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      African StudiesWomen's StudiesPhotographyFeminism
"Andreas Philippopoulos-Mihalopoulos opens the book with his latest contribution to his comprehensive project of re-theorising spatial justice with a piece titled ‘Spatial Justice in a World of Violence’. Through a close reading of the... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCultural GeographyVisual Studies
(de) (en)
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      PhotographyCitizen JournalismPhotojournalismImage Analysis
VI Coloquio de la Red Europea de Investigaciones sobre Centroamérica (RedISCA) “Mas allá del estrecho dudoso – intercambios y miradas sobre Centroamérica” Universidad de Barcelona Resumen de la conferencia titulada: Coordinadas de lo... more
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      Mexican StudiesCentral America and MexicoDocumentary PhotographyPhotography (Visual Studies)
This is a collaborative work with my colleague at the Department of Communications UII, Muzayin Nazaruddin, and other colleagues outside the academia. This book was published as a lesson learnt and a theoretical reflection of a one-year... more
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      Participatory MediaCommunity DevelopmentDocumentary PhotographyDocumentary Film
On the occasion of the 2020 exhibition "LIFE Magazine and the Power of Photography," this essay reevaluates longstanding myths about "the photo essay at life" while tracing how and by whom the magazine's varied photo features were... more
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      American HistoryPrint CultureDocumentary PhotographyHistory of photography
En este trabajo abordo el tema de la representación del ciego y la ceguera en el trabajo documental de Marco Antonio Cruz, fotógrafo mexicano que trabajó el tema durante 17 años, tras los cuales logró formar un impresionante archivo de... more
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      Documentary PhotographyRepresentationEstéticaHistoria de la fotografía
Bulletin Description: More than any other tradition of image-making, documentaries are invested in notions of truth, authenticity and objectivity. To what do they owe their capacity of persuasiveness? This course will introduce students... more
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      Documentary PhotographyDocumentary FilmDocumentary
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      Cultural StudiesCultural GeographyPerforming ArtsTheatre Studies
Book review. Christopher Pinney monographs "Photography and Anthropology". (Full text of review in Polish).
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      AnthropologyVisual StudiesVisual AnthropologyPhotography
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      Art HistoryPhotographyViolenceContemporary Art
Catalogue for the exhibition Stepping into the Land of Dreams Journey, with camera. Soviet journalist Nikolay Drachinsky in Sudan, 1957 Curators: Alla Vakhromeeva; Irina Chmyreva, PhD. Exhibition organizers: Russian Cultural Center... more
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      PhotographyDocumentary PhotographyRussian & Soviet ArtCulture in the Soviet Union
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      Environmental SustainabilityDocumentary PhotographyDowntown Revitalization
Volumen que recoge una selección de imágenes del Archivo Fotográfico Municipal de Enguera. El libro está estructurado en cinco capítulos. Los cuatro primeros ilustran etapas de la vida: infancia, juventud, madurez y hacerse mayor, con... more
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      HistoryCultural StudiesAnthropologyPhotography
In this study, 190 species of butterflies of 7 families are recorded from Iğdır Province (North East Turkey). Totally 7 species in 5 families are recorded in the province for the first time. These are: Papilio alexanor (Papilionidae),... more
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      TurkeyDocumentary PhotographyButterflies
The article deals with history of Paul-Émile Miot and his photographies of the city of Veracruz. First, I briefly elaborate on the beginnings of documentary photography and try to establish when Miot started to photograph. Then, I discuss... more
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      Documentary PhotographyFrench Intervention in MexicoVeracruz
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      Landscape PhotographyDocumentary PhotographyHistory and Theory of Photography
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      PhotographyHuman RightsVisual CultureDocumentary Photography
My most read paper -- fully illustrated. Our modern sense of time was radically changed with the invention of photography. The past could now be visualized and frozen in fine detail. Moreover the photograph was an objective accurate... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyVisual StudiesArt HistoryArt Theory
The 5th International Conference ON THE SURFACE: Photography on Architecture - Visual Spaces of Change: Unveiling the Publicness of Urban Space through Photography and Image, which took place on the 31st of May 2019 on occasion of MAAT’s... more
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Article about CISLANDERUS' first photo exhibition at Columbus Museum (Casa de Colón), Gran Canaria, Canary Islands. The first cultural project about the Canarian descendants in the US. A four-year long research project.
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      PhotographyImmigrationMigration StudiesDocumentary Photography
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      PhotographyAfghanistanDocumentary PhotographyPashtuns (Anthropology)
This is a study guide for using the Crossing the BLVD book as a text in courses on documentary art, immigration, refugee/asylum issues including law and policy, race ethnicity and the changing face of America, photography and visual art,... more
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      Gender StudiesJournalismInternational LawImmigration
The chapter as a whole illustrates some of the possibilities and problems currently haunting the area of Jewish participation in the making and the history of feminist art in the United States.The signficance that gender, class,... more
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      Contemporary ArtDocumentary (Film Studies)Video ArtPhotography Theory
The origins of modern photojournalism in Germany, during the yeas 1925-1933, is the central object of this dissertation. Checking popular illustrated magazines, such as Berlliner Illustrirte Zeitung, and their contemporary critics, one... more
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Im England des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts etabliert sich nicht nur der Gebrauch des Wortes »Slum«, sondern auch ein populärer Diskurs, der den Slum als »Anderes« der westlichen Zivilisation dar-stellte; eine dystopische Sichtweise auf den... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesDigital MediaDocumentary PhotographySlums Studies
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      PhotographyNeoliberalismDocumentary PhotographyEnvironmental Racism
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      Social MovementsDocumentary PhotographyAlter-globalizationMay 1968
Artículo sobre el fotógrafo catalán Francesc Català-Roca.
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      Documentary PhotographyHistory of photographyHistoria del ArteHistoria de la fotografía
Per andare dalla costa tirrenica a quella adriatica, nell'estremo Sud della penisola, si può prendere solo una strada statale vecchia e scassata, la Jonica. Geo l'ha percorsa documentando chilometro per chilometro. Questa la storia di... more
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      Social SciencesArchitecturePhotographyDocumentary Photography
Статья по результатам доклада, прочитанного на Международной конференции «Актуальные исследования в области фотографии», Государственный Эрмитаж, Санкт-Петербург, 18-21 ноября, 2014 г. Принято считать, что в 1960–1970-е годы произошло... more
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      PhotographyDocumentary PhotographyHistory of photographyCulture in the Soviet Union
Resumen: Experiencia Centelles es un itinerario por los escenarios de las fotografías de Agustí Centelles i Ossó (1909-1985) realizadas en Barcelona, el primer día de la Guerra Civil Española. Una detallada y rigurosa investigación previa... more
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      PhotographyPhotojournalismContemporary ArchaeologyDocumentary Photography
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      American Civil WarDocumentary PhotographyHistory of photographyPhotography (Visual Studies)
Abstract. A new optical security application of an old color photographic technique (Lippmann photography, invented in 1891) is presented. Today, this type of photography can be applied as a unique security device on security documents,... more
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      Documentary PhotographyHistory of Color Photography
Narrative Unmoored: Photography, Orientalism, and Geopolitics in Roberto Arlt's "La cadena del ancla" This essay offers a reading of "La cadena del ancla," a short story that Roberto Arlt wrote as a journalist while on assignment in... more
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      Cultural HistoryLatin American StudiesTravel WritingPhotography
To celebrate 125 years of the National Geographic magazine excellence in photography and environmental storytelling, the Annenberg Space for Photography is curating what promises to be one of the largest multimedia exhibitions of its kind... more
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      American StudiesPhotographyEnvironmental StudiesDocumentary Photography
Na Fortaleza de Maputo foi apresentada a exposição World Press Photo 2009. Como exposição tem alguns contras, tradicionais nesta iniciativa anual. Os critérios de selecção temática, e assim sendo também de premiação, têm algo a ver com um... more
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      PhotographyNature PhotographyDocumentary PhotographyFotográfia
Un resoconto dalla partecipazione all’incontro in Auditorium Santa Margherita il 29 gennaio 2014 e l'incontro in Conferenza Stampa del 31 gennaio 2014 in occasione della mostra "GENESI. Fotografie di Sebastião Salgado" presso la Casa ai... more
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      PhotojournalismDocumentary PhotographySebastião Salgado
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      Visual CultureImmigrationDocumentary PhotographySelf Representation
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      PhotographyDocumentary Photography
Some of the most powerful historical representations of streets and the people traversing them have been those served up by photographers. From photography’s very beginning, as new camera technologies transformed lively public... more
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      PhotographyDocumentary PhotographyStreet Photography
Spanning five central decades of the mid-twentieth century (1934–1974), Walkabout was one of Australia’s best-loved illustrated weeklies. Photography played a crucial role in the magazine’s attempt to represent the vast Australian... more
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      Labour historyPopulismDocumentary PhotographyHistory of photography
Keoladeo Ghana or Bharatpur Bird sanctuary is a rare window to nature for all.
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      PhotographyDocumentary PhotographyBirdsHabitat, Ecology and Human Aspect for the Conservation of birds
Este trabalho olha American Photographs à luz, simultaneamente, de uma visão da fotografia como instrumento de verdade e objetividade e como denúncia dessa ideia. Explora a forma como Evans consegue, ao mesmo tempo, trabalhar dentro dessa... more
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      Photography TheoryDocumentary PhotographyHistory and Theory of Photography
Il cammino del coraggioso inserimento dei disabili a scuola nel nostro Paese è stato promosso dalla legge 517 del 1977 che, a 40 anni dalla sua emanazione, rimane il caposaldo dell’attuale modello di inclusione scolastica. È quella legge,... more
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      History of EducationDocumentary PhotographyHistory of photographyStoria dell'educazione
Zhuang, Wubin. “Post Doi Moi Photography in Saigon: Nguyen Xuan Khanh and Bui Xuan Huy.” Asian Art, November 2010, 6-8. * In this article, I trace the revival of individual attempts at experimenting with photography in post-Doi Moi... more
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      Art HistorySoutheast Asian StudiesArtArt Theory
Incontro di studio:

Dal dagherrotipo all'avvento della fotografia digitale

AQUILEIA, 28-29 aprile 2016
Sala Consiliare - Municipio di Aquileia
Piazza Garibaldi, 7
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      PhotographyDocumentary PhotographyArcheologiaFotografia
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      HaitiThailandDocumentary PhotographyIndia
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      Japanese StudiesPhotographyJapanese Language And CultureHistory of Japan