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The aim of this study was to describe normal Doppler parameter values in the thyroid arteries in an iodine-replete region. 165 individuals were randomly selected in a community located in the south-east of Brazil. We obtained a clinical... more
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      UltrasoundDoppler UltrasoundThyroid glandThyroid Hormones
Both resting tachycardia and irregular ventricular rhythm may contribute to impaired cardiac performance in atrial fibrillation (AF). This study assesses the relation between resting heart rate and beat-to-beat changes in left ventricular... more
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      Prospective studiesDoppler UltrasoundAtrial FibrillationHeart rate
Malfunction of permanent vascular accesses remains a cause of frequent and costly morbidity in patients receiving chronic hemodialysis (CHD). Several recommendations for routine monitoring of these permanent vascular accesses for... more
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      Statistical AnalysisUltrasoundMultivariate AnalysisProspective studies
Purpose: The purpose for this research study was to develop the most efficiently reliable and accurate method to determine the presence of blockage in the lower limb arteries without any ambiguity. Blockage in the lower limb arteries... more
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      Doppler UltrasoundLower Limb BiomechanicsArterial stiffnessLower Limb Injury Prediction and Injury Prevention Prescription
Objective To determine the predictive value of middle cerebral artery (MCA) to uterine artery pulsatility index (PI) ratio in preeclamptic patients. Methods This prospective cross-sectional study was performed on 64 preeclamptic and 131... more
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      MedicineDoppler UltrasoundBlood FlowCesarean Section
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      FranceEchocardiographyChildDoppler Ultrasound
Observational studies indicate that routine measurements of access blood flow and use of Doppler ultrasound improve vascular access outcomes in hemodialysis patients, but randomized trials reached conflicting conclusions.
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      UltrasoundResource useDoppler UltrasoundHemodialysis
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      MedicineChildDoppler UltrasoundNeuroradiology
Background Doppler US to measure abdominal blood flow velocities (ABFV) is increasingly used to investigate intestinal haemodynamics in several clinical conditions in neonates. Studies that provide reference values of ABFV during the... more
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      Doppler UltrasoundUltrasonographyPediatric radiologyNewborn Infant
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      AsianTreatment OutcomeErectile dysfunctionDoppler Ultrasound
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      UltrasoundDoppler UltrasoundUltrasonographyRegression Analysis
Doppler ultrasound (DUS) is able to measure parameters of blood flow within vessels of transplanted organs, and vascular complications are associated with abnormal values. We analyzed the findings of 51 consecutive patients who underwent... more
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      Prospective studiesLiver CirrhosisLiverDoppler Ultrasound
Background This retrospective analysis evaluated the clinical and radiologic results of transcatheter arterial embolization (TAE) in the treatment of significant hemobilia. The imaging findings, embolization technique, complications, and... more
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      Treatment OutcomeAdolescentAbdominal ImagingLiver diseases
The aim of this study was to determine the role of colour Doppler imaging in the retrobulbar vascular circulation in diabetic retinopathy (DR). Maximum (V(max)), end-diastolic (V(min)) and average (V(mean)) velocities of blood flows and... more
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      Doppler UltrasoundDiabetic RetinopathyClinical SciencesAged
Systolic pulmonary arterial pressure was determined serialiy over the first 10 days of life in 33 babies with hyaline membrane disease by measuring the peak velocity of pansystolic tricuspid valve regurgitation, using Doppler ultrasound,... more
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      Carbon DioxidePulmonary HypertensionHyaline membrane diseaseDoppler Ultrasound
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      Long Term CareUltrasoundStrokeDoppler Ultrasound
Objectives: To establish normative data for ophthalmic artery Doppler parameters throughout a healthy pregnancy, to investigate the possible correlation between these Doppler measurements and gestational age, and to test intraobserver... more
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      ObstetricsUltrasoundProspective studiesPregnancy
A common clinical practice during single-point Doppler analysis is to measure the centerline maximum velocity and to recover the time-averaged flow rate by exploiting an assumption on the shape of velocity profile (a priori formula),... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringFluid DynamicsLinear modelsBiomedical
Objective: To analyze the association between umbilical cord cardiac troponin I (cTnI), obstetric Doppler, and birth acidemia. Method: This prospective observational study was conducted on 58 singleton pregnancies at 3 Brazilian... more
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      AdolescentProspective studiesPregnancyDoppler Ultrasound
The lack of knowledge of the beam-flow angle represents one of the major sources of uncertainty in Doppler measurements. Not only are some new, appealing applications of the Doppler technique prevented, but some basic clinical procedures... more
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      Doppler UltrasoundWork in ProgressFlow measurementVelocity Profile
Three different indices, the A/B ratio, the pulsatility index (PI) and the Pourcelot ratio (PR), are in common use for quantitative analysis of umbilical artery Doppler ultrasound waveforms. A detailed examination of the similarities and... more
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      MathematicsPregnancyDoppler UltrasoundUltrasonography
Optical methods are most popular speed measurement techniques due to its non-destructive and non-contact in nature. Speed measurement by optical techniques are suitable for all sizes of objects. In this experiment, we dealt with... more
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      Doppler UltrasoundLaser Doppler VibrometryDoppler effectLaser Doppler Vibrometer
A numerical model that can produce pulsed Doppler signals for nonaxial, pulsatile flow is presented. The model takes into account both hemodynamic and acoustic factors that affect the Doppler signal, such that a wide range of flow... more
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      AcousticsBiomedical EngineeringFinite element methodFinite Element
Using linear-array Doppler ultrasound (US) transducers, the measured maximum velocity may be in error and lead to incorrect clinical diagnosis. This study investigates the existence and cause of maximum velocity estimation errors for... more
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      TransducersDoppler UltrasoundVelocity EstimationClinical Sciences
Possibility of Perpetual Source of Energy
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      Evolutionary BiologyCognitive ScienceMathematicsNumber Theory
partners has for women involved in committed relationships. In this report, we will (a) briefly review the only two previous studies on this topic, both of which were undertaken with highly distressed populations, and (b) discuss the... more
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      PsychologySexual DysfunctionLoveSmooth muscle
Objective: To evaluate the role of the venous system in cyclical mastalgia.
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      PainDoppler UltrasoundUltrasonicsBreast
Diagnostic ultrasound has been in use in clinical obstetrics for close to half-a-century. However, in the literature, examination of the placenta appears to be treated with less attention than the fetus or the pregnant uterus. This is... more
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      ImagingUltrasoundPregnancyDoppler Ultrasound
Doppler ultrasound is an emerging technology that has the potential to increase the diagnostic, monitoring, and predictive capabilities of equine theriogenologists and researchers. The technology is based on Doppler-shift frequencies,... more
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      UltrasoundDoppler UltrasoundResistive indexPulsatility Index
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      Computer ScienceImage ProcessingCompressed SensingImage Reconstruction
ULTRASONOGRAPHIC EVALUATION OF OVULATION STIGMA AND PROGNOSIS OF GROWTH OUTCOMES OF THE DOMINANT FOLLICLE. O.V. Bulavenko, V.V.Doschechkyn Abstract Study objective: To study the relationship of ultrasonographic changes in the walls of the... more
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      Ultrasound ImagingUltrasoundInfertilityReproductive Biology
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      RadiologyDoppler UltrasoundUltrasonographyMAKALAH
Diagnostic ultrasound has been in use in clinical obstetrics for close to half-a-century. However, in the literature, examination of the placenta appears to be treated with less attention than the fetus or the pregnant uterus. This is... more
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      ImagingUltrasoundPregnancyDoppler Ultrasound
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      Doppler UltrasoundMarie Skłodowska-Curie Actions
Uterine arteriovenous malformations (AVM) may be responsible for vaginal bleeding potentially life-threatening. They are most often acquired following uterine trauma (curettage, cesarean section, artificial delivery/uterus examination) in... more
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      ObstetricsTreatment OutcomePregnancyDoppler Ultrasound
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      EchocardiographyDoppler UltrasoundUnited StatesEquipment Failure Analysis
Fetal doppler adalah alat yang digunakan untuk mendengarkan denyut jantung janin
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      Doppler UltrasoundKebidananfetal doppler
Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common and debilitating condition with physical, psychological, and pharmacological aetiologies. The physical causes can be divided into problems with arterial inflow, structural penile abnormalities, or... more
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      UltrasoundErectile dysfunctionAbdominal ImagingDoppler Ultrasound
Frequent advances in transducer design, electronics, computers, and signal processing have improved the quality of ultrasound images to the extent that sonography is now a major mode of imaging for the clinical diagnosis of breast cancer.... more
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      Signal ProcessingUltrasound ImagingBreast CancerUltrasound
La thrombose veineuse ovarienne est une pathologie rare mais potentiellement mortelle. Son diagnostic repose essentiellement sur les techniques d’imagerie, en particulier le CT et la résonance magnétique. Ces deux techniques d’imagerie... more
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      RadiologyUltrasound ImagingUltrasoundDoppler Ultrasound
Tissue-mimicking phantoms that are currently available for routine biomedical applications may not be suitable for high-temperature experiments or calibration of thermal modalities. Therefore, design and fabrication of customized thermal... more
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      AcousticsBiomedical EngineeringHyperthermiaUltrasound
Zusammenfassung Grundlagen: Ziel der vorliegenden Studie war es, die Sensitivitäts- und Spezifitätsindizes des Gebärmutterarterien-Dopplers (UAD) bei der Prädiktion von Präeklampsien und fetalen Wachstumsrestriktionen (FGR) zu... more
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      Predictive AnalyticsDoppler UltrasoundAntenatal Screening
Artículo original Resumen Antecedentes: la placentación anormal es una de las principales características de la preeclampsia. Se debe a una falla en la invasión trofoblástica de las arterias espirales maternas, que condiciona el aumento... more
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      Doppler UltrasoundPerinatal OutcomeSevere Pre Eclampsia
Objetivo: Demostrar que el índice relativo de impedancia entre el ductus arterioso y la arteria pulmonar fetal puede ser utilizado como prueba diagnóstica de embarazo pretérmino, término y postérmino. Método: Se incluyeron 134 gestantes,... more
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      Doppler UltrasoundFunctional AssessmentIRT-likelihood RatioIndexation
# Bu çalışma, Toraks Derneği 6. Yıllık Kongresi (23-26 Nisan 2003, Antalya)'nde sunulmuştur.
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      Doppler UltrasoundPulmonary Embolismcerebral Venous sinus thrombosisLower Extremity
Objectives. To present our experience with the results of three different methods of treatment of idiopathic varicoceles. Methods. A total of 301 patients with 417 varicoceles were retrospectively assigned into three groups according to... more
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      SurgeryUrologyComparative StudyDoppler Ultrasound
This is a design made to initiate the designing capability of students.
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    • Doppler Ultrasound
Recent increases in the pressure output of diagnostic ultrasound scanners have led to an interest in establishing thresholds for bioeffects in many organs including the lungs of mammals. Damage may be mediated by inertial cavitation, yet... more
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      UltrasoundDoppler UltrasoundClinical SciencesUltrasound In Medicine
Purpose: At present, thereis little scientific evidence that postexercise manual massage has any effect on the factors associated with the recovery process. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of massage against a resting... more
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      UltrasoundSportMassageMedicine Science
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      Doppler UltrasoundPreeclampsiaAspirinCalcio