Une universite abrite differents acteurs qui ont recours a des systemes de ressources documentaires, des systemes de production d'information, des systemes de recherche d'information. Le recours a l'entrepot de donnees(ED)... more
Une université abrite différents acteurs qui ont recours à des systèmes de ressources documentaires, des systèmes de production d'information, des systèmes de recherche d'information. Au sein de cette même université, cohabitent de... more
Le transfert d'un système d'information en système d'information décisionnel repose sur les bases métiers orientées vers les acteurs de l'université par la prise en compte de la modélisation des utilisateurs. Le développement d'un portail... more
Résumé. Nous abordons une nouvelle gouvernance des universités pour faire évoluer un système d'information universitaire en un système d'information stratégique universitaire. Le transfert d'un système d'information en... more
Le transfert d'un système d'information en système d'information décisionnel repose sur les bases métiers orientées vers les acteurs de l'université par la prise en compte de la modélisation des utilisateurs. Le développement d'un portail... more
Une université abrite différents acteurs qui ont recours à des systèmes de ressources documentaires, des systèmes de production d'information, des systèmes de recherche d'information. L'intérêt que nous portons à la classification des... more
Siemens Aktiengesellschaft Chairman of the Supervisory Board: Karl-Hermann Baumann Managing Board: Heinrich v. Pierer, Chairman, President and Chief Executive Officer · Members: Johannes Feldmayer, Thomas Ganswindt, Volker Jung, Klaus... more
An increasing part of research in the Semantic Web has been directed at making data become the main concept of the web. Plenty of languages and specifications support this transition and work by inserting additional (semantic) markup into... more
We present an analysis of the operations related to the commitment in enunciation within direct reported speech. We go on to distinguish between two enunciation levels ; one relating to the enunciator and his co-enunciator and the other... more
. Carriership of a chromosome anomaly confers a risk for an unbalanced chromosome comple-
In this paper we present a method for accurate and precise recognition of personal names implemented for Serbian. It is based on development of comprehensive e-dictionaries of Serbian personal names, as well as foreign personal names... more
Serre laid down the fundamentals of the theory of groups acting on simplicial trees. In particular, Bass-Serre theory makes it possible to extract information about the structure of a group from its action on a simplicial tree. Serre's... more
This paper studies how granularity of machine translation evaluation can be extended from sentence to document level. While most state-of-the-art evaluation metrics focus on the sentence level, we emphasize the importance of document... more
Keyphrases are short phrases that reflect the main topic of a document. Because manually annotating documents with keyphrases is a time-consuming process, several automatic approaches have been developed. Typically, candidate phrases are... more
La régularité de structure des articles en information scientifique et technique nous a permis de définir des propriétés de caractérisation des parties de discours, nous les appelons unités documentaires. Nous avons choisi de les décrire... more
Dans une perspective de conception d'un vigiciel ou systeme d'information integre specifiquement dedie a la veille technologique, notre reflexion s'attache a definir les besoins propres a ce type d'application en termes de... more
Executive Summary This report summarizes the results of a comparison between the characteristics of two public Web spaces: the pages under the. KR (South Korea) domain, and the pages under the. CL (Chile) domain. We show several... more
EDITOR'S SUMMARYScientific papers are routinely structured in sections for introduction, methods, research and discussion, a standard since the 1970s. Citations originating within each section serve different purposes and can be... more
We define grounding in terms of shared public commitments, and link public commitments to other, private, attitudes within a decidable dynamic logic for computing implicatures and predicting an agent's next dialogue move.
documents using utility theory in the Bayesian network retrieval model. In: Proceedings of the
We present a case study about the application of the inductive database approach to the analysis of Web logs. We consider rich XML Web logs -called conceptual logs -that are generated by Web applications designed with the WebML conceptual... more
Le Web des donnees offre un environnement de partage et de diffusion des donnees, selon un cadre particulier qui permet une exploitation des donnees tant par l’humain que par la machine. Pour cela, le framework RDF propose de formater les... more
Clustering techniques have been used by many intelligent software agents in order to retrieve, lter, and categorize documents available on the World Wide Web. Clustering is also useful in extracting salient features of related web... more
Clustering techniques have been used by many intelligent software agents in order to retrieve, lter, and categorize documents available on the World Wide Web. Clustering is also useful in extracting salient features of related web... more
We argue that expert finding is sensitive to multiple document features in an organization, and therefore, can benefit from the incorporation of these document features. We propose a unified language model, which integrates multiple... more
The current fMRI study investigated correlations of low-frequency signal changes in the left inferior frontal gyrus, right inferior frontal gyrus and cerebellum in 13 adult dyslexic and 10 normal readers to examine functional networks... more
In this paper we present the algorithm of our fuzzy-spatial descriptor for symbol recognition in on-line sketches. Fuzzy sets are used to enhance this approach to cope with the inherent distortion of freehand drawings. It allows handling... more
Dans ce papier, nous présentons une approche optimisée d'analyse en largeur pour la reconnaissance interactive de documents structurés. Les méthodes d'analyse à base d'exploration en largeur permettent de confronter plusieurs hypothèses... more
Documents are often marked up in XML-based tagsets to delineate major structural components such as headings, paragraphs, figure captions and so on, without much regard to their eventual displayed appearance. And yet these same abstract... more
Adobe's Acrobat software, released in June 1993, is based around a new Portable Document Format (PDF) which offers the possibility of being able to view and exchange electronic documents, independent of the originating software, across a... more
The Web is full of documents which must be interpreted by human readers and by software agents (search engines, recommender systems, clustering processes etc.). Although Web standards have addressed format obfuscation by using XML schemas... more
In this paper we present the BO-ECLI Parser, an open framework for the extraction of legal references from case-law issued by judicial authorities of European member States. The problem of automatic legal links extraction from texts is... more
Research suggests that browsing clinical guidelines in a linear format is difficult for users. One national producer of clinical guidelines (HAS, the French National Authority for Health) has recently developed a new document format... more
In this paper, we extend previous work on the automatic structuring of medical documents using content analysis. Our long-term objective is to take advantage of specific rhetoric markers encountered in specialized medical documents... more
Contribution to the Discrimination of the Medieval Manuscript Texts: Application in the Palaeography
This work presents our first contribution to the discrimination of the medieval manuscript texts in order to assist the palaeographers to date the ancient manuscripts. Our method is based on the Spatial Grey-Level Dependence (SGLD) which... more
Background: Due to the technological progress in Next Generation Sequencing (NGS), the amount of genomic data that is produced daily has seen a tremendous increase. This increase has shifted the bottleneck of genomic projects from... more
An important problem in several scientific and technical fields, and in general in the whole human knowledge, is the development and maintenance of common documents. Alliance is a collaborative writing system which allow coauthors, spread... more
Epidemiological studies demonstrate an association between chronic consumption of arsenic contaminated water and cognitive deficits, especially when the exposure takes place during childhood. This study documents structural changes and... more
This paper presents a method for retrieving a corresponding map of a captured map image from a map database. Our method is inspired from LLAH based Document Image Retrieval (DIR). LLAH is a method for recognizing a point by using a LLAH... more
Analysis on inter-document relationship is one of the important studies in multi document analysis. In this paper, we will focus on some special properties that multi document articles hold, specifically news articles. Information across... more
Pour "multilingualiser" (et non simplement "localiser") Gif, un 6diteur de documents structures, nous avons d6fini un langage de transcription, appel6 langage E, analogue aux autres langages (S, Pet T) de Grif. E est utilis6 pour... more
Fuzzy matching and ranking are two information retrieval techniques widely used in web search. Their application to structured data, however, remains an open problem. This article investigates how eigenvector-centrality can be used for... more
This report of research completed under C3RP funding during FY04-05 discusses the information needs and representational approach for a knowledge management system using semantic web technologies. CADRC C3RP '04 Report: Knowledge... more
This paper is a contribution to the discussion of the structure and the elements of databases for document analysis tasks and the tools needed for database creation. It is pointed out that it is desirable to have a uniform document... more