidative stress on plants, arising from excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) due to inadequate CO 2 ,... more
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      DroughtDrought StressPlant growthSecondary Metabolites
The impact of regional plans on water resources and has always been a concern for researchers. In the meantime, one of the issues which is being raised by drought is how to assess the quality of regional plans considering the drought. In... more
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      AssessmentAdaptationDroughtRegional Plan
This study analyses tests influencing the selection of nonwovens for water absorbing geocomposites. The task of the nonwoven is to capture water infiltrating into the soil and to direct it to the superabsorbent located inside. The best... more
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      DroughtNonwovensSoil ErosionDrought and Water Stress
onde também obteve seu MPhil (2007), especializando-se em antropologia e artes visuais da América Latina. Atualmente pesquisa o significado sócio-político de intervenções artísticas no espaço urbano no Brasil, Chile, e Argentina. Em... more
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      Environmental AnthropologyBrazilian StudiesDrought
It is well known that rivers connect upstream and downstream ecosystems within watersheds. Here we describe the concept of precipitationsheds to show how upwind terrestrial evaporation source areas contribute moisture for precipitation to... more
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      Earth SciencesDroughtAgricultureSustainable Water Resources Management
Drought is the most widespread hydro-meteorological syndrome of 'prolonged period of water scarcity affecting natural resources, environment and, thereby, the people'. Environmental changes, viz. climate change, land-use changes and... more
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      GeographyDroughtCurrent Science
Copyright © 2015 Khoshravan and Jabbari, This is an open access article published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the... more
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      GeologyDroughtMarine ScienceHolocene
Media discourses about drought impacts on lakes and reservoirs in Arizona and New Mexico between 2002 and 2004 are compared to show how discursive contexts shape the framing of drought in temporal and spatial scales. Discursive contexts... more
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      Content AnalysisDroughtGlobal Environmental ChangeMultidisciplinary
The drought stress tolerance of two blackcurrant cultivars (Ribes nigrum L., 'Narve Viking' and 'Ben Gairn') during the flowering period and their ability to recover following drought stress were studied by examining the effects of... more
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      HorticultureDroughtDrought Stress
Changes in climate, land use, and population can increase annual and interannual variability of socioeconomic droughts in water-scarce regions. This study develops a probabilistic approach to improve characterization of sub-annual... more
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      Climate ChangeWaterDroughtMultidisciplinary
The Bundelkhand region in India has been dealing with a severe water crisis for the last two decades. This water crisis has received a significant amount of attention from the central government, media and academics. However, although... more
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      GroundwaterDroughtEnvironmental Policy and GovernanceAgriculture
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) sustains frequently into severe droughts in recent years due to global warming as a spring crop. These abiotic stress affects seed yield highly resulting important yield loses as well as in oil yield in... more
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      DroughtDrought StressDrought and Water StressSunflower
D. J. Nash et al.: Climate indices in historical climate reconstructions and Australia) as well as the world's oceans. We then outline the different methods by which indices are developed in each of these regions, including a discussion... more
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      European HistoryGeographyFlood Risk ManagementAfrican History
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus L.) is the most important oil crop in Turkey with the preference of sunflower oil mostly and an increasing of vegetable oil deficit (4.3 billion $ in 2014). Despite of larger planting potential, low labor use... more
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      Responses of plant to abiotic stressesDroughtStressPlant Stress Physiology
Approved by FEMA on April 2, 2014, the 2014 SHMP plan update continues to build on Louisiana's commitment to hazard mitigation. The State of Louisiana's vision was to produce a hazard mitigation plan that is an educational and easy to... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationAdaptation to Climate ChangeHazards (Geography)
To investigate the response of inbred lines of M82 and Babax wheat series to drought stress, which induced by mannitol, on growth stage of plant, a factorial experiment with a completely randomized design with 2 replicates in normal and... more
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      AgronomyMorphological evolutionOrganic agriculturePlant Biology
Resource partitioning has been recognized as a major driver affecting fish communities, with the potential to reduce interespecific competition. This is the result of differences in feeding apparatuses and feeding mode, location of the... more
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      DroughtFish BiologySpecies CoexistenceReservoirs
The nature of vulnerability to agricultural drought in three study blocks of Bolangir district in western Orissa has been analysed. The indexing and vulnerability profile method have been used for assessing the nature of drought... more
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      Climate ChangeDrought
Rice is a staple crop and is being cultivated far and wide around the globe. The waterloggedgged habit of cultivation has made rice extremely sensitive to drought. Understanding expression profiles will open new avenues of research for... more
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      Organic agricultureAgricultural EconomicsDroughtAgriculture
The Ethiopian highlands, occupying 44% of the total surface area of the country, are home to over 80% of the people, 75% of livestock, and are where up to about 95% of the crops are grown. However, they are among the most degraded in... more
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      EngineeringDroughtEnvironmental degradationCivil Unrest
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      IrrigationDroughtTea Cultivation
Se presenta una breve exposición y análisis de las medidas que han sido instauradas en los últimos años para afrontar la sequía en México; entre ellas destaca el inicio del proceso de transición de un enfoque reactivo basado en la gestión... more
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      DroughtDrought and Water StressDrought Prediction technologiesDrought Risk Assessment, Planning and Decision Making and Mitigation; Climate Impacts esp. Adaptation for Drought Risk Management
During recent decades, Burundi was threatened by recurrent dry events resulting in crop failure and more socioeconomic losses. To assess the drought occurrence, duration and intensity, this study used the Standardized Precipitation Index... more
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      Climate ChangeEast AfricaDroughtSpatio Temporal Analysis
A B S T R A C T South Africa is prone to drought. The country recently experienced the combined effects of a severe drought and a strong El Niño event, which led to serious impacts on livelihood conditions and economic growth. By... more
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      DroughtSouthern AfricaDisaster risk reduction
Current study was done in Cholistan desert (27° 42’ and 29° 45’ North and longitudes 69° 52’ and 75° 24’ East) to study the understory vegetation of major shrub species. Phytosociological as well as soil chemistry were analysed to find... more
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This study aimed to evaluate the potential surface analysis by using geographic information system to explore drought risk areas in Lampang province. The results on potential surface analysis utilizing overlay technique include the... more
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      DroughtGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Groundnut, the king of oil seeds is one of the important legume crops cultivated predominantly under rain-fed conditions in the tropical and semi-arid tropical countries including India, where it provides a major source of oil,... more
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      DroughtFigurational SociologyNorbert EliasJohan Goudsblom
Zambia recently experienced several environmental threats from climate change such as droughts, temperature rise and occasional flooding and they all affect agricultural sustainability and people well- being through negative effects on... more
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      Environmental EngineeringCartographyAfrican StudiesEarth Sciences
The scientific debate about the Syrian civil war being linked to climate change that manifested through a prolonged drought took off in 2014, with two key publications: De Châtel’s article in the Middle Eastern Studies in January, and... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesClimate ChangeDroughtMigration Studies
The evaluation of physiological and biochemical aspects is essential to identify clues that can assist breeders in selecting Persian walnut genotypes with considerable tolerance to drought stress. This objective can be obtained by... more
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      HorticultureDroughtStressSeed germination
We investigate the role of culture in sustaining essential ecosystem services in the arid and erratic climate of an agropastoral landscape in southern Madagascar. Our fieldwork and interviews in Ambovombe subprefecture in Androy addressed... more
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      DroughtMixed Methods (Methodology)Social Sciences in MadagascarAGROPASTORALISM
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      African StudiesRisk and VulnerabilityDrought
Air-drying and wetting of air-dried soil samples with water (i.e., rewetting) are widely used sample treatments in soil analyses. It is recognized that both air-drying and rewetting of soil samples affect the characteristics of organic... more
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      Soil ScienceEcosystems EcologyBiogeochemistryClimate Change
This paper presents a comprehensive review and analysis of the available climatological data and information on droughts to examine the major causes of droughts recurrence in Somaliland by analyzing the drought occurrence in the past... more
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Please cite as: Dembélé, M and SJ Zwart, 2016. An assessment of agricultural drought events in Burkina Faso between 2001 and 2014 – a spatially explicit analysis using remotely sensed data of vegetation, surface temperature and... more
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      Remote SensingDroughtAgricultureNatural Disasters
Iran, once the pioneer of sustainable water management in the arid region of the world, is now experiencing a serious water crisis, reflected by its drying lakes and rivers, declining groundwater resources and deteriorating water quality.... more
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      Middle East StudiesWaterSustainable DevelopmentIranian Studies
A short series including a distinguishing terms, i.e. ‘moral,’ ‘ethic,’ and ‘Justice.’ I shall defend using animals for human consumption, the current popular problems of big game hunting, and a possible solution to the issues giving as... more
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      American HistoryAsian StudiesEconomicsPhilosophy
Does climate change cause conflict? Did it cause the Syrian uprising? Some policymakers and academics have made this claim, but is it true? This study presents a new conceptual framework to evaluate this claim. Contributing to scholarship... more
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      Climate ChangeClimate Change AdaptationWater resourcesMigration
Estimation of drought in a certain temporal and spatial scale is crucial in climate change studies. The current study targets on three agricultural areas widespread in Greece, Ardas River Basin in Northeastern Greece, Sperchios River... more
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The dry zone of Sri Lanka periodically faces drought conditions due to uneven distribution of annual rainfall. Hambantota district in the dry zone can be identified as a severely drought affected area, on the basis of surface water... more
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      Environmental StudiesNatural HazardsDroughtSri Lanka
Dryland and oasis communities in developing countries are considered to be among the most threatened by climate change impacts and the consequences of increasing human pressure on the environment. For centuries nomads and oasis... more
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      ResilienceDroughtMoroccoSustainable Water Resources Management
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      Philosophy of MindMindfulnessTheory of MindDrought
Plagues of Egypt The Biblical story of the plagues of Egypt is world acclaimed. In this short paper there is a rationalistic interpretation of the narrative based on the unique circumstances of Egypt, showing that all disasters began in... more
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      ReligionAncient HistoryDisaster StudiesBiblical Studies
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      History of IndiaPolitical EcologyColonialismDrought
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      DroughtSouthern AfricaWater FootprintVirtual Water