The gospel of Jesus Christ is the message of the church’s mission. It is a message of love, grace, forgiveness and salvation. However, many messages that are taught at mission rallies, crusades and conferences or preached in churches... more
Author: Thomas Goodwin Tradução: Jalesson Santos Mathias A paciência cristã não é uma virtude passiva, mas uma obra forjada no cadinho das provações. Thomas Goodwin, um dos grandes teólogos puritanos, compreendeu profundamente essa... more
The distinction between “above Reason” and “contrary to Reason” is already acquired when Locke makes it his own, taking for granted that it would be the ruin of humanity if we were to reject as contrary to reason everything that we are... more
This exegetical essay examines the Pentecostal event in Acts 2:1-4, focusing on the outpouring of the Holy Spirit and the theological implications of the Greek terms glōssai (languages), pneuma (Spirit), charismata (spiritual gifts), and... more
This exegetical essay explores Romans 3:23, which states, "All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God," through a detailed analysis of the Greek term husterountai (ὑστεροῦνται), offering three potential interpretations: "lack the... more
Articolo pubblicato in Salesianum (2025)
The understanding of the relationship between nature and grace is one of the key theological themes, and emerging solutions seem to use different conceptions of nature, which has not always been realized. This paper will present Aquinas’... more
The articulation of grace, faith, and salvation focuses on believing loyalty and allegiance to God rather than strict theological details, which aids in interfaith dialogues by shifting attention from doctrinal differences to fundamental... more
In continuation of my previous research on the presence of the Word of God in the theology of Bernhard Häring of 2008 («La Parola di Dio nella teologia di Bernhard Häring», Studia Moralia 47 [2009] Supplemento 4 [Parola di Dio e morale.... more
La profezia realtà costitutiva della Chiesa «[la] profezia non [va intesa] solo nel senso di apertura o predizione di un futuro, ma nel senso etimologico di essere portatori di una Parola che non è nostra, e che proprio perché tale non... more
Author: Nathaniel Vincent Tradução: Jalesson Santos Mathias ●PRÁTICO-DOUTRINÁRIO-TEOLÓGICO " Amados irmãos, Estando prestes a ler um livro sobre oração; quão conveniente é que vocês comecem com oração, para que possam ler com proveito?... more
Gianni Vattimo was critical of what he called the mystical tradition of Versenkung, that is, sinking or losing oneself in the absolute, because this would be an expression of metaphysics; consequently, it is difficult to find in... more
This essay is the second in a series of four essays that will consider the best Lapsarian model that reflects God's divine order of decrees according to the Bible. Within this essay the author will present the biblical and logical order... more
Dans la Bible nous ne trouvons pas le mot « péché originel ». Dans l'Ancien Testament, le mot hébreu pour « pécher » c'est « hâtâ ». Au debut ce mot signifiait « manquer ». Il s'agir de manquer so but ou bien manquer le bon chemin. Dans... more
Dans la Bible nous ne trouvons pas le mot « péché originel ». Dans l'Ancien Testament, le mot hébreu pour « pécher » c'est « hâtâ ». Au debut ce mot signifiait « manquer ». Il s'agir de manquer so but ou bien manquer le bon chemin. Dans... more
In a world where testimonies of faith often reflect stories of sudden transformation or dramatic encounters, this book provides a unique and humble look into the journey of one who walked through seasons of pain, doubt, struggle, and... more
Henri De Lubac’s book The Mystery of the Supernatural is one of the most important works of the 20th century. This book review is on the 1998 edition which was a republication of the 1965 edition. The original edition titled Surnaturel... more
Francesco Beretta serai une reconstitution de l'origine et de la signification des quatre censures d'Inchofer, tout en indiquant quelle est leur signification par rapport à la condamnation de Galilée à abjurer l'héliocentrisme, en juin... more
The Appeal to Rome of Apiarius and the Jurisdictional Autonomy of the African Church. The zealous jurisdictional autonomy defended by the African Church almost from its very beginnings was put to the test by the repeated appeal... more
Why does the Church preach equality under grace yet practise selective accountability? This paper exposes the double standards in the Christian community’s response to fallen leaders, using the contrasting cases of Ravi Zacharias and... more
Abstract: Il contributo approfondisce la tensione tra filiazione divina per creazione e filiazione divina per mezzo del battesimo. Per uscire dalle posizioni estreme che accentuano unilateralmente l’aspetto creazionale o l’aspetto... more
L'articolo esplora in breve l'essenza della fede cristiana, soffermandosi sul rapporto tra libertà, quale dono di Dio, e responsabilità, quale vocazione dell'essere umano. Grazia e legge non sono in antitesi, ma mostrano insieme l'amore... more
This paper critically examines Finis Dake's doctrinal framework, particularly his emphasis on maintaining salvation through obedience and the rejection of unconditional grace. It explores the theological and hermeneutical implications of... more
Tomismo Hispano. Ocho siglos de tradición intelectual, ed. by
Enrique Martíne zand Lucas P. Prieto (Madrid: Dykinson, 2024), 261-275
Enrique Martíne zand Lucas P. Prieto (Madrid: Dykinson, 2024), 261-275
The Doctrine of Salvation—often called soteriology—is the cornerstone of Christian theology, focusing on how God rescues sinners from the consequences of sin and brings them into eternal life with Him. Rooted in Scripture, this doctrine... more
Les échappatoires régulièrement inventées par les jansénistes ont engendré au début du XVIIIe siècle une quête urgente de leurs adversaires pour proposer enfin une définition doctrinale du jansénisme. Il semble qu’il faille attribuer à... more
Immanuel K ant, Grundlegung zur M etaphysik der Sitten. Zweite Auflage, Riga, 1786. K ant, Grundlegung zur M etaphysik der S itten, herausge geben von K . Rosenkranz, in K ants säm tlichen W erken, herausgegeben von K-Rosenkranz und Fr.... more
A bilingual theological colloquium on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Swiss theologian's and cardinal's death.
The knowledge of Tertullian's works increased very much, in the sixteenth Century, thanks to Rhenanus' three editions (1521, 1528 and 1539), in which the Scholar tried to explain Tertullian's theological statements in the light of their... more
Dictionary entry for "Augustine" in the Dictionary of Luther and the Lutheran Traditions.
This paper is part of a book symposium on William Lane Craig's Atonement and the Death of Christ. In it, I argue that Craig's understanding of four key concepts/rites underlying atonement--divine justice, propitiation, Passover, and Yom... more
in A. Hwang, B. Matz, M. Casiday, eds. Grace for Grace. The Debates after Augustine and Pelagius (Catholic Univ. Press, 2014), 208-234
Author: Hugh Binning Tradução: Jalesson Santos Mathias TEOLÓGICO-DOUTRINÁRIO-PRÁTICO-EVANGELISTICO Aqui se encontram convicções para os ateus, repreensões penetrantes para os profanos, instruções claras para os ignorantes, leite para os... more
The problem with the doctrine of sanctification is multifaceted. However, Senkbeil, in the above material, has identified for us two main facets in the problem: 1) speaking of justification without properly addressing sanctification, and... more
in L. Geri, G. Lettieri (a cura di), Erasmo libero. Le litterae e la teologia nell’opera di Erasmo da Rotterdam, Viella, Roma 2023, pp. 63-140
Se considera si Dios podría asegurar la salvación de todas sus creaturas personales.
This sermon is taken from the 15 th Chapter of the Gospel of Luke. You could say that the three stories in this passage represent "the gospel within the gospel." Its theme is the triumph of the grace of God.
L'articolo discute il problema della visione del volto di Dio in Agostino, sottolineando l'inscindibile binomio tra la grazia divina gratuitamente donata e l'incapacità umana di appropriazione autonoma dell'immagine divina. L'analisi del... more
Author: Simone Weil
The Summa Theologica is divided into three main parts (and an unfinished supplement), each with questions (quaestiones) and articles (articuli). These sections employ a dialectical method where objections are raised, responses are given,... more
Cette recherche propose une introduction à la lecture du « toque de Dios » [2S.26, 8] dans La Montée du Mont-Carmel de saint Jean de la Croix à la lumière du « sentir intellectif » [HD, 103] de la philosophie de Xavier Zubiri. En effet,... more
Категорията `време` и нейните съдържания Време е вече да кажем и няколко думи за самото понятие `време`. Трябва да имаме предвид, че съставянето на едно цялостно определение за времето е твърде проблематично, а по-всяка вероятност и... more
Author: Benjamin Keach Tradução: Jalesson Santos Mathias ●O objetivo da obra é intensamente prático. O objetivo do autor é distinguir a religião verdadeira de todas as falsificações – defendê-la de todas as calúnias de seus inimigos –... more
This book, Grace for All: Understanding God's Plan of Salvation, aims to help Evangelical Christians have a better understanding of biblical soteriology or the doctrine of salvation. As a collection of essays, it seeks to offer sound... more
“Nova Vox” é uma iniciativa que busca revitalizar os escritos cristãos primitivos, trazendo-os para o contexto contemporâneo. Este projeto surge da convicção de que a mensagem atemporal contida nas antigas escrituras merece ser... more
Revealing Women offers a detailed and textual oriented investigation of the roles and functions of female char- acters in Gnostic Christian mythologies. It answers questions such as: to what end did Gnostic Christian theologians employ... more