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The increase of the demand of oil and also the price causes research in inventing new technology such as non-damaging lost circulation pills (LCP) to produce more oil with less cost. Optimizing the LCP compositions to stop the lost... more
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      GeologyDrillingDrilling FluidLost Circulation
Selected local cassava (Manihot esculenta Crantz) starches were investigated as additives for water-based drilling mud. Cassava cultivars, TMS 30572, TMS 98/0505, TMS 98/0581, M98/0068, TMS 92/0057, TMS 96/1632, NR8082, TME 419, TMS... more
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      CassavaModified StarchRheological propertiesLubricants Additives
Since the advanced technology used in oilwell drilling is difficult and costly, the drilling must be completed in the most appropriate conditions, in the shortest time, with cost-effective and the targeted depths and purposes. This... more
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      Drilling EngineeringOIL AND GAS EXPLORATION AND DRILLINGDrilling and Well EngineeringDrilling
During the drilling process, we need to look at several aspects that need to be considered, including the drilling mud aspect which is one of the important aspects in a safe and efficient drilling process.The success of a drilling process... more
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      Drilling EngineeringDrillingDrilling FluidMeasurement While Drilling
Salt formations are encountered in many oil-producing regions of the world. These salt zones can be in a variety of forms; salt domes, massive beds and sheets or lenses. The chemistry of salts can very significantly even in a single bed,... more
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      Drilling EngineeringDrilling and Well EngineeringDrillingResearch on Indegenious Mud Water Drilling Fluid
laboratory from scratch in 2009 and filed in excess of 200 patents, more than 100 already granted. Published more than 120 conference and journal papers and received several national, regional and international awards. Two of my patents... more
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    • Drilling Fluid
Lost circulation of drilling fluid results in higher operational expenses which makes it imperative to design the fluid, such that minimal invasion of the fluid occurs in the formation. To achieve this, Lost Circulation Materials (LCM)... more
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      Formation PressureDrilling Fluid
The development of new technologies in the past 10 years, like the MWD systems for real-time surveying, steerable systems for an effective control of trajectory, PDC bits for efficient drilling of long sections, mud and hydraulic systems... more
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      Drilling EngineeringCrude Oil Drilling Waste - Drill CuttingsOffshore DrillingDeep Drilling
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      Environmental EngineeringMechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringCivil Engineering
Salt formations are encountered in many oil-producing regions of the world. These salt zones can be in a variety of forms; salt domes, massive beds and sheets or lenses. The chemistry of salts can very significantly even in a single bed,... more
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      Drilling EngineeringDrilling and Well EngineeringDrillingResearch on Indegenious Mud Water Drilling Fluid
The production of drilling mud using pectin extracted from Citrus Sinensis peels was carried out. The extraction was carried out using water-hot acid technique which is a conventional method, and the extracted pectin was pre-gelatinized... more
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      Drilling FluidPectinFluid loss
This paper aims to review some of the widely used conventional and other contemporary Inflow & Productivity models that exist for Horizontal wells, and comment on their limitations by drawing on the experiences of other author's critiques... more
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      PetrophysicsPetroleumReservoir EngineeringPetroleum geology
Permeability impairment caused by drilling fluids and subsequent cleaning and permeability enhancement by backflow are investigated by means of experimental and simulation studies. Damage caused by two different drilling fluids is... more
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      SimulationPorosityPermeabilityPorous Media
Keywords: bentonite drilling fluid filtration high-temperature high-pressure nanoparticle embedded clay hybrids iron-oxide low-temperature low-pressure rheological behavior a b s t r a c t
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      FiltrationDrilling FluidPetroleum Science and Engineering
A review of the acute and chronic effects of produced formation water (PFW), drilling fluids (muds) including oil-based cutting muds, water-based cutting muds, ester-based cutting muds and chemical additives, and crude oils associated... more
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      PetroleumEcologyRisk assessmentOil and gas
One of the desired properties of a drilling mud is that it should minimize fluid loss from the wellbore into the surrounding permeable formation. It is preferable that the quantity of liquid lost to the surrounding formation and the... more
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      Chemical EngineeringFiltrationLCMDrilling
Many industrially important non-Newtonian fluids such as drilling fluids and cement slurries exhibit yield-pseudo-plastic behavior. The axial laminar flow of such fluids in concentric annuli has received very little attention to date.... more
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      Chemical EngineeringModelingNon-newtonian Fluid MechanicsLaminar Flow
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      Porous MediaDrilling Fluid
The drilling fluid contact with the productive zone of drilling wells, with horizontal or complex configurations, can reduce its productivity by fluid invasion in the borehole wall. Drilling fluids usually comprise natural polymers as... more
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      PetroleumSaltDrillingXanthan Gum
Drilling fluids usually gel at rest in order to avoid cuttings to precipitate over the drill bit when circulation is interrupted. At flow start-ups, pumping pressures higher than the steady-state circulation pressure are usually required... more
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      RheologyRheometryDrilling FluidYield stress
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      RecyclingElectrochemical EngineeringFiltrationViscosity
We have devised a method, based on a parametric array concept, to create a low-frequency (300-500 kHz) collimated ultrasound beam in fluids highly attenuating to sound. This collimated beam serves as the basis for designing an ultrasound... more
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      Materials EngineeringMechanical EngineeringImagingClassical Physics
In this paper, a comprehensive review of experimental, numerical and artificial intelligence studies on the subject of cuttings settling velocity in drilling muds made by researchers over the last seven decades is brought to the fore. In... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringChemical EngineeringGeologyPowder technology
Experiments were conducted to evaluate the membrane character of native shale samples by measuring the electrochemical potential across the shale membrane. Results suggest that the composition of the interstitial pore fluid in the shale... more
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      InteractionMembrane transportDrillingMembrane
Drilling for water, oil, or even gas using water-based drilling fluids faces major challenges. These are mainly related to drilling fluid leakage into the surrounding formation, water loss into fractures, and the reduction of fluid... more
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      Materials ScienceSynthesis of nanoparticlesNanoparticleNanoparticles
water-based drilling fluids waxy hull-less barley β-glucan viscosity tests Xanthan gum carboxymethylcellulose This paper offers a comprehensive, comparative study of rheological properties of aqueous solutions of waxy hull-less barley... more
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      Oil and gasViscosityHigh TemperatureRheological properties
Fluid loss control is generally achieved by increasing the shear viscosity of the fluid and developing an internal/external filter cake using fluid loss control additives. If the viscosifiers and fluid loss control additives are not... more
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      ViscoelasticityHigh PressureRheologyRisk
An organosilicon quadripolymer of acrylamide (AM), 2-acrylamido-2-methyl-1-propane sulfonic acid (AMPS), N-vinylpyrrolidone (NVP) and a kind of organosilicon monomer was synthesized by solution free radical polymerization. The chemical... more
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      EngineeringCHEMICAL SCIENCESDrilling FluidJournal of Applied Polymer Science
. Characterization of drilling mud fluid invasion. J. Pet. Sci. Eng., 1: 3-13. A method for the characterization of drilling mud fluid invasion of porous formations was developed. The oil saturation and resistivity profiles are determined... more
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A number of rheological models are examined to establish how well they can characterise a data set of different, pseudoplastic, non-Newtonian fluids used in North Sea operations when their parameters are evaluated using the 'direct'... more
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      ModelingRheologyParameter estimationNon-newtonian Fluid Mechanics
A number of rheological models are examined to establish how well they can characterise a data set of different, pseudoplastic, non-Newtonian fluids used in North Sea operations when their parameters are evaluated using the 'direct'... more
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      ModelingRheologyParameter estimationNon-newtonian Fluid Mechanics
One of the desired properties of a drilling mud is that it should minimize fluid loss from the wellbore into the surrounding permeable formation. It is preferable that the quantity of liquid lost to the surrounding formation and the... more
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      Chemical EngineeringBiologyFiltrationLCM
In this work, a drilling fluid recipe has been developed by using nanoparticles, to increase the efficiency of drilling operations for maximum accessibility to new & matured oil reserves and suited to various drilling conditions. The... more
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      NanoparticlesDensityDrilling EngineeringViscosity
Experimental data is presented for the flow of bentonite-water dispersions, modeled as Herschel-Bulkley fluids, for the pressure loss at different flow rates covering laminar, transitional and turbulent flow regimes, while flowing in... more
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      Power LawEccentricityNon-newtonian Fluid MechanicsTurbulent Flow
Mud program
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    • Drilling Fluid
The authors carried out the study to prepare chitosan Nisopropylacrylamide hydrogel via heating and radiation processes. Properties investigation of prepared samples revealed that radiation prepared samples show higher yield and swelling... more
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      Rheological propertiesDrilling Fluid
This study investigates the growth of three life stages of T. guineensis exposed to different sublethal concentrations of Parateq for 12 weeks in a static renewal bioassay. Parateq a synthetic based Fluid (SBF) was added to water to... more
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      Niger DeltaDrilling FluidGrowth Indices
In this work, a drilling fluid recipe has been developed by using nanoparticles, to increase the efficiency of drilling operations for maximum accessibility to new & matured oil reserves and suited to various drilling conditions. The... more
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      NanoparticlesDensityDrilling EngineeringViscosity
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      EngineeringTechnologyPetroleumQuantitative analysis
Allium test has already been used to determine cytotoxicity of waste drilling fluids. In the present work the cytotoxicity of four pure chemicals (Defoamex, Idthin 400, Magco Thin and Slick Pipe) was investigated. Those chemicals are... more
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The effect of pipe eccentricity on the flow of well bore fluids in annuli is investigated both analytically and experimentally. The expression for azimuthal velocity as a function of the eccentricity ratio and rheological parameters of... more
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      EngineeringEngineering PhysicsMechanical EngineeringApplied Mathematics
Drilling fluid has many functions, such as carry cuttings from the hole permitting their separation at the surface, cool and clean the bit, reduce friction between the drill pipe and wellbore, maintain the stability of the wellbore, and... more
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      TechnologyHigh PressurePetroleumStarch
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      GeologyDrillingDrilling FluidPetroleum Engineering
... Fluids with flat, low rheological values over extremes of temperature and pres-By Doug Oakley, Daryl Cullum, MI SWACO ... With the shallow and vertical wells being drilled at the time, drilling fluids com-prised no more than simple... more
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Effective hole-cleaning is vital for a successful drilling operation and has significant effect on optimizing factors such as penetration rate, bit optimization and well stability. Efficient transportation of drilling cuttings are... more
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      Drilling EngineeringDrilling Fluid
In this work, we report the preparation of a novel partially aminated and inexpensive water-soluble acrylic acid grafted activated carbon represented as C-g-AA-NH 2 for efficient inhibition of shale hydration. The as-prepared C-AA-NH 2... more
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      Sustainable materialsActivated CarbonShaleDrilling Fluid
... Titre du document / Document title. Flat rheology mud shows promise in deepwaterGOM trials. Auteur(s) / Author(s). FRIEDHEIM Jim ; Résumé / Abstract. A newly engineered synthetic-based drilling fluid that, unlike conventional ...
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      OffshoreDrilling Fluid
The Niger Delta region of Nigeria is characterized with several drilling operations in the quest for hydrocarcons. Drilling fluids namely ClearBore, Bentonite and HydroPac were examined using Silicon fluid as standard Newtonian fluid.... more
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      RheologyNon-newtonian Fluid MechanicsShear StressDrilling Fluid