Complete modeling of a new ultrasonic atomizer, the Spray On Demand (SOD) printhead, was carried out to enable its optimization. The modeling was focused on various factors, including nozzle vibrations and a theoretical prediction of the... more
Results of the first measurements of differential reflectivity (ZDR) in rain are reported. ZDR = 10 log (ZH/ZV) dB involves copolar measurements of ZH and Zv, the radar reflectivity factors at horizontal and vertical polarizations,... more
A method is proposed to obtain by theoretical considerations the size distribution of sprays for a thick layer in the presence of gaseous flow. First, a maximum disturbance wave length is deduced from linear theory. This wave length is... more
C-FOG is a comprehensive bi-national project dealing with the formation, persistence, and dissipation (life cycle) of fog in coastal areas (coastal fog) controlled by land, marine, and atmospheric processes. Given its inherent complexity,... more
Modern optical diagnostics for quantitative characterization of polydisperse sprays and other aerosols which contain a wide range of droplet size encounter difficulties in the dense regions due to the multiple scattering of laser... more
Liquid rims collisions and the formation of fines BAPTISTE N ÉEL,
The focus of this paper is on the numerical solution of the stochastic collection equation–stochastic breakup equation (SCE–SBE) describing the evolution of raindrop spectra in warm rain. The drop size distribution (DSD) is discretized... more
Agitating two immiscible liquids or a solid-liquid suspension is an operation frequently performed in the chemical and metallurgical industries, for example, in suspension/emulsion polymerization, heterogeneous/phasetransfer catalytic... more
In this paper, we study the primary atomization characteristics of liquid jet injected into a gaseous crossow through direct numerical simulations (DNS) and large eddy simulations (LES). The DNS use a coupled level set volume of uid... more
Ahstrac-A population balance model has been developed accounting for coalescence and redispersion of drops in an agitated liquid-liquid dispersion. It is assumed that drop coalescence is followed by immediate redispersion into two drops... more
In recent studies it is shown that in variable rain the spatial distribution of drops is not Poissonian. However, these past studies were limited to 1-min drop counts, which likely correspond to spatial scales of a few hundred to several... more
It was recently demonstrated that, infiltration into mountain-tilled soils with highly stable microaggregates, increases with increasing slope gradient. In this work we investigate the processes that underpin this phenomenon by means of... more
The drop size distribution of sprinkler spray is of practical importance for two reasons. The first one is because the small droplets are subject to wind drift, distorting the application pattern. Second, large droplets possess greater... more
The use of polarization diversity to measure properties of hydrometeors is not new and was first mentioned by Seliga and Bringi from an engineering perspective in 1976 and by Hendry et al (again in 1976) from a measurement perspective... more
Spray systems contain a large amount of small droplets, which are responsible for multiple light scattering phenomena. When detected, photons that have been scattered multiple times blur the shape of liquid bodies present in the spray as... more
Mass transfer analysis of the extraction of Nickel(II) by emulsion liquid membrane Mousumi Chakraborty*", Chiranj ib Bhattac haryah & Siddhartha Dattab " De partme nt of C he mi cal Eng ineerin g, S V Reg io nal Co llege of Eng in ee ri... more
The Ethiopian Highlands are subjected to important land degradation. Though spatial variability of rain depth is important, even at the catchment scale, this variability has never been studied. In addition, little is known on rain... more
In this work we use values of effective radius of cloud drop size distribution and modal radius of liquid water content generated with a parcel model with detailed treatment of liquid phase microphysical process to evaluate the warm rain... more
The quality of the propellant injection process in a rocket engine is key to the performance and life-span of a rocket engine. The present work focuses on the development of an ethanol-liquid oxygen injector from its conceptual design... more
The phase inversion that undergoes an emulsion while being sheared is a sudden phenomenon that is still puzzling. In this Letter, we report an experimental investigation on propagative coalescence by using a microfluidic device where a... more
This paper describes the Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) standard algorithm that estimates the vertical profiles of attenuation-corrected radar reflectivity factor and rainfall rate. In particular, this paper focuses on the... more
In this paper, precipitation rate retrieval algorithms for the Global Precipitation Measurement mission's Dualfrequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) are developed. The DPR consists of a Ku-band radar (KuPR; 13.6 GHz) and a Ka-band radar... more
In this paper, precipitation rate retrieval algorithms for the Global Precipitation Measurement mission's Dualfrequency Precipitation Radar (DPR) are developed. The DPR consists of a Ku-band radar (KuPR; 13.6 GHz) and a Ka-band radar... more
This paper describes the basic structure and flow of the rain profiling algorithm for the TRMM Precipitation Radar, and discusses the major assumptions and sources of error in the algorithm. In particular, it describes how the... more
In developing the upcoming Global Precipitation Measurement (GPM) mission, a dual-frequency Ku-Ka-band radar system will be used to measure rainfall in such a fashion that the reflectivity ratio intrinsic to the measurement will be... more
The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) version‐6 rainfall products show the reduced bias between Precipitation Radar (PR) and TRMM Microwave Imager (TMI) rainfall estimates during the 1997/1998 El Niño event noted in version 5,... more
Here, we investigate experimentally and theoretically the factors that determine the size of the emulsion droplets produced by membrane emulsification in "batch regime" (without applied crossflow). Hydrophilic glass membranes of pore... more
We investigate the process of membrane emulsification in the presence of the nonionic surfactant Tween 20, and the milk proteins Na-caseinate and beta-lactoglobulin (BLG). Our goal is to examine the factors which control the drop-size... more
The Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission TRMM satellite which carries the world rst spaceborne pre cipitation radar has been collecting precipitation data awlessly for more than ve years Simultaneous meas urements of rain with the... more
This paper concerns precipitation retrieval algo rithms for a spaceborne or airborne dual frequency radar in particular for the Dual frequency Precipitation Radar DPR onboard the Global Precipitation Meas urement GPM core satellite From... more
Tech. Reg. (2) UNCLASSIFIED CONTENTS. Introduction. List of' Svmbols. Section I. The inf'luence of droplet size on combustion. Section II. The atomigation off liquids; a review. Secton II. The weasurei.ient of' spray dro-olet size; a... more
Polarimetric radar is now widely recognised as a tool for measuring the variability in rainfall drop-size distribution and improving estimates of the resultant rain rate (e.g. Ryzhkov et al., 2005; Bringi & Chandrasekar, 2001). However,... more
The effect of ship motion on shipborne polarimetric radar measurements is considered at C band. Calculations are carried out by (i) varying the “effective” mean canting angle and (ii) separately examining the elevation dependence.... more
a Centre d'6tude des environnements terrestre et plan&aires, 1 O-l 2, av. de l/Europe,
Raindrop images obtained on research flights of the NCAR Electra aircraft in the Tropical Oceans Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE) are analyzed. The drop size distributions, based on the images... more
Raindrop images obtained on research flights of the NCAR Electra aircraft in the Tropical Oceans Global Atmosphere Coupled Ocean-Atmosphere Response Experiment (TOGA COARE) are analyzed. The drop size distributions, based on the images... more
Self-propelled jumping drops are continuously removed from a condensing superhydrophobic surface to enable a micrometric steady-state drop size. Here, we report that subcooled condensate on a chilled superhydrophobic surface are able to... more
C-FOG is a comprehensive bi-national project dealing with the formation, persistence, and dissipation (life cycle) of fog in coastal areas (coastal fog) controlled by land, marine, and atmospheric processes. Given its inherent complexity,... more
In this paper we propose the method of transition from the complex full polarimetric radar signals to univariate uniformly distributed marginals that can be used for more precise copula analysis of statistical dependence between the... more
The paper summarizes state of art in the description of the droplet breakup, coalescence, and competition between them in flowing immiscible polymer blends. It has been shown that, in contrast to the conditions for the start of droplet... more
The research presents the inter-comparison of atmospheric variables measured by 9 automatic weather stations. This set of data was compared with the measurements of other weather stations in order to standardize the values that must be... more
Rainfall prediction is crucial for various aspects of human life, environmental sustainability, and agriculture. Understanding rainfall intensity and its dependence on factors such as drop size distribution (DSD) is essential. This study... more
Cold model studies have been carried out to characterize the drop-size distribution in liquid-liquid emulsions formed by bottom gas injection. The emulsion was formed by injecting compressed air through the bottom of a tank containing... more
The maximum entropy principle (MEP), which has been popular in the modeling of droplet size and velocity distribution in sprays, is, strictly speaking, only applicable for isolated systems in thermodynamic equilibrium; whereas the spray... more
The flow of oil-in-water emulsions through quartz micro-capillary tubes was analyzed experimentally. The capillaries were used as models of connecting pore-throats between adjacent pore body pairs in high-permeability media. Pressure drop... more
Rainfall simulators have often been used to mimic natural rainfall for studies of various land-surface and water interaction processes. The characteristics of the simulated rainfall are the main indicators used to judge the performance of... more
Multiyear measurements from a Joss–Waldvogel disdrometer (5 years) and X-band dual-polarization radar (2 years) made at Gadanki (13.5◦ N, 79.18◦ E), a low-latitude station, are used to (i) retrieve appropriate raindrop size distribution... more
On the Influence of Assumed Drop Size Distribution Form on Radar-Retrieved Thunderstorm Microphysics
Polarimetric radar measurements are used to retrieve drop size distributions (DSD) in subtropical thunderstorms. Retrievals are made with the single-moment exponential drop size model of Marshall and Palmer driven by radar reflectivity... more