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Published in June 2015, this collection of essays by academic, NGO and policy thinkers from across the UK highlights how making connections between different agendas, sectors and places can help tackle disadvantage and inequality more... more
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      Human RightsSocial JusticeEquality and DiversityDisability
As someone who originally started out as a part-time PhD student researching the motivation underlying disability hate crime, before metamorphosing into an independent researcher on the subject (purely through not having the funds to... more
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      Disability StudiesDisability Hate Crime
*This is the script that was presented with the conference presentation* Drawing from my professional, academic and personal experiences of working within disability hate crime, I would like to use my time to highlight a small number of... more
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      Disability StudiesHate CrimesCroatiaDisability Hate Crime
Drawing from my professional, academic and personal experiences of working within disability hate crime, I would like to use my time to highlight a small number of key themes, which will hopefully stimulate discussion for the remainder of... more
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      European StudiesDisability StudiesHate CrimesCroatia
A number of themes are discussed, including the social domination and oppression of disabled people, something that may mirror the historical domination and oppression of disability.
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      Disability StudiesDisabilityDisability Hate Crime
Combatting disability hate crime (DHC) is vital for Independent Living, as it is a barrier for disabled people in accessing their rights to live lives with full participation. The European Network on Independent Living (ENIL) has been... more
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      SociologyCriminologyEuropean StudiesSocial Sciences
essay writing
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    • Disability Hate Crime
Research suggests that disabled people experience disablist hate speech and verbal abuse on a regular basis. Yet current legislation in England and Wales is limited in its ability to challenge this. This paper considers the limitations of... more
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      StorytellingNarrativasDisablismDisability Hate Crime
Disability hate crimes are a global problem. They are often violent and hyper-aggressive, with life-changing effects on victims, and they send consistent messages of intolerance and bigotry. This ground-breaking book shows that disability... more
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      Disability StudiesCritical Disability StudiesHate CrimesDisability
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      DiscriminationDisability Hate Crime
There is growing concern within the UK around violence against people with disabilities. This paper aims to demonstrate how dwarfs are often targets of violence including, threatening behaviour and verbal abuse, from other members of the... more
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      Disability StudiesBuilt EnvironmentDisability Hate CrimeDwarfs