Digital music

839 papers
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Digital music refers to sound recordings that are created, stored, and transmitted in a digital format, allowing for manipulation, distribution, and playback through electronic devices. It encompasses various genres and styles, utilizing technologies such as digital audio workstations, streaming platforms, and file compression techniques.
systèmes musicaux interactifs, écriture musicale, temps musical, partitions interactives, partitions dynamiques, interfaces pour la manipulation du temps, visualisation et manipulation de structures de données, notation de processus... more
The most prominent problem of designing a computer-assisted composition system lies in the fact that composers do not have a common way of expressing themselves. Hence there is a tension between the composers themselves and the software... more
Most of modern identities emerge from mediated interactions in public and virtual spaces. There are no acknowledged authorities to watch over organizational identities and grant them legitimacy. These identities are renegotiated in real... more
National Standard 9, "understanding music in relation to history and culture," forms the basis for this article about family traditions found in bluegrass music. With historical information about the roots of bluegrass music in the Old... more
This paper describes an AI system, Autopia, designed to participate in collaborative live coding music performances using the Utopia software tool for SuperCollider. This form of human-AI 1 collaboration allows us to explore the... more
Ce numéro spécial de la RMO est consacré à « Musique et intermédialité dans le cyberespace ». Il inclut huit contributions organisées thématiquement et constituant chacune une étude de cas autour de la popular music (Isabelle Marc,... more
This article examines some of the specific features of remote musical performances, based on a case study: the live roots music sessions broadcast during the 2020 pandemic by American family band “The Petersens”, on their YouTube channel.... more
No one knows exactly what went through the mind of pre-historic man when he first struck two rough stones together in order to produce sounds and rhythms. To what extent did the resulting reverberations captivate him? To what extent was... more
The creation of synthetic sounds plays an increasing role in multimedia signal processing. A variety of methods already used in digital musical instruments are now applied for sound rendering of virtual scenes. Most of these methods rely... more
A pitch spelling algorithm predicts the pitch names (e.g., C]4, B[5 etc.) of the notes in a passage of tonal music, when given the onset-time, MIDI note number and possibly the duration and voice of each note. A new algorithm, called... more
Opuscope is an initiative targeted at sharing musical corpora and their analyses between researchers. The Opuscope repository will contain musical corpora of high quality which can be annotated with hand-made or algorithmic musical... more
Preprint of book chapter O. Bown, "Generative and Adaptive Creativity", in McCormack and D'Inverno (eds) "Computers and Creativity",
pour sa précieuse collaboration à la recherche et M e Mario Bouchard pour ses nombreux commentaires et suggestions. 501 2.3 Gestion collective et exclusion: des notions incompatibles en droit canadien?.
The goal of this paper is to sketch the value chain and the business models of the online distribution of music. The perspective of the online digital music market is rather deceiving but the opportunities seem to remain high. Considering... more
In this study, while the loudness level policies of music streaming services and the regulations they developed in this context were examined through the example of Spotify, comparisons were made by including the physical measurements of... more
© 2003 by David Spitz, Starling Hunter. All rights reserved. Short sections of text, not to exceed two paragraphs, may be quoted without explicit permission, provided that full credit including © notice is given to the source. ... This... more
Audio music is increasingly becoming available in digital form, and the digital music collections of individuals continue to grow. Addressing the need for effective means of retrieving music from such collections, this paper proposes new... more
Digital Musical Instruments (DMIs) have difficulties establishing themselves after their creation. A huge number of DMIs is presented every year and few of them actually remain in use. Several causes could explain this reality, among them... more
The group activity is focused on the development and design of computer-controlled instruments-digital music instruments [5]. We will describe three digital music instruments, havedeveloped at the Computer Studio. These instruments are... more
TR/EN -TR:Dijitalleşme sonucunda yaşanan teknolojik dönüşüm ile müzik sektöründe gelirlerin kaynağı dijital müzik platformları haline gelmiştir. Dijital müzik platformlarından elde edilen gelirler, müzik yapımları üzerinde hak sahipleri... more
Mapping gestures to digital musical instrument parameters is not trivial when the dimensionality of the sensor-captured data is high and the model relating the gesture to sensor data is unknown. In these cases, a front-end processing... more
Bridges is a software system designed to support composition and performance for networked musical ensembles. Bridges facilitates dynamic connections between a variety of devices, applications, and individual musical objects within... more
The Epipe is a novel electronic woodwind controller with continuous tonehole coverage sensing, an initial design for which was introduced at NIME '03. Since then, we have successfully completed two fully operational prototypes. This short... more
Digital Musical Instruments (DMIs) have difficulties establishing themselves after their creation. A huge number of DMIs is presented every year and few of them actually remain in use. Several causes could explain this reality, among them... more
Recent advances in new technologies offer a large range of innovative instruments for designing and processing sounds. This paper reports on the results of a project that took place during the eNTERFACE06 summer workshop in Dubrovnik,... more
The algorithmic composition models used in the domain of systems generating music compositions are presented in the paper. Moreover, the model based on the transition matrix of music events (music patterns described by notes, measures and... more
Digital music performance requires a high degree of interaction with input controllers that can provide fast feedback on the user's action. One of the primary considerations of professional artists is a powerful and creative tool that... more
Playing musical instruments such as chordophones, percussions and keyboard types accompany with harmonic interaction of player's hand with the instruments. In this work, we present a novel approach that enables the user to imitate the... more
Digital music performance requires a high degree of interaction with input controllers that can provide fast feedback on the user's action. One of the primary considerations of professional artists is a powerful and creative tool that... more
As a bridge between our interest in Wearable Computer systems and new performance interfaces for digital music, we have built a highly instrumented pair of sneakers for interactive dance. These shoes each measure 16 different, continuous... more
We have created a new electronic musical instrument, referred to as the Termenova (Russian for "daughter of Theremin") that combines a free-gesture capacitive sensing device with an optical sensing system that detects the... more
As a bridge between our interest in Wearable Computer systems and new performance interfaces for digital music, we have built a highly instrumented pair of sneakers for interactive dance. These shoes each measure 16 different, continuous... more
Software piracy, the unauthorized use or illegal copying of computer software, continues to be a major drain on the global economy. The Business Software Alliance (BSA) and the Software Publishers Association (SPA) estimate that worldwide... more
The purpose of this study is to investigate the digitization impacts and challenges on the music publishing practices of the Malaysian music industry. This research analyzes how music publishers adapt to the changes in music publishing... more
Hundreds of millions of people globally engage with musical products distributed through services that have engendered a contentious and inadequately understood system of production, distribution, and consumption. According to some, these... more
The History of BBS Culture in Finland (1982-2000): Memories and Experiences.History of Finnish BBS falls under the radar of modern network culture: its status and significance as a “pre-Internet” must neither be overemphasized nor... more
Software piracy, the unauthorized use or illegal copying of computer software, continues to be a major drain on the global economy. The Business Software Alliance (BSA) and the Software Publishers Association (SPA) estimate that worldwide... more
This article explores the role visual browsing can play within a digital music library. The context to the work is provided through a review of related techniques drawn from the fields of digital libraries and human computer interaction.... more
Driven by the recent advances in digital entertainment technologies, digital multimedia content (such as music and movies) is becoming a major part of the average computer user experience. Through daily interaction with digital multimedia... more
This chapter explores claims that the live music industry generates more revenue than the recorded music industry in the UK. To do so, it takes a close look at statistics compiled by PRS for Music and UK Music, addressing four questions:... more
Technology can be successfully utilised in a music classroom to enhance the music teaching experience and to allow pupils to explore different aspects of their creativity. In this article, I explored different platforms and technologies I... more
The use of computers as Digital Musical Instruments (DMI) rises many problems due to the separation between gesture and sound production. However, computational power allows now for complex real-time analysis and ges- ture anticipation... more
Audio editing software allows multi-track recordings to be manipulated by moving notes, correcting pitch, and making other fine adjustments, but this is a tedious process. An "intelligent audio editor" uses a machine-readable score as a... more
What, if any, similarities and differences between music and speech are consistent across cultures? Both music and language are found in all known human societies and are argued to share evolutionary roots and cognitive resources, yet no... more
A data set of interbeat interval times is read into a music software synthesis program to become the basis of a "soundtrack" or auditory display. Here we present examples of the sonijkations, and discuss potential advantages in listening... more