Recent papers in Dress
«Så tok hun av frukten og spiste. Hun ga også til mannen sin, som var sammen med henne, og han spiste. Da ble øynene deres åpnet, og de skjønte at de var nakne. De flettet sammen fikenblader og bandt dem om livet.» i Alle mennesker over... more
126 Karn.rom, Jl/idndi ~um,n auronomy and which role wc seek to assign 10 ii, no doubt colour our legal reasoning and arc msrrumemal in migning appropriate mewing 10 key discrimination terms such ~ ·_ (in)_dirci:t disc.rinumnion',... more
Through a focus on the everyday object, this one-day symposium explores both the experience of visual culture in everyday life and the phenomenon of the everyday in visual culture. Drawing on theories of the everyday from such fields as... more
                     Straps and Trains m the Viking Age: Birka's Female Costume in a New Light Since 1938, when Agnes Geijer presented... more
Cocktail culture in the postwar United States thrived through the mid-1960s and thanks to an expanded middle class, consumerism also increased. Affordable goods, accessible recipes, and concentrated suburban communities where material... more
This essay stems from a paper presented at the Costume Society's Annual Symposium in Leeds in July 2010 on the theme of The Price of Fashion. In this expanded version, the author identifi es the construction of stylisme, a new... more
(NB: The once uploaded article has been removed. It is now part of a book: 'GANDHI AND THE POPES' (Peter Lang Publishers, 2015). The original version is still available in 'Gandhi Marg' 33/3. SYNOPSIS: Eighty years ago, Gandhi visited... more
This article explores figures of visibility and otherness in H.G. Wells’s novel 'The Invisible Man', discussing the relevance of such figures to the historical paradigm of the Victorian period in which the text was written. Through an... more
A paper on the sartoriar landscape in mid-19th c. Greece, included in the exhibition catalogue: "Paris-Athènes. Naissance de la Grèce moderne, 1675-1919"
Texto publicado en:
Fernández, C. (2013). De vestidos y cuerpos. Medellín: UPB.
Fernández, C. (2013). De vestidos y cuerpos. Medellín: UPB.
This paper seeks to examine the depiction of the evil step-mother Queen in Snow White. The focus will be on examining the characterization of the Queen as both step-mother and evil witch as depicted in the traditional fairy tale and... more
As a culturally produced text, literature is seen as a lens with the potential to draw attention to the values, ideas, and beliefs that underlie a society. In this paper three key themes in H.G. Wells' novel 'The Invisible Man'... more
"The process of cultural globalisation does not always imply cultural homogenisation. Rather, it can be seen as a process of cultural ‘glocalisation’ and hybridisation where cultures continuously interact with and interpret each other... more
This paper deals with the role of garment metaphors in the conceptualization of emotion. Metaphor plays a central role in the formation of emotional concepts, as indeed in the formation of concepts in general. Typically, this is a matter... more
This thesis discusses how British Quaker women negotiated relinquishing their religiously prescribed Plain dress from 1860 to 1914 in the context of developments in Quaker feminine identity. This thesis approaches its subjects by... more
Objectives: To help students: (1) think critically about how they perform gender through clothing choices; (2) recognize how different cultures define masculinity and femininity. Courses: Communication Theory, Gender and Communication,... more
Temple Period Malta in the IIIrd Millennium BC saw the production of a range of figurative and decorative art and architecture that implies a richly populated spiritual and cognitive world associated with ritual practice in life and... more
The women of the village of Gymno used to say "Sweet the sleep in the morning, naked the butt at Easter." 1 This was an injunction to young women who slept late to get up, go to the loom, and weave the fabrics so necessary to clothe a... more
In the recent Bloomsbury publication Fashion Victims: The Dangers of Dress Past and Present, author Alison Matthews David chronicles the disturbing history of the failure of clothing to protect its wearers, despite the fact that... more
При входе в клуб вам выдадут полотенца, простыни, тапочки. Переодеться сразу обязаны все посетители клуба. Красивое бельё на дамах приветствуется. Выдержка из правил свинг-клуба «X+X» Man, I feel like a woman.
Sylvia Plath’s roman-a-clef, The Bell Jar (1963), remains a commercial and critical success more than a half-a-century after its initial publication. I suggest that one of the reasons for the novel’s enduring popularity is Plath’s... more
saggio sulla vita intima di palazzo degli infanti di spagna: abito, vita diaria, amuleti, pratiche culturali e mediche, iconografía pittorica tra fine Cinquecento e inizi Seicento
"Readers unfamiliar with contemporary Japanese media might be puzzled by the appearance of men in fashion magazines. This is particularly the case for images of Japanese young men whose strong concerns over their appearance and slender... more
Fashion Digital Memories EUROPEANA FASHION SYMPOSIUM 2017 Venice, May 22-23, 2017 Conservation/Explication: The Costume Institute’s use of digital technologies for the preservation and interpretation of its Charles James collection by... more
Texto publicado en:
Fernández, C. (2013). De vestidos y cuerpos. Medellín: UPB.
Palabras clave: Diseño de vestuario, Cuerpo, Vestido, Espacio, Performance, Movimiento, Vanguardias Artísticas, Artes Plásticas
Fernández, C. (2013). De vestidos y cuerpos. Medellín: UPB.
Palabras clave: Diseño de vestuario, Cuerpo, Vestido, Espacio, Performance, Movimiento, Vanguardias Artísticas, Artes Plásticas
Caterina Sforza, Lucrezia Borgia, Isabella d’Este, Vittoria Colonna and Olimpia Maidalchini Pamphilj are the five, iconic ladies, called to interpret the style of three centuries between the Renaissance and the Baroque. For each of... more
"This article examined the development of the 'all-white' morris costume with a focus on the late 19th and early 20th century.
It can be downloaded free of charge from the link below.
It can be downloaded free of charge from the link below.
Кам'янець-Подільський державний історичний музей-заповідник Інститут археології Національної академії наук України Кам'янець-Подільський національний університет імені Івана Огієнка ЗБІРНИК МАТЕРІАЛІВ АРХЕОЛОГІЯ & ФОРТИФІКАЦІЯ УКРАЇНИ
La mia ricerca sulle tessitrici di Nule si è sviluppata all'Interno di una ricerca sul campo di piú ampia portata, a proposito del fenomeno del dono in Sardegna. Mi sono sentito benevolmente "costretto" a raccogliere materiale riguardante... more
Within the existing discourse the fields of philosophy, anthropology and sociology provide critical context to fashion studies, while hermeneutics and theology remain in the margins. Religion as a topic is dealt with in the main, via... more
The War Production Board issued limitation order 85 in April 1942 in order to conserve fabric and manpower needed for the war effort. The United States government hoped to curb, at least temporarily, the purchase of apparel and other... more
Fashion is often described as asserting or reinforcing social or professional bonds, but rarely is such a fixed bond established as when garments physically link one body to another. We may be familiar with shared garments in dramatic... more
Interview regarding issues raised in Susan Elizabeth Ryan's book, Garments of Paradise. Geert Lovink and Rebecca Louise Breuer
Cátedra Abierta, Museo de Arte Moderno de Medellín Ponentes: Claudia Fernández Silva, Mauricio Velásquez Posada Abril 28 del 2011 Presentación de la ponencia:... more
In existing Fashion Studies scholarship, religion is primarily dealt with at two ends of the spectrum in the context of material culture - via ethnographic studies of situated religious dress practice or the spectacularization of... more
This study of the "minor arts" begins with an interrogation of the use of the words "minor" and "craft" as applied to works produced and consumed in the ancient Near East. I critique the dichotomies of major vs. minor arts or art vs.... more