Digital music

840 papers
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Digital music refers to sound recordings that are created, stored, and transmitted in a digital format, allowing for manipulation, distribution, and playback through electronic devices. It encompasses various genres and styles, utilizing technologies such as digital audio workstations, streaming platforms, and file compression techniques.
The Clavinet is an electromechanical musical instrument produced in the mid-twentieth century. As is the case for other vintage instruments, it is subject to aging and requires great effort to be maintained or restored. This paper reports... more
This paper reports a user study on creating, consuming and managing digital music content. We consider people's personal relationship to the music entertainment technology and content, and the typical actions carried out in and outside of... more
We propose a new conceptual model for understanding technology evolution that highlights dynamic and highly interdependent relationships among multiple technologies. We argue that, instead of considering technologies in isolation,... more
With digitalization, music listening practices have also transformed and become realized through the Internet. Online music listening practices, which are realized through file sharing applications and music download pages, as well as... more
❖ Ph.D. Héctor Fouce, Lecturer at the Department of Journalism at the Faculty of Communication of Universidad Complutense in Madrid (Spain) ([email protected]).
The increasing pervasiveness of the internet, broadband connections and the emergence of digital compression technologies have dramatically changed the face of digital music piracy. Digitally compressed music files are essentially a... more
This essay argues that musicians have been at the forefront of the multimedia revolution. Rather than limit multimedia's creative locus to individuals working with a small range of tools/instruments, we address the increasing dispersion... more
Along with better connectivity, massive free music downloading and streaming have reached the Himalayan ranges of the Garhwal region (North India) in the 2000s. It has been a game-changer for the creation, circulation and consumption... more
The second edition of The Digital Musician is an expansive book reflecting more than ten years of research by the author and examining the complex nexus of creativity, cultural awareness, performance and sound production. In this volume,... more
Access to digital music collections is nowadays facilitated by content-based methods that allow the retrieval of music on the basis of intrinsic properties of audio, in addition to advanced metadata processing. However, access to ethnic... more
עבודת סמינר הכוללת סקירה וניתוח מצבה של תעשיית המוזיקה העולמית בכלל ותעשיית המוזיקה הישראלית בפרט לאור השפעתה של המהפכה הדיגיטלית שהתרחשה בעשור הקודם והשיפורים הטכנולוגים, והזמינות של מדיום האינטרנט בעשור הנוכחי. העבודה בוחנת את מצבה של... more
This paper first shows the key role of the Korean entertainment firms in the K-pop wave: they have found the right niche in which to operate—the ‘dance-intensive’ segment—and worked out a very innovative mix of old and new technologies... more
In den Gehörbildungsunterricht an Musikhochschulen wird häufig auch interaktives Musizieren in irgendeiner Form einbezogen. Praktische Fertigkeiten können etwa mit Hilfe von Aufgabentypen wie Blattsingen und Blattspielen, Nachsingen und... more
Who produces sound and music? And in what spaces, localities and contexts? As the production of sound and music in the 21st Century converges with multimedia, these questions are critically addressed in this new edited collection by... more
Garhwal is a division of the Himalayan state of Uttarakhand, North India. Like other Indian areas, Garhwal developed a blooming local music industry from the 1950s onwards (Fiol 2008), with a golden age in the 1980s-90s and serious... more
This practice-as-research study documents the development of a sonic arts approach to film sound design. An interdisciplinary conceptual framework that combines selected theories of electroacoustic music and apposite perspectives from... more
The iPod digital music player has been available since late 2001, and even in higher education, its presence has been seen, although mostly in the hands of students and rarely for outcomes-based educational purposes. In 2004, Duke... more
Shortly before Gilles Deleuze's death, he discovered a new kind of music: glitch, in particular, Oval's Systemisch. "[Achim] Szepanski contacted Deleuze himself, sending material by Oval and other Mille artists, and asking if he'd write... more
Özet Müziğin bir endüstri haline dönüşmesi ve icracıların onu ticari üretime dönüştürecek bir yayıncıya ihtiyaç duyması, Sanayi Devrimine dayanmaktadır. Müzik üretim ve tüketiminin kitleselleşmesi ilk olarak 19. Yüzyıl'da ortaya... more
The goal of this paper is to sketch the value chain and the business models of the online distribution of music. The perspective of the online digital music market is rather deceiving but the opportunities seem to remain high. Considering... more
Prima carte din Romania dedicata analizei filosofice a muzicii asistate de computer. (c)2013 Editura Muzicala, Bucuresti, Romania Postfata de prof.univ.dr. Octavian Nemescu Ii rog pe cei care doresc un exemplar fizic al lucrarii sa ma... more
The use of digital tools to produce, reproduce and listen to the music have revolutionized the traditional relationships between composer (or musician), performer, producer and listener. In this paper, I try to draw up the historical... more
The proliferation of MP3 players and the exploding amount of digital music content call for novel ways of music organization and retrieval to meet the ever-increasing demand for easy and effective information access. As almost every music... more
Although musical language is only an analogy to human language, there is enough evidence to suggest that we might find much similarity in between. Renowned composer Iannis Xenakis, besides using this language to convey his ideas to... more
, as well as in a handful of related examples, we argue that one can indeed identify specific aural qualities associated with digital sound, and that these qualities may be used to achieve different aesthetic effects as well as to shed... more
This thesis was originally submitted as Alves, K, Digital distribution music services and the demise of the traditional music industry: three case studies on, Napster and Kazaa, Bachelor of Information and Communication Technology... more
The essay focuses on Carsten Nicolai’s (a.k.a. Alva Noto) musical, audiovisual and multimedia language. In order to deepen this topic, a comparative analysis of the three trioon versions by Alva Noto and Ryuichi Sakamoto is presented:... more
Despite its rich sonic past, histories of the Web generally focus on the visual; we track website snapshots over time with tools like the Wayback Machine, focus on different eras of web design styles like Web 2.0 or flat design and praise... more
This is a Paper Response to the question: Has Digitisation Killed the Music Business? ------------David Kusek and Gerd Leonhard stresses the point often overlooked that “the music business is still in a very good shape today. The problem... more
Purpose -The purpose of this paper is to produce a critical history of MP3 technology in an effort to show how its stature as the digital music format of choice had nothing to do with music or associated industries and that its... more
My PhD was a practice-as-research project. I felt, after submitting the thesis, that a large part of the written research could be useful for other researchers, but other material had significance only for my own creative practice. The... more
This paper considers the market for digital music. We claim that the combination of the MP3 format and peer-to-peer networks has made music non-excludable and this feature is essential for the understanding of the economics of the music... more
Au tournant du XXIe siècle, la musique enregistrée, en grande partie déjà convertie dans les formats numériques, commençait à migrer-comme toutes les entités du monde social-dans le Web. Ce qui avait l'air de se présenter comme un simple... more
Over the past hundred years, philosophers of music have debated the nature of, and relations that hold between, musical works and their performances. The gradual proliferation of recording and reproduction technologies over the same... more
The iPod digital music player has been available since late 2001, and even in higher education, its presence has been seen, although mostly in the hands of students and rarely for outcomes-based educational purposes. In 2004, Duke... more
This paper explores the evolution of the digital age of music, focusing on how streaming services have changed the way that the music industry creates, produces and distributes music. Based on a study conducted in 2016, a number of... more
Understanding the dynamics of technology evolution-whether for the purposes of forecasting new product or technology infrastructure developments, or identifying the basis for future digital convergence in the global market-is a key... more
While the traditional notion of "opera" describes a production that incorporates musical elements with other art forms and media, the conceptual and technical considerations required to mount an electronic multimedia opera add... more