is a Subsurface & Integrity Operations Dept. Head at AMAL Petroleum Company (AMAPETCO) with more than 13 years of experience in oil & gas industry. Mahmoud worked in Well Engineering, Intervention, Integrity & Work-over at several... more
more than 130 FREE movies about oil and gas well drilling
Since the advanced technology used in oilwell drilling is difficult and costly, the drilling must be completed in the most appropriate conditions, in the shortest time, with cost-effective and the targeted depths and purposes. This... more
As the petroleum industry experiences constant transformation and new technologies are introduced, there have been needs for designs to control annular pressure while drilling. Underbalanced drilling (UBD) and Managed pressure drilling... more
Su, Su Sondajı, Su Sondajı Nasıl Yapılır? Su Sondajı Yapımında Dikkat Edilmesi Gerekenler, Su Sondajında Çıkarılan Suların İnsan Sağlığı Üzerine Etkileri, Suyun ve Su Kaynaklarının İslam Dinindeki Yeri ve Önemi, Su Sondajı ve Sondajın... more
Salt formations are encountered in many oil-producing regions of the world. These salt zones can be in a variety of forms; salt domes, massive beds and sheets or lenses. The chemistry of salts can very significantly even in a single bed,... more
La potencia generada por los motores primarios debe transmitirse a los equipos para proporcionarle movimiento. Esta potencia se transmite directamente del motor primario al equipo. La fuente más común de potencia es el motor de combustión... more
У першій частині навчального посібника наведені дані про техніку та технологію випробування водозабірних свердловин для оцінки їх с тану перед проведенням ремонтних робіт. Розглянуто методи механічного, гідравлічного очищення фільтрів;... more
Basic drilling technology is the life blood of every drilling operation. Be it offshore or onshore drilling
The development of new technologies in the past 10 years, like the MWD systems for real-time surveying, steerable systems for an effective control of trajectory, PDC bits for efficient drilling of long sections, mud and hydraulic systems... more
Who drills wells? How do they do it? What tools do they use? Why drilling is considered such a complicated and often dangerous process? We will learn all about this. But let us start with some history. According to archeologists, about 25... more
The production of formation sand is a major problem encountered during the production of oil and gas from incompetent formations. Sand control techniques have the ability to exclude different sizes of particles depending on the type being... more
A drilling rig is an integrated system that drills wells, such as oil or water wells, in the earth's subsurface. Drilling rigs can be massive structures housing equipment used to drill water wells, oil wells, or natural gas extraction... more
Formulario, Rangos de Tubo, Drift, Intercambiabilidad, Nomenclatura Serie 500, Código de colores, Identificación del tubo
de perforación, Marcaje de tubo, TR, TP, Tubo de Conducción, Tubo de Perforación.
de perforación, Marcaje de tubo, TR, TP, Tubo de Conducción, Tubo de Perforación.
This paper discusses the case study and comparison with productivity of component using traditional drilling machine to Multi spindle drilling machine. The growth of factors, one of the major factors being manufacturing efficiency with... more
Давиденко А.Н., Дудля Н.А., Хоменко В.Л., Пащенко А.А. Рассмотрены процессы, которые происходят при разрушении горных пород планетарными долотами в условиях действия гидростатического давления. Предложена методика определения... more
The purpose of the thesis is to analyse the abnormal incidents on the drill pipe. The reason for this research is to apply the learned theories into the reality by building an automated rig and detect the problems. Also, to participate in... more
En el presente artículo se plantea una metodología para la evaluación de la perforación de pozos. Este procedimiento, tiene la ventaja de ser un proceso automatizado lo que vendría a reducir al mínimo el error humano y sería flexible para... more
Salt formations are encountered in many oil-producing regions of the world. These salt zones can be in a variety of forms; salt domes, massive beds and sheets or lenses. The chemistry of salts can very significantly even in a single bed,... more
This paper aims to review some of the widely used conventional and other contemporary Inflow & Productivity models that exist for Horizontal wells, and comment on their limitations by drawing on the experiences of other author's critiques... more
This paper discusses the case study and comparison with productivity of component using traditional drilling machine to Multi spindle drilling machine. The growth of factors, one of the major factors being manufacturing efficiency with... more
Drilling fluid is any fluid which is circulated through a well in order to remove cuttings from a wellbore. They are used broadly in the oil and gas industry, on exploration rigs, and are critical to ensuring a safe and productive oil... more
El Paleocanal de Chicontepec se ubica dentro de la cuenca Tampico-Misantla y está situado en la margen oriental de la República Mexicana en la Llanura Costera del Golfo. Tiene una superficie aproximada de 3,800 km² y es considerado la... more
Oilwell drilling, which is a very expensive operation, requires advanced technical knowledge and technology. Choosing the most suitable drill bits for the formation conditions to be drilled, which is the most important factor in the... more
This research work studied the suitability of Ca(OH)2 synthesized from eggshell as a drilling fluid additive. Ca(OH)2 was synthesized from calcined eggshells (CES) and uncalcined eggshells (UCES) and characterized using FTIR and EDX.... more
"FOR CITATIONS: Salem, H.S., 1994. The electric and hydraulic anisotropic behavior of the Jeanne d'Arc Basin reservoirs. Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 12(1): 49-66. (A Scholarly Paper Published in an International Journal... more
Drill String Torque and Drag Calculations.
Drilling for water, oil, or even gas using water-based drilling fluids faces major challenges. These are mainly related to drilling fluid leakage into the surrounding formation, water loss into fractures, and the reduction of fluid... more
Drilling performance of 77 high-temperature production and reinjection wells in the Hengill Area in Iceland was analyzed. The results demonstrate that the perceived high risk of drilling in a proven field is less than commonly thought. No... more
It is of great importance that the drilling program required for the newly drilled wells is estimated by using the drilling data of the previously drilled wells in a field or basin to complete the drilling under economic and optimum... more
The performance of oil-well cement is altered if contaminated by spacers. Very few studies in the literature are found on this topic, in particular for newly developed microemulsion spacers. Therefore, it is worth investigating the... more
Fossil hydrocarbons are indispensables commodities that motorize the global economy, and oil and gas are two of those conventional fuels that have been extracted and processed for over a century. During last decade, operators face... more
The goal of this paper is analysis of the history of the creation of the first carbide bits. In which conducted patent research on databases of leading in the research and development for the countries of the world, as well as on... more
Drilling for water, oil, or even gas using water-based drilling fluids faces major challenges. These are mainly related to drilling fluid leakage into the surrounding formation, water loss into fractures, and the reduction of fluid... more
Au début du 19e siècle, il n'y avait aucun géologue indigène dans l'actuel Grand-Duché de Luxembourg, et ce n'est qu’accessoirement que ces régions étaient traitées dans certains travaux des géologues belges, français ou allemands. En... more
There is a simple but powerful tool in the Lean Six Sigma world. The tool allows us to look at end-to-end picture of the process in our organization. It is basically a simple process mapping that becomes the foundation of any Lean Six... more
A spatially localized seismic sequence originated few tens of kilometres offshore the Mediterranean coast of Spain, close to the Ebro river delta, starting on 2013 September 5, and lasting at least until 2013 October. The sequence... more
Today’s structures have to meet increasingly rigorous requirements during operation. The economic and human costs of failure during service impose a great responsibility on organizations and individuals who develop new products as well as... more
У першій частині наведено дані про техніку та технологію основних видів буріння свердловин. Описано фізико-механічні властивості гірських порід, буровий інструмент, розглянуто конструкції свердловин, бурове обладнання, промивання... more
Early diagnosis of incidents that could delay or endanger a drilling operation for oil or gas is essential to limit field development costs. Warnings about downhole incidents should come early enough to allow intervention before it... more
In 2006, the U.S. Department of Energy initiated the Seismic Boreholes Project (SBP) to emplace boreholes at the Waste Treatment Plant (WTP) site in order to obtain direct shear wave velocity (Vs) measurements and other physical property... more
Water accessibility is a limiting factor for the development of a region. In Africa that can be challenged with a better knowledge of groundwater resources. Knowledge transference on groundwater findings to local associations, communities... more
A successful well completion depends on good zonal isolation for the contaminated water aquifers, in order to avoid disease among citizens caused by pollution of fresh water. The main purpose of this study is to evaluate the... more
Today's structures have to meet increasingly rigorous requirements during operation. The economic and human costs of failure during service impose a great responsibility on organizations and individuals who develop new products as well as... more
Розглянуто негативний вплив шламових амбарів, що створюються в процесі експлуатації нафтових та газо-вих свердловин, на ґрунти, поверхневі та підземні води. Досліджені методи ліквідації та подальшої рекультива-ції даних об'єктів. На... more
A spatially localized seismic sequence originated few tens of kilometres offshore the Mediterranean coast of Spain, close to the Ebro river delta, starting on 2013 September 5, and lasting at least until 2013 October. The sequence... more
Drilling for water, oil, or even gas using water-based drilling fluids faces major challenges. These are mainly related to drilling fluid leakage into the surrounding formation, water loss into fractures, and the reduction of fluid... more