In support of the NASA Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) Ground Validation Program, a suite of surface instruments and vertical pointing Doppler radar profilers were deployed in central Florida to quantify the number and size of... more
Ultrasound techniques for the characterization of liquid-liquid dispersions have previously shown their value and promise, but still require refinement and careful, preferably non-invasive, implementation. Their combination with drop size... more
Interfacial properties of polyoxyethylene(2) oleyl ether and drop size distributions of emulsions prepared with this surfactant are investigated experimentally in this work; 80, 88 and 94% (v) internal phase ratio W/O type emulsions were... more
Dimensionless spray flux W a is a dimensionless group that characterises the three most important variables in liquid dispersion: flowrate, drop size and powder flux through the spray zone. In this paper, the Poisson distribution was used... more
In the study of soil erosion, specifically on detachment of soil particles by raindrop impact, kinetic energy is a commonly suggested indicator of the raindrop's ability to detach soil particles from the soil mass. Since direct... more
The flow of oil-in-water emulsions through quartz micro-capillary tubes was analyzed experimentally. The capillaries were used as models of connecting pore-throats between adjacent pore body pairs in high-permeability media. Pressure drop... more
Venturi scrubbers are high e ciency gas cleaners in which suspended particles are removed from gas streams by drops formed by liquid atomisation, usually in the Venturi throat. The size of the drops formed are of fundamental importance to... more
The procedure proposed by Packer and Rees (J. Colloid Interface Sci. 40 (1972) 206) to interpret pulsed field gradient spin-echo (PGSE) experiments on emulsions is commonly used to resolve for the distribution of droplet sizes via nuclear... more
The quantitative description of particle size distribution development in suspension polymerization reactors is very complex. The exact mechanisms of breakage and coalescence/aggregation of the polymerizing drops are generally not very... more
Increasing our understanding of the small scale variability of drop size distributions (DSD), and therefore of several bulk characteristics of rainfall processes, has major implications for our interpretation of the remote sensing based... more
The aim of this work is to compare the oil-in-water emulsions produced by mechanical agitation (Ultra-Turrax, 10000rpm, P=170W) or power ultrasound (ultrasound horn, 20kHz, 130W) using the same model system :... more
Polarimetric radar measurements are sensitive to the size, shape and orientation of raindrops and provide information about drop size distribution (DSD), canting angle distribution and rain rate. In this paper, we propose and demonstrate... more
New data are presented on drop size distribution at high dispersed phase fractions of organicin-water mixtures, obtained with a light back scattering technique (3 Dimensional Optical Reflectance Measurement technique, 3D ORM). The 3D ORM... more
This paper examines drop size distributions in a 0.063 m pipe for a two-phase mixture of kerosene and aqueous potassium carbonate solution. Measurements have been made for both vertical up¯ow and horizontal geometries, for mixture... more
Using a matrix of drop size distributions (DSDs), measured by a microscale array of disdrometers, a method of spatial and temporal DSD interpolation is presented. The goal of this interpolation technique is to estimate the DSD above the... more
Gamma model is fitted using the second, fourth, and sixth moments to model the rain drop size distribution (DSD) of Singapore. As the Joss distrometer measures the number of rain drops between the drop diameters from 0.3 to 5 mm, the... more
Control over drop size distributions, injection rates, and geometrical distribution of fuel and oxidizer sprays in bi-propellant rocket engines has the potential to produce more efficient, more stable, less polluting rocket engines. This... more
The information on the time variability of drop size distributions (DSDs) as seen by a disdrometer is used to illustrate the structure of uncertainty in radar estimates of precipitation. Based on this, a method to generate the space-time... more
T h e microscopic phenomena occurring in an agitated vessel are extremely complex. The exact mechanisms of coalescence and breakage in bubble and drop systems are generally not very well understood. Several attempts have been made in the... more
Complete modeling of a new ultrasonic atomizer, the Spray On Demand (SOD) printhead, was carried out to enable its optimization. The modeling was focused on various factors, including nozzle vibrations and a theoretical prediction of the... more
Die Gruppe drallfreier und verdrallter turbulenter Freistrahlen bildet eine Grundströmungsform, die bereits von zahlreichen Autoren analytisch behandelt und verstanden wurde. Diese Freistrahlen nehmen in zahlreichen verfahrenstechnischen... more
The extent to which dispersed-phase viscosity influences equilibrium mean drop size and drop size distribution at constant interfacial tension is determined for dilute suspensions by dispersing silicone oils of various viscosity grades in... more
The installation of a rainfall simulator inside the wind tunnel of I.C.E. International Center for . Eremology, Ghent, Belgium enables to study the combined effect of wind and rain on the erosion processes. Simulated rainfall... more
Liquid-liquid mixing is a key process in industries that is commonly accomplished in mechanical agitation systems. Liquid-liquid mixing performance in a stirred tank can be evaluated by various parameters, namely minimum agitation speed,... more
Optical disdrometers have the potential to be low maintenance instruments that can measure drop-size distributions and drop-size distribution moments such as rainfall rate, radar reflectivity, optical extinction, and others. As with any... more
A combined polarimetric estimator for rainfall rate (R) retrievals from polarimetric radar measurements at X band is proposed. This estimator uses the horizontal polarization radar reflectivity Z e , differential reflectivity Z DR , and... more
1] Multiple scattering returns from spherical water particles of uniform diameter are studied for pulsed radar operation. The Gaussian transverse beam-profile and the rectangular pulse-duration are taken into account. A second-order... more
Drop size distribution is a fundamental property of rainfall for two main reasons: the shape of the distribution reflects the physics of rain formation processes, and it is of basic importance in determining most parameters used in... more
This study proposes a Bayesian approach to retrieve raindrop size distributions (DSDs) and to estimate rainfall rates from radar reflectivity in horizontal polarization Z H and differential reflectivity Z DR. With this approach, the... more
It was recently demonstrated that, infiltration into mountain-tilled soils with highly stable microaggregates, increases with increasing slope gradient. In this work we investigate the processes that underpin this phenomenon by means of... more
Knowledge of drop size distributions is important for deriving various rain erosivity parameters. This study investigates the potential of an optical spectro pluviometer (OSP) to measure drop size distributions. Particular attention is... more
In the separation process using emulsion liquid membranes, the polydispersity affects mass transport of metal ions from the external phase because under steady operating conditions, drop size and size distribution are proportional to the... more
Simultaneous observations by the lower fuselage (LF) radar, the tail (TA) radar, and the Stepped Frequency Microwave Radiometer (SFMR) on board the NOAA WP-3D aircraft are used to validate the rainfall rate estimates from microwave... more
Disdrometer data measured during the passage of tropical continental squall lines in Darwin, Australia, are analyzed to study characteristics of raindrop size distribution (DSD). Fifteen continental squall lines were selected for the DSD... more
The drop size distributions and the drop velocity function that characterize simulated rainfall at three intensities are modelled in terms of expressions developed for natural rainfall. As a result, the continuous relationship between... more
Recent studies using vertically pointing S-band profiling radars showed that coastal winter storms in California and Oregon frequently do not display a melting-layer radar bright band and inferred that these nonbrightband (NBB) periods... more
The present paper reports an experimental investigation on atomizing liquid flows produced by simplified cavity nozzles. The Weber number being kept low, the sprays produced by these injectors depend on the liquid flow characteristics... more
The depolarization of a satellite signal due to scattering by rain drops has been studied at a tropical location. The depolarization phenomenon is observed in terms of an enhancement of cross-polar component of a horizontally polarized... more
The raindrop size distributions had been measured at three locations in Nigeria -Calabar, Ile-lfe and Zaria. The data collected over a period of three years have been utilized to obtain models of drop size distributions for drizzle,... more
A propagation correction algorithm utilizing the differential propagation phase ( dp ) was developed and tested on C-band polarimetric radar observations of tropical convection obtained during the Maritime Continent Thunderstorm... more
A trajectory ensemble model (TEM) is used to investigate aqueous processing of gases and cloud condensation nuclei (CCN) in the boundary layer. The coupled aqueous chemistry/cloud microphysics model driven by a set of boundary layer... more
The fragmentation of a laminar undulating liquid sheet flowing in quiescent air is investigated. Combining various observations and measurements we propose a sequential atomization scenario describing the overall sheet-drop transition in... more
The influence of the nature of the oil phase on the zeta potential and the time course evolution of mean droplet-size of emulsions stabilized with mesquite gum have been investigated. Mesquite gum-stabilized emulsions of D-limonene,... more
Vertically pointing Micro Rain Radars (MRRs) provide profiles of drop size distributions (DSDs) from the measured Doppler reflectivity spectra. However, in the presence of strong vertical winds, the measured spectra can suffer from... more
1] To move toward spaceborne weather radars that can be deployed routinely as part of an instrument set consisting of passive and active sensors requires the development of smaller, lighter-weight radars. At the same time, the addition of... more