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His main propositions are these. William the Conqueror did not commission Domesday Book. The threat of invasion and the strain on resources created by the need to billet a large mercenary army in England caused him to commission the... more
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      Anglo-Saxon Studies (History)Early Medieval HistoryDomesday BookThe Norman Conquest
A decade of studying the topography/archaeology/history/geography of the Surrey parish I grew up in has left me with a clutch of discoveries of local and supra-local significance, as well as a host of questions to be answered in the... more
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      ArchaeologyMedieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon StudiesLandscape Archaeology
Презентация доклада на 24-й международной научной конференцим студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных «Ломоносов-2017». В докладе рассматриваются историографический поиск и выделение высшего слоя нетитулованной англо-саксонской светской... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon StudiesHistoriography
Meend is a common place-name or toponym in and around the Forest of Dean. It is a name that is familiar to most people in the locality, and the majority of these could probably describe the principal characteristics of a meend. These... more
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      Cultural HistoryAnglo-Saxon StudiesLandscape ArchaeologyAgrarian Studies
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    • Domesday Book
This paper looks at the evidence of the Domesday text and 'diplomatic' to reconsider the nature of the borough entries
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      Domesday BookEnglish Medieval Towns
Examination of the formation of the honour of Richmond based upon succession to pre-conquest antecessores.
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    • Domesday Book
A defining paradox of the late Anglo-Saxon state is that its strengths made it vulnerable. This paper identifies some of these strengths and paradoxical weaknesses, and considers how these affected the course of events during three... more
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      Anglo-Norman historyDomesday BookThe Norman ConquestMedieval States
This article --edited and published in SPECULUM 93/4 (2018): 1048-1101 -- examines the oldest surviving textual artifacts associated with the inquest of William the Conqueror. Most so-called “Domesday satellites” survive only in later... more
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      Media StudiesMedieval StudiesManuscript StudiesArchives
Stephen Baxter and John Blair, ‘Land Tenure and Royal Patronage in the Early English Kingdom: a Model and a Case Study’, Anglo–Norman Studies 28 (2006), 19–46
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      Feudalism and LordshipAnglo-Norman historyDomesday BookMedieval Law
1 Richard fitzNigel, Dialogus de Scaccario, ed. and trans. by Emilie Amt, The Dialogue of the Exchequer (Oxford, 2007), pp. 96 99. ' […] after taking counsel he [King William] sent very prudent men, his own companions, on circuit... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesFeudalism and LordshipAnglo-Norman historyDomesday Book
S. Baxter, ‘1066 and Government’, in 1066 in Perspective, ed. D. Bates and E. Impey (Leeds, 2018), pp. 133−55
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      GovernmentEarly Medieval HistoryAnglo-Norman historyDomesday Book
Stephen Baxter and C. P. Lewis, ‘Comment identifier les propriétaires fonciers du Domesday Book en Angleterre et en Normandie? Le cas d’Osbern fitzOsbern’, in Penser les mondes normands médiévaux, ed. D. Bates and P. Bauduin (Caen, 2016),... more
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      Medieval HistoryAnglo-Norman historyDomesday BookMedieval Prosopography
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesFeudalism and LordshipAnglo-Norman historyDomesday Book
In Charlemagne’s Survey of the Holy Land, Michael McCormick rehabilitates and reinterprets one of the most neglected and extraordinary sources from Charlemagne’s revival of the Roman empire: the report of a fact-finding mission to the... more
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      ReligionEconomic HistoryArchaeologyMedieval Philosophy
The consensus regarding the entry for the borough of Southwark in Domesday is that it is partial and incomplete. The author demonstrates that by using strict textual analysis and forensic techniques utilising a themed grid and cross... more
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      Anglo-SaxonAnglo-Norman historyDomesday BookTudor
Woodbridge, 1979 etc.); cited by volume number and conference year ASC Anglo-Saxon Chronicle. Text edited in The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle: A Collaborative Edition, general eds D. N. Dumville and S. D. Keynes (Woodbridge, 9 vols published,... more
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      Domesday BookVikingsWessexAnglo Saxons
Stephen Baxter, ‘The Death of Burgheard son of Ælfgar and its Context’, in Frankland: The Franks and the World of Early Medieval Europe: Essays in Honour of Dame Jinty Nelson, ed. P. Fouracre and D. Ganz (Manchester University Press:... more
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      English prosopography, Domesday Book, Local administrationDomesday BookNorman ConquestMedieval Prosopography
‘Lordship and Justice in the Early English Kingdom: the Judicial Functions of Soke and Commendation Revisited’, in Early Medieval Studies in Memory of Patrick Wormald, ed. Stephen Baxter, Catherine Karkov, Janet Nelson and David Pelteret,... more
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      English legal historyAnglo-Norman historyDomesday BookMedieval Peasantry
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      CartographySpatial AnalysisGeographically-Integrated HistorySpatial Databases
This article interrogates certain historiographical trends of constructing self-sufficient models of explanation for essentially unrelated data in the primary sources. For a case study the essay spotlights the protracted examination of... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesHistoriographyViking StudiesBaronage
Worcester', and 'Wulfstan II, Bishop of Worcester and Saint', contributed by Jonathan Herold to Early Peoples of Britain and Ireland: an Encyclopedia, ed. C. A. Snyder (Oxford: Greenwood, 2008). (Note: several errors, introduced in the... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesAnglo-Saxon Studies (History)Early Medieval HistoryMercia
A long time in production, this paper examines the evidence relevant to the origins of two undated - but most probably early medieval - earthen causeways across the floodplain of the River Wey in Surrey. Although it does not reach a... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyDomesday BookMedieval roadsAnglo-Saxon charters
The issue concerning the origin of the attachment of urban tenements to rural properties shown in Domesday Book and in other sources, which has generated controversy for more than a century, is examined in a new way. The spatial... more
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      Urban GeographyMedieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon StudiesLandscape Archaeology
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval English Literature
While never the capital it is often claimed to have been, Tamworth was a major centre of royal power in Mercia throughout the Anglo-Saxon period. More’s the pity, then, that no comprehensive account of the settlement is to be found in... more
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      Domesday BookBorough
This is the author’s original version of the text.  This article has now been published in Notes & Queries (Oxford University Press, December 2015  -  doi: 10.1093/notesj/gjv156)
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      Celtic StudiesCornish StudiesAnglo-Saxon StudiesMedieval Studies
This paper offers a methodology for assessing variations in the spelling of personal names recorded in Domesday Book by evaluating their orthographic, scribal, historical and prosopographical contexts. By way of example it considers the... more
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      Medieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon StudiesMedieval StudiesOnomastics
S. Baxter, ‘The Domesday Controversy: A Review and a New Interpretation’, Haskins Society Journal 29 (2018), 22593
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      Early Medieval HistoryAnglo-Norman historyDomesday BookAnglo-Saxon England
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      Domesday BookPlace Names
Feodal sistem temelde yönetenle yönetilenler arasındaki ilişkiyi düzenleyen bir sistemin adıdır. Bu sistemin IX. yüzyılda Fransa’da, Merovenj Hanedanlığı zamanında ortaya çıktığı ve hızlı bir şekilde Kıta Avrupası’nda yayıldığı... more
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      EnglandDomesday BookWilliam the ConquerorNormandy
This comprises the text and slides of a paper presented to the SNSBI at Athenry. It offers brief discussions of various personal and place-names to illustrate the methodological problems (and some prospographical solutions) faced by... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesOnomasticsProsopographyEnglish prosopography, Domesday Book, Local administration
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      Manuscripts (Medieval Studies)William of MalmesburyAnglo-Norman historyDomesday Book
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesAnglo-Saxon Studies (History)Anglo-Norman history
Доклад на 24-й международной научной конференцим студентов, аспирантов и молодых учёных «Ломоносов-2017». В докладе рассматриваются историографический поиск и выделение высшего слоя нетитулованной англо-саксонской светской элиты накануне... more
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      HistoryMedieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon StudiesHistoriography
This comprises the text and slides of a paper presented to the 20th Symposium of the Joint Anglo-Saxon Charters Committee and is a much-shortened version of a paper that will be appearing elsewhere. It uses and illustrates a... more
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      Medieval HistoryAnglo-Saxon StudiesAnglo-Saxon Studies (History)Prosopography
Finds distributions plotted over landscapes and continents, once the mainstay of archaeological cultural mapping, went into a lengthy period of decline when it was realised that many were artefacts of modern recovery rather than patterns... more
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      Iron Age Britain (Archaeology)Iron AgePortable Antiquities SchemeDomesday Book
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      Anglo-Norman historyDomesday Book
The boundary clauses of two Anglo-Saxon charters granting land in South Devon are re-evaluated and linked to the distribution of selected place-name elements. Using data from Domesday Book, the pattern of pre-Conquest estates is outlined... more
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      Anglo-Saxon Studies (History)Domesday BookPlace Names
The introductory pages of a history of the village of Christleton, near Chester, Cheshire, published in celebration of the year 2000. In this section, the village's Roman, 'Dark Age' and Anglo-Saxon evidence and Domesday records are... more
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      Anglo-Saxon StudiesRoman BritainRoman military archaeologyRoman Trade Networks
ABSTRACT An examination of the division of estates between bishops and cathedral clergy as evidenced in Domesday Book
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      Anglo-Norman historyDomesday Book
Domesday Book is the collective name attached to two different bodies of text. Colloquially known as "Great" and "Little" Domesday, they represent successive documentary phases of the inquest undertaken by agents of William the Conqueror... more
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      Media StudiesMedieval StudiesManuscript StudiesArchives
Exeter Cathedral possesses one of the most important manuscripts from medieval England: Exon Domesday was almost certainly presented to William 'the Conqueror' at a meeting of his barons at Old Sarum on 1 August 1086. Its core is the... more
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      Local HistoryManuscripts (Medieval Studies)English prosopography, Domesday Book, Local administrationDomesday Book
The paper proposes that Buckfast Abbey was much larger before 1066 than the estate recorded in Domesday Book and offers evidence to support the proposal
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      Domesday BookAnglo-Saxon chartersPlace Names
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      Historical GISAnglo-Norman historyDomesday BookSpatial History
Project co-ordinator Professor John Palmer, University of Hull
Co-authors Dr. Frank and Mrs. Caroline Thorn
For full abstract please see the following link to UK Data Service:
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesAnglo-Norman historyDomesday Book
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      Domesday BookDomesday Studies
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      HistoryGender StudiesAnglo-Saxon StudiesMedieval Archaeology
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    • Domesday Book
... 1850–1950: by Iván Molina and Steven Palmer ..... 169 R EVIEW A RTICLE : M AC D OMESDAY B OOK : by Robin Fleming and Andrew Lowerre ..... 209 Published by Oxford University Press for the Past and Present Society Page 2. ...
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      Medieval HistoryDomesday BookGeographic Information Systems (GIS)