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Queensland has been the last Australian jurisdiction to reform its law of criminal defences to try and take account of the difficulties faced by victims of domestic abuse in satisfying the traditional elements of self-defence. Section... more
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      PsychologyRelationshipsMurderPartial defence of provocation
Social workers engage with domestic violence in a wide range of practice and service contexts. Despite the increasing focus on the centrality of coercive control to domestic violence, the effectiveness of the profession in protecting... more
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      Domestic and Family ViolenceCoercive Control
Civil protection order legislation is the primary mechanism in each of Australia’s eight jurisdictions’ system-based response to domestic and family violence (DFV). There are many differences across the states’ and territories’... more
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      Civil LawInterpersonal ViolenceDomestic and Family Violence
Family violence (also known as intimate partner violence) encompasses but is not limited to the threat of physical, sexual, financial, psychological and/or emotional violence enacted to perpetrate harm or exercise power and control over... more
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    • Domestic and Family Violence
This paper describes the process of change in attitudes of male social workers' towards themselves and towards their clients who are male perpetrators of partner violence (PV). The process reveals a reconstruction of the therapist's... more
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      GenderDomestic and Family ViolenceTherapeutic RelationshipsSocial Work Education and Practice
Intimate partner violence is often thought of as a feminized issue that only affects women, though there are also male victims. Unfortunately, a significantly large majority of nonprofit organizations do not acknowledge male victims and... more
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      Nonprofit StudiesDomestic ViolenceMasculinity StudiesMasculinity
What happens to us when it becomes “normal” everyday life to live with high levels of violence? How does it affect our development as individuals, how we raise our children and relate to others in society, our attitudes and actions as... more
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      EducationPeace and Conflict StudiesClimate ChangeDomestic Violence
Reviews research on children exposed to intimate partner violence and group treatment for children and youth. Examines published research on such groups reviewing possible methods and measures to use to evaluate group programs for... more
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      Child abuse and neglectViolence Against WomenIntimate Partner ViolenceGroup work
Child Aware Approaches is a grassroots initiative that engages civil society to develop local approaches, actions and initiatives to keep children safe and well, recognising that protecting children is a shared responsibility. This paper... more
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      Social WorkSocial PolicyChild abuse and neglectChild protection
Risk assessment is a controversial area of forensic practice, yet it has become an integral part of responding to Intimate Partner Violence (IPV). Given lethal consequences can arise from judicial decisions based on poorly executed risk... more
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      Risk Assessment & Risk ManagementDomestic and Family Violence
Research led by the University of Northampton has found that children who experience domestic violence are not just passive observers - they find complex, creative ways to manage and cope with what they have experienced, and have the... more
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      Domestic ViolenceFeminismDomestic Violence (Law)Intimate Partner Violence
Domestic violence is not only a problem affecting many women nationally and internationally, it is a phenomenon being negotiated by thousands of children on a daily basis. The aim of this research was to bring voice to the experiences of... more
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      New Zealand LiteraturePsychologyClinical PsychologySocial Psychology
eSafety commissioned research on the dynamics and impact of technology-facilitated abuse involving children in the context of domestic and family violence in 2019-20. The research drew on a survey and focus groups of professionals who... more
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      CriminologyInformation TechnologySocial WorkDomestic Violence
This report explores the role of financial education in a family violence context. Financial education can contribute to the protection against, and recovery from, family violence. MoneyMinded, a financial education program developed by... more
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      Financial EducationDomestic and Family Violence
Queensland has been the last Australian jurisdiction to reform its law of criminal defences to try and take account of the difficulties faced by victims of domestic abuse in satisfying the traditional elements of self-defence. Section... more
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      MurderPartial defence of provocationManslaughterSelf Defense
To date, few studies have analyzed the relationship that economic deprivation and social disorganization have with disaggregated family homicide types. This study utilized data from the FBI's Supplementary Homicide Reports from years... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyDomestic ViolenceHomicide
This article sheds light on the abuse of mothers toward their daughters and its potential influence on the violent behavior of the latter as adults. It contributes to the scarce knowledge on the effects of abuse of each parent on their... more
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      Intergenerational RelationshipsGender and DevelopmentDomestic and Family ViolenceIntergenerational Transmission of Family Violence
The current global Covid-19 pandemic has not spared Zimbabwe from the impact of domestic violence against women and girls. To curtail the spread of the covid-19 virus, the government of Zimbabwe enforced restrictions on movements causing... more
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      Disaster risk managementPsychological TherapiesPeace and Conflict TransformationPost-Conflict Reconciliation
Analyzing recent legislative and judicial developments calling on practitioners and judges to better protect domestic violence victims by seeking and issuing protection orders.
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      Domestic ViolenceFamily LawDomestic Violence (Law)Comparative Civil Procedure
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      Gender StudiesDomestic and Family Violence
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      Sociology of Crime and DevianceSociology of KnowledgeFamily ViolenceSocial Studies of Science and Technology
Preventing domestic, family and sexual violence through survivor-led media advocacy NSW Voices for Change ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF COUNTRY This report was written on the stolen and unceded lands of the Gadigal People of Eora Nation. We pay... more
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      SurvivorOnline MediaMedia Policy and AdvocacyDomestic and Family Violence
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      Informed ConsentViolence Against WomenDomestic violence/intimate partner violence, including male victimization and female perpetration.Sexual Consent
Abstract: Child Aware Approaches is a grassroots initiative that engages civil society to develop local approaches, actions and initiatives to keep children safe and well, recognising that protecting children is a shared responsibility.... more
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      Social WorkSocial PolicyChild abuse and neglectChild protection
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      Domestic ViolenceHomicide Law ReformDomestic and Family ViolenceDomestic Homicide
This article sheds light on the abuse of mothers toward their daughters and its potential influence on the violent behavior of the latter as adults. It contributes to the scarce knowledge on the effects of abuse of each parent on their... more
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      CriminologyPsychologyDomestic ViolenceViolence
Exploring the experiences of children and young people in domestic and family violence and service responses through the literature; the views of stakeholders; and the service agency context - Domestic Violence Service Management NSW
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      Children and FamiliesChildren's RightsDomestic and Family ViolenceLived Experiences
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      Family LawChild Protection Social WorkChildren's human rights especially in Family Law and Child protection systemsDomestic and Family Violence
The address delivered by me as Chief Guest at the National Conference on Empowering Men to Spearhead Change on 09.02.2015. It builds on the theme of HeforShe, with particular focus on women's safety in the Indian context.
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      Women's StudiesFeminist TheoryDomestic ViolenceWomen's Rights
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      PsychologyDomestic and Family ViolenceRoutledge
This brief report responds to the 2017 call of the UN Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women (VAW) for information on shelters and protection orders as effective ways to support victims of domestic violence. The report provides... more
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      Access to JusticeGender EqualityDomestic and Family Violence
The disease outbreak COVID-19 pandemic impacted public health and safety and the educational systems worldwide. For fear of the further spread of diseases, most educational institutions, including Bangladesh, have postponed their... more
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      MigrationDisaster ManagementGender Issues and Women EmpowermentHuman Rights, labour studies, child labour
Objectives: The study had two objectives: to examine the rates of exposure to family violence among students in a non-Western society, with Sri Lanka as a case study and to examine the psychological effects of their exposure. Method: Four... more
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      PsychologySocial WorkDomestic ViolenceCase Studies
The article presents the results of a study on the association between exposure to family violence (i.e., witnessing interparental violence and experiencing parental violence) during childhood and adolescence and adult posttraumatic... more
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      Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)Sri LankaPost traumatic stress disorderFamily Violence
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      Domestic ViolenceDomestic and Family Violence
This commissioned academic report was prepared by researchers from the University of Melbourne's School of Social and Political Sciences, for the Victorian Federation of Community Legal Centres. It sought to situate the work of... more
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      SociologyCriminal JusticeLawyersJustice
Social workers engage with domestic violence in a wide range of practice and service contexts. Despite the increasing focus on the centrality of coercive control to domestic violence, the effectiveness of the profession in protecting... more
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      Social WorkDomestic and Family ViolenceCoercive Control
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      Social WorkDomestic and Family Violence
The Women's Policy Action Tank was established to place a gender lens over policies, many of which purport to be gender-neutral, because many policies are never subject to such a specific interrogation of gender blindness and effects. In... more
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      Feminist TheoryFeminist PhilosophyViolence Against WomenFeminist activism
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      GeographyDomestic and Family Violence
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      Sri LankaFamily ViolenceUniversity StudentsDomestic and Family Violence
Helpdesk Question: What are the lessons learnt from social protection/cash transfer programmes which target women survivors of domestic/family violence? Helpdesk response Key findings: Few cash transfer programmes appear to... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesDomestic ViolencePoverty
The current global Covid-19 pandemic has not spared Zimbabwe from the impact of domestic violence against women and girls. To curtail the spread of the covid-19 virus, the government of Zimbabwe enforced restrictions on movements causing... more
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      Domestic ViolenceDisaster risk managementPsychological TherapiesPeace and Conflict Transformation
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      Political ScienceDomestic and Family Violence
Family violence can impact the health and wellbeing of victim-survivors. Nurses and other healthcare providers are well placed to respond to family violence, yet evidence shows that nurses have limited knowledge of family violence and... more
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      Family ViolenceDomestic and Family ViolenceNursing and Midwifery Education
Mandara, M., Wendt, S., McLaren, H., Jones, M., Dunk-West, P., & Seymour, K. Domestic and family violence (DFV) is a pervasive social problem that social workers often encounter in practice. Responses to DFV require specialist and... more
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      Social WorkProfessional PracticeDomestic and Family Violence
Social workers engage with domestic violence in a wide range of practice and service contexts. Despite the increasing focus on the centrality of coercive control to domestic violence, the effectiveness of the profession in protecting... more
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      Social WorkDomestic and Family ViolenceCoercive Control
Internationally, there has been a growing understanding that to prevent gender-based violence it is necessary to work with and involve men. After the promulgation of Law 11340 of 2006, which brought legal provision for interventions with... more
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      Public policiesGender ViolenceDomestic and Family ViolenceMaria da Penha Law
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      Domestic ViolenceFamily LawChild protection and family lawFamily Violence