The article discusses the human rights implications of algorithmic decision-making in the social welfare sphere. It does so against the background of the 2020 Hague's District Court judgment in a case challenging the Dutch government's... more
A call for papers is now open for the forthcoming issue of JCA. Please submit your manuscript to [email protected]. The deadline for submissions is November 15, 2019. All submissions are subjected to a blind peer review... more
Abstract All kinds of conflicts, war and in particular the effects of the Second World War prompted the international community to develop standards that will protect the future of humanity from the disastrous effects of the... more
In order to be afforded protection on the grounds of disability, individuals have to satisfy the criteria outlined in the Equality Act 2010. This has created controversy, which has caused ongoing issues for the courts and tribunals. This... more
En France comme dans de nombreux pays, le terme de discrimination s’est répandu dans l’espace public pour désigner une série d’atteintes illégitimes à l’égalité. Le renforcement du cadre juridique anti-discriminatoire depuis le début des... more
Al volume "Il diritto al viaggio. Abbecedario delle migrazioni", curato da Luca Barbari e Francesco De Vanna, hanno partecipato con un contributo: Tindara Addabbo, Stefania Ascari, Luca Baccelli, Luca Barbari, Gualtiero Bassetti, Fabrizio... more
Le droit de la non-discrimination dans l'emploi des personnes en situation de handicap est encore difficile à mettre en oeuvre dans la fonction publique hospitalière, malgré les avancées du droit en la matière. C'est le constat dressé par... more
Cambridge University Press, 2011. The worlds of law and religion increasingly collide in Parliament and the courtroom. Religious courts, the wearing of religious symbols and faith schools have given rise to increased legislation and... more
This paper analyses the protection for fixed-term workers, agency workers and part-time workers under EU case law and legislation.
Les textes réunis dans ce livre étudient les langages de la stigmatisation et les réponses que des sujets stigmatisés peuvent produire, individuellement ou collectivement, pour s'en défendre. La stigmatisation se manifeste dans les... more
This article explores the effect of the 1996 Constitution and the Promotion of Equality and Prevention of Unfair Discrimination Act on motor vehicle insurance. I illustrate that the use of some traditional rating variables is suspect by... more
It doesn’t care if your boss fires you because you happen to be a Sagittarius. But a hiring policy that requires a college degree could land him in court. Discrimination law can be counter-intuitive and controversial. Marrying doctrine... more
quienes generosamente revisaron y corrigieron los borradores de la presente monografía.
MD (Anatomy) dissertation thesis at armed forces medical college (Maharashtra university of health sciences, Nasik) 2011-2014 on osteology, sexual discrimination of human mandible using discrimination functional analysis.
A live automated facial recognition technology, rolled out in public spaces and cities across the world, is transforming the nature of modern policing. In R (on the application of Bridges) v Chief Constable of South Wales Police, decided... more
"Since the seminal Sex Discrimination Act 1975, modern British equality law developed in a piecemeal fashion over four decades. The landmark Equality Act 2010 was designed to unify, simplify and, to a limited extent, strengthen the... more
Le présent ouvrage ouvre la voie à des travaux de recherche et de pratique professionnelle concrète et entreprend de répondre notamment aux questions suivantes: Comment ce critère de discrimination prohibée s’est-il construit dans notre... more
Das jährliche Standardwerk zur Religionsfreiheit 2019 und das jährliche Standardwerk zur Verfolgung von Christen 2019 in einem Wendebuch zusammen gebunden – jedes Jahrbuch beginnt auf einer Seite des Umschlages. Herausgegeben für den... more
Sommario: 1. Le discriminazioni contrattuali nella pluralistica società dei consumi. Indispensabilità di un intervento di etero-regolamentazione del mercato. — 2. Progressiva affermazione della non discriminazione quale principio del... more
Ainsi la notion de discrimination indirecte, basée sur le constat d’un effet disparate de facto, bouleverse la perspective traditionnellement libérale du droit français des discriminations. Comme nous l’avons vu à propos de la question... more
I was a senior lecturer at London South Bank University for 27 years. In that time I built up an international reputation for excellence in the fields of the production of urban public space and urban regeneration.... more
Monografia ujmuje problem dyskryminacji oraz mobbingu w zatrudnieniu w sposób syntetyczny. Autorzy wyrażają nadzieję, że przybliży ona Czytelnikowi różne aspekty obu zjawisk i stanowić będzie praktyczny przewodnik dla osób... more
Sometime in July 2013, Nigeria’s Senate stunned the entire country when it voted to retain s. 29 (4) (b) of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria 1999 as amended (herein after "CFRN"). Senator Ahmed Sani Yerima championed... more
المستخلص يتيح الجيل الثاني من الويب للمستفيدين سهولة استخدام المحتوى والتحكم فيه، ويزيد هذا من خطر خرق القانون الحالي الخاص بحماية حقوق المؤلفين، وحماية البيانات، وغيرها من قوانين تتعلق بالملكية الفكرية، وقد يكون هناك زيادة في استخدام... more
The issue of when EU law applies, its scope, is obviously important and yet it has no clear answer. Two extreme positions are that EU law has a general scope, which it does not, and that all EU law provisions have different scopes, which... more
“Comment on CJEU Judgment of 11.04.2013, C-335/11 & 337/11, HK Danmark (Disability discrimination)” (in Greek), Hellenic Review of European Law, 3/2013, pp. 364-374
Body height seems to be an universal problem when used as an employment criterion. When it comes to armed forces or law enforcement bodies, the use of such criterion is not universal. The criterion itself lacks uniformity. Various... more
Algorithms may seriously impair the right to privacy held by groups of individuals (and thus, more subtly, individuals themselves, but relationally). Indeed, a functional equivalence exists between the way personal data is gathered and... more
Defining the characteristics targeted by banning discrimination constitutes a central challenge for EU discrimination law, and defining disability is particularly challenging due to the dispute around the very concept of disability. From... more
To provide a valid consent to – or refusal of – medical intervention, a patient must be legally capable to decide. This dissertation evaluates and compares when the assessment of mental abilities to refuse – or consent to – somatic... more
This is my syllabus for the Equality and Discrimination course at Carleton University (Summer 2021)
A background study of Hong Kong government structure and legal system as a basis of how to strategically advocate for equal marriage rights in Hong Kong.
Migrant workers are often discriminated in almost every aspect of life. Using doctrinal research methodology, this article discusses direct and perceptive discrimination against them. This article concludes that physical discriminations... more
The Court of Justice judgments in Römer and Dominguez deserve to be jointly reviewed as they raise similar constitutional questions, which the Court, however, was seemingly anxious to avoid. Indeed, in these two cases, the Court, sitting... more
Las opiniones expuestas en los trabajos publicados en esta Revista son de exclusiva responsabilidad de sus autores y no corresponden necesariamente con las del IIDH o las de sus donantes.
Alle Rechte sind vorbehalten. Kein Teil dieser Publikation darf ohne die vorherige Zustimmung des Herausgebers in irgendeiner Form oder in irgendeiner Weise -sei es elektronisch, mechanisch, als Fotokopie, Aufnahme oder anderweitig... more
Svaranden ansluter sig till den kommunala falangen inom Malmö kommun och begår öppen rasism genom att diskriminera mig som topp expert i IT branschen och hänvisa mig till internationella hjälpinstanser som rättslös i Sverige.
This article analyses the current situation of discrimination towards foetuses with Down syndrome in Spain, both legally and through the medical practice, pointing out how this discrimination breaches the United Nations Convention on the... more
This article is an analysis of the current immigration policy in Australia from the perspective of critical social work. The analysis is based on the outcomes of the immigration applications of three families of children with... more
“Islamophobia” has been used as an umbrella term capturing different types of religious stigma towards Muslims. However, the operationalization of the term for research purposes varies greatly, where little attention heretofore has been... more
The regulatory frameworks that characterized HIV and AIDS under Nigerian legislation are examined in this research. In doing so, it unearths the myriads of provisions appreciated by the Nigeria judiciary while instilling substantial faith... more
Over the last half-century, the United States has developed an increasingly complex web of mechanisms for resolving individual labour and employment disputes. During this period, the percentage of the private sector workforce represented... more
This long annotation to the ECJ's decision in Mangold focuses on the question whether the Court indeed approved of horizontal effects of directives, or whether the relevance of the case is narrower and more important at the same time. I... more