The movement patterns of native migratory fishes may reflect different selection pressures in different environments that are associated with predictable patterns of temperature and discharge. Spatial and temporal variability in the... more
The state of Rajasthan is one of the regions of India that has scarce water resources. In the desertic terrain of the state, there are large numbers of palaeochannels that are considered to be potential aquifers for the region. However,... more
Understanding how different food resources sustain stream food webs is fundamental towards increasing our knowledge on trophic structure and energy flow pathways in fluvial ecosystems. Food webs in small mountain streams are sustained by... more
The assessment of natural hazards such as floods and droughts is a complex issue that demands integrated approaches and high-quality data. Especially in African developing countries, where information is limited, the assessment of floods... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
In this present study, Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) embedded with ArcGIS interface has been used to simulate the surface runoff from the un-gauged sub-catchments in the upper catchment of Subarnarekha basin. Model calibration and... more
This paper presents the spatial distribution of liquid and solid (suspended load) discharge in the Ivaí River Basin, and its implication in the functioning of this river system. The Ivaí is a typical medium-size river of the basaltic... more
This article aims at evaluating linkages between selected local traditional knowledge (LTK) indicators with meteorological drought forecasting parameters in the Mzingwane catchment area of Zimbabwe. In addition, the article investigates... more
Tobacco production in Southern Brazil has caused a profound impact in the environment, resulting in heavy sediment yields and diminishing water quality. Public programmes have attempted to address these problems by encouraging the... more
Programas de conservação do solo e da água que utilizam a bacia hidrográfica como unidade de planejamento têm sido amplamente empregados. Um componente importante desses programas se refere à implantação de projetos de monitoramento... more
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
High concentrations of nitrate have been detected in streams flowing from nitrogen-saturated forests; however, the spatial variations of nitrate leaching within those forests and its causes remain poorly explored. The aim of this study is... more
Ecosystems of suburban landscapes (i.e., forest, inland water ecosystem) are threatened by high nitrogen (N) loadings derived from urban air pollutants. Forest ecosystems under high chronic N loadings tend to leach more N via streams. In... more
ÍNDICE 1. Introdução 2. Amostragem 2.1 Época de amostragem 2.2 Material e equipamento 2.3. Selecção dos locais de amostragem 2.4. Comprimento do troço a amostrar 2.5 Procedimento de amostragem 2.6 Procedimentos após amostragem 3.... more
river discharge records from 30 of the world's largest river basins have been used to characterize surface hydrologic flows in relation to net precipitation inputs, ocean climate teleconnections, and human land/water use patterns. This... more
In this study we investigate the ability of satellite visible and infrared data to produce reliable rainfall amount estimates that could be used by hydrological models to predict streamflow for large basins. Rainfall estimates are... more
Landslides are the most destructive natural hazards that undermine the economic and cultural development in Darjeeling Himalaya. To prepare landslide susceptibility map of the Lish River basin of Eastern Darjeeling Himalaya frequency... more
The Red River is the second largest river in Viet Nam and constitutes the main water source for a large percentage of the population of North Viet Nam. Here we present the results of an annual survey of Escherichia coli (EC) and Total... more
Sediment cores were collected at the outlet of the highly anthropogenized catchment of the Seine River at two contrasting sites: a flood plain of the lower Seine River and a quasi-permanently submerged harbour basin (or wet dock) in the... more
Hydrological information is essential for adequate water resources management as well as for water supply, energy supply, water allocation, among other services. However, this information does not always exist in quantity and quality to... more
The main objective of the research is to set a transboundary water management system for the Blue Nile River Basin (within its 16 sub-basins) as well as to create calibrated satellite rainfall data for the Blue Nile River Basin (BNRB).... more
Precipitation is of extreme importance for the management of water resources, since it is a question of degraded areas and with deforestation for deforestation and the withdrawal of firewood. Frequency analysis was performed on the annual... more
The fish fauna of eight streams with different land uses of their watersheds (forested and rural areas) in the lower Iguaçu River basin was inventoried, in order to evaluate the composition and species richness. The fishes were sampled... more
Dams are the major source of water for irrigation in India. As a result, any variability in rainfall over the catchment area of dams leads to huge economic loss. It also triggers water-sharing conflicts. Hence, understating the variation... more
Gorges and bedrock channels are always the sites of interest for studying fluvial processes. The response and adjustment of the flow to lithological and structural control are also the causes of the several focused studies of bedrock... more
Dams are the major source of water for irrigation in India. As a result, any variability in rainfall over the catchment area of dams leads to huge economic loss. It also triggers water-sharing conflicts. Hence, understating the variation... more
Th e purpose of this study was to obtain and prove the methods of catchment regionalization in case of annual maximum fl oods. Identifi cation of Polish rivers was hold on the basis of regional frequency analyses including recognition of... more
The purpose of this study was to obtain and verify the methods of catchment regionalization for annual maximum discharge. An identification of Polish rivers was performed based on regional frequency analyses including recognition of... more
The present study compared the performance of two different models for streamflow simulation namely: Soil Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) and the Artificial Neural Network (ANN). During the calibration periods, the Nash-Sutcliff (NS) and... more
In the Kirama-ara River basin, Matara, southern region of Sri Lanka, a variety of agricultural inputs are utilized, and flooding is a common hazard. As a result, the complete physicochemical profile of the groundwater in the Kirama-ara... more
In the Kirama-ara River basin, Matara, southern region of Sri Lanka, a variety of agricultural inputs are utilized, and flooding is a common hazard. As a result, the complete physicochemical profile of the groundwater in the Kirama-ara... more
O objetivo deste trabalho é contribuir para avançar no conhecimento acerca do potencial do Modelo HAND para avaliação e monitoramento da expansão urbana da Região Metropolitana de Porto Alegre (RMPA) em áreas suscetíveis à inundação. Como... more
A comprehensive research program was conducted to enhance understanding of the hydrologic and phosphorus movement relationships of flat, sandy, high-water-table soils pervasive in the Kissimmee River Basin Region of Florida which drains... more
A comprehensive research program was conducted to enhance understanding of the hydrologic and phosphorus movement relationships of flat, sandy, high-water-table soils pervasive in the Kissimmee River Basin Region of Florida which drains... more
Abundances and distributional changes of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) in fluvially influenced sediments are used in various paleoclimate studies to reconstruct variations in soil export, continental air... more
Abundances and distributional changes of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) in fluvially influenced sediments are used in various paleoclimate studies to reconstruct variations in soil export, continental air... more
The study presents the Environmental Flow Assessment (EFA) model on sustainability planning strategies to reduce damage in the main area of Kenyir Lake Basin. The XPSWMM model have been used to simulate the EFA in this study. Based on... more
Typical disaster flooding and flash floods in Malaysia. Floods occur especially during the wet season within the geographical region area which is especially influenced by the northeast monsoon. So the sampling study was conducted in... more
Kenyir Lake Basin was built to generate hydroelectric power for Peninsular Malaysia. This water body is a promising natural preserved environment and has been attracting the developer to develop tourist spots to fulfill their profit... more
The climate changes caused by changing of water level. This study was carried out at Teren season to assess the sedimentation problem and its characteristic. Three parameters the correlation matrix and linear regression methods. The TSS... more
This study is aimed to look at the level of water quality deterioration in Terengganu River Basin. Environmental management studies on the deterioration of water quality in Terengganu River Basin have been using data collection and... more
Water Resources Management of Sedimentation Problems in Terengganu River Basin, Terengganu, Malaysia
Water resource management is important for human well-being, ecosystems development and protection of existing water bodies from pollution and exploitation. Water resource management and sedimentation are carried out in Terengganu River... more
Water is a vital for all aspects of human and ecosystem survival. The evaluations of water quality parameters and hydrological status are necessary to enhance the performance of an assessment operation and develop better water resources... more