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Key issues related to the modeling of ultra-high speed transmission are discussed in this paper. These topics include components modeling, link modeling and BER estimation. Different solutions for the transport of 100 Gb/s over a single... more
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      Signal ProcessingModelingDigital Signal ProcessingNumerical Simulation
Despite the large amount of research work in condition based maintenance and condition monitoring methods, there is still a need for more reliable and accurate methods.
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      Heat TransferDigital Signal ProcessingCondition MonitoringThermography
The papers published in these proceedings are presented in the Third International Seminar on Maintenance, Condition Monitoring and Diagnostics, to be arranged in Oulu, Finland, in 29th – 30th September, 2010. Arranged by the University... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
DMT CLASS one of Best Digital Marketing Training institute in Delhi NCR, Get advance skills with our one of the trending Digital Marketing Advance Certificate Course in Delhi Ncr , DMT CLASS provides complete theoretical and practical... more
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      Digital MediaDigital Media & LearningDigital Signal ProcessingPPC
"CYBERSPACE GOVERNANCE:The Imperative For National & Economic Security"
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      HistorySociologySocial PsychologyGeography
Purpose-The purpose of this paper is to find a real-time parking location for a four-wheeler. Design/methodology/approach-Real-time parking availability using specific infrastructure requires a high cost of installation and maintenance... more
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      Computer VisionStatistical AnalysisReal-time SystemsDigital Signal Processing
This paper presents a study for the orientation effectiveness on the detected areas for many sampled objects when many type of the edges detection are applied. The Canny, Laplace, Prewitt and Sobel are applied for three objects (pencils'... more
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      Computer ScienceDigital Signal ProcessingObjects ConservationLearning Objects (Education)
We present the prototype of a hybrid instrument, which uses two contact microphones to sonify the gestures of a player on a generic surface, while a gesture localization algorithm controls the pitch of the sonified output depending on the... more
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      Computer ScienceNew Interfaces for Musical ExpressionDigital Signal ProcessingMusic and Gesture
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      Signal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingAlgorithmPower Transmission
Nonlinearities in optical fibers deteriorate system performances and become a major performancelimiting issue. This article aims to investigate the compensation of nonlinear distortions in optical communication systems based on different... more
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      Digital Signal ProcessingMode Division MultiplexingOptic-Photonic Communication NetworksChannel Equalization and Estimation Techniques
In this paper, a set of operators suitable for digit-serial FIR filtering is presented. The canonical and inverted forms are studied. In each of these structures both the symmetrical and anti-symmetrical particular cases are also covered.... more
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      Computer ArchitectureDigital Signal ProcessingField-Programmable Gate ArraysReal Time Systems
In this paper is simulated the time-domain unit sample response of sine function and frequency-domain response of sine function. Digital filter plays an important role in today's world of communication and computation. Without digital... more
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      EngineeringRenewable EnergyDigital Signal ProcessingCircuits and Systems
The paper analyses the possibility to recover different biomedical signals if limited number of samples is available. Having in mind that monitoring of health condition is done by measuring and observing key parameters such as heart... more
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      Signal ProcessingMultimediaDigital Signal ProcessingCompressive Sensing
The reliable condition monitoring of machines and the early detection of faults play an important role in condition-based maintenance. Information on the condition of machines is needed in different forms but finally it has to be in as... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingFault Detection
This paper presents the design, sensing principles and in vitro evaluation of a novel instrumented sock intended for prediction and prevention of acute decompensated heart failure. The sock contains a drift-free ankle size sensor and a... more
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      Sensors and SensingElectronicsDigital Signal ProcessingWearable Technologies
his paper is concerned with a computational solution for normal optical flow estimation using space-variant image sampling. The article describes one solution for the problem based on log-Tpol ar images, including the algorithm... more
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      Image ProcessingBinocular visionData CompressionDigital Signal Processing
We present an introduction to some aspects of digital signal processing and time series analysis which are not always covered in classical textbooks. One of the objectives is to illustrate how mathematics and engineering can be combined... more
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      Digital Signal ProcessingLinear AlgebraTime series analysisInverse Scattering
Speech compression is one area of digital signal processing that focusing on reducing the bit rate of the speech signal for transmission or storage without significant loss of quality. This paper presents a new design feature for speech... more
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      Computer ScienceDigital Signal ProcessingWaveletLPC
Analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) is a valuable, non-invasive method for quantifying autonomic cardiac control in humans. Frequency-domain analysis of HRV involving myocardial ischaemic episodes should take into account its... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringDigital Signal ProcessingVery Low Frequency ElectromagneticsLow Frequency
A system has been developed for digitally detecting superconducting magnet quenches in real time. This system has been fully tested and is completely integrated into a Vertical Magnet Test Facility (VMTF) at FNAL. The digital technique... more
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      EngineeringDigital Signal ProcessingDigital SystemsReal Time
During the last few years, spoken language technologies have known a big improvement thanks to Deep Learning. However Deep Learning-based algorithms require amounts of data that are often difficult and costly to gather. Particularly,... more
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      EmotionArtificial IntelligenceHuman Computer InteractionMachine Learning
The Clavinet is an electromechanical musical instrument produced in the mid-twentieth century. As is the case for other vintage instruments, it is subject to aging and requires great effort to be maintained or restored. This paper reports... more
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      Sound SynthesisMusical acousticsDigital Signal ProcessingPhysical modeling
Knowing rainforest environments is rendered challenging by distance, vegetation intensity, and coverage; however, knowing the complexity and sustainability of these landscapes is important for ecologists and conservationists. The airborne... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceRemote SensingMachine LearningEmbedded Systems
One of the main tasks in structural health monitoring process is to create reliable algorithms that are capable of translating the measured response into meaningful information reflecting the actual condition of the monitored structure.... more
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      Electrical EngineeringMechanical EngineeringCivil EngineeringTransportation Engineering
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      Mechanical EngineeringDigital Signal ProcessingSignal Processing for Wireless CommunicationsElectrical And Electronic Engineering
A new digital-signal-processing method for performing modulation tests on Bluetooth transmitters is presented and validated. No preliminary demodulation of the radio frequency transmitted signal is needed to gain the instantaneous... more
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      Digital Signal ProcessingRadio FrequencyQuality assessmentFourier transform
The automatic identification of sleep stages in electroencephalography (EEG) time-series is a long desired goal for researchers concerned with the study of sleep disorders. This paper presents advances towards achieving this goal, with... more
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      Machine LearningSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingSupport Vector Machines
To subdivide the axis k into 2 new axes p and q, we place k=p+qN/r with p=0,1, ... , N/r s-1, s=0,1, ... ,logrN-1 and q = 0,1,...., r -1. Therefore, X(k) is replaced using new indices p and q where x [n] is the input sequence, X[k] is the... more
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      Signal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingVLSIParallel Processing
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      Computer ScienceSignal ProcessingDigital Signal ProcessingVery Large Scale Integration
The field of Text-to-Speech has experienced huge improvements last years benefiting from deep learning techniques. Producing realistic speech becomes possible now. As a consequence, the research on the control of the expressiveness,... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceSpeech SynthesisEmotional intelligenceAudio Signal Processing
Hardware and software systems are growing everyday in scale and functionality. This increase in complexity increases the number of subtle errors. Moreover, some of these errors may cause catastrophic loss of money, time, or even in many... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer ArchitectureSignal ProcessingLogic Programming
This paper presents a three dimensional sensor and source position calibration algorithm for automatically determining the positions of individual microphones in a three dimensional space with at least one linear sub array of sensors.... more
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      Digital Signal ProcessingNonlinear Equations
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      Digital Media & LearningDigital Signal ProcessingSound Recording
Subband all-pole modelling is a flexible, scalable, and powerful approach for parsimoniously modelling rational transfer functions. Its advantage lies in its ability to model frequency bands independently of one another, thereby resulting... more
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      Signal ProcessingComputational ComplexityDigital Signal ProcessingResonance
Adaptive polar work-function predistortion (WFP) reduces the spectral regrowth of radio frequency power amplifiers such as those used in the telecommunications industry. This paper describes adaptive polar WFP equations and a system... more
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      Digital Signal ProcessingAdaptive Signal ProcessingRadio FrequencyDesign optimization
This paper discusses the design and field programmable gate array (FPGA) implementation of a configurable 18-tap fractionallyspaced blind adaptive equalizer intellectual property (IP) core for quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM)... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringIntellectual PropertyDigital Signal ProcessingAdaptive Filtering
This paper concerns dynamic neural networks for signal processing: architectural issues are considered but the paper focuses on learning algorithms that work on-line. Locally recurrent neural networks, namely MLP with IIR synapses and... more
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      System IdentificationSignal ProcessingBack PropagationDigital Signal Processing
Illumination invariance remains the most researched, yet the most challenging aspect of automatic face recognition. In this paper we investigate the discriminative power of colour-based invariants in the presence of large illumination... more
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      EngineeringElectrical EngineeringElectronic EngineeringComputer Science
Mixing multitrack music is an expert task where characteristics of the individual elements and their sum are manipulated in terms of balance, timbre and positioning, to resolve technical issues and to meet the creative vision of the... more
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      MusicAudio EngineeringAudio Signal ProcessingDigital Signal Processing
Prezentowany rozdział otwierał drugą część popularnonaukowej książki "Inżynieria Biomedyczna". Część ta miała tytuł "Diagnostyka elektroniczna: Jak z pomocą maszyny śledzić procesy życiowe". Prezentowany tu rozdział wskazywał na to, jakie... more
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      Biomedical EngineeringDigital Signal ProcessingMotion Analysis
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    • Digital Signal Processing
This paper presents an exploratory study about the improvement and validation of a Web-based educational tool. The tool, designed with Shockwave and Macromedia Director, is used as a teaching methodology in an undergraduate course using... more
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      EngineeringEducationDigital Signal ProcessingTeaching Methodology
We consider software-hardware implementation of a digital filter (FIR-filter) using the residue number system and scaling of output samples of each filter channel. It is shown that scaling leads to a significant reduction in instrumental... more
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      Digital Signal ProcessingDigital FPGA implementationResidue Number SystemFilter Design
— An automatic verification of person's identity from its voice is a part of modern telecommunication services. In order to execute a verification task, a speech signal has to be transmitted to a remote server. So, a performance of the... more
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      Telecommunications EngineeringComputer ScienceHuman Computer InteractionForensics
Stridor and snoring are common signs of upper airway obstruction. The nature and characteristics of the stridor and snoring depend upon the site of obstruction. Sophisticated analysis of these sounds may provide important information... more
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      Digital Signal ProcessingInfantSnoringClinical Sciences
The problem of establishing a mutually held secret cryptographic key using a radio channel is addressed. The performance of a particular key distribution system is evaluated for a practical mobile radio communications system. The... more
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      Mechanical EngineeringDigital Signal ProcessingCommunication SystemDigital signal
Muster, Ornamente oder Reihen können mit Formen, mit Gegenständen und Zahlen, aber auch mit Geräuschen, Tönen und Sprache gestaltet werden. Solche akustischen Muster helfen Musik zu verstehen und selbst zu komponieren.
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      MusicMusic EducationMusic and LanguageMathematics Education
Abstrak menggunakan font 9. Abstrak adalah ringkasan singkat dari isi manuskrip, tidak lebih dari 200 kata. Abstrak seharusnya menggambarkan singkat tentang permasalahan yang dibahas dalam paper, metode yang digunakan unutk menjawab... more
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      Electronic EngineeringTelecommunications EngineeringElectronicsDigital Signal Processing