Recent papers in Disjunctivism
Jonathan Dancy is known for defending bold and often controversial positions. Practical Shape, in which Dancy defends what he calls a 'Neo-Aristotelian' theory of reasoning, is no exception in that regard. Let me first sketch what I take... more
This is the Introduction to Forms of Knowledge (Campbell ed., forthcoming). In it I introduce the main themes of the volume and outline the chapters.
This thesis offers a defence of naïve realism. As I understand it, naïve realism involves a claim about the structure of perception, and about the nature of perceptual experience, that is, the sensory experience that one enjoys when... more
In his book, John McDowell on Worldly Subjectivity, Tony Cheng argues that recent changes to McDowell's theory of perceptual justification should lead him to accept that experiences possess non-conceptual content. In this paper, I take... more
In this chapter we will explore new avenues for developing and defending Naïve Realism (also known as Relationalism), understood as a thesis about the phenomenal character of experience. The core claim of Naive Realism is that ‘what it’s... more
In his 'Scepticism and the External World', Oswaldo Porchat offered a compelling diagnosis of what is problematic about external world scepticism. In outline, he claimed that far from this scepticism representing the true critical spirit... more
Evidentialism is usually thought of as an inherently conservative epistemological proposal; indeed, as a kind of antidote to epistemological radicalism. In an irenic spirit, however, I want to argue that the core evidentialist theses are... more
O problema da determinação é abordado por Deleuze no capítulo IV de Diferença e repetição (1968) com o intuito de proporcionar elementos para a produção de uma noção de diferença. O capítulo extrai uma série de consequências relevantes... more
Much of contemporary philosophy of perception revolves around the question of whether perceptual experience has representational content. On one side of the debate, we find representationalists claiming that perceptual experience is... more
McDowell's defence of disjunctivism is often portrayed as starting from a controversial epistemological access-internalism, which he fails to support in his writings. This paper critiques such interpretations and presents an alternative... more
Hilary Putnam (1926–2016) was prone to change his mind on variety of philosophical issues and almost constantly to modify his views. The last period of the development of his philosophy is known as the phase of commonsense or natural... more
It is a utilitarian rationality that one must have spent the whole wealth on the winning lottery ticket because it maximizes welfare. Obviously, it strikes everyone as an unreasonable recommendation because, given the integrity of the... more
My topic is Wittgenstein's eventual abandonment of his Tractatus idea that a sentence is true if and only if it depicts a possible fact that obtains, and his coming (in the Investigations) to replace this with a deflationary view of... more
In this article I try to bring out the different conceptions of representation which lie behind Tyler Burge's and John McDowell's approaches to perceptual experience. As I go along I relate their motivations for defending (or attacking)... more
There seems to be an important intuition that there is a distinctive value associated with direct cognitive contact with reality, in the sense of a sensory experience of it. This intuition is unpacked. It is claimed that it is important... more
This paper introduces a novel perspective on the intricate interplay between the conscious and representational aspects of visual experience. This viewpoint diverges from traditional representationalism and internal physical state... more
I argue that the phenomenal properties of conscious visual experiences are properties of the mindindependent objects to which the subject is perceptually related, mediated by the subject's practical understanding of their sensorimotor... more
Um argumento dedutivamente válido é seguidamente caracterizado como um argumento preservador da verdade. O que isso quer dizer é que, satisfeitas certas condições-em linhas gerais, as condições que caracterizam a correção (soundness) de... more
This thesis targets the part of Gareth Evans's and John McDowell's view of singular thought which involves the claim that there can be illusions of thought. Singular thought is, according to Evans and McDowell, an object-dependent... more
This thesis targets the part of Gareth Evans's and John McDowell's view of singular thought which involves the claim that there can be illusions of thought. Singular thought is, according to Evans and McDowell, an object-dependent... more
My purpose is to refute the intentionalist approach to perception. Drawing from mainstream literature, I identify a principle on which any version of intentional theory relies. My paper is a detailed attack on the truth of the principle.... more
There is a new theory of perception in the epistemological inventory these days. The fact of its newness (after all these centuries) is surprising enough. Even more surprising is its content. But most surprising of all is the way it is... more
On the traditional picture, accidents must inhere in substances in order to exist. Berkeley famously argues that a particular class of accidents-the sensible qualities-are mere ideas; entities that depend for their existence on minds. To... more
1 hour guest lecture - Module: Mind and Reality - 1st year BA students - 2023/2024 - Module Leader: Dr Barnaby Walker - 6 December 2023
The so-called "higher-order thought" (HOT) theory of consciousness says that what makes a mental state conscious is the presence of a suitable higher-order thought directed at it
Este texto pretende expor o significado da descoberta fenomenológica da intuição categorial, feita por Husserl, para o tradicional problema das categorias e para o novo encaminhamento da questão do ser, que se deu com a investigação e... more
A formação de conceitos empíricos é um tema recorrente na literatura especializada dedicada à discussão da obra de Immanuel Kant. Neste texto pretendo oferecer, a partir do isolamento daquilo que considero ser a questão lógica sobre a... more
In Self and World, Carleton Christensen seeks to move ''from analytic philosophy to phenomenology'' through a rational reconstruction of John McDowell's philosophical position as it is presented in Mind and World. Christensen claims that... more
Resumo: O artigo pretende mostrar o papel da função lógica de relação na concepção kantiana das ideias transcendentais. Queremos mostrar que a função lógica de relação é fundamental para a compreensão da concepção de ideia em Kant.
John McDowell articulated a radical criticism of normative inferentialism against Robert Brandom's expressivist account of conceptual contents. One of his main concerns consists in vindicating a notion of intentionality that could not be... more
The "observational categoricals" constitute a very special set of sentences of great importance in the last phase of Quine's work. According to Quine, the grammatical structure and therefore the role played by these... more
In a recent issue of the JHP, Matt Bower argues forcefully against A. D. Smith's interpretation of Husserl as a disjunctivist. But I argue in this discussion note that the disjunctive reading of Husserl remains plausible. For it seems... more
2020) coined the phrase "the Laws of Appearance" for some underappreciated features of perceptual experience. Pautz suggests that the modal status of the Laws presents a puzzle: it is problematic to regard them as necessary, and also... more
Many philosophers and scientists rightly take hallucinations to be phenomena that challenge in a most pressing way our theories of perception and cognition, and epistemology in general. However, very few challenge the received views on... more
Stewart Cohen argues that basic knowledge is problematic, as it implies that subjects can acquire knowledge or justified beliefs about certain matters in ways that are supposedly too easy. Cohen raises two versions of the problem of easy... more
Kant na Crítica da Razão Pura (CRP) 2 afirma, ou ao menos supõe, a verdade das seguintes proposições:
In law, prescription is a means by which rights against others can be relinquished through failure to enforce them during a specified period of time. In this paper I examine the possibility of a moral analogue of this. Drawing on the work... more
I propose an account of desire that reconciles two apparently conflicting intuitions about practical agency. I do so by exploring a certain intuitive datum. The intuitive datum is that often when an agent desires P she will seem to... more