Digital music

840 papers
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Digital music refers to sound recordings that are created, stored, and transmitted in a digital format, allowing for manipulation, distribution, and playback through electronic devices. It encompasses various genres and styles, utilizing technologies such as digital audio workstations, streaming platforms, and file compression techniques.
Music is traditionally retrieved by title, composer or subject classification. It is possible, with current technology, to retrieve music from a database on the basis of a few notes sung or hummed into a microphone. This paper describes... more
INTRODUCTION Musical performance with entirely new types of computer instruments is now commonplace, as a result of the availability of inexpensive computing hardware, of new sensors for measuring physical parameters such as force and... more
The increasing pervasiveness of the internet, broadband connections and the emergence of digital compression technologies have dramatically changed the face of digital music piracy. Digitally compressed music files are essentially a... more
W e study the offers submitted by consumers to a large Name-Your-Own-Price (NYOP) online retailer. A distinctive feature of this retailer is that it allows consumers to repeatedly submit offers on one and the same product. While consumers... more
Active learning is a subfield of machine learning based on the idea that the accuracy of an algorithm can be improved with fewer training samples if it is allowed to choose the data from which it learns. We present the results for Support... more
We present a framework for analyzing the structure of digital media streams. Though our methods work for video, text, and audio, we concentrate on detecting the structure of digital music files. In the first step, spectral data is used to... more
We present a novel, innovative user interface to music repositories. Given an arbitrary collection of digital music files, our system creates a virtual landscape which allows the user to freely navigate in this collection. This is... more
Digital libraries of music have the potential to capture popular imagination in ways that more scholarly libraries cannot. We are working towards a comprehensive digital library of musical material, including popular music. We have... more
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Current research on music information retrieval and music digital libraries focuses on providing access to huge, public music collections. In this paper we consider a different, but related, problem: supporting an individual in... more
One major task of a digital music library (DML) is to provide techniques to locate a queried musical pattern in all pieces of music in the database containing that pattern. For a survey of several computational tasks related to this kind... more
This paper describes the adaptation of an existing model of hu- man information processing for the categorization of digital musi- cal instruments in terms of performance context and behavior. It further presents a visualization intended... more
Digital products have the property that they can be copied almost costlessly. This makes them candidates for non-commercial copying by final consumers. Because the copy of a copy typically does not deteriorate in quality, copying products... more
This paper describes the T-Stick, a new family of digital musical instruments. It presents the motivation behind the project, hardware and software design, and presents insights gained through collaboration with performers who have... more
We present a system capable of performing similarity queries against a large archive of digital music. Users are able to search for songs which "sound similar" to a given query song, thereby aiding the navigation and discovery of new... more
In this paper, a new system for the automatic transcription of singing sequences into a sequence of pitch and duration pairs is presented. Although such a system may have a wider range of applications, it was mainly developed to become... more
The Clavinet is an electromechanical musical instrument produced in the mid-twentieth century. As is the case for other vintage instruments, it is subject to aging and requires great effort to be maintained or restored. This paper reports... more
Emerging web services technologies provide an open infrastructure for automated business interaction, thereby creating new opportunities for business actors to collaborate within a networked constellation of enterprises via the Internet.... more
digital music, MP3, affordances, new media, tangibility A number of new technologies such as the MP3 music compression format and the Napster file sharing network are creating new opportunities for consumers' activities with music media.... more
New digital musical instruments designed for professional and trained musicians can be quite complex and challenging, offering as a counterpart a great amount of creative freedom and control possibilities to their players. On the other... more
This paper explores a longitudinal approach to the qualitative evaluation of a set of digital musical instruments, which were developed with a focus on creativity and exploration. The instruments were lent to three electronic... more
The explosion of digital music has created in the recent years an urgent need for powerful knowledge management techniques and tools. Without such tools, users are confronted to huge music catalogues they cannot fully exploit. The very... more
The goal of this paper is to sketch the value chain and the business models of the online distribution of music. The perspective of the online digital music market is rather deceiving but the opportunities seem to remain high. Considering... more
Heart rate data reflects various physiological states such as biological workload, stress at work and concentration on tasks, drowsiness and the active state of the autonomic nervous system. This paper proposes system to indicate heart... more
In this paper, after giving some possible definitions for expressiveness, we examine the problem of expressiveness in digital musical instruments, which tends to involve using specific gestures to obtain an expressive sound rather than... more
This paper focuses on the theoretic issues of the collaborative project Canções dos Olhos (Paulo C. Chagas -composition, Johannes Birringer -choreography and video, Veronica Endo -dance) in the context of Interaktionslabor, a laboratory... more
To some extent listening to digital music via storage devices has led to a loss of part of the physical experience associated with earlier media formats such as CDs and LPs. For example, one could consider the role of album covers in... more
This paper describes the design and implementation of a framework designed to aid collaborative development of a digital musical instrument mapping layer 1 . The goal was to create a system that allows mapping between controller and sound... more
The widespread availability of digitized music collections and mobile music players have enabled us to listen to music during many of our daily activities, such as physical exercise, commuting, relaxation, and many people enjoy this. A... more
Popular acceptance of the mp3 digital music standard has greatly increased the complexity of organizing and playing large music collections. Existing digital music systems do not adequately support exploration of a collection, nor do they... more
, as well as in a handful of related examples, we argue that one can indeed identify specific aural qualities associated with digital sound, and that these qualities may be used to achieve different aesthetic effects as well as to shed... more
There has been a recent explosion of interest in digital music libraries. In particular, interactive melody retrieval is a striking example of a search paradigm that differs radically from the standard full-text search. Many different... more
In this paper, a subbands multirate architecture is presented for audio signal recovery. Audio signal recovery is a common problem in digital music signal restoration field, because of corrupted samples that must be replaced. The subband... more
by Wilson Yuen and 
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Most of the digital musical instruments developed so far were specifically designed for music performances and the interfaces are disruptive. They are not generally available and some of them were made with expensive technologies, making... more
Digital Rights Management (DRM) technology ensures protection of rights on distributed music over the Internet. Existing DRM systems emphasize the protection on Businessto-Consumer (B2C) distribution model, but pay very little attention... more
Online Digital Music Libraries are becoming increasing com- mon and more sophisticated; however, availability of infor- mation on how users access and navigate these resources is limited. This type of information is crucial for improv-... more
This article explores the role visual browsing can play within a digital music library. The context to the work is provided through a review of related techniques drawn from the fields of digital libraries and human computer interaction.... more