The Dissolution of the Monasteries is usually seen as the fi nal event in the lifecycle of monastic sites, and consequently is often discussed in terms of the destruction wrought or the motivations of those who profi ted immediately from... more
[Now available through open access from Speculum:] Among those witnesses of John Gower's works that are known to have been produced during his lifetime, the Trentham... more
Formulation and Evaluation of Ibuprofen Tablets Using Gum of Anacardium occidentale as Binding Agent
Anacardiumgum derived from the edible seeds of Anacardiumoccidantale(family Anacardiaceae) was evaluated for its binding properties at a concentration of 5 % w/w and 10% w/w in Ibuprofen tablets with official... more
The article presents the fate of two convent churches: of Dominicans at Janów Podlaski and Reformed Friars Minor at Biała Podlaska. Both churches changed their intended purpose between 1864 and 1875; first, their convents were dissolved,... more
Excavations undertaken in 2010 at Monk Bretton Priory, South Yorkshire represent the first substantive investigation of the monastery since its initial clearance in the 1920s and 1950s, and the only campaign of works to be fully recorded... more
Welke publicatie je ook naslaat over de opheffing van de kloosters in Engeland, vrijwel elke auteur heeft het over een dramatisch gebeuren dat niet alleen een einde maakte aan de religieuze huizen maar ook een aardverschuiving in de... more
Project "Cultural heritage of dissolved monasteries on the territory of former Poland and in Silesia in 18th and 19th c.: fate, significance, cataloguing"; revue Hereditas Monasteriorum
The project The cultural legacy of the monasteries resolved in the former Polish Commonwealth and in Silesia during 18th and 19th centuries: the fate, importance, inventory is implemented under the National Programme for Development of... more