Increasing access to data and computational resources allows use to use more expressive approaches to data analysis. We propose using established statistical metrics to assist the automatic analysis of free text transcripts. The... more
This papers describes a tool integration approach for the airplane design, using public domain software. The developed architecture, the applied tools and applications are shown to demonstrate the power of this approach for engineering... more
This paper is an experience report that illustrates the applicability of a viewpoint-based design method for the Web-based education (WBE) domain. The method is a new approach for domain analysis that generates an object-oriented... more
FODAcom is a customization of the FODA domain analysis method for the Italian telecommunications authority, for application within its IT2000 restructuring program. This paper describes recent experience gained in the application of the... more
. His research and teaching interests are epistemology of knowledge organiziation, knowledge organization ethics, archival knowledge organziation, and domain analysis.
Proyecto académico sin fines de lucro, desarrollado bajo la iniciativa de acceso abierto Approach to the anlysis of Hygiene and Epidemiological domain in Cuba through the scientific production of a specialized journal With the objective... more
The Sup35p protein of Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an essential translation factor whose prion-like properties give rise to the non-Mendelian genetic element [PSI(+)]. In this study the SUP35 gene from the related yeast species Candida... more
The nonlinear dynamic responses of moored crane vessels to regular waves are investigated experimentally and theoretically. The main subject of interest are nonlinear phenomena like bifurcations and the existence of multiple attractors.... more
Bridge Weigh-In-Motion (B-WIM) is a process by which the axle and gross vehicle weights of vehicles travelling at highway speeds can be determined from instrumented bridges. The traditional method of attaching strain transducers to the... more
We describe a new verification and validation (V&V) approach based on comparing actual system behavior in the form of captured goalannotated event traces, with expected behavior expressed by requirements scenarios with system requirements... more
In our previous publication , we demonstrated the ability to generate the proper mix of jitter on ATE to enable the jitter tolerance test for 1.5/3Gbps SATA applications. Obviously this is NOT the only challenge for performing this test... more
This paper presents a method for structuring the work domain of the anesthesiologist in the operating room, using Rasmussen's (1986) approach for work domain analysis. The goal of this research is to provide an integrated approach for... more
The purpose of this note is to clarify the theoretical relationship between work domain analysis and task analysis, two classes of techniques that have been used by cognitive engineers to identify information requirements for systems... more
We present new results both from numerical simulations using the Swift-Hohenberg model and from experiment for domain chaos near the onset of rotating Rayleigh-Bénard convection. Using both global Fourier analysis and local wave director... more
Three species of Campylobacter are recognized as enteropathogens in children under five years of age and in immunocompromised patients. Several groups have tried to classify them using biochemical profiles and have found six different... more
Say the phrase "Charlie bit my finger," and just about every human being with Internet access visualizes the viral video clip of baby Charlie precociously biting the finger of his brother. With almost 200 million views, this video... more
CARDS (Central Archive for Reusable Defense Software) exploits advances in domain analysis and domain modeling to identify, specify, develop, archive, retrieve, understand and reuse domain-specific software components. An important... more
Thailand’s globalized society today is dependent on capitalism in driving the economy of the country. Too much dependence on such a system causes an imbalance between material progress and the mental well-being of the people. People have... more
This paper aims at describing the requirements of an off-highway human-machine system able to recognize potential risky situations and consequently prevent them. The developed methodology is based on two techniques derived from the field... more
Dissertação apresentada ao Curso de Mestrado em Ciência da Informação do Instituto Brasileiro de Informação em Ciência e Tecnologia-IBICT-do Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico-CNPq-em convênio com a Escola de... more
In this paper, the hybrid-mode spectral domain approach is generalized to describe the dispersion properties of coupled microwave circuits with any arbitrary metallization thickness and finite conductivity in multilayer configuration. The... more
Reuse-oriented software methodologies have emerged to provide a set of rules or guides for development and evolution of software systems by reusing existing domain engineering artefacts such as requirements, architecture, components, test... more
The quality of this reproduction is dependent upon the quality of the copy submitted. Broken or indistinct print, colored or poor quality illustrations and photographs, print bleed-through, substandard margins, and improper alignment can... more
This The activity of detecting and documenting the similarities and differences in related software products in domain is called as domain analysis. For efficient detection and utilization of commonality across related software systems,... more
ProtoMol is a high-performance framework in C++ for rapid prototyping of novel algorithms for molecular dynamics and related applications. Its flexibility is achieved primarily through the use of inheritance and design patterns... more
Pair programming requires two programmers working together at one computer. However, the trend toward globally distributed organizations makes long-distance collaboration necessary. Sangam is an Eclipse plug-in for Eclipse users to share... more
Proceedings This volume contains the original articles presented at the International Workshop on
Domain Engineering is relevant to various fields in software and systems development, such as conceptual modeling, software product line engineering, domain-specific languages engineering, and so on. It deals with identifying, modeling,... more
The ideas and findings in this report should not be construed as an official DoD position. It is published in the interest of scientific and technical information exchange.
In the railway field, graphical representations of domain concepts are omnipresent thanks to their ability to share standardized information with common knowledge about several railway mechanisms: track circuits, signalling rules.. . This... more
Common objectives of software reengineering are to improve program maintainability, to port programs into new platforms or to support new functions. To meet reengineering objectives, sometimes it is necessary to substantially re-deign... more
The field of shared virtual environments, which also encompasses online games and social 3D environments, has a system landscape consisting of multiple solutions that share great functional overlap. However, there is little system... more
The field of shared virtual environments, which also encompasses online games and social 3D environments, has a system landscape consisting of multiple solutions that share great functional overlap. However, there is little system... more
A numerical technique, which combines FEM analysis of electrode area with matrix formalism applied to spectral domain analysis (SDA) of eigen modes in multi-layered substrate and multi-layered dielectric upper half-space, is described as... more
We describe how prototype systems can be efficiently created from agent-oriented domain and design models. We first propose a conceptual space that accommodates model transformations described by the Model-Driven Architecture. We then... more
Ontology is specification of shared conceptualization and is building block of the semantic Web. Ontology building requires a detailed domain analysis that in turn requires financial resources, intensive domain knowledge and time. Most of... more
Ab s t r a c t. The subject matter of this paper is a research of issues related to the variability management at the stage of domain analysis (DA) in the full life cycle (FLC) of software products line (SPL). The main goal of this... more
By paying more attention to semantics-based tool generation, programming language semantics can significantly increase its impact. Ultimately, this may lead to "Language Design Assistants" incorporating substantial amounts of semantic... more
Programming languages drive most if not all of modern problem-solving using computational methods and power. Research into new programming languages and methods is essential to the furthering or improvement of computational... more
Software Reuse by frameworks attempts to capture, document and specify the architectural design experiences in form of a semi-code. It seems that high level reuse by design patterns and frameworks are more promising than other reuse... more
When the Ptolemies founded the Library at Alexandria in the third century BC, one of the first needs was to collect and arrange all the books in the inhabited world.1 In spite of contradictory figures mentioned by ancient authors about... more
Despite the great progress made in the evaluation of the 4-D reaction integrals arising in the method of moments applied to the surface integral equation formulations, there are still some aspects that deserve to be explored further. The... more
Developing Software Product Lines (SPLs) is a paradigm oriented to reusing software within particular domains. Key aspects within this paradigm are the inherent particularities of these domains and the techniques applied to systematize... more
The definition of Good Experimental Methodologies (GEMs) in robotics is a topic of widespread interest due also to the increasing employment of robots in everyday civilian life. The present work contributes to the ongoing discussion on... more