Direct Democracy
Recent papers in Direct Democracy
Se analiza la naturaleza de la revocación del mandato como mecanismo de control político de democracia directa, así como las razones por las que el Pleno de la Suprema Corte de Justicia de la Nación optó por declararla inconstitucional y... more
La comunidad extremeña podría colocarse a la vanguardia democrática en España conforme a una práctica participativa que vaya más allá del derecho al voto, promoviendo el diálogo en la relación representantes-representados
Tárgyszavak / keywords: népszavazás, népi kezdeményezés, az Országgyűlés hatásköre, hatalommegosztás, közigazgatási referendum, Felcsút, stadion / referendum, popular initiative, the Parliament's competence, separation of powers,... more
On reproche souvent au référendum d'être très peu délibératif. En opposition avec la « force non coercitive de l'argument meilleur » qui habite l'idéal délibératif, le vote sanctionne un rapport de force : la loi du plus grand nombre. Le... more
Генезис конституционно-правового регулирования народной законодательной инициативы
Keywords: direct democracy, Hungary, Ignác Martinovics, Hungarian Jacobins, Austro-Hungarian Monarchy, territorial plebiscite, Sopron plebiscite, political transformation, "Four-Yes Referendum", Constitutional Court, the relation of... more
Autorka sa zaoberá problematikou súladu ostatného navrhovaného referenda s ústavou. Jej cieľom je diskusiu otvoriť, preto poskytuje skôr rámcovú argumentáciu. Základné argumenty, cez ktoré dospieva k záveru o nemožnosti vyhlásiť referendu... more
Why was direct democracy adopted in some U.S. states and not others? In this article, we sort through the various arguments advanced in the predominantly historical literature by using event history analysis. Among other factors we... more
By compiling data on 12 politico-institutional variables for 25 member states of the European Union over the years 1997-2006, we were able to investigate the emerging patterns of democracy in the European Union. The study addresses the... more
Nesterovych V.F. Public Influence on Adoption of Regulatory Acts: Problems of Constitutional Theory and Practice: Monograph Нестерович В.Ф. Влияние общественности на принятие нормативно-правовых актов: проблемы конституционной теории и... more
Après une multiplication des écarts à la procédure constitutionnelle durant les deux conflits mondiaux, la Suisse a vu sa population se mobiliser et recourir à un instrument de dé-mocratie directe pour réclamer la sortie de cet état... more
Citizens' assemblies or "Bürgerräte" as they are called in the German speaking area (Citizens' councils) have grown popular especially after the Austrian Bundesland of Vorarlberg applied it regularly on municipal and on regional level.... more
This paper examines the question of what shapes a voter's sense of duty to vote. We begin with a standard model of turnout at the 2011 British electoral system referendum. We show that the respondent's assessment of whether it is a... more
El propósito de este boletín es identificar los elementos que tienen mayor efecto positivo en el ejercicio de presupuesto participativo en el ámbito local en Jalisco, así como sus principales oportunidades y restricciones. Se estudian los... more
This paper argues that direct democracy has the potential to attract not only the young voters but also those citizens who are apathetic to the political process (providing certain safeguards are put in place). It strives for an honest... more
Rules for an internet based direct democracy are introduced.
Defining "integral liberty" using five key factors that offer a method of empirical validation.
This is a private translation into English of the 2005 fully revised constitution of the Canton of Zurich in Switzerland. In the opinion of the translator, this is the most democratic constitution in the world, which should be of interest... more
Програмата на ДД ЗАЕДНО -единствената Национална Доктрина за България: размишления върху изобилието от "национални доктрини" и "национални стратегии" като способ за дефокусирането на нацията
This paper was presented at the 2010 ECPR Joint Sessions. It discusses the impact of populism on democratic reform theoretically and presents empirical evidence from Austria, Belgium and the Netherlands. The findings reveal an... more
In der politischen Debatte rund um die eidgenössische Volksinitiative "Für mehr Transparenz in der Politikfinanzierung (Transparenz-Initiative)" wird die direkte Demokratie entweder als Anlass oder als Hürde für weitergehende... more
Direct democracy, participatory democracy, direct democratic traditions, France, Switzerland, USA, institutional design, terminology, models, Eastern Europe, East-Central Europe, referendum, popular initiative, quorum, functions of... more
Fidel Castro developed an idea of democracy as a legitimate alternative to american democracy. at the dawn of the Cuban revolution Castro was careful enough to avoid marxist concepts in his speeches, but after the bay of Pigs invasion in... more
Hngalhternak Democracy hruainak ahhin minung nih covo le zalonnak tam bik ngeih a si. Ralkap uknak hna ahcun, covo le zalonnak si loin, ttuanvo le tuahvo tampi minung nih ngeih a si. Cun, democracy hruainak ahhin rammi nih ttha le dik... more
Political culture in Switzerland is, to a large extent, influenced by its direct democracy. Compared to purely representative systems, direct democracy leads to a different type of communication among citizens and also between citizens... more
This study examines a transformative process unfolding in the city of Bhuj that aims to challenge the mainstream model of urban planning and governance. Under the Homes in the City (HIC) program initiated by five civil society... more
Digital technologies have been considered as generating new opportuni- ties to enhance democratic politics. However, political parties have generally been latecomers in appropriating digital media in their every day life. The case of the... more
In Lebanon, municipalities are the only form of public administration which exercises its authority in a decentralized manner. Unfortunately, they usually experience a democratic deficit caused by the fact that most citizens are not well... more
Liberal political theorists often argue that justice requires limits on policy outcomes, limits delineated by substantive rights. Distinct from this project is a body of literature dedicated to elaborating on the meaning of democracy in... more
Satz: Atelier Silvia Ruppen, Vaduz Druck: Hilty, Buch-und Offsetdruckerei, Schaan Bibliografische Information der Deutschen Nationalbibliothek Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen... more
Srećko Horvat i Igor Štiks knjigom Pravo na pobunu snažno, oštro i polemično reagiraju na aktualne političke događaje. Ispravno i jasno detektiraju da je studentska pobuna s proljeća 2009. ključni događaj koji bi mogao pomaknuti Hrvatsku... more
Zusammenfassung Entgegen der verbreiteten, oft unspezifischen Annahme, dass der maßgebliche Beitrag Rousseaus zur Demokratietheorie in der Idee einer kleinstaatlichen, direkt-demokratischen Selbstverwaltung durch die Bürgerschaft bestehe,... more
This article examines how anti–corporate globalization activists have used new digital technologies to coordinate actions, build networks, practice media activism, and physically manifest their emerging political ideals. Since... more
There are several additional advantages to analysing direct democracy within the complex framework of the separation of powers. This model highlights that in manifestations of direct democracy where there is effective control of the... more
Chap 1 (pages 1-24) excerpted from the book, Venezuela´s Polarized Politics: The Paradox of Direct Democracy Under Chavez. Ana L.Mallen and Maria Pilar Garcia-Guadilla . First Forum Press. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Inc. 2017. How... more