Before 1979, the People’s Republic of China did not have a logical system of taxing foreign business. That summer, a few selected American tax professors met with Chinese tax officials to explain the complexities of source rules, foreign... more
The statistical analysis of firm-level data on U.S. multinational companies was conducted at the Bureau of Economic Analysis, U.S. Department of Commerce under arrangements that maintain legal confidentiality requirements. The views... more
Monografia apresentada à coordenação do Curso de Especialização em Direito Internacional Público e Privado e Direito da Integração (10ª edição) da Faculdade de Direito da Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, como exigência parcial... more
A careful reading of recent scholarship on the early history of international taxation, especially on the League of Nations' work on "double taxation," ought to have dislodged many myths about this history. But more often than not, such... more
This workshop provided an opportunity for academics, practitioners and consultants to come together, exchange ideas, and discuss emerging issues, and further the possibility of identifying fields of research which generally fall within... more
The development of international trade is still increasing especially since entering the free trade era. The increasing of internasional trade current caused some issue, especially on taxation, a cross border trade can caused the... more
M.Com.Abstract: This study investigates the current dividend withholding tax regime in South Africa. A country’s tax regime is a crucial factor for foreign investors and potential investors. When a South African resident company declares... more
In the lens of European integration, national competitiveness no longer depends just on national inheritance, but also on the new member states' capacity of exploiting existing advantages of EU membership. In this paper, we closely follow... more
Tax fraud poses a significant threat to the integrity of Nigeria's tax system, eroding public trust and undermining revenue generation in the challenging environment. This study examines the effects of tax fraud on public trust in the tax... more
The Government of Pakistan is considering an extensive tax and administrative reform by 2009 and asked the World Bank to provide a discussion paper on several technical issues. This report is dealing with the international aspects of the... more
This paper starts with a dilemma. How to ensure the adequate protection of individual health data and privacy in a global pandemic, which has intensified the use of digital applications for the purposes of data sharing and... more
Idaho's corporate income tax as of 2003 complied with the Commerce Clause because Idaho does not allow the dividends received deduction for domestic dividends. Idaho Code section 63-3022(f), as in effect before 1993, may have... more
The Policy Research Working Paper Series disseminates the findings of work in progress to encourage the exchange of ideas about development issues. An objective of the series is to get the findings out quickly, even if the presentations... more
This study aims to obtain empirical evidence of the effect of capital intensity and sales growth on tax avoidance. The independent variables of this study are capital intensity and sales growth. While the dependent variable is tax... more
This study aims to obtain empirical evidence of the effect of capital intensity and sales growth on tax avoidance. The independent variables of this study are capital intensity and sales growth. While the dependent variable is tax... more
Effective corporate tax rate is a finance subject of interest to firms, policy makers and researchers. It measures level of tax burden at firm level. Thus, governments implement various investment incentives to influence effective... more
This work examines the main determinants of tax evasion within publicly traded companies. The literature review indicates that there are several practices used by Tunisian companies to eliminate their tax obligations, including group... more
The global challenge of tax evasion presents a profound impact, leading to diminished tax revenues that are the lifeblood of a nation's seamless operations. This issue is exacerbated by the ingenious strategies employed by tax... more
This article studies the environmental and societal impacts of a polluting monopoly when a society strives for a clean environment. Two scenarios are considered: (1) the government levies an environmental tax to induce investment in... more
Today, tax optimisation is part of the management practices of many corporations and is intended to leave more funds at the disposal of businesses that should rightfully be transferred to the government. Managers adopt tax avoidance... more
The existence of tax regulations in the field of income tax results in changes to the tax obligations of individual MSME business actors in the tax obligation mechanism, especially in determining the tax base for determining the tax... more
I examine the effect of a firm's tradability, the proportion of output that is exported abroad, on its stock returns. There are three novel empirical findings: (1) firms with higher tradability have more cyclical asset returns; (2) firms... more
Considering taxes to be the universally recognized regulator of the economy, related ideas on the proper organization of tax relations are being promoted in various scientific papers. The relevance of this problem is caused, firstly, by... more
Die Dokumente auf EconStor dürfen zu eigenen wissenschaftlichen Zwecken und zum Privatgebrauch gespeichert und kopiert werden. Sie dürfen die Dokumente nicht für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen,... more
This paper examines how the effects of dividend taxation on the cost of new equity funds depend on whether or not shareholders can recover their original equity injections without being subject to the dividend tax. We point out the... more
This chapter argues that fundamental fairness principles demand changes in U.S. tax law to place those who rent on an equal tax footing with those who own their residences. The disparity in tax treatment of owners and renters results... more
Income tax systems in some countries follow primarily schedular models that classify income by type, match it with deductions from the same class, and compute a separate tax on each class. The United States income tax uses a global tax... more
Overview. While legislation is the primary determinant of income tax law in the United States, 1 both the United States Department of the Treasury (Treasury) 2 and the federal courts 3 interpret, establish, expand and contract tax rules... more
This study examines the effects of the interaction of a size-dependent tax policy that exempts firms whose stated capital is at or below a certain threshold from taxation and financial frictions on firm growth and financing. Our empirical... more
Foreign workers who work in Indonesia are required to pay taxes, especially taxes on the salaries they receive. However, tax collectors are often considered to be detrimental to foreign workers, because they reduce the income from their... more
Many companies can carry out many strategies in carrying out tax planning. One of the tax planning strategies is tax avoidance, namely how to reduce taxes legally. Tax avoidance practices usually take advantage of weaknesses in tax law... more
This study examines the relationship between capital structure and corporate effective tax rates using data from 25 randomly selected listed firms on the Dar es Salaam Stock Exchange over a ten-year span... more
Government in all nations, both developed and developing countries like Nigeria, has the responsibility of providing essential services and basic amenities for the citizens by promoting their welfare through formulating and implementing... more
The objective of this research is to determine the role of Tax Avoidance and financial performance in improving the firm value of the manufacture companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange (BEI). Financial report data in this research... more
Aims: This research will examine the ongoing recovery conditions in the economic sector after the COVID-19 pandemic for all countries, including Indonesia. This study aims to analyze financial performance after and before the COVID-19... more
Skoðaðir verða helstu þróunarþaettir skattkerfisins (skilgreining tekjuhugtaks, skatthlutfalls og uppbygging) og stjórnun þess með hliðsjón af hagsmunahópum á Íslandi, allt frá því efnahagslegt sjálfstaeði fékkst árið 1874 og til dagsins... more
The Foreign Investment Law, namely Law Number 5 Year 2005 Articles 14 and 15 concerning the granting of tax incentives to entrepreneurs, especially foreign investors. The Timor Leste government has prepared tax incentives to increase the... more
an individual or entity that has a firm nature. Many taxpayers, especially large corporations, are trying to minimize their tax burden. One phenomenon that often occurs is companies that carry out tax avoidance and income distribution in... more
The study investigated the determinants of tax aggressiveness among Nigerian listed non-financial firms using inferential and descriptive statistics. Ex-post facto research design was used based on the researchers’ choice of relying on... more
Conclusions. It was concluded that the potential of risk insurance in the market of financial (banking) services is underutilized and its decrease in the medium-term dynamics, as the number of insurance premiums, concluded insurance... more
The globalisation of economic activity and the growing importance of multinational corporations have far-reaching consequences for national tax policies. Since 1995, the average corporate tax rate in the EU has fallen from 35% to 23%. In... more
Статтю присвячено висвітленню поточного стану речей з оподаткування операцій, пов'язаних із обігом віртуальних активів, а також перспектив розвитку цього інституту. У роботі ключову роль приділено тим податковим правовідносинам, в яких... more
Статтю присвячено аналізу викликів проведення податкових перевірок під час воєнного стану в Україні. Виявлено ключові особливості цього процесу, включаючи зміни в законодавстві та податкові правопорушення. Розроблено практичні... more