Doctor Who
Recent papers in Doctor Who
This paper presents the implementation of Health Cycle using Virtual Reality (VR) and Internet of Things (IoT). A prototype system is developed for interactive indoor cycling. The methodology will inspire the people to experience and... more
Mental disorders tend to co-exist together and anxiety is likely to co-morbid with depression. The aim of this study is to discover a safe and natural herbal source of remedy with minimum side effects in the form of Tamarindus indica. As... more
This study aims to consider how science fiction television series Doctor Who (Sydney Newman, 1963-1989, 2005-) has undergone changes in representations of ethnicity since 2005. The Doctor, who is a representation of immigrants from the... more
In recent years, numerous cult franchises – once the purview of small communities of devotees – have been revived and adapted in order to draw mass audiences. Fans of these texts are left to puzzle out the question of communal and... more
Original submission for "Fourth Wave Feminism in Science Fiction and Fantasy: Volume 2. Essays on Television Representations, 2013-2019" published by McFarland. ISBN: 978-1476677675
Purpose: To determine the effect of 6 week SAQ agility training program on improving the physical fitness and flexibility of college level cricketers. [Material and method]: 30 cricketers participated in this study. Participants of the... more
Quoique le Moyen Âge joue un rôle plutôt discret dans la série Doctor Who, il n’en est pas pour autant absent, et ces quelques apparitions ne sont pas dénuées d’intérêt. Dans cet article, nous nous intéressons à la représentation de la... more
published as chapter in Doctor Who and Race: An Anthology (Intellect, A University of Chicago Press), 2013.
A review of "Only Here To Sin": Review of "Montero" by Lil Nas X & "It's A Sin" (HBO Miniseries)
This paper offers an exploration into feminist female fans' reactions to the first female Doctor (Doctor Who's protagonist). After 55 years of male actors, the 13th Doctor became a woman in 2017. The announcement was met with a backlash,... more
With a growing focus on continuity and canonicity in sprawling fiction franchises, to what extent does this hinder storytelling? Should consistency get in the way of the plot to retain believability? In this essay, Benjamin Knight... more
While the United Kingdom wrestles with the xenophobic consequences of Brexit, Doctor Who imagines a multiracial British nation where the revered alien is a savvy white woman (Jodie Whittaker) and her human companions are a middle-aged... more
The TARDIS is one of Doctor Who’s most distinctive iconographic components and performs a number of functions. This paper explores some of the roles that the TARDIS plays, as a space for narrative action, a vehicle, an object within a... more
The contemporary media landscape is more and more pervaded by serial narrations called character-based. This tendency can be traced back to the dawn of the modern seriality, finding in characters as Sherlock Holmes the main cornerstones... more
Doctor Who and Sherlock Holmes are two of the most famous characters in popular British culture. In this paper I examine the links between the two in terms of their actors, their writers, and their personal attributes. The strongest... more
The article discusses how the emerging genre of American and British science fiction symbolised and expressed Cold War anxieties after 1949. It begins by briefly showing how a popular Western symbolised the Berlin Airlift, then... more
This study takes an autoethnographic approach that uses a piece of fanfiction and the author’s experience as both a fanfiction writer and a professional writer for television, to demonstrate how writing fanfiction and participating in the... more
Russell T. Davies, the head writer for the 2005 reboot of Doctor Who, changed many aspects of the show in order to modernize it to ensure cultural relevance. One of these updates incorporated the presence of GLBTQ characters and... more
Posed with the question "What is Quality Television?" This paper attempts to use current television programmes to define and understand this term.
Using notions from fan blogs and fan theory, this project analyzes the inconsistencies surrounding the phenomenon of so-called fangirls in the Doctor Who and One Direction worlds. The term fangirl is usually defined as an irrational... more
„Doctor Who” to serialowy rekordzista – jest nadawany od ponad pół wieku, rozgałęzia się w transmedialną sieć i gromadzi wokół siebie społeczność wiernych odbiorców. W Polsce nie zyskał nigdy popularności, ukształtował się jednak wokół... more
Is there any link between Sherlock Holmes and Doctor Who? On the surface, obviously not. But it is an occasional and recurring question found on many blogs and web-sites and occasional pieces of print. It is not a surprising question... more
What if I told you that inside all of us is Batman? Maybe not the cape wearing, crime fighting vigilante hero, but a hero nonetheless. Psychologist Carl Jung proposed a theory of archetypes that says that within our collective unconscious... more
Although much had been said (and celebrated) about the inclusion of the LGBTQ population in the new Doctor Who (2005-) through characters like Jack Harness and Bill, I believe that the show has an inherent queerness, since the Doctor had... more
This thesis explores the intersections between repetition, leitmotif and the philosophy of Gilles Deleuze in the context the BBC television series Doctor Who (1963-1989; 2005- ). Deleuze proposes that instead of the return of the same,... more
Questo lavoro nasce con l’intento di trovare la soluzione a un problema che normalmente nessuno sembra volersi porre: come si riconoscono i personaggi? Prima di andare a osservare le possibili vie alla risposta, è opportuno focalizzare... more
This study sets out to examine the representations and political narratives of selected science fiction television programs (Star Trek, Star Trek: The Next Generation, Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, Doctor Who (circa 2005) and Torchwood).... more
Online fandoms are complex social communities that not only leverage the power of the internet (itself a communication technology) but in doing so create their own unique ways of communicating and relating to each other and the world... more
Compares the use and resolution of Minotaur and Labyrinth themes and imagery, and the identification of the Theseus hero-figure with the monster, in Victor Pelevin’s novel The Helmet of Horror and the sixth season Doctor Who episode “The... more
This article uses fictional depictions of Mary Shelley as the 'mother' of sf to explore how gendered images of the Romantic genius continue to influence our perception of women in genre fiction. The first part of the article introduces... more
In the present research we examine the association between perceived maturity of a group and willingness to form a romantic relationship with a member of that group. In Study 1, we tested the validity of a 2-item measure of self-reported... more
Journalistic piece looking at historical sources of the 1978 serial.
“Oh great a female Doctor Who. What next? Female real doctors? Female pilots? Female scientists? Female sisters and mothers? Female WOMEN?!” Where male-dominated science and science fiction venerates an ability to imbue inanimate... more
This discussion compares the narrative portrayal of Jesus in the Synoptic Gospels with the portrayal of the Doctor in the BBC tv series Doctor Who