Discrimination (Law)

343 papers
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Discrimination (Law) refers to the unjust or prejudicial treatment of individuals or groups based on characteristics such as race, gender, age, disability, or religion, which is prohibited by legal statutes. It encompasses both direct and indirect forms of unequal treatment in various contexts, including employment, housing, and public services.
L'evaluation de la politique de la ville fait ressortir des apories : en designant son public cible, cette politique le construit comme public exclu et participe a son exclusion. Quels seraient les pistes pour sortir de ces... more
Esta pesquisa almeja analisar a interrelação entre (não) discriminação e a caracterização do dano moral coletivo como instrumento de proteção de grupos vulneráveis. O objetivo geral do estudo ora proposto é explorar e examinar a... more
Mes recommandations pour DEI (Défense des enfants international)
The increased political saliency of migration and the growing complexity of the legal framework regulating it are changing structurally the field of legal intermediation, as well as its relation to politics. The aim of this article is... more
Aus: Religionen und Religionsfreiheit: Menschenrechtliche Perspektiven im Spannungsfeld von Mission und Konversion, herausgegeben von Marianne Heimbach-Steins und Heiner Bielefeldt in Kooperation mit der Deutschen Kommission Justitia et Pax
Esta comunicación deriva de la constatación de que la “edad” a menudo opera como una causa de discriminación que cuenta con un régimen jurídico de protección devaluado respecto a las causas tradicionales, en la medida en que se le... more
Syftet med denna uppsats ar att undersoka och mata forekomsten av diskriminering av personer med utlandsk bakgrund pa Malmos arbetsmarknad, specifikt restaurangbranschen. Uppsatsen belyser aven diskrimineringen som de arbetssokande i... more
Las transiciones latinoamericanas a la democracia en la década de 1980, posicionó de forma destacada el debate respecto a los derechos humanos en las democracias post dictadura. Este trabajo se propone indagar el modo que la temática de... more
The Belgian Constitution contains a specific provision on access to administrative documents. Article 32 reads as follows: 'Everyone has the right to consult any administrative document and to obtain a copy, except in the cases and... more
In Israel, the Orthodox minority enforces its conception of the good on Israeli-Jews, many of whom do not share their set of beliefs. This is the result of lack of separation between state and religion and the monopoly enjoyed by the... more
Sex discrimination is crucial in an anthropological examination. Researchers investigated the usefulness of different skeletal elements in sex determination in various populations using a range of variables and a variety of techniques.... more
Este trabalho almeja analisar criticamente a decisão proferida pelo Superior Tribunal de Justiça no Agravo em Recurso Especial n° 2.130.619/SP, concentrando-se em duas questões: a (não) taxatividade do rol de dados sensíveis estabelecido... more
Esta pesquisa almeja teorizar e avaliar a influência da lógica liberal-colonial sobre o Direito da Antidiscriminação, propondo uma abordagem descolonial para sua análise. Busca-se identificar as consequências dessa influência sobre o... more
‘The offer of an apology has become so commonplace in world politics that some have called it ‘the age of apology’’ (Andrew Rigby, Justice and Reconciliation: After the Violence). Yes, because an apology is first and foremost a political... more
A lo largo de los últimos años, en numerosos puntos de la geografía mundial la insatisfacción ciudadana con el sistema de justicia parece haberse convertido en una constante, más acentuada aún si cabe en el caso de instituciones alejadas... more
speaks-at-religious-freedomconference.html#.WGHqRhSE6uc The opinions expressed in this comment remain my own 1 Publication pending at the time of publication of this comment 2 The Attorney General for Northern Ireland has subsequently... more
The International Labour Office welcomes such applications. Libraries, institutions and other users registered with reproduction rights organizations may make copies in accordance with the licences issued to them for this purpose. Visit... more
Per quale ragione agire per un motivo abietto o per un fine discriminatorio dovrebbe meritare una pena più severa rispetto a quella comunque applicabile al reato commesso? Il volume si occupa di una questione di particolare attualità... more
Este trabajo intenta contribuir a la construcción de un Derecho antidiscriminatorio crítico y feminista mediante el análisis de dos elementos que están moldeando nuevos horizontes en la actualidad jurídica: por un lado, la necesidad de... more
In a criminal case pending before the Criminal Court of East Flanders, Ghent Division, Belgium, concerning illegal hunting practices, a bird protection organization (Vogelbescherming Vlaanderen) is acting as a civil party on the basis of... more
Introduction: the Belgian Federal System and Environmental Crime Belgium is a Federal State composed of regions and communities. For environmental policy the federal state and the regions (Flemish Region, Walloon Region and the Brussels... more
Thanks to Dean John White and former Dean Richard Morgan for supporting this project and to William S. Boyd and James E. Rogers who provided financial support. I also thank my colleagues at Boyd School of Law, especially Jeff Stempel and... more
The first reports emerged in October 2017 in the New York Times 1 and the New Yorker 2 that dozens of women had accused movie producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual violence. Since then, hundreds of women and men have come forward to accuse... more
Background: Sexual dimorphism is based changes in the skeleton that help estimate attributes pertaining to sex determination from skeletal remains. Skeleton is an excellent material in living and non-living population for genetic,... more
The article is devoted to the problem of identifying different attitudes towards people on certain grounds. Discrimination as a form of subordination or negative attitude towards individuals or groups based on characteristics that are not... more
This paper explores the phenomenon of "covert discrimination," a subtle and covert form of workplace discrimination targeting immigrants from the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), Latin America (LATAM), and Africa. By examining the... more
RESUMO: O acesso à justiça sempre envolveu obstáculos e barreiras e, historicamente, sabe-se que as pessoas LGBTQIAPN+ sempre lutaram contra a discriminação, a exclusão, os estereótipos e o preconceito. Pergunta-se: por que os estudos... more
heden. De vernictigingen bij de Raad van State zijn dan ook slechts ccn kwestic van tijd. Tweede voorbecld: m de genoemde VBA's is een verbod opgenomcn tot uitvoer van afval uit de provmcie, behoudens ontheffing. Dat dit laatste in... more
This is a study of the European Court of Human Rights' doctrinal response to complaints for protection under the European Convention on Human Rights submitted by or on behalf of companies. Companies indisputably enjoy ECHR protection in... more
The author firstly poses the questions whether South African law supports the position that common-law development can and should be sparked by extra-constitutional reasons and, if so, what the relationship is and should be between... more
Савченко В. О. Згода потенційного батька на проведення штучного переривання вагітності. Актуальні проблеми приватного та публічного права : матеріали VІ Міжнародної науково-практичної конференції присвяченої 95-річчю від дня народження... more
Table of contents Chapter 1| Introduction Chapter 2| Limits to the scope of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT): an analysis of the international ethical framework for prenatal screening and an interview study with Dutch professionals... more
Table of contents Chapter 1| Introduction Chapter 2| Limits to the scope of non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT): an analysis of the international ethical framework for prenatal screening and an interview study with Dutch professionals... more
In OP v. Commune d'Ans, the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) held that exclusive neutrality policies in public administrations do not constitute indirect religious discrimination provided that the policies are appropriate,... more
Cet avis doit être diffusé dans sa totalité, sans ajout ni modification Risques des produits et pratiques de tatouage et de détatouage 15 décembre 2020 Le Haut Conseil de la santé publique (HCSP) a été saisi par la Direction générale de... more
Si la question des territoires urbains francais dits en difficulte a ete etudiee par les chercheurs en sciences sociales, economistes, sociologues et politologues, elle a suscite encore peu de recherches en sciences de gestion. Cet... more
The series introduces new authors, unorthodox themes, critical interpretations of the classics and salient works by older and more established thinkers. A new generation of academics is becoming engaged with immanent critique,... more
NeilFoster FreedomofReligionandDiscriminationTwoimportantUKcases Shortly before Christmas two important decisions were handed down by UKcourtsdealingwiththequestionoffreedomofreligion.Onewasright,though unfortunate; the other was wrong,... more
Although the Supreme Court’s decision in Obergefell v. Hodges has now made same-sex marriage lawful throughout the United States, a large and fervent minority of American society continues to view such unions with antipathy. As a result,... more
Law. I would like to thank Nancy Knauer and Carey Francis for their thoughtful comments and suggestions on earlier drafts of this Article. I am also grateful to Alexis Baden-Mayer for her excellent research assistance.
This blog post is based on the author's presentation at the conference, ‘Contemporary Children and Families: Opportunities and Challenges in Law, Policy and Practice’, which took place at the Centre for Child and Family Law Policy at... more
Міллер А.О. Проблеми виплат допомоги при народженні дитини, під час догляду за дитиною до досягнення нею трирічного віку. Надано детальний розрахунок сум допомоги, які мають виплачуватися державними органами, і які декларуються державними... more
Міллер А.О. Cоціальне знищення найбільш уразливих категорій громадян в Україні. Дослідження було направлене встановити, як саме державою захищаються права малолітніх дітей та осіб, котрі доглядають за дитиною до досягнення дитиною... more