Domain Analysis

2,137 papers
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Domain Analysis is a research methodology focused on the systematic study of a specific domain to identify its structure, components, and relationships. It aims to understand the domain's characteristics and requirements, facilitating the development of domain-specific solutions and enhancing knowledge representation within that domain.
Traditionally, musical instrument recognition is mainly based on frequency domain analysis (sinusoidal analysis, cepstral coefficients) and shape analysis to extract a set of various features. Instruments are usually classified using k-NN... more
Since the first works involving software reuse, domain engineering is considered a key process to develop reusable and flexible software. However, the results have shown that there is still much to do before the vision of domain... more
by J So
ABSTRACT An efficient approach to speed up the spectral domain analysis for the general case of shielded microstrip has been presented. It uses asymptotic expansion for the Bessel's function and the Green's function which... more
Humans have remarkable perceptual capabilities that tend to be underestimated in current visualisation designs . Often, this is due to the fact that designers do not analyse who the users are, what tasks they want to perform using the... more
This article reports the results of research into software project management. the main contribution of this research is a software project management framework that consists of a static structure, shown in an entity-relationship diagram,... more
งานวิจัยนี้เป็นการสังเคราะห์งานวิจัย มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อสร้างข้อสรุปจากการสังเคราะห์งานวิจัยเกี่ยวกับจิตวิญญาณความเป็นครู กำหนดเกณฑ์การคัดเลือกงานวิจัย คือ เป็นงานวิจัยที่ตีพิมพ์ในฐานข้อมูล Thai Journal Online (Thaijo)... more
The purposes of this paper are to outline seven types of qualitative data analysis techniques, to present step-by-step guidance for conducting these analyses via a computer-assisted qualitative data analysis software program (i.e.,... more
The phenomenon of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS), Building Related Illness (BRI) and some other indoor related diseases have been attributed to mould and fungi exposure in the indoor environment. Despite the growing concern over mould and... more
Common Operational Picture and in consequence Situation Awareness, had been second class issue treated as a result of decision support procedures. This work concentrates mainly on developing methods for integrating battlefield data using... more
งานวิจัยนี้เป็นงานวิจัยเชิงคุณภาพ มีวัตถุประสงค์เพื่อสร้างข้อสรุปจากการสังเคราะห์งานวิจัยเกี่ยวกับจิตวิญญาณความเป็นครู กำหนดเกณฑ์การคัดเลือกงานวิจัย คือ เป็นงานวิจัยที่ตีพิมพ์ในฐานข้อมูล Thai Journal Online (Thaijo)... more
Overview of diglossia and societal bilingualism, including a short critical analysis of queer linguistics that argues for dis-invention of languages. To appear in: Darquennes, J., Salmons, J., and Vandenbussche, W. (Eds.) (2018). Language... more
What kind of knowledge is needed by information specialists working in a specific subject field like medicine, sociology or music? What approaches have been used in information science to produce kinds of domain-specific knowledge? This... more
This paper discusses the main issues encountered in the design of a domain ontology to represent ancient literary texts that survive only in fragments, i.e. through quotations embedded in other texts. The design approach presented in the... more
Toko Online atau umum dikenal sebagai e-commerce (Electronic Commerce) adalah tipe industri dimana penjualan dan pembelian produk atau layanan dilakukan secara sistem elektronik seperti internet atau jaringan komputer lainnya. Dengan kata... more
One of the most important steps in the qualitative research process is analysis of data. The purpose of this article is to provide elements for understanding multiple types of qualitative data analysis techniques available and the... more
Domain-specific languages (DSLs) are languages tailored to a specific application domain. They offer substantial gains in expressiveness and ease of use compared with general-purpose programming languages in their domain of application.... more
Information Science and Archival Studies do not yet have a relevant theoretical production on the classification and organization of documentation originating from cinematographic production. This exploratory research aims to understand... more
Language choice and use maintain that speakers select a particular language in relation to a particular context and purpose. Based on Fishman’s (1972) domain analysis theory, this study investigates the language use and perception of... more
This paper discusses the excitation and physical validity of both surface-wave and space-wave leaky modes on microstrip lines. This is done by analyzing the discrete modal spectrum excited by a realistic source on or near an infinite... more
This paper discusses the analysis of voltage disturbance recordings in the time-frequency domain and in the time-scale domain. The discrete Short-Time Fourier Transform (STFT) is used for the time-frequency domain; dyadic and binary-tree... more
The design and implementation of a portable meeting recorder is presented. Composed of an omni-directional video camera with four-channel audio capture, the system saves a view of all the activity in a meeting and the directions from... more
This article explores the domain of odors and olfaction on the island of Bohol, The Philippines. It recounts how my research interests were drawn to this domain by local preoccupations with smell as an aspect of everyday sociality,... more
In this article, the authors explore the use of graph layout algorithms for visualizing proximity matrices such as those obtained in cultural domain analysis. Traditionally, multidimensional scaling has been used for this ...
RESUMO Introdução: Partindo de uma análise de domínio, o presente artigo busca iniciar a caracterização do estado da arte da Arquivologia no âmbito da Organização do Conhecimento (OC). Objetivos: Identificar as temáticas arquivísticas nas... more
Cylindrical waves, expressed as the product of a Hankel function of integer order times a sinusoidal angular factor, are often employed in the solution of two-dimensional scattering problems. In this paper, a general closed-form... more
Being part of domain engineering, domain analysis enables identifying domains and capturing their ontologies in order to assist and guide system developers to design domain-specific applications. Domain analysis should consider... more
Information retrieval is a long established subfield of library and information science. Since its inception in the early-to mid -1950s, it has grown as a result, in part, of well-regarded retrieval system evaluation exercises/campaigns,... more
Abstract. The complexity of software domains–such as the financial industry, television and radio broadcasting, hospital management and rental business–is steadily increasing and knowledge management of businesses is becoming more... more
Consumption and/or domestic activities in the private domain are much studied subjects. In the field of home economics and related fields of study, the household is the main unit of analysis. This paper focuses on how the household is... more
by Michael Jump and 
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Airline transport operations can be carried out in a wide range of visual and instrument meteorological conditions. For all but the most limiting of degraded visibility situations, however, the pilot can choose to land the aircraft... more
Pair programming requires two programmers working together at one computer. However, the trend toward globally distributed organizations makes long-distance collaboration necessary. Sangam is an Eclipse plug-in for Eclipse users to share... more
There were no significant differences between CIND progressors and non-progressors in baseline total DAD or FRS scores. FRS domain analysis revealed that greater impairment in social/occupational functioning significantly predicted... more
From the theoretical and methodological assumptions of Domain Analysis in the field of Knowledge Organization, this paper presents the descriptive analysis of the Mining domain in Brazil and, from its regulatory agency, the National... more
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Domain Analysis says that activity occurring before system analysis provides domain model. Domain model is input to the system analysis to the designer‘s tasks. Domain analysis is the procedure of identifying, organizing, analyzing, and... more
Accurate analysis of link performance including deterministic and random effects as well as advanced signal conditioning schemes is crucial in modern high-speed I/O design. In recent years, statistical link performance tools such as... more
Feature trees are a well-established instrument for domain analysis and modeling. But for highly complex product families like a vehicle manufacturer's product range comprising well-above a thousand technical features - they become very... more
Public administrations all over the world promote ambitious and costly e-government programmes. The required domain analysis is usually conducted on a local and ad hoc basis, due to a lack of commonly accepted domain models -in literature... more
In this paper, we present an exact analysis for thirdorder charge-pump phase-locked loops using state equations. Both the large-signal lock acquisition process and the small-signal linear tracking behavior are described using this... more
Nowadays, companies need to improve their competitiveness. Thus, they seek systematic ways of adopting software reuse, and domain analysis is one possibility to reach it. However, it involves the management and analysis of a large set of... more
Broadband time-resolved microscopy was used in order to extend spatial frequency domain analysis of the V(z)-technique from a single frequency to the bandwidth of the transducer. With a special frequency dependent SAW speed imaging mode... more
Performance analysis of equal-gain combining (EGC) diversity systems is notoriously difficult only more so given that the closed-form probability density function (pdf) of the EGC output is only available for dual-diversity combining in... more
Product line software engineering (PLSE) is an emerging software engineering paradigm, which guides organizations toward the development of products from core assets rather than the development of products one by one from scratch. In... more
A numerical technique, which combines FEM analysis of electrode area with matrix formalism applied to spectral domain analysis (SDA) of eigen modes in multi-layered substrate and multi-layered dielectric upper half-space, is described as... more
The scale function in wavelet transformation (WT) determines wavelet dilation and optimises the processing of a given signal. Here, the objective was to determine the influence of the scale function on the WT of 160 surface... more