Dough Rheology

64 papers
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Dough rheology is the study of the flow and deformation behavior of dough under applied forces. It involves analyzing the mechanical properties of dough, including viscosity, elasticity, and plasticity, to understand its performance during processing and baking.
Pasta is a starchy staple food, which is a good carrier of health-promoting ingredients that can manipulate the glycaemic response. Dry pastas supplemented with DFs were produced substituting durum wheat semolina with Barley Balance ... more
The objective of this work was to study the effect of pistachio by-product flour (PBF) addition to wheat flour on the rheological properties of dough. Pistachio levels used were: 0 (C), 5 (P5), 15 (P15), and 25 g/100 g (P25). Alveographic... more
The objective of this work was to study the effect of pistachio by-product flour (PBF) addition to wheat flour on the rheological properties of dough. Pistachio levels used were: 0 (C), 5 (P5), 15 (P15), and 25 g/100 g (P25). Alveographic... more
Despite the interest in stone-milling, there is no information on the potential advantages of using the resultant wholegrain flour (WF) in bread-making. Consequently, nutritional and technological properties of WFs obtained by both stone-... more
The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of the origin of wheat grown by different farming systems on the physicochemical properties and milling characteristics of grain. Four varieties of spring wheat from two growing years... more
Although the nutritional profile, bioactivities, and uses of mesquite pod flour from various Prosopis species have been studied, limited research has been conducted on Prosopis pallida (Humb, & Bonpl. Ex Willd.) Kunth mesquite flour. This... more
A well-balanced diet with a focus on increasing consumption of complex carbohydrates with a low glycemic index is a major nutritional goal to improve public health. Daily intake of dietary fibres is significantly lower than the... more
Wheat bran are widely used as a source of dietary fiber with enhanced health benefits. However, its hight application level in bakery products caused lower quality of these products (eg. reduced volume and increased hardness of product).... more
Physicochemical processes developing in the mass of components when making dough play a big part in the formation of its homogeneous structure. Moreover, the homogeneity of the dough structure, the degree of its orderliness and,... more
Arabinogalactan (AG) is very promising as a functional additive to foodstuff. The objective of this research was to evaluate the influence of AG content on structural development of wheat dough during mixing and leavening processes. Dough... more
The effects of adding flaxseed flour to wheat flour on rheological properties of dough has been investigated.  Adding flaxseed flour caused phenolic compounds to increase.  Adding flaxseed flour to Iranian toast resulted in considerable... more
In disaster conditions, the elderly are vulnerable groups that require special attention. With increasing age, there is a decrease in biological function and psychological disorders. The elderly tend to have anxiety, especially during... more
Gluten and casein free cookie products are increasingly in demand by consumers. Gluten and casein free cookies were made using mocaf as a substitute for gluten-free flour and tempeh flour as a casein-free protein source. The... more
The potential of Calendula officinalis water extract against fungi Aspergillus niger and Penicillium sp. and the effect of extract addition on the quality of wheat bread were investigated. In vitro, the extract reduced the mycelial growth... more
There is an increasing interest in improving biological processes, including fermentation processes, improving fermentation conditions is difficult, as it requires the use of an appropriate improvement method that allows operating the... more
The main objective is to capitalize on the use of coconut oil and improve edible products in terms of nutrient value. The experimental research aims to establish how this component reacts and how it influences certain technological... more
Bread dough (a flour-water system) has been rheologically characterized using a parallel-plate, an extensional, and a capillary rheometer at room temperature. Based on the linear and nonlinear viscoelastic and viscoplastic data, two... more
Wheat bran is the by-product derived from the wheat milling and represents a good source of dietary fiber. Consumption of wheat bran is associated with many health benefits. The hydration properties (water holding, water retention and... more
The rheological characteristics of gluten-free doughs and their effect on the quality of biologically leavened bread were studied in amaranth, chickpea, corn, millet, quinoa and rice flour. The rheological characteristics (resistance to... more
This research aimed to investigate the effects of various concentrations (0.1; 0.2 and 0.3 v/v %) of phospholipase A 2 (PLA) enzyme-modified liquid egg albumen (LEA) on color, water activity, specific volume, textural profile analysis,... more
In this research, the impacts of varying concentration of phospholipase A2 (PLA), protease and lipase enzyme-treated liquid egg white (LEW) were prepared using meringue batters. The gelling physico-chemical, and rheological properties... more
The effect of lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) and melissa (Melissa Officinalis) waste on preparation, characteristics and shelf life of bread was investigated. It was found that lavender and melissa waste, generated yearly in large... more
This study sheds light on the effects of wheat bran on dough rheological properties, especially gluten index and gassing power. To this end bran with three particle sizes (coarse≥ 300um, medium 300-180um, and fine ≤180um) at three levels... more
Present work seeks to systematically analyse the individual and synergistic effects of some gluten-crosslinking enzymes (transglutaminase, glucose oxidase and laccase), along with polysaccharide and gluten degrading enzymes... more
Enzymes are used in baking to improve dough handling properties and the quality of baked products. Glucose oxidase (GO) is an enzyme with oxidazing effect due to the hydrogen peroxide released from its catalytic reaction. In this study,... more
The Mixolab device in view of the characterisation of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of ten different flours, and establishing the correlations between the rheological parameters of wheat flour supplemented with different additives such... more
Rheology can be defined as the study of how materials deform, flow or fail when force is applied. Food rheology focuses on the flow properties of single food components, which might already display a complex rheological response function,... more
This study sheds light on the effects of wheat bran on dough rheological properties, especially gluten index and gassing power. To this end bran with three particle sizes (coarse≥ 300um, medium 300-180um, and fine ≤180um) at three levels... more
There is an increasing trend in formulating food to contain dietary fibers and particularly resistant starch. Saj bread (a type of flatbread baked on a plate placed directly on fire) is a potential candidate to act as a vehicle for... more
There is an increasing interest in improving biological processes, including fermentation processes, improving fermentation conditions is difficult, as it requires the use of an appropriate improvement method that allows operating the... more
In this study, Powder Flow Tester (PFT) was firstly used to determine and better understand the behavior of different dough samples. For this purpose, four different wheat flours with varying strengths in addition to flour samples having... more
This study aimed at understanding how the presence or absence of NaCl influences dough rheological performance of soft wheat cvs. currently used in the Italian bread manufacturing industry as a scientific support to national health... more
The aim of this study was to develop a bread enriched with varying level of ginger powder. Ginger powder incorporated in white flour at 0, 2, 4, 6 and 8% level to get a bread enriched with antioxidants and good rheological and sensorial... more
The present study is based on the investigation of the differences in microstructure of dough after egg replacement by black gram flour (BGF) using the technique scan-electronmicroscopy (SEM). It also includes evaluating the impact of BGF... more
The Brabender farinograph is a device with which important indications for baking are obtained, namely: dough development time (DDT), water absorption (WA), dough stability time (DST), softening degree (SD), Farinograph Quality Number... more
Present work seeks to systematically analyse the individual and synergistic effects of some gluten-crosslinking enzymes (transglutaminase, glucose oxidase and laccase), along with polysaccharide and gluten degrading enzymes... more
Enzymes are used in baking to improve dough handling properties and the quality of baked products. Glucose oxidase (GO) is an enzyme with oxidazing effect due to the hydrogen peroxide released from its catalytic reaction. In this study,... more
In present, most mills from our country obtain brown wheat flour in intermediate extraction, besides white flour, and its quality is mostly inadequate and unconstant. Our paper's purpose was the optimization of the brown wheat... more
The Mixolab device in view of the characterisation of the thermo-mechanical behaviour of ten different flours, and establishing the correlations between the rheological parameters of wheat flour supplemented with different additives such... more
The aim of study was to investigate the influence of naturally occurring zeolite and diatomaceous earth, as inert dusts approved for insect pest control in certified organic crop production, on trading and breadmaking quality of treated... more
Master of ScienceDepartment of Grain Science and IndustryScott R. BeanHulya DoganThe continuous rise in population, environmental concerns, and an increasing shift of consumers’ belief towards eating sustainable foods has led researchers... more
The effect of enzymatic modification of wheat flour proteins on their functional properties was evaluated as a function of the degree of hydrolysis (DH). Soluble protein increased from 7.1 to 53% for 0% to 36.7% DH flour, and viscosity... more
The aim of study was to investigate the influence of naturally occurring zeolite and diatomaceous earth, as inert dusts approved for insect pest control in certified organic crop production, on trading and breadmaking quality of treated... more
In present, most mills from our country obtain brown wheat flour in intermediate extraction, besides white flour, and its quality is mostly inadequate and unconstant. Our paper's purpose was the optimization of the brown wheat... more
Amaranth is an underutilized pseudocereal that can be used to supplement wheat flour (WF) in order to improve the nutritional quality of bread. Bread digestibility is impacted by particle size which produces different nutritional... more
Thermal and non-thermal processing may alter the structure and improve the techno-functional properties of pulses and pulse flours, increasing their range of applications in protein-enhanced foods. The effects of germination and toasting... more
The rheological characteristics of gluten-free doughs and their effect on the quality of biologically leavened bread were studied in amaranth, chickpea, corn, millet, quinoa and rice flour. The rheological characteristics (resistance to... more
In this paper, rheological characteristics of flour are determined with Brabender farinograph. Brabender Farinograph is the most widely used laboratory device to evaluate the quality of flour, in batter, with which the rheological... more
The effect of functional additives (carob flour and sugar beet fiber) on empirical rheological dough performance and bread quality was examined. Also the microbiological quality of bread was investigated during 16 days of storage. The... more
In this study, gluten-free bread formulations using chestnut and rice flours at different ratios (0/100, 10/ 90, 20/80, 30/70, 40/60, 50/50 and 100/0) were tested. In addition, the influence of hydrocolloid blend (xanthan-locustbean gum... more