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High temperature represents one of the most serious abiotic stress factors limiting plant photosynthesis, biomass production and crop productivity. Photosynthetic apparatus is an important heat sensor in plants, sensing a wide range of... more
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      PhotosynthesisDroughtCyanobacteriaPlant Stress Physiology
In recent times, there has been a paradigm shift of elementary role of diet as the source of energy and body-forming substances to the more elusive action of biologically active food components on human health. There has been an increase... more
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Field crops are frequently exposed to drought and high temperature in the field. As the stress tolerance is the major target of many research and breeding programmes, the efficient and reliable tools and methods useful in screening of the... more
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      Research MethodologyEducational ResearchPhotosynthesisDrought
Eat healthy and live healthy is one of the essential requirements for long life. Unfortunately, todays world has been adapted to a system of consumption of foods which has several adverse effects on health. Lifestyle changes has compelled... more
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      HealthPublic HealthDiseasesJunk Food
Age, growth, reproduction and feeding habits of brown comber in the eastern Aegean Sea were analysed. Total length and weight of population varied between 6.50 -11.70 cm and 3.53 -25.80 g respectively. Age was determined by otolith... more
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      ReproductionDiseasesFishesAge and growth
The cause of low yield of soybean in Indonesia, among others is a disease.
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    • Diseases
Hygiene practice, knowledge and behavior are the driving force of health. Health is considered as the physical mental economic and social condition and satisfaction of a man and hygiene is the constitution to attain it. There are various... more
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      Marine BiologyReproductionSharksElasmobranchs
A retrospective study was undertaken at Sodo zuria district of Wolaita zone during November, 2015 to April, 2016 with the aim of to describe the important diseases and disorders observed in cattle and to assess and estimate the financial... more
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      TreatmentDiseasesCattleRetrospective Study
ABSTRACT The pathogens transmitted by ticks to human beings are a motive of public health concern around the world, such is the case of Lyme disease in the northern hemisphere, Encephalitis virus in Europe, the recurrent fevers and the... more
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      Public HealthTicksDiseasesVectors
Free radicals and other reactive species have attracted attention to mitigate abiotic or biotic stress in recent years.
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      FoodReactive Oxygen SpeciesDiseasesNatural antioxidants
The white-spotted rabbitfish Siganus canaliculatus feeds mainly on seaweeds and seagrass during most part of the year in the Omani waters. The presence of benthic invertebrates like polychaetes, small shrimps and bivalves in large sized... more
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      ReproductionDiseasesAge and growthTROPH
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      Comparative AnatomyCraniofacial MorphologyFeedingEvolutionary Biomechanics
We reviewed prominent emerging infectious diseases of cetaceans, examined their potential to impact populations, re-assessed zoonotic risk and evaluated the role of environmental stressors. Cetacean morbilliviruses and papillomaviruses as... more
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      Climate ChangeReproductionPopulation ecologyClimate
Four varieties of the red pepper fruits (Capsicum species) were evaluated for chemical composition, antioxidant activity and total phenolic contents using standard analytical technique, ferric-ion reducing antioxidant potential (FRAP)... more
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      BiochemistryFood ScienceNutritionFree Radicals
Cinnamon (Cinnamomum verum Presl., Syn. Cinnamomum zeylanicum Blume) is an important spice crop grown in Sri Lanka and some other countries in Southeast Asia. Although cinnamon is a hardy plant, it is subjected to attack by a variety of... more
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      BotanyAgronomyConservation BiologyBiology
Present study represents unknown utilizations of traditional medicinal plants used by the yanadi tribes of Seshachalam hill region in Andhra Pradesh. Yanadi tribes of this area brought to light unrevealed therapeutic uses of 70 medicinal... more
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The healthcare system refers to the way of treatment and policy which more than just medicine and doctors. In this regard, the developed nations rely on traditional medicine health care system model which engages doctors, nursing staff,... more
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Plant photosynthesis and photosystem II (PSII) are susceptible to high temperature. However, photosynthetic electron transport process under heat stress remains unclear. To reveal this issue, chlorophyll a fluorescence and modulated 820... more
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      BiochemistryPlant EcologyKineticsPhotosynthesis
Coastal area of India is more prone to the devastating impact of climate change. The present study was conducted in Sunderban coastal ecosystem of West Bengal which is famous for mangrove forest and aquatic resources but this area is now... more
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      AgronomyClimate ChangePovertyClimatology
Black gobies, Gobius niger L., 1758, were sampled monthly between March 2003 and February 2004 in Izmir Bay involving 1149 specimens. Length distribution varied between 5.1 and 15.2 cm total length. Age determined from direct reading on... more
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Health properties and uses of soybean, as well as the different chemical and botanical characteristics of this legume, are shown in this review. Soybean represents an excellent source of high quality protein; it has a low content in... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyFood ScienceNutrition
High temperature represents one of the most serious abiotic stress factors limiting plant photosynthesis, biomass production and crop productivity. Photosynthetic apparatus is an important heat sensor in plants, sensing a wide range of... more
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      PhotosynthesisDroughtCyanobacteriaPlant Stress Physiology
The clustering of cardio-metabolic risk factors, either when called metabolic syndrome (MetS) or not, substantially increases the risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) and causes mortality. One of the possible mechanisms for this... more
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    • Diseases
Today, Ginger is used as a spice all around the world. In the past, Ginger was consumed for the treatment of various diseases, including osteo-arthritis, neurological diseases, vomiting, asthma, and so on. It seems that Ginger can reduce... more
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      InflammationDiseasesGingerZingiber Officinale
This study aims to contribute to research on the ailments suffered by king Enrique IV of Castile, through the study of the manuscript 2/MS.46 (ff. 123r-130v) of the Spanish Royal Academy of History (Madrid). To what extent are the... more
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      History of MedicineDiseasesRetrospective DiagnosisMedical Recipes
Free radicals are well documented for playing a dual role in our body as both deleterious and beneficial species. In low/moderate concentrations free radicals are involved in normal physiological functions but excess production of free... more
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      Free RadicalsOxidative StressAntioxidantsDiseases
Relying on a certain degree of abstraction, we can propose that no particular distinction exists between animate or living matter and inanimate matter. While focusing attention on some specifics, the dividing line between the two can be... more
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Stomach contents of 148 hollowsnout grenadier, Caelorinchus caelorhincus (RISSO, 1810), were examined. Crustaceans were found to be most important prey group in the diet. Polychaetes constituted the second most important prey group.... more
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      ReproductionFish BiologyDiseasesAge and growth
Globally, India ranks second in terms of area planted under rice (Oryza sativa) and its production as well. Potential to yield is dented due to a lack of inbuilt resistance to different biotic stresses as discernible in ~1000 rice... more
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      Soil ScienceEconomicsAgronomyAgriculture
This paper introduces a novel approach to classify the risk in dengue hemorrhagic fever (DHF) patients using the bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA) technique. This in vivo technique involves the application of a small average constant... more
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      InstrumentationHuman BodyDiseasesPatient Monitoring
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      Air QualityIndoor Air QualityDroughtAir Pollution and Health Effects
Now a day in India here is automation in every field even in agriculture also. Appropriate ambient conditions are necessary for optimum plant growth, improved crop yields, and efficient use of water and other resources. Automating the... more
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      RoboticsImage ProcessingSensorsControlling
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      Immune responsePopulation HealthPeruBiological Sciences
Despite increasing global efforts to contain infectious diseases such as Ebola, HIV, and new strains of Hepatitis Virus, the spread and burden still constitute more than 25% of the global disease picture. In this report, insights on an... more
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      Health SciencesMedical AnthropologyEpidemiologyPublic Health
The aim of our work was to evaluate the sensitivity of testing procedure and different parameters derived from the basic parameters of chlorophyll a fluorescence as well as from fluorescence kinetics analysis for their application in... more
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      BiochemistryPhotosynthesisResponses of plant to abiotic stressesDrought
Plant photosynthesis and photosystem II (PSII) are susceptible to high temperature. However, photosynthetic electron transport process under heat stress remains unclear. To reveal this issue, chlorophyll a fluorescence and modulated 820... more
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      BiochemistryPlant EcologyPhotosynthesisDrought
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Pakistan Government is spending millions of rupees on combating deficiency of Iodine through supplementation of Iodine in table salt. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that blood group "O" individuals are most... more
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      PharmacologyPharmacyDietPublic Health
We documented the prevalence of diseases, syndromes and partial mortality in colonies of the Montastraea annularis species complex on 3 reefs, and tested the assumption that a higher prevalence of these parameters occurs when reefs are... more
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      Environmental MonitoringWater PollutionMortalityBiological Sciences
We reviewed prominent emerging infectious diseases of cetaceans, examined their potential to impact populations, re-assessed zoonotic risk and evaluated the role of environmental stressors. Cetacean morbilliviruses and papillomaviruses as... more
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      Climate ChangeReproductionPopulation ecologyClimate
Marine mammals can be infected with zoonotic pathogens and show clinical signs of disease, or be asymptomatic carriers of such disease agents. While isolated cases of human disease from contact with marine mammals have been reported, no... more
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      MammalsBiological SciencesDiseasesData Collection
Seven cotton strains, i.e. CIM-78, CIM-80, CIM-81, CIM-84, CIM-95, CIM-96 and Cyto-55 were tested for their resistance against bollworm complex under sprayed and unsprayed conditions at Multan. Cyto-55 and CIM-95 were susceptible, while... more
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Trichophyton tonsurans is an anthropophilic dermatophyte, responsible for infections of the scalp and sometimes of the glabrous skin or nails. Tinea capitis, the most common dermatophytosis in children, is an infection of the scalp and... more
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      DiseasesTrichophyton Tonsurans
Background. The development of cranial proportions is the result of genetic, embriogenetic and environmental factors. Coeliac disease is a genetically inherited disease that is frequently diagnosed in adulthood in individuals, in whom the... more
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      GeneticsVenezuelaAquacultureMultivariate Analysis
From healthy and diseased penaeid shrimp from Asia and the Americas, 25 luminous and 2 non-luminous bacterial strains were isolated, and 14 were phenotypically identified as Vibrio harveyi; 9 isolates produced significant mortalities (45... more
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      ArtemiaMortalityBiological SciencesVirulence
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This paper describes the water compartments in healthy subjects and dengue patients on the day of defervescence of fever using bioelectrical impedance analysis. A total of 223 healthy subjects (65 males and 158 females) and 210 dengue... more
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      PathologyWaterDiseasesPatient Monitoring
Black gobies, Gobius niger L., 1758, were sampled monthly between March 2003 and February 2004 in Izmir Bay involving 1149 specimens. Length distribution varied between 5.1 and 15.2 cm total length. Age determined from direct reading on... more
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      ReproductionDiseasesFishesFisheries Sciences
Nothing is permanent but change. The trends in various fields of human knowledge and experience evolve with time. From Times of mass starvation and hunger related deaths India as a nation advanced to food self-suf iciency with the help of... more
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      AgricultureDiseasesIOTIaeme Ijaret