Lipomas of the upper lip are among the rarest adipose tissue neoplasms in the oral cavity. The standard treatment for lipomas involves surgical removal, which can be performed using conventional or laser techniques. This case report... more
Objective: To compare the frequency of pain in root canal treatment using sodium hypochlorite and chlorhexidine as root canal irrigants. Methods: The cross-sectional study was carried out from January to June 2016 at the Pakistan... more
Compact, tunable, low-power consumption coupled-cavity lasers are designed and experimentally demonstrated. Single-mode operation with an SMSR >24 dB and >11 nm tuning range are achieved, being suitable as on-chip local oscillators in... more
Tema:-Tema 1 Uso de la madera certificada como material eco-sustentable en sistemas constructivos.
Diode laser-based two-line atomic fluorescence (TLAF) thermometry applied to flames of combusting wood pellets is demonstrated. The pellets are placed in the hot product gas (O2 concentration 1.7%) of gallium seeded laminar flames... more
Lead-salt diode lasers have been commercially available for more than two decades and became essential for laser mid-infrared gas analysis with high sensitivity and selectivity. Their emission covers the wavelength range from below 3 µm... more
Objectives A comparison of different treatment modalities of peri-implantitis can lead to the development and application of more effective and efficient methods of therapy in clinical practice. This study compares the effectiveness of... more
Frequency converters are used in wind turbines because they make it possible to apply the variable-speed concept. They also make it possible for wind farm to become active element in the power system. The traditional frequency converter... more
High power diode laser bars are interesting in many applications such as solid state laser pumping, material processing, laser trapping, laser cooling and second harmonic generation. Often, the free running laser bars emit a broad... more
Users may download and print one copy of any publication from the public portal for the purpose of private study or research. You may not further distribute the material or use it for any profit-making activity or commercial gain ... more
We report on NIR efficient end-coupling in single-mode silicon on insulator waveguides. Efficient coupling has been achieved using Polymer-Tipped Optical Fibers (PTOF) of adaptable radius of curvature (ROC). When compared with commercial... more
We report on NIR efficient end-coupling in single-mode silicon on insulator waveguides. Efficient coupling has been achieved using Polymer-Tipped Optical Fibers (PTOF) of adaptable radius of curvature (ROC). When compared with commercial... more
In this paper, operating principles of regulated AC to DC converters have been discussed and the simulation results are provided. The circuit is built and simulated by Proteus software. The characteristics of half wave, centre tap and... more
Practical demonstrations of diode laser emission from the broad surface area rather than from the cleaved facet of the wafer are relatively recent. This is so despite the fact that the concepts are many years old. The vertical-cavity... more
Acute exacerbations of pericoronitis is associated with debilitating symptoms, and requires urgent intervention. Mechanical debridement, operculectomy and antibiotic therapy are parts of established treatment protocol, however, associated... more
We present a novel multi-dimensional positional encoder approach that uses range-resolved interferometry (RRI) to simultaneously interrogate multiple interferometers differing in optical path length, using only a single photo detector and... more
The use of the carbon dioxide laser in the oral cavity for ambulatory patients is presented. Excision and vaporization were successfully used for the treatment of benign tumors, vascular proliferations, reparative and granulomatous... more
The effect of different polishing systems on the surface roughness of a nanocomposite and a microhybrid composite. 258 The availability of the basic oral health care package in the Western Cape CASE REPORT 271 Managing sodium hypochlorite... more
Photobiomodulation (PBM), also known as low level laser therapy (LLLT) or cold laser therapy uses light energy to elicit biological responses from the cell and help regulate cell function. From a clinical point of view PBM oers dental... more
1) Background: The present pilot in vitro study evaluated, physically and biologically, the effects produced by the wear of the titanium surface using different drill models. (2) Methods: Titanium disks were subjected to wear using four... more
The efficiency limiting mechanisms in type-I GaInAsSb-based quantum well (QW) lasers, emitting at 2.3, 2.6 and 2.9 µm, are investigated. Temperature characterization techniques and measurements under hydrostatic pressure identify an Auger... more
This research was aimed to conduct the drilling direction with computerized machines, the design and construction of an automatic lathe involves the development of a mechanical system, an electronic system and a computer system, which are... more
In this paper we study laser diode parameters in fiber optic communication system and we study the relationship between them. The capacity of optical communication systems is rising exponentially in order to follow the rapidly increasing... more
Ankyloglossia or tongue-tie is the result of a tight and short lingual frenulum which causes difficulty in breast feeding, eating and speech articulation due to limited tongue movement. In this condition, the tip of the tongue cannot be... more
Introduction: The intent of the present research was to evaluate the antibacterial efficacy of the two different powers of diode laser and photodynamic therapy PDT by utilizing toluidine blue alone and in combination against Enterococcus... more
AIM: To find the best method for applying the diode laser 810 nm to relieve post-endodontic pain on necrotic maxillary incisors with periapical lesions within a single-visit treatment. METHODS: Eighty patients with a necrotic incisor,... more
TMJ diode surgical laser approach in a contemporary treatment of tempomandibular joint pathologies. A Technical Note.
Introduction: epidemiological studies related to secondary glaucoma all over the world, as it is the case of neovascular one, they are rare when compared with simple chronic glaucoma. Development: a literature review on diagnosis and... more
Background: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a technique that uses light and a photosensitizer, converting local molecular oxygen into singlet oxygen, which eliminates a target unhealthy tissue. It has been increasingly used for the... more
A single-step, low-cost fabrication method to generate resonant nano-grating patterns on poly-methyl-methacrylate (PMMA; plexiglas) substrates using thermal nano-imprint lithography is reported. A guidedmode resonant structure is obtained... more
Laser in Orthodontics
The clinical management of the epulis involves the elimination of causal factors, excision of fibrous tissue excess accompanied by an appropriate prosthetic rehabilitation. The confection of interim prosthesis or the rectification of old... more
Background: Enterococcus faecalis has been widely used as a valuable microbiological pathogen for in vitro studies due to its ability to successfully colonize the root canal in a biofi lm-like style, invade dentinal tubules, and resist... more
OBJECTIVE: The objective of this review is to describe basic diode laser physics and to delineate the application of diode lasers in dentistry. REVIEW: Over the past few decades lasers have become a popular alternative to conventional... more
This study aims to evaluate the bacterial reduction after conventional root canal treatment using 5.25% sodium hypochlorite. Materials and Methods: The study criteria included 100 patients requiring root canal treatments due to pulpitis.... more
Aim: Frenulum is a sagittal fibrous fold of oral mucosa with a periosteal insertion that extends from the lip or cheek to the alveolar or gingival mucosa. Sometimes frenulums have high attachments and wide soft tissue folds and these high... more
Introduction: Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is now a widely used treatment modality in many fields of dentistry, including endodontics. The most common application of PDT in endodontics is to disinfect root canals. The purpose of this study... more
High power diode laser bars are interesting in many applications such as solid state laser pumping, material processing, laser trapping, laser cooling and second harmonic generation. Often, the free running laser bars emit a broad... more
A single-pass frequency doubled high-power tapered diode laser emitting nearly 1.3 W of green light suitable for direct pumping of Ti:sapphire lasers generating ultrashort pulses is demonstrated. The pump efficiencies reached 75 % of the... more
For the first time a single-pass frequency doubled DBR-tapered diode laser suitable for pumping Ti:sapphire lasers generating ultrashort pulses is demonstrated. The maximum output powers achieved when pumping the Ti:sapphire laser are 110... more
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY
Splitting of a dc voltage source with two capacitors has been the approach in generating 5-level output voltage with single-and three-phase full-bridge circuits and added bidirectional switch. Associated with this configuration is the... more
Please cite this article in press as: Graciano TB, et al. Using chitosan gels as a toluidine blue O delivery system for photodynamic therapy of buccal cancer: In vitro and in vivo studies. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy (2014),