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      EngineeringTechnologyManufacturingCoordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
SUMÁRIO O Calendário utilizado em nosso dia-a-dia traz em si uma História no mí-nimo interessante. Matemática, Filosofia, História, Religião. Esses são os principais ingredientes que fizeram nosso Calendário evoluir. SUMMARY The Calendar... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringFluid MechanicsNondestructive Testing, Inspection and Evaluation (NDT/NDE)Calendars
Because of its high speed and high detail output, laser line scanning is increasingly included in coordinate metrology applications where its performance can satisfy specified tolerances. Increasing its accuracy will open the possibility... more
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    • Dimensional Metrology
(2016) Developments in automated flexible gauging and the uncertainty associated with comparative coordinate measurement. In: euspen's 16th International Conference & Exhibition, 30 May-3 June, Nottingham, UK. european society for... more
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      EngineeringManufacturingCoordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)Design of Experiments
Industrial X-ray computed tomography (CT) systems have the ability to map internal and external structures simultaneously in a non-destructive way with high imaging resolution. Recently, there has been an increase of surveys in the field... more
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      Computed TomographyMeasurement and EvaluationPerformance MeasurementX-ray Tomography
The primary aim of the present study was to systematically compare perceived emotions in music using two different theoretical frameworks: the discrete emotion model, and the dimensional model of affect. A secondary aim was to introduce a... more
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      EmotionMusicFilm MusicComparison
2. Osnove proizvodnih mjerenja 21 2 Osnove proizvodnih mjerenja 1. Uvod 2. SI jedinice u proizvodnim mjerenjima 3. Definicije i pojmovi u proizvodnim mjerenjima 4. Ispitivanje, mjerenje i kontrola 1. Uvod Proizvodna mjerenja su... more
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    • Dimensional Metrology
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      MetrologyNormalizationDimensional MetrologyNormas
Peter Byrne Manchester's The Syntax of Time (Brill, 2005) presents a phenomenology of time extending from Husserl to the Ancients. By establishing that time has a syntax, Manchester reorients the paradigm according to which we think about... more
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      Space SyntaxPhenomenologySyntaxEdmund Husserl
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      HistoryComputed TomographyStandardsNondestructive Testing, Inspection and Evaluation (NDT/NDE)
The ability to gather manufacturing data from various workstations has been explored for several decades and the advances in sensory and data acquisition techniques have led to the increasing availability of high-dimensional data. This... more
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      ManufacturingIntelligent Manufacturing SystemsCoordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)Machining
Widespread open source initiatives within the context of extrusion-based 3D printing have made this technology accessible to all levels of users. However, aspects such as low dimensional quality of the parts produced, or difficulty in... more
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      Materials ScienceMeasurement and Evaluation3D printingMetrology
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      Coordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)Nondestructive Testing, Inspection and Evaluation (NDT/NDE)Uncertainty of MeasurementDimensional Metrology
Calibration procedure.
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    • Dimensional Metrology
Interdisciplinary research efforts have started focusing on the development of multiscale models and development of designer multiscale surfaces exhibiting specific properties at different scales for a specific purpose. With the rapid... more
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      Non-Contact MeasurementDimensional MetrologySurface MetrologyPrecision Metrology
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      Computed TomographyMeasurement and EvaluationPrecision manufacturingMetrology
Guia para el calculo de inceritumbre
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      MetrologyDimensional Metrology
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      MetrologyDimensional Metrology
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      X-ray TomographyX-ray imagingMetrologyCT scanning
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      Computed TomographyNondestructive Testing, Inspection and Evaluation (NDT/NDE)Nondestructive Testing, Inspection and Evaluation(NDT/NDE)Uncertainty of Measurement
Se ofrece una panorámica de los últimos cincuenta años del Instituto Nacional de Investigaciones en Metrología (INIMET), de Cuba, desde su génesis, hasta los principales logros de la actualidad, en el aseguramiento metrológico de la... more
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    • Dimensional Metrology
This paper presents a performance evaluation test for laser line scanners on 3D coordinate measuring machines (CMMs). Laser line scanners are becoming more popular in recent years, mainly for free form inspection tasks and reverse... more
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    • Dimensional Metrology
Dimensional inspection tasks are often carried out on conventional coordinate measuring machines (CMMs). These CMMs can differ in layout and size depending on the application area. They can have measurement volumes up to 100 m 3 .... more
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    • Dimensional Metrology
The use of industrial X-ray computed tomography (CT) for dimensional metrology has become an important aspect of modern quality control [1, 2, 3]. The CT technique presently contributes to geometric dimensioning and tolerancing of... more
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      Computed TomographyX-ray TomographyX-ray imagingTomography
Recent advances in versatile automated gauging have enabled accurate geometric tolerance assessment on the shop floor. This paper is concerned with the uncertainty evaluation associated with comparative coordinate measurement using the... more
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      ManufacturingCoordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)Design of ExperimentsMetrology
In this work, we attempt a philosophical approach to the measurement process motivated by the comments of Martin Heidegger on the poetry of F. Hölderlin about the relationship of the measure with poetry and human dwelling. We start with... more
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      Frequency Standards and MetrologyMetricsMartin HeideggerEarly Heidegger
Analisys of the Linear error compansation to avoid problem measurement
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    • Dimensional Metrology
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      Computed TomographyMeasurement and EvaluationMetrologyDimensional Metrology
Manufacturing is usually performed as a sequence of operations such as forming, machining, inspection, and assembly. A new challenge in manufacturing is to move towards Industry 4.0 (the fourth Industrial revolution) concerning the full... more
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      InformaticsManufacturingBayesian InferenceMetrology
In Brazil dial gauges are among the mostly used measurement instruments in industrial dimensional metrology. The objective of this work is to study the positioning effect of the dial gauge in the vertical position and in the horizontal... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringApplied MathematicsMeasurementDimensional Metrology
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      Computed TomographyX-ray TomographyAdditive ManufacturingMetrology
Based on the use of automatic photogrammetry, different researchers made evident that the level of overlap between adjacent photographs directly affects the uncertainty of the 3D dense cloud originated by the Structure from Motion/Image... more
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      Computer SciencePhotogrammetryDigital Photogrammetry applied to ArchaeologyMedicine
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      X-ray TomographyX-ray imagingTomographyMetrology
Today, various types of high resolution dimensional metrology instrumentation are in use for a quantitative characterisation of micro- and nanostructures. Although sophisticated ultra high resolution microscopic techniques like SEM and... more
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      Finite Element MethodsMicroscopyModelingScanning Electron Microscopy
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      Computed TomographyFuel CellsBatteriesLithium-Ion Battery
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      EtruscanEtruscan ArchaeologyEtruscologyEtruscan language
Διημερίδα με θέμα:
«Φιλοσοφία και Επιστήμη. Μία διαχρονική συνάντηση»
1 Δεκεμβρίου-2 Δεκεμβρίου 2018
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      Virtual MetrologyMetrologyAncient MetrologyDimensional Metrology
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      Computed TomographyAdditive ManufacturingMetrologyAdditive Manufacturing and 3D printing
After this little introduction to CT, I have a question for you: What do you think we are going to see inside of the ball?
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      Computed TomographyMeasurement and EvaluationX-ray TomographyTomography
The core of the paper is focused on the experimental characterization of four different 3D laser scanners based on Time of Flight principle, through the extraction of resolution, accuracy and uncertainty parameters from specifically... more
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      Computer VisionReverse EngineeringMetrologySensors
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      Computed TomographyMeasurement and EvaluationX-ray TomographyAdditive Manufacturing
Coordinate measuring machines (CMMs) are complex measuring systems that are widely used in manufacturing industry for form, size, position, and orientation assessment. In essence, these systems collect a set of individual data points that... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceManufacturingBayesianCoordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
There is an increasing demand for manufacturing processes to improve product quality and production rates while minimising the costs. The quality of the products is influenced by several sources of errors introduced during the series of... more
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      Machine LearningManufacturingIntelligent Manufacturing SystemsCoordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)
Author made some calcualtions to demonstrate new understanding of space-time structure. DNA molecule, proton and planet are examples of calculations of the curvature of space for these matter objects. New notion about 4-dimensional... more
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      Technological variation in space and timeRecombinant DNA TechnologyHigh Dimensional DataDimensional Metrology
Amplitude-wavelength (AW) maps or "Stedman diagrams" are often used to provide a graphical representation of the limitations and capabilities of surface measuring instruments. This paper presents an approach for setting the parameter... more
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      Computed TomographyNondestructive Testing, Inspection and Evaluation (NDT/NDE)MetrologyNondestructive Testing, Inspection and Evaluation(NDT/NDE)
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      X-ray TomographyX-ray imagingX-ray PhysicsQuality Control
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      Computed TomographyMeasurement and EvaluationX-ray TomographyMetrology
The requirements on GPR technology for the application of humanitarian landmine detection are severe; 99.6% probability of detection and low false alarm rate. Trying to meet these challenging requirements, an impulse radar system has been... more
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      AlgorithmsAntennasDimensional MetrologyGNSS receivers
Manufacturing processes usually consist of multiple different stages, each of which is influenced by a multitude of factors. Therefore, variations in product quality at a certain stage are contributed to by the errors generated at the... more
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      Machine LearningManufacturingSoft ComputingIntelligent Manufacturing Systems
An essential part of assessing whether a measurement or gauging system meets its intended purpose is to estimate the measurement uncertainties. This paper employs the design of experiments (DOE) approach to implement a practical analysis... more
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      ManufacturingCoordinate Measuring Machine (CMM)Design of ExperimentsMetrology