Documentary Studies

27 papers
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Documentary Studies is an interdisciplinary field that examines the production, analysis, and impact of documentary media, including film, photography, and literature. It explores the ways in which documentaries represent reality, convey narratives, and influence public perception, while also considering ethical implications and the role of the audience in interpreting these works.
In this paper, we explore three conceptions of religious reading (informative, formative, and transformative) to illustrate the diversity of information use in religious contexts. “Informative” refers to contexts of discovery, “formative”... more
L'immeuble qui occupe le numéro 1 de la rue de la Madeleine à Nîmes s'est formé en plusieurs étapes entre le Moyen Âge et l'époque contemporaine. Sa façade principale, sur rue, est bien connue pour ses décors sculptés figuratifs et... more
Sur les bases des découvertes archéologiques et de nouvelles analyses architecturales, Jean-Sylvain Caillou, Dominic Hofbauer et Eric Johannot esquissent une reconstitution du projet originel pour le château de Chambord, projet qui fut... more
This article analyzes Francesco Taboada’s 13 pueblos en defensa del agua, el aire y la tierra documentary (2008) from the perspective of the “coloniality of power.” This concept, in accordance with Walter Mignolo, refers to the... more
Стаття присвячена аналізу взаємозв'язку між глобалізацією і універсалізацією комунікативних норм і принципів, представленого, насамперед, в етосі науки. У статті зазначено, що практика кодифікації етичних і комунікативних регулятивів... more
Séminaire organisé par l'Institut national de recherches archéologiques préventives (Inrap), en partenariat avec le Service archéologique de la Ville de Lyon (SAVL) et les Archives municipales de Lyon. Lieu du séminaire Archives... more
L'immeuble qui occupe le numéro 1 de la rue de la Madeleine à Nîmes s'est formé en plusieurs étapes entre le Moyen Âge et l'époque contemporaine. Sa façade principale, sur rue, est bien connue pour ses décors sculptés figuratifs et... more
Висвітлено історію розробки концепцій архівної, рукописної та бібліографічної україніки в 90-х роках ХХ ст. Розкрито основні положення, спрямовані на збирання, зберігання, надання інтелектуального доступу до національної архівної,... more
En préalable des travaux destinés à aménager la place du Château et créer un parking, un diagnostic a été effectué afin d'évaluer le potentiel archéologique de cette zone, nommée sur le cadastre napoléonien « Le Château ».
The article aims to present some generalizations on Ukrainian Translation Studies in the Prešov region of Slovakia and introduce the readers with the most prominent figures representing it. The subject of research is the contribution of... more
We present here considerations of three trans-medial translations that have caused dis-ease. We look at novel to film, poem to cantata, and novel to film to television series translations to examine various strains of dis-ease. Upon early... more
Il mito e ben noto: il Settecento avrebbe visto nascere edifici destinati al piacere di una classe sociale fortunata e spesso oziosa, piccole case dall’aspetto dimesso adatte a discreti appuntamenti galanti, padiglioni isolati dotati di... more
Travis Wilkerson's experimental documentary, An Injury to One (2002), about the Anaconda Mining Company of Butte, MT, and its orchestration of the 1917 murder of Frank Little, a Wobblie organizer, has been well-received by film critics.... more
© Société Archéologique et Historique de Nantes et de Loire-Atlantique, 2019.
An archaeological analysis has been made of the sector formerly occupied by the bailey or forecourt of the first dwelling of Louis XIII at Versailles. In 1624 a medieval road was filled in to make way for the enceinte of the royal... more
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India Retold: Dialogues with Independent Documentary Filmmakers in India is an attempt to situate and historicize the engagement of independent documentary filmmakers with the postcolonial India and its discourses with a focus on their... more
This chapter describes the reanimation of the Camino de Santiago pilgrimage as a "postsecular sanctuary"—a place where religious and axiological pluralism is practiced in everyday life. As such, the Camino pilgrimage is playing an... more
Дисертація присвячена комплексному дослідженню документного потоку перекладів українською та з української мови за період 1991-2013 рр., а також процесів міжкультурної комунікації, які відображає його структура. У роботі здійснюється... more
Mindanao is the Philippine's second largest island in the south. Identifying Mindanao-based documentaries that have development themes remain unknown or unacknowledged. Using Phenomenology as theoretical framework and method, as a result,... more
The dominant view of time sees time as homogeneous and one-directional. But this does not adequately characterize the human experience of time: Some hours feel longer than others, for instance, and we may forget what day it is. Moreover,... more
This study uses interpretative phenomenological analysis, a qualitative interview methodology, to examine the information experience of Catholic readers of the Bible. It presents a detailed, individual-focused account of how Catholics... more
Sur le point le plus élevé du massif des Baux-de-Provence, les vestiges d’un château médiéval subsistent depuis le XVIIe siècle. Situé au nord-est du village-même, ce château-fort témoigne de l’histoire régionale provençale et du passé de... more
This essay explores the philosophy of time and documents. It first presents a number of theories of time and discusses how time has been applied in research on documents to date. These applications have been limited by their... more
This paper argues for a reconsideration of the balance of power in theorizations of documentary ethics through discourses on intersubjective experience in disability studies, primarily analyzing the first film by director Hara Kazuo,... more
This paper argues for a reconsideration of the balance of power in theorizations of documentary ethics through discourses on intersubjective experience in disability studies, primarily analyzing the first film by director Hara Kazuo,... more
This article explores the role of found footage in (auto)biographical documentaries, by means of a theoretical and historical analysis of two different case studies: THE MAELSTROM (Péter Forgács, 1997) and GRIZZLY MAN (Werner Herzog,... more