Discrete Cosine Transform
Recent papers in Discrete Cosine Transform
The spatial resolution of numerical weather prediction and climate models is generally determined by their grid spacing (∆x) or spectral truncation and the numerical implementation of dynamical core and model parametrisations. For example... more
Transform coding has been the focus of the research for image compression. In previous research, the Amplitude and Group Partitioning (AGP) coding scheme is proved to be a low complexity algorithm with high performance 1,2 , clearly one... more
Speech recognition and speaker identification are important for authentication and verification in security purpose, but they are difficult to achieve. Speaker identification methods can be divided into textindependent and text-dependent.... more
This paper discusses the feasibility of coding a robust, undetectable, digital water mark on a standard 512*512 intensity image with an 8 bit gray scale. The watermark is capable of carrying such information as authentication or... more
This paper introduces a real-time data compression and transmission algorithm between e-health terminals for a periodic ECGsignal. The proposed algorithm consists of five compression procedures and four reconstruction procedures. In order... more
An overview of channel coding techniques for data hiding in still images is presented. Use of codes is helpful in reducing the bit error probability of the decoded hidden information, thus increasing the reliability of the system. First,... more
This paper presents an ECG compressor based on optimized quantization of Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) coefficients. The ECG to be compressed is partitioned in blocks of fixed size, and each DCT block is quantized using a quantization... more
A fast and simple method for content based retrieval using the DC-pictures of H.264 coded video without full decompression is presented. Compressed domain retrieval is very desirable for content analysis and retrieval of compressed image... more
This paper introduces a cepstral approach for the automatic detection of landmines and underground utilities from acoustic and ground penetrating radar (GPR) images. This approach is based on treating the problem as a pattern recognition... more
Two new fast algorithms for computing the inverse modified discrete cosine transform (IMDCT) as used in the adaptive spectral entropy coder (ASPEC) [2] are proposed. A fixed-point error analysis is presented to determine the number of... more
In this paper, we present the IRIS architectural synthesis system for high-performance digital signal processing. This tool allows non-specialists to automatically derive VLSI circuit architectures from high-level, algorithmic... more
In this paper, an algorithm is developed to apply Hann, Hamming, Blackman and related windows directly in the transform domain for the discrete cosine transform and discrete sine transform. These algorithms are useful in applications... more
In the last ten years, there has been much research on active noise control (ANC) systems and transaural sound reproduction (TSR) systems. In those fields, multichannel FIR adaptive filters are extensively used. For the learning of FIR... more
This paper examines finite field trigonometry as a tool to construct digital trigonometric transforms. In particular, by using properties of k-cosine function over a Galois field, the finite field discrete cosine transform is introduced.... more
The main focus in this research paper is to experiment deeply with, and find alternative solutions to the image segmentation and character recognition problems within the License Plate Recognition framework. Three main stages are... more
An efficient method for computing the discrete cosine transform (DCT) is proposed. Based on direct decomposition of the DCT, the recursive properties of the DCT for even length input sequence is derived, which is a generalization of the... more
This paper introduces a real-time data compression and transmission algorithm between e-health terminals for a periodic ECGsignal. The proposed algorithm consists of five compression procedures and four reconstruction procedures. In order... more
Steganography is an important area of research in recent years involving a number of applications. It is the science of embedding information into the cover image viz., text, video, and image (payload) without causing statistically... more
With rapid advances in digital information processing systems, and more specifically in digital image processing software, there is a widespread development of advanced tools and techniques for digital image forgery. One of the techniques... more
Due to the ever-growing usage of the computer, it has led to a rapid increment in the data that is being exchanged, published and stored in an assortment of digital form. This phenomenon has urged an active participation in the research... more
Subband coding has become quite popular for the source encoding of speech. This paper presents a simple yet efficient extension of this concept to the source coding of images. We specify the constraints for a set o f two-dimensional... more
A Phonocardiogram or PCG is a plot of high fidelity recording of the sounds and murmurs made by the heart with the help of the machine called phonocardiograph. It has developed continuously to perform an important role in the proper and... more
Automatic recognition of people is a challenging problem which has received much attention during recent years due to its many applications in different fields. Face recognition is one of those challenging problems and up to date, there... more
Palethorpe S, Watson CI and Barker R. Acoustic analysis of monophthong and diphthong production in acquired severe to profound hearing loss.
Automatic Number Plate Recognition (ANPR) has many applications as (highway electronic toll collection, Police applications, Average Speed Enforcement, Bus Lane Enforcement, Parking Management Systems, Journey Time Systems, detection of... more
For the past few years, a joint ISO/CCITT committee known as JPEG (Joint Photographic Experts Group) has been working to establish the first international compression standard for continuous-tone still images, both grayscale and color.... more
This thesis describes a processor architecture called OneChip, which combines a fixed logic processor core and reconfigurable logic resources. Using the variable components of this architecture, the performance of speed-critical... more
This paper aims at development and performance analysis of a speaker dependent speech recognition system using MATLAB®. The issues that were considered are 1) Can Matlab, be effectively used to complete the aforementioned task, 2)... more
Abstract – The development of digital imaging especially digital imaging cause greater storage utilization information. That resulting digital image quality is better, but also create new problems which the amount of storage required.... more
In the source-filter model of speech production, physiologically, the source corresponds to the vocal fold vibrations and the filter corresponds to the spectrum-shaping vocal tract. Vocal tract-based features like the mel-frequency... more
Document Image processing and Optical Character Recognition (OCR) have been a frontline research area in the field of human-machine interface for the last few decades. Recognition of Indian language characters has been a topic of interest... more
We address the image denoising problem, where zero-mean white and homogeneous Gaussian additive noise is to be removed from a given image. The approach taken is based on sparse and redundant representations over trained dictionaries.... more
Automatic recognition of people is a challenging problem which has received much attention during recent years due to its many applications in different fields. Face recognition is one of those challenging problems and up to date, there... more
The ability to discriminate between original documents and their photocopies poses a problem when conducting automated forensic examinations of large numbers of confiscated documents. This paper describes a novel frequency domain approach... more
This paper presents a solution for user-independent recognition of isolated Arabic sign language gestures. The video-based gestures are preprocessed to segment out the hands of the signer based on color segmentation of the colored gloves.... more
The Hankel transform of a function by means of a direct Mellin approach requires sampling on an exponential grid, which has the disadvantage of coarsely undersampling the tail of the function. A novel modified Hankel transform procedure,... more
This paper makes an investigation of the dehazing effects on image and video coding for surveillance systems. The goal is to achieve good dehazed images and videos at the receiver while sustaining low bitrates (using compression) in the... more
With rapid advances in digital information processing systems, and more specifically in digital image processing software, there is a widespread development of advanced tools and techniques for digital image forgery. One of the techniques... more
This paper presents a novel approach of adaptive visual tuning of a watermark in Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) domain. The proposed approach intelligently selects appropriate frequency bands as well as optimal strength of alteration.... more
Plants are a major source of food stuff, medicine and industry. However it is an important and difficult task to recognize species of crop on earth. Therefore it is pertinent to design an appropriate recognition system of crops. As the... more
This paper presents an in-plane rotation (tilt), illumination invariant pattern recognition framework based on the combination of the features extracted using Radon and discrete cosine transforms and kernel based learning for face... more
Abstract The extension of the Fourier transform operator to a fractional power has received much attention in signal theory and is finding attractive applications. The paper introduces and develops the fractional discrete cosine transform... more
Real-time implementation of an assistive human-machine interface system based around tongue-movement ear pressure (TMEP) signals is presented, alongside results from a series of simulated control tasks. The implementation of this system... more