W pracy omówiono proces kasaty klasztoru reformatów w Szamotułach. Klasztor ten został założony pod koniec XVII w. przez ówczesnego właściciela miasta Jana Korzbok Łąckiego. Fundator osadził zakonników w pozostałościach po dawnym zamku... more
The preserved archival sources, old chronicles, and documents of the Cistercian monastery in Szczyrzyc reveal, apart from many aspects of religious and economic activity, also the issues of disputes. The invasions on the monastery... more
The Protestant Reformation in the 16th century was the origin of traditional English national identity, but heroes in some current popular British novels about the Protestant Reformation reflect a more recent change in the nation’s... more
This paper consider the presence of the Wren book of hours published by the Hardouyn Brothers in 1528 in Holbein's portrait of Thomas Cromwell painted in 1532. By looking at the wider political context of contemporary european politics... more
Arquitetura de memória do Romantismo em Vila Real. In "Tellus" - revista de cultura transmontana e duriense, n.º 32, Maio de 2000, p. 3-17.
The version presented here may differ from the published version or, version of record, if you wish to cite this item you are advised to consult the publisher's version. Please see the 'permanent WRAP url' above for details on accessing... more
W dziejach Ko cio a prawos awnego na Lubelszczy nie (pod tym poj ciem b dziemy w tym artykule rozumie teren województwa lubelskiego w czasach mi dzywojennych) smutnymi wydarzeniami zapisa o si lato roku 1938. W okresie od po owy maja do... more
The Habsburg vision to build a strong and centralized Empire in the second half of the 18th century initiated numerous orders concerning public health and the welfare of subjects. Attributed to these endeavors, unified pharmacopoeia and... more
The article focuses on the role of the Catholic Church in organizing education and care for the young generation in the conditions of laissez-faire policy of the partitioner. The clergy's activity in the field of education, care and... more
Zur oranien-nassauischen Besitzergreifung und Herrschaft über Dortmund s. THOMAS SCHILP, Vom Bürger der Reichsstadt zum Untertanen des Fürsten. Dortmund unter oranien-nas sauischer Herrschaft 1802-1806, in: ULRIKE GÄRTNER-jUDITH KoPPETSCH... more
Dieter Ising: Johann Christoph Blumhardt. Leben und Werk. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht Göttingen 2002. 423 Seiten mit 8 Abbildungen. Pappband € 39,-. ISBN 3-525-55642-X
Artykuł przedstawia losy cystersów jędrzejowskich po kasacie opactwa w 1819 r. W pierwszym etapie badań przygotowano kartotekę biograficzną zakonników, która posłużyła do przeprowadzenia analizy w zakresie ich pochodzenia społecznego i... more
Every architectural project involving building heritage, for either its conservation or its adaptive reuse, requires an intensive phase of research and analysis in order to learn about the building on which one will intervene. A project... more
The figure of Capuchin Maurycy Ludwik Kubrak (1937-1987) was remembered as a charismatic priest who influenced the faithful with his humbleness, simplicity and the spirit of piety and poverty. While working in Biađa Podlaska and Lublin as... more
Thunbergia laurifolia Lindl. is a medicinal plant that belongs to the family of Acanthaceae. It possesses several biological and pharmacological activities. According to the Thai National List of Essential Medicines, T. laurifolia leaves... more
EUGENIO POLITO A colossal head with a laurel crown from Aquinum Marble fragments of a head with a laurel crown were recently found during the excavation of ancient Aquinum. They have been preliminarily studied prior to restoration. By... more
Gerhard Fritz (Hg.): Die Mühlen im Kreis Schwäbisch Hall. Mühlenatlas Baden-Württemberg, Bd. 5. 2 Bde. (Teil I: 176 S.; Teil II: 293 S.). Remshalden (Rennecke) 2011. 5 Übersichts- und 46 Detailkarten, 175 teilw. farbige Abb.
Radegund, sainted queen of the Frankish Kingdom and foundress of the convent of Sainte-Croix in Poitiers, is the most well-documented woman of the Merovingian era. The most comprehensive accounts of her life are the two very distinctive... more
In: Ramona Hocker, Werner Telesko (Hg.): Johannes von Nepomuk: Kult – Künste – Kommunikation. Wien 2023, S. 213–230.
Introduction Graves are amongst the earliest sources of our understanding of human culture. They are the product of rites of passage; the rituals through which humans mark the critical events of their lives. Such rites changed with... more
Nutzungsbedingungen Die ETH-Bibliothek ist Anbieterin der digitalisierten Zeitschriften. Sie besitzt keine Urheberrechte an den Inhalten der Zeitschriften. Die Rechte liegen in der Regel bei den Herausgebern. Die auf der Plattform... more
The Problems of Eastern Orthodox Church Buildings of Historical Value – Changing Uses over the Years
There are many Eastern Orthodox church buildings throughout the Lublin Province. Over the years, these architectural objects have undergone multiple transformations, both in terms of changing religious denominations and rituals and also... more
movement' (p. ). But she also notes that 'the reception of dialogue results within national churches and local congregations remains a challenge' (p. ). From the days of Luther, his followers have sought to be faithful witnesses to... more
More than a House for Books, curated by David Rundle and Cristina Neagu, considered the place of the Western manuscripts within the wider context of the Library’s eclectic riches. It delineated how what we now know as its ‘Special... more
* Artykuł ukaże się także w wersji anglojęzycznej Christianization and construction of ecclesiastical structures in the Western Pomerania to the turn of the XIIth and XIIIth centuries w monografii zbiorowej zatytułowanej Development of... more
Klasztory bernardyńskie budowano przede wszystkim na przedmieściach lub w pobliżu głównych traktów komunikacyjnych i handlowych. Kompleksy usytuowane poza murami posiadały ogrody użytkowe, a do dóbr klasztornych należały także łąki, pola,... more
has compiled an exhaustive and invaluable study of Katherine Parr's complete works and correspondence. Mueller's work has separate sections for Parr's three published volumes: Psalms or Prayers (1544) 34 (a translation of bishop John... more
Spatial diversity and total area of thermal-humid regions have been assessed and, in addition, climatic water balance values have been calculated, employing specific time-frames up until the year 2020. The latter calculations have been... more
The works were carried out by a private company "Zakład Usługowy Konserwacji Obiektów Zabytkowych Jan Wiśniewski" from Pruszcz Gdański. They lasted from December 2011 to January 2012 and included the removal of secondary layers of... more
Magdalena Mortęska, ksieni klasztoru benedyktynek w Chełmnie, wielka reformatorka żeńskiego życia zakonnego, wywarła wpływ na rozwój szkolnictwa w Polsce w okresie nowożytnym . Wizja i droga odnowy życia zakonnego realizowane przez ksieni... more
Zespół klasztorny w Lubartowie jest interesującym obiektem, który pomimo kasat klasztornych, jakie objęły Polskę i Europę w XVIII i XIX wieku, utrzymał swoją pierwotną funkcję i w znacznym stopniu układ kompozycyjny. Jego budowa przypadła... more
The publisher has allowed for this chapter to be included in the repository without any restrictions.
Many of these are interim reports which make available the results of specialist investigations in advance of full publication. They are not usually subject to external refereeing, and their conclusions may sometimes have to be modified... more
Every architectural project involving building heritage, for either its conservation or its adaptive reuse, requires an intensive phase of research and analysis in order to learn about the building on which one will intervene. A project... more
Issues touching on religious confraternities are attracting greater attention in Polish historical studies. Yet. they seem to be more of a lateral interest as something that complements the activities of various institutions or units of... more