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La documentación lingüística lleva más de un siglo de existencia y tiene una antigua tradición de series monográficas y revistas que fueron locales para la publicación de textos, diccionarios, gramáticas, vocabularios, entre otros. En la... more
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      Documentary LinguisticsActivismLanguage UseGlotopolítica
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      Documentary LinguisticsYugoslavia Wars 1990sSrebrenica genocide
Traditional Tiwi is a language isolate within the Australian language group, traditionally spoken on the Tiwi Islands, north of Darwin. This language exhibits the most complex verb structure of any Australian language. Altogether there... more
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      Australian Indigenous languagesLanguage DocumentationDocumentary LinguisticsMorphology (Languages And Linguistics)
This dissertation describes two related phenomena in the syntax and semantics of K’ichee’ (Mayan), concentrating on the variety spoken in and around Nahualá. The first phenomenon is focus, the special discourse status granted to... more
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      Information StructureDocumentary LinguisticsK'iche'an Mayan Languages and CulturesMayan Studies
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      SociolinguisticsEndangered LanguagesDigital ArchivesDocumentary Linguistics
It is sometimes argued that the language of certain indigenous communities in North America and Australia is no longer the ancestral language, but ‘Indian English’ or ‘Eskimo English’ or ‘Aboriginal English.’ But are these stable,... more
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      SociolinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologyLanguage DocumentationEndangered Languages
In the last fifteen years, we have seen the emergence of a branch of linguistics which has come to be called Documentary Linguistics. It is concerned with the making and keeping of records of the world’s languages and their patterns of... more
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      Language DocumentationEndangered LanguagesDocumentary LinguisticsEndangered languages/cultures
This dissertation is a description of aspects of the phonetics, phonology and morphology of Teotepec Chatino (ISO 639-3 identifier: cya; here abbreviated as TEO), an indigenous language spoken by approximately 3800 people in the Sierra... more
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      TonesDocumentary LinguisticsTone systemsDescriptive Linguistics
En co-autoría con José Luis González Compéan. Este libro presenta una estrategia colaborativa para el desarrollo de proyectos de auto documentación de lingüística desde el punto de vista de las comunidades. La metodología reúne a... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsSocial and Cultural AnthropologyLanguage DocumentationIndigenous Peoples
Many scholars believe film pioneer John Grierson "coined the term" documentary when he first used it in a film review for the New York Sun in 1926. This paper provides documentary evidence that another film pioneer - namely, Charles Urban... more
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      Film StudiesDocumentary (Film Studies)Film HistoryCinema
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      Documentary (Film Studies)Documentary PhotographyDocumentary FilmDocumentary Linguistics
This paper examines the endeavour to identify fundamental characteristics of all documentary work regardless of the form it takes. Each chapter of this paper describes a different step in the evolution of research project to documentary... more
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      Art TheoryDocumentary (Communication)Animated DocumentaryDocumentary (Film Studies)
The Genius of Mocho’ (Mayan): Morphosyntactic Alignment and its Interaction with Grammatical Aspect and Information Structure Jaime Pérez González, Ph.D The University of Texas at Austin, 2021 Supervisor: Nora C. England This... more
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      MorphosyntaxMorphologyDocumentary Linguistics
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      Language DocumentationEndangered LanguagesLinguisticsDocumentary Linguistics
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      Languages and LinguisticsHistorical LinguisticsSemanticsIndigenous Languages
Material de clase o diario de aprendizaje que actualizo cada cierto tiempo. En el capítulo 1, delimito qué se entiende por arte verbal mientras explico por qué este término en particular tiene mayores beneficios analíticos que, por... more
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      FolkloreAmazoniaVersificationDocumentary Linguistics
This study reexamines colour expressions and "basic colour terms" in Ẹdo language. It analyzes synchronic data against the eight (08) principles articulated by Berlin and Kay (1969) for identifying basic colour terms in languages, and... more
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      Languages and LinguisticsCognitive LinguisticsLinguisticsLexicography and Corpus Studies
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    • Documentary Linguistics
Ganza is a previously undescribed Omotic language of the Mao subgroup, and is the only Omotic language found primarily outside of Ethiopia. This paper presents the results of nearly a year of phonological fieldwork on Ganza in the form of... more
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      Synchronic Linguistics (Or Descriptive Linguistics)Languages and LinguisticsPhonologyApplied Linguistics
This paper explores play counting systems in the Austroasiatic languages of northern Laos.
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      Asian StudiesAnthropological LinguisticsEthnolinguisticsSoutheast Asian Studies
The Munda languages of South Asia exhibit sound symbolism in their use of mimetic reduplication, to which they devote a surprisingly large percentage of their lexicons, typically upwards of ten percent. We present an extensive empirical... more
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      Indigenous or Aboriginal StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsPhonologyMimesis
Mindanao is the Philippine's second largest island in the south. Identifying Mindanao-based documentaries that have development themes remain unknown or unacknowledged. Using Phenomenology as theoretical framework and method, as a result,... more
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      Media SociologyCommunicationMedia StudiesIntercultural Communication
This paper offers an account of two Documentary Linguistics Workshops held in Tokyo based on the author's personal experience. The workshops have been held for nine consecutive years at the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of... more
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      TrainingBest PracticesScientific WorkflowsDocumentary Linguistics
Credits This is the written version of my speech at the international scientific conference on "Electronic Writing of RF Peoples". It builds on my ongoing projects, which are carried out in very close collaboration with several colleagues... more
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      Computational LinguisticsCorpus LinguisticsLanguage TechnologiesUralic Linguistics
We describe our own experience of linguist-community collaboration over the last ten years in our Chatino Language Documentation Project, focused on the Chatino languages (Otomanguean; Oaxaca, Mexico). We relate episodes in the emergence... more
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      Language DocumentationLinguisticsFieldwork in linguisticsOaxaca (Anthropology)
A review article of R. M. W. Dixon's book I am a Linguist, and his theoretical approach known as Basic Linguistic Theory.
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      Documentary LinguisticsLinguistic TypologyDescriptive LinguisticsLinguistic Fieldwork
This article presents a phonological description of the Palu'e language variants and reflects on the problems of representing the language in writing. Verifiable lexical and phonological data are made available and an orthography is... more
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      Language DocumentationAustronesian LanguagesDocumentary LinguisticsPalu'e
The analysis of systems of tone, stress, and intonation in the world’s languages is a center of debate in modern phonology. While prototypical cases of stress languages such as English and tone languages such as Yòrúbà are well... more
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      PhonologyPhoneticsLinguisticsDocumentary Linguistics
Throughout human history and to not expose himself to any risks, avoiding fears, premonition, and his apprehension, human being have been in a constant struggle to understand his surroundings and the secrets of natural phenomena,... more
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    • Documentary Linguistics
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      Social and Cultural AnthropologySiberiaDocumentary LinguisticsSaami languages
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      Languages and LinguisticsSemanticsIndigenous LanguagesSyntax
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      PhonologyDocumentary LinguisticsSámi StudiesSaami languages
Publication of ten Coptic ostraca by a group of Egyptian students under the direction of the authors. They include three devotional exercises, four letters, two legal texts and one accounting document. They originate, except for one or... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyOnomasticsMonastic Studies
In this paper, we will introduce a general purpose and comprehensive documentation activity which we carried out between 2014 and 2015 on Chuvash, whose speakers are constantly decreasing in number and which is constantly declining... more
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      LinguisticsDocumentary LinguisticsTurkologyTürkoloji
This talk discusses best practices in digital linguistics for language documentation.
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      Digital HumanitiesLanguages and LinguisticsLanguage DocumentationLanguage Technologies
This article seeks to establish a dialogue between the methodological proposals that have been put forward for linguistic fieldwork and the growing experiences of Indigenous linguists. It is well known that the theorizing of the... more
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      EthicsLanguage DocumentationTeaching MethodologyFieldwork in linguistics
Let us suppose that you are a research linguist, tormented by some doubts and questions about the state of your profession, and not constrained by having to repeat a catechism of "known truths" to Linguistics 101 students, and not worried... more
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      EngineeringDiscourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)
This paper reflects on the language documentation carried out on Palu’e Island in eastern Indonesia, its results, and how it can be developed further. It is framed in the wider context of endangered languages documentation, which,... more
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      Language DocumentationDocumentary Linguistics
European cultural heritage and identity has been partially shaped through the discourse of the oral histories and traditions of its native populations. These have served not only as markers of historical and cultural continuity but also... more
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      Discourse AnalysisEthnographyOral historyEuropean identity
Biography of linguistic work
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      Native American StudiesLanguages and LinguisticsLinguistic AnthropologySocial and Cultural Anthropology
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      Endangered LanguagesDocumentary LinguisticsAyapanecoLast Speakers
It is a collective article under the supervision and with the introduction of Prof. Anne Boud'hors and Esther Garel, with nine other colleagues, to edit ten Coptic ostraca from the collection preserved at the IFAO. These ostraca bear... more
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      OnomasticsMonastic StudiesCoptic StudiesBook of Psalms
[=Brill's Studies in Language, Cognition and Culture, v. 22.]. E-book: ISBN: 978-90-04-42700-6. Hardback: ISBN: 978-90-04-42460-9. (319 pp.). Missionary Linguistic Studies from Mesoamerica to Patagonia presents the results of in-depth... more
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      History of LinguisticsDocumentary LinguisticsColonial Latin American HistoryDescriptive Linguistics, Language Documentation, Indigenous Languages, Sociolinguistics, Field Linguistics
We describe our experiences training speakers of indigenous languages of Latin America in documentary linguistics at a major US university. We feel that it has had and will have benefits for community language preservation efforts, for... more
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      Indigenous LanguagesLanguage DocumentationEndangered LanguagesSouth American indigenous languages
This paper takes on two main objectives. The first is to present and depict the project Frontespo-Frontera hispano-portuguesa: documentación lingüística y bibliográfica [Spanish-Portuguese frontier: linguistic and bibliographic... more
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      Historical LinguisticsDialectologyBorder StudiesDocumentary Linguistics
This article gives a first overview of the sign language situation in Mali and its capital, Bamako, located in the West African Sahel. Mali is a highly multilingual country with a significant incidence of deafness , for which meningitis... more
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      Deaf studiesLanguage DocumentationEndangered LanguagesSign Languages
throughout human history and to not expose himself to any risks, avoiding fears, premonition, and his apprehension, human being have been in a constant struggle to understand his surroundings and the secrets of natural phenomena,... more
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    • Documentary Linguistics
1 The term 'oralist' refers to the ideology of interacting with deaf people avoiding signing, in favor of speech.
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      Deaf studiesLanguage DocumentationEndangered LanguagesSign Languages
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      Fieldwork in linguisticsDocumentary LinguisticsAnnotation