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Modes of ultra relativistic electron plasma embedded in a strong magnetic field are investigated for perpendicular propagation. Using Boltzmann-Vlasov equation, a general expression for the conductivity tensor is derived. An... more
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      Magnetic fieldMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesDispersion Relation
We study the electromagnetic properties of a system that consists of an electron background and a neutrino gas that may be moving or at rest, as a whole, relative to the background. The photon self-energy for this system is characterized... more
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      PhysicsQuantum PhysicsMagnetohydrodynamicsEarly Universe
Motivated by exploring spin-orbit coupled magnetism in 5d-based transition metal oxides (TMOs) beyond the iridates, we present a powder inelastic neutron scattering study of magnetic excitations in Ba2FeReO6-a member of the double... more
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      Materials ScienceMagnetic MaterialsApplied PhysicsBand Structure
Radiating dipoles in photonic crystals. Kurt Busch 1,2 , Nipun Vats 1 , Sajeev John 1 , and Barry C. Sanders 3 1 Department of Physics, University of Toronto, 60 St. George Street, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A7 2 Institut ...
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      Quantum OpticsBand StructurePhotonic CrystalDispersion Relation
The nature of oscillations in the 1 kHz-60 MHz frequency range that have been observed during operation of Hall thrusters is quantitatively discussed. Contours of various plasma parameters measured inside the accelerating channel of a... more
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      MagnetohydrodynamicsLow FrequencyClassical PhysicsDispersion Relation
Quantum Zakharov equations are obtained to describe the nonlinear interaction between quantum Langmuir waves and quantum ion-acoustic waves. These quantum Zakharov equations are applied to two model cases, namely the four-wave interaction... more
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      Integer quantum hall effectClassical PhysicsDispersion RelationOscillations
The Fraunhofer diffraction pattern of an aperture function, which can be described in terms of the superposition of a known aperture function with a half plane, has an amplitude distribution which is real along one direction and complex... more
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      OpticsMedical ImagingFiber OpticsTelecommunications
The nonlinear coupling of intense, monochromatic, e1ectromagnetic radiation with plasma is considered in a number of special cases. The first part of the thesis serves as an introduction to three-wave interactions. A general formulation... more
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      PhysicsLow FrequencyElectromagnetic WavesElectromagnetic Radiation
In this paper propagation properties of a parallel-plate waveguide with tunable artificial impedance surfaces as sidewalls are studied both analytically and numerically. The impedance surfaces comprise an array of patches over a... more
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      Numerical AnalysisNumerical SimulationDispersion RelationWaveguide
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      EngineeringFinite element methodFinite ElementsFinite Element
The group theoretical treatment of bound and scattering state problems is extended to include band structure. We show that one can realize Hamiltonians with periodic potentials as dynamical symmetries, where representation theory provides... more
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      AlgebraPhysicsGroup TheoryRepresentation Theory
On the basis of Braaten and Segel's representation of the electro-magnetic dispersion relations in a QED plasma we check the numerical accuracy of several published analytic approximations to the plasma neutrino emission rates. As we... more
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      Plasma PhysicsOrganic ChemistryStellar EvolutionAstrophysical Plasma
Three demonstration samples of intrinsic hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si:H) films were deposited using hot wire–chemical vapour deposition (HW–CVD) technique. The optical parameters and the thickness were determined from the extremes... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesRefractive IndexDispersion Relation
To cite this article: Sourabh Bal and M Bose 2010 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 208 012081 View the article online for updates and enhancements. Related content Effect of dust particles on kinetic Alfven wave in earth's magnetoplasma P Varma,... more
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      EngineeringDusty PlasmaPhysical sciencesDispersion Relation
a b s t r a c t a r t i c l e i n f o Keywords: Dispersal Stochasticity Modelling Rapid methods Mechanistic Multi-disciplinary
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      GeneticsMicrobiologyThermodynamicsFood Safety
The finite-difference time-domain method is applied to the calculation of dispersion relations of acoustic waves in two-dimensional ͑2D͒ phononic lattices, i.e., periodic solid-solid, solid-liquid, and solid-vacuum composites, for which... more
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      UltrasoundBand StructurePhysical sciencesDispersion Relation
We investigate the binding surface along the Bain path and phonon dispersion relations for the cubic phase of the ferromagnetic binary alloys Fe3X (X = Ni, Pd, Pt) for L12 and DO22 ordered phases from first principles by means of density... more
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      Magnetic MaterialsStructural StabilityPhysical sciencesDispersion Relation
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      Plasma PhysicsQuantum PhysicsHandednessNanotechnology
Mechanisms of transition to chaotic behavior in generalized versions of the Verhulst map, based on a parametrization suggested by the Bjorken scaling limit of the phase dispersion relations are investigated. Intermittency within... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesDispersion Relation
Dispersion relations for acoustic surface waves in piezoelecirics with periodic metal strips applied to the surface are developed. Particular emphasis is given to the modification in effective piezoelectric coupling due to strip geometry,... more
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      Surface Acoustic WavesGeometryDispersionPiezoelectric material
The energy of any bound state of the hydrogen molecule ion Hq+ has an expansion in inverse powers of the internuclear distance R of the form E(R) yg'+'{2R)-+e "~" y A'~{ 2R) N N +e i"~g B' '(2R) n+ln(R) germs pie "gC +(2R) N N... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesDispersion RelationElectronic Structure
Knowledge of the dispersal mechanisms used by plants is important in phylogenetic, ecological, biogeographical, and conservation studies. Here we attempt to assign dispersal mechanisms to the entire flora-2595 plant species of the New... more
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      Evolutionary BiologyPlant BiologySeed DispersalEcology
In this thesis, consisting of two main parts, we study observational signatures of cosmic (super)strings in the context of D-brane inflation and properties of scalar perturbations on generic homogeneous inflating backgrounds. In the first... more
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      SupergravityEffective Field TheoryInflationDispersion Relation
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      Quantum GravityParticle PhysicsDispersion RelationDoubly Special Relativity (DSR)
Consider a plane monochromatic wave incident on a semi-infinite periodic structure. What happens if the normal component of the transmitted wave group velocity vanishes? At first sight, zero normal component of the transmitted wave group... more
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      EngineeringIII-V SemiconductorsMathematical SciencesPhysical sciences
We obtain a covariant decomposition of the motion of a relativistic charged particle into parallel motion and perpendicular gyration, and transform to guiding-center coordinates using Lie transforms. The natural guiding-center Poisson... more
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      KineticsDispersion RelationCurrent DensityOscillations
A linear stability analysis is presented for a liquid sheet that includes the eects of the surrounding gas, surface tension and the liquid viscosity on the wave growth process. An inviscid dispersion relation is used to identify the... more
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      EngineeringMultiphase FlowDispersion RelationHigh Speed
Optical transmission measurements are commonly used for the routine determination of thin film optical constants. This paper presents an overview of the different methods of evaluating these transmission data, leading to values for the... more
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      EngineeringThin FilmsThin FilmPhysical sciences
A comprehensive theoretical and experimental study is presented of the magnetic susceptibility versus temperature \chi(T) of spin S = 1/2 two- and three-leg Heisenberg ladders and ladder oxide compounds. Extensive quantum Monte Carlo... more
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      Materials ScienceQuantum Monte CarloCrystal structureStrongly Correlated Electrons
We analyse prospects for the use of Bose-Einstein condensates as condensedmatter systems suitable for generating a generic 'effective metric', and for mimicking kinematic aspects of general relativity. We extend the analysis due to Garay... more
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      General RelativityMathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesDispersion Relation
We report a systematic first principles density functional study on the electronic structure, elastic and optical properties of nitrogen based solid hydrogen storage materials LiNH 2 , NaNH 2 , KNH 2 , and RbNH 2 . The ground state... more
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      EngineeringMaterials EngineeringChemical EngineeringCondensed Matter Physics
We revisit the calculation of curvature corrections to the pp-wave energy of type IIA string states on AdS 4 × CP 3 initiated in arXiv:0807.1527. Using the near pp-wave Hamiltonian found in arXiv:0912.2257, we compute the first... more
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      Wave EnergyHigh Energy PhysicsMathematical SciencesAdS/CFT Correspondence
A theory of electron oscillations of an unbounded plasma of uniform ion density is developed, taking into account the effects of random thermal motions, but neglecting collisions.
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      Dispersion RelationOscillationsPhysicalSteady state
The origin and properties of the transverse non-reciprocal magneto-optical (nMO) effect were studied. The transverse nMO effect occurs in the case when light propagates perpendicularly to the magnetic field. It was demonstrated that light... more
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      EngineeringApplied PhysicsMagnetic fieldTransition-Metal Oxides
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      Resonance Raman SpectroscopyNewresonance RamanPhysical sciences
A new higher-order spectral element (SE) is developed for wave propagation analysis of a functionally graded material (FGM) beam in the presence of thermal and mechanical loading. The element is based on first order shear deformation... more
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      EngineeringModelingHeat TransferStress field
The ab initio method within the local-density approximation is applied to calculate the Hellmann-Feynman forces for the cubic and elongated supercells of the polar MgO crystal. From these forces, using the direct method, the phonon... more
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      Materials EngineeringCondensed Matter PhysicsDispersion RelationLattice Dynamics
The refractive index of GaAs has been measured in the wavelength range from 0.97 to 17 m, which covers nearly the entire transmission range of the material. Linear and quadratic temperature coefficients of the refractive index have been... more
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      EngineeringNonlinear OpticsApplied PhysicsNear Infrared
In this letter we present a method for calculation of linear heat flow in inhomogeneous solids. The method is based on the evaluation of transfer matrices for each layer in a multilayered structure from the Laplace transformation of the... more
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      EngineeringPorous MediaPhysical sciencesTHERMAL DIFFUSIVITY
. Gullies locally termed dongas are a characteristic feature of the landscape in central KwaZulu-Natal and are highly associated with widespread, stratified colluvial sediments and the buried palaeosols that have formed in this material.... more
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      GeologyPlasticityHydrologySouthern Africa
Organic solar cells with copper pthalocyanine (CuPC) and fullerene (C60) blends with efficiency around 5% have already been demonstrated. However, the data of reliable optical constants of these organic materials and their blends in thin... more
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      EngineeringTechnologySolar CellCopper
The present paper deals with the investigation of the propagation of harmonic plane waves with assigned frequency by employing the thermoelasticity theory with dual-phase-lags (Tzou [7], Chandrasekharaiah [10]). The exact dispersion... more
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      Civil EngineeringApplied MathematicsModelingLow Frequency
We study the propagation and dissipation of Alfvén gravity waves in the solar corona, considering viscosity as a damping mechanism, and derive a general dispersion relation for Alfvén gravity waves under WKB and Boussinesq approximation.... more
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      Dispersion RelationOscillationsPoint of ViewSolar Corona
Within loop quantum gravity we construct a coarse-grained approximation for the Einstein-Maxwell theory that yields effective Maxwell equations in flat spacetime comprising Planck scale corrections. The corresponding Hamiltonian is... more
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      Quantum PhysicsQuantum GravityLoop Quantum GravityDispersion Relation
The full phonon dispersion relations of lead titanate and lead zirconate in the cubic perovskite structure are computed using first-principles variational density-functional perturbation theory, with ab initio pseudopotentials and a... more
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      Density Functional TheoryBARIUM TITANATELong RangeDispersion Relation
A fundamental non-classical fourth-order partial differential equation to describe small amplitude linear oscillations in a rotating compressible fluid, is obtained. The dispersion relations for such a fluid, and the different regions of... more
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      Mathematical SciencesPhysical sciencesDispersion RelationOscillations
Propagation of both low and high frequency waves in a plasma consisting of electrons, ions, positrons and charged dust particles have been theoretically studied. The characteristics of dust acoustic wave propagating through the plasma has... more
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      Low FrequencyDusty PlasmaMagnetic fieldHigh Frequency
Plasmons in metallic nanomaterials exhibit very strong size and shape effects, and thus have recently gained considerable attention in nanotechnology, information technology, and life science. In this review, we overview the fundamental... more
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      Materials EngineeringInformation TechnologyTechnologyLife Sciences
In this paper we study Inozemtsev's su(m) quantum spin model with hyperbolic interactions and the associated spin chain of Haldane-Shastry type introduced by Frahm and Inozemtsev. We compute the spectrum of Inozemtsev's model, and use... more
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      Mathematical PhysicsQuantum PhysicsQuantum ChaosDispersion Relation
Several models of Quantum Gravity predict Lorentz Symmetry breaking at energy scales approaching the Planck scale (∼ 10 19 GeV). With present photon data from the observations of distant astrophysical sources, it is possible to constrain... more
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      Quantum GravityActive Galactic NucleiAstroparticle physicsDispersion Relation