Distributed Information Systems
Recent papers in Distributed Information Systems
"" In our daily life, economic activities, and national security highly depend on stability, safely, and resilient cyberspace. A network brings communications and transports, power to our homes, run our economy, and provide government... more
With cybercrime’s yearly revenues estimated at $1 trillion and national security networks probed daily and often breached, cyber security is a vital concern for public and private organizations globally. This research ponders the problem... more
Load balancing functionalities are crucial for best Grid performance and utilization. Accordingly,this paper presents a new meta-scheduling method called TunSys. It is inspired from the natural phenomenon of heat propagation and thermal... more
In this paper we address the problem of generating a candidate role set for an RBAC configuration that enjoys the following two key features: it minimizes the admin-istration cost; and, it is a stable candidate role-set. To achieve these... more
Distributed Satellite Systems (DSS) provide a promising solution in increasing the sustainability of both the space and terrestrial environment through responsive Earth Observation (EO) and Space Domain Awareness (SDA) operations. To... more
9 786055 201210 RFI D Bile şen leri , Atm el Stu dio 6 Des tek li Gel işti rme Ara çlar ı, Atm el Aile si Dat ash eet s, Gel işti rici Pla tfor m Yaz ılım ları , Ger ekl i Pro gra mla r, Ele ktro nik Dev re Şem alar ı, Gör sel Eği tim Vid... more
It is very well collected project on Cloud Computing. no need to wandering on internet to search about Cloud computing, Just download it. thanxx A very New Technology In I.T. Industry & Very Important for Everyone i.e. For individuals As... more
The emergence of Voice-Over-IP (VoIP) technology is creating a major discontinuity in telecommunications. Illegal VoIP or gray call pays a great impact on Bangladesh's voice market. Recently, call centers in Bangladesh have started using... more
International Journal of Computer Science and Information Technology (IJCSIT) is devoted to fields of Computer Science and Information Systems. The IJCSIT is a open access peer-reviewed scientific journal published in electronic form as... more
Problem statement: The needs of computer forensics investigators have been directly influenced by the increasing number of crimes performed using computers. It is the responsibility of the investigator to ascertain the authenticity of the... more
A grid computing environment provides a type of distributed computation that is unique because it is not centrally managed and it has the capability to connect heterogeneous resources. A grid system provides location-independent access to... more
“Human behaviour and lifestyle continue to change at a rapid pace, increasing over the past few years fuelled by the introduction of digital media and new technologies which have become embedded in the western culture to the degree that... more
Amoeba adalah sistem operasi terdistribusi yang dikembangkan oleh Andrew S. Tanenbaum dan beberapa yang lain di Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. Amoeba dirancang untuk mengambil koleksi mesin dan membuatnya dapat bekerja secara bersamaan... more
Today there are so much data being available from sources like sensors (RFIDs, Near Field Communication), web activities, transactions, social networks, etc. Making sense of this avalanche of data requires efficient and fast processing.... more
- Result of “the Onlife Initiative,” a one-year project funded by the European Commission to study the deployment of ICTs and its effects on the human condition - Inspires reflection on the ways in which a hyperconnected world forces the... more
"In today’s information-driven business environment, enterprise systems and processes capture an ever-increasing amount of data. To derive meaningful and actionable information from this data, businesses are compelled to commit... more
Implementasi penggunaan teknologi sistem terdistribusi (distributed system) diungkap membantu berbagai macam hal, terlebih keterkaitan dengan efisiensi.
This review focuses on instructional design literature for the MACE project. It shows the plenty of research in instructional design era for more than 20 years, and offers various approaches, concepts and models in this field. The... more
In this paper we propose Aleph, a leaderless, fully asynchronous, Byzantine fault tolerant consensus protocol for ordering messages exchanged among processes. It is based on a distributed construction of a partially ordered set and the... more
"It's a Microcontroller Based DIY Electronics Project. Named Wireless RF Module Using PIC Microcontroller. The RF module is a small electronic circuit used to transmit, receive, or transceive radio waves on one of a number of carrier... more
The components of what makes Lonero unique is split into four different parts: The HashBolt Master-node consensus, the DAO integrations, Cryptonote’s ring signature integration, and multipath layer security. In terms of the masternode... more
Applications of the modern day are continuously evolving in the need for more computing resources and a need for 24x7 hours availability service. In light of this, different computing environments have been developed to match up the... more
The Research has been produced digital displacement field sensor system. This system can be applied on displacement level monitoring of building, bridge, dike and so forth. This developed system work serial digitally so that It can be... more
The papers of this book comprise the proceedings of the conference mentioned on the title and the cover page. They reflect the authors' opinions and, with the purpose of timely disseminations, are published as presented and without... more
13th International Conference on Communications Security & Information Assurance (CSIA 2022) focuses on all technical and practical aspects of communications security & information assurance for wired and wireless networks. The goal of... more
This study is an effort to draw attention to the characteristics of cyber café users in Bangladeshi perspective. Cyber café is one of the prevalent ways for people's access to the Internet in poor countries. Cyber cafés have become main... more
Data exploration and visualization systems are of great importance in the Big Data era. Exploring and visualizing very large datasets has become a major research challenge, of which scalability is a vital requirement. In this survey, we... more
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Organizations are moving their workforce to guarantee matters of trade and profit where accounts are expected to be less expensive and provide better quality products with the accessibility of skilled labor. With the evident benefits,... more
Health information technology can save lives, cut costs, and expand access to care. But its full promise will only be realized if policymakers broker a "grand bargain" between providers, patients, and administrative agencies. In exchange... more
Trust is a critical factor when dealing with the distributed systems and Internet of Things (IoT). Therefore, in developing, enhancing, and modifying such systems trust has to be considered as a major factor in all stages of system... more