Aims: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of microwave irradiation sterilization on Molloplast –B soft denture liner. Materials and Methods: Sixty specimens of Molloplast –B soft denture liner were fabricated in a... more
Access to clean drinking water remains a challenge in many developing countries, emphasizing the critical need for affordable, scalable and sustainable water treatment technologies. This study employs an electrochemical flow cell... more
Aims: The representativeness of European standards phase 2, step 1 regarding bactericidal and yeasticidal activities was used for the comparison of two marketed antiseptic solutions, one containing chlorhexidine digluconate (0.5%) and the... more
The present study was conducted to identify and examine locally available natural coagulant (Sorghum bicolor [NC]) and its blended form with chemical coagulant (alum) to treat turbid water. Blended form of NC was prepared by mixing... more
Disinfectants are used to maintain the bioburden of any facility under limits and making them free from any external or internal pathogenic intervention.The cleanroom area of any pharmaceutical facility comprises of different surface,... more
Metals in the drinking water distribution system (DWDS) play an important role on the fate of disinfection byproducts (DBPs). They can increase the formation of DBPs through several mechanisms, such as enhancing the proportion of reactive... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Wodociągi i kanalizacja W odociągi i kanalizacja/ Water supply and sewage systems Ocena jakości wód podziemnych pod kątem zawartości substancji organicznych na ujęciach wody w Środzie Wielkopolskiej Assessment of groundwater quality in... more
The study assessed the levels of trihalomethanes in drinking water from Ahmadu Bello University treatment plant between 2008 and 2010. Two hundred and fifty two (252) samples of processed drinking water at various stages of treatment and... more
A laboratory study was undertaken to evaluate the effectiveness of marble dust as a soil stabilizer. The study revealed that the geotecnical parameters of forest soils are improved substantially by the addition of marble dust. Significant... more
The presence of CECs in aquatic systems has raised significant concern since they are potentially harmful to the environment and human health. Eliminating CECs has led to the development of alternatives to treat wastewater, such as... more
The PCFH is an alternative technology to conventional disinfection methods used to control the microbial quality of water. To verify its effectiveness, it is necessary to generate new information related to inactivation kinetics of MS2... more
Plasma discharge is a novel disinfection and effectual inactivation approach to treat microorganisms in aqueous systems. Inactivation of Gram-negative Escherichia coli (E. coli) by generating high-frequency, high-voltage, oxygen (O 2)... more
The present study aims to reduce Trihalomethane (THMs) level, residual aluminum and control filter run time in EL-Nobarya drinking water treatment plant via the application of enhanced coagulation technique. The effectiveness of the... more
Project-level research strategies at the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regarding chemical mixtures are impacted by administrative priorities, public interests, expert opinions, scientific advances, regulatory needs, and legislative... more
Electrocoagulation (EC) is an electrochemical method in water treatment. Nowadays, electrochemical disinfections have created great interest in water treatment as an alternative for conventional disinfection. In this study, the effects of... more
To address the urgent need for safe potable water in South Africa's rural areas, sustainable systems for water disinfection at the village-scale of operation are required. In this thesis, the development of a small-scale water... more
Electrochlorination is an efficient and cost-effective treatment technique to provide safe drinking water in remote locations. Commercial electrochlorinators normally rely on the replenishment of salts to generate the disinfectant. In... more
In this paper, we describe a numerical model to simulate the evolution in time of the hydrodynamics of water storage tanks, with particular emphasis on the time evolution of chlorine concentration. The mathematical model contains several... more
Chloramination and chlorination contribute to the formation of N-nitrosodimethylamine and trihalomethanes, respectively, both of which are defined as disinfection by-products. To be able to select the most appropriate water treatment... more
Abstracts published in EPIDEMIOLOGY have been reviewed by the societies at whose meetings the abstracts have been accepted for presentation. These abstracts have not undergone review by the Editorial Board of EPIDEMIOLOGY.
Objective: Wastewater based epidemiology studies are a complementary approach used to measure and monitor the presence and prevalence of infectious diseases when clinical testing capacity is limited. It can also help with the detection of... more
The mechanisms and by-product formation of electrochemical oxidation (EO) for As(III) oxidation in drinking water treatment using groundwater was investigated. Experiments were carried out using a flowthrough system, with an RuO 2 /IrO 2... more
The current conventional disinfection for municipal water relies primarily on chlorine disinfection alone, in spite of its high running cost and its production of disinfection by-products. Ultrasonic disinfection is a physical technology... more
This review paper deals with the formation of disinfection by-products (DBPs). Water basin remains a wonderful chemical reactor that allows the occurrence of intricate secondary disinfection chemical reactions, forming several hundreds of... more
The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n° 265122. This publication reflects only the author's views and the European Union is... more
In drinking water sources, seasonal algal blooms have augmented greatly during the last decades following the elevated temperature and nutrient loading in surface water because of agricultural and surface runoff. More than 95% of algal... more
Chlorine has been and is still widely used chemical to disinfect wastewater. Trihalomethanes (THMs) and other disinfection byproducts (DBPs) are formed when chlorine reacts with organic acids (commonly refers to humic acids). Recent... more
This works is focused on testing a novel MMO-Ti/RuO2IrO2 electrode to reduce the dangerousness of hospital urines polluted with antibiotics. To do this, this electrode was used as anode in electro-Fenton (EF) and photoelectro-Fenton... more
This work focuses on the importance of choosing a suitable electrochemical cell to remove antibiotics from urines. For this purpose, we investigate the use of two electrochemical cells for electrolysis and photo-electrolysis of urine... more
This paper reports the method and mechanism for improving the strength of marl and desert sand utilizing electric arc furnace dust (EAFD), an industrial by-product, in lieu of cement or lime. EAFD was used in conjunction with a small... more
Water must be made safe to drink, and an important step in ensuring water safety is disinfection. Disinfectants are added to water to kill disease-causing microorganisms. Ground water sources can be disinfected by "The Water Treatment... more
In this study, we aimed to use ferrate as an all-in-one alternative for the removal of chlorine-consumed compositions such as organic, color, turbidity, iron, and manganese in river water for water supply purposes. Ferrate (FeO42-) was... more
Disinfectants, especially air disinfectants, are necessary to prevent the potential spread of pathogens (bacteria and viruses) in the pandemic era and minimize the spread of pathogens. Some of the commercial disinfectant products that are... more
Electrodisinfection of wastewater has been investigated extensively in the past, although a consensus over the use of direct current (DC) or alternating current (AC) as the most efficient electricity source has not been reached to date.... more
This paper describes a laboratory study comparing three coagulants (alum, ferric chloride, and ferric sulfate) to determine which coagulant would not only remove NOM but DBP precursors as well. Experiments were conducted to compare the... more
The flow of a jet stream entering a cross flow main stream is modelled along with introducing the related App. The turbulent flow details are computed and validated against similar computational and experimental results. For example,... more
A mathematical model of turbulent density-driven flows is presented and is solved numerically. A form of the k-E turbulence model is used to characterize the turbulent transport, and both this non-linear model and a sediment transport... more
Graphite electrodes incorporated with multi-metal oxides (Pt, Pd, Ru, Cu, Ni and Co) were prepared by electrodeless deposition technique using NaBH 4 as the reductant. The electrodes so prepared were characterized with SEM, EDS, XRD, and... more
The antimicrobial activity of three commonly used disinfectant brands D, R and P against Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans and Pseudomonas aeruginosa were investigated. Their efficacies were determined using the... more
This study investigated how chlorine inactivates and damages Escherichia coli cells. E. coli that had transformed to express enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) at the cytoplasm was treated with chlorine. Damage to the cell membrane... more
TRILITY has developed a production cloud data management solution, KOIOS DatalytiX to provide hybrid machine learning applications and deterministic modelling tools to its operations, asset management, and engineering teams. Two optimiser... more
This is a PDF file of an article that has undergone enhancements after acceptance, such as the addition of a cover page and metadata, and formatting for readability, but it is not yet the definitive version of record. This version will... more
The transportation of exotic species in ballast tanks is one of the most important global environmental problems facing the shipping industry. Electrochemical techniques offer one of the most viable solutions for ballast water problems.... more
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
Disinfection by-products (DBPs) are a class of chemicals that are formed when disinfectants react with organic compounds of drinking water [1]. Some of the DBPs may be carcinogenic and some are suspected of causing health effects. They... more
Antibiotic resistance has been considered a major human health threat that may endanger the success of medicine. Recent studies have unveiled worldwide asymmetries of antibiotic resistance occurrence, being factors as diverse as climate,... more