Digital Privacy

139 papers
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Digital privacy refers to the protection of personal information and data in the digital environment, encompassing the rights and practices that govern the collection, storage, and sharing of individuals' online activities and personal data, ensuring confidentiality and control over one's digital footprint.
This paper explores how growing up with financial privilege influences personal development, digital identity construction, and social mobility. By drawing from both academic literature and personal experiences in Waukesha, Wisconsin, and... more
As generative AI (GenAI) technologies proliferate, ensuring trust and transparency in digital ecosystems becomes increasingly critical, particularly within democratic frameworks. This article examines decentralized Web3... more
The Internet has enabled malware to progress to a much broader distribution model and is experiencing a huge explosion of individual threats. There are automated tools that find vulnerable sites, attack them, and turn them into... more
The incredible advances of the digital age have completely changed our lives, from the way we communicate and work to the way we shop and learn. However, as our reliance on technology grows, so does the necessity to protect the private... more
Shared under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 (Creative Commons By Attribution Non Commercial No Derivatives 4.0 International) license. Presented at Jan 28, 2025 SoDa | ASA Symposium: In Celebration of Privacy Week. Abstract Generative AI and large... more
Imagine a bank in France. The bank uses AI to choose who gets a loan. After 5 years, the AI is so good that only 1 percent of its borrowers end up defaulting. At the same time, because it’s real AI, the bank has no idea how its lending... more
Giorni orsono un amico mi chiedeva conferma del fatto che per la liceità del trattamento delle categorie particolari di dati personali – ma il tema riguarda anche i dati “giudiziari” dell’articolo 10 – fosse effettivamente necessario... more
LGPD: responsabilidade de todos. Coordenação geral de Valéria Reani Rodrigues Garcia e Manuel David Rodrigues Masseno. Comissão de Direito à Privacidade e Proteção de Dados da Seção de Campinas da Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil, 2024. ISBN... more
Ammissibilità delle prove elettroniche ottenute illegalmente: uno studio critico del diritto dell'UE e dei precedenti della Corte europea dei diritti dell'uomo
Cybercrime has emerged as a critical threat to individuals, organizations, and governments worldwide, with Canadian agencies struggling to address the growing challenges effectively. A report by Canada's auditor general highlights... more
In the digital age, personal cybersecurity has become critical to safeguarding one's online presence. This self-assessment reflects on the author’s current cybersecurity practices, evaluating strengths and identifying areas for... more
CBDCs create tension between the needs of individuals to have their privacy protected and the needs of governments to monitor transactions (crimes, tax evasion, money laundering). Through the exploration of the meaning of privacy and... more
This paper questions the legitimacy of the term 'cash-like' privacy in relation to CBDCs. We offered, rather, the term 'technical privacy' because ultimately and despite technological layering all transactions and transacting parties... more
The landmark case of Mohtarma Benazir Bhutto v. President of Pakistan examined privacy within state surveillance, specifically phone call interception among public officials. Here, the Court broadened the definition of “home” to protect... more
Digital Decentralization: Ethical Democracy via Blockchain and AI This work is licensed under the CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 public license. Dario de Oliveira Rodrigues (CC) 2024. VIDEO SERIES LEGAL DISCLAIMER This book is provided for informational... more
Our research aims to highlight and alleviate the complex tensions around online safety, privacy, and smartphone usage in families so that parents and teens can work together to better manage mobile privacy and security-related risks. We... more
Intimate image abuse is a recent, endemic phenomenon which raises multiple legal issues and presents a significant challenge for the traditional institutions of law and criminal justice. The nature of this phenomenon requires considering... more
מדוע יש לפקח על רשויות המדינה כשאלה בולשות אחרי הפעילות המקוונת שלנו; כיצד ניתן לפקח על מעקב מקוון של גופי מודיעין ואכיפת חוק; מיהם האחראים בישראל על פיקוח זה; האם המצב הקיים נותן מענה ראוי למאפיינים הייחודיים של פעילות סיגינטית; האם... more
In the periods of traditional media we saw the limited effects of television, newspaper or magazines. But with the new media, people began to have possibilities to interact with the others without being in the same place. This is a kind... more
The advancement in Internet of Things (IoT) technology has been having a huge societal and economic impact, effectively changing the paradigms in doing business including the healthcare industry. While citizens now can enjoy the... more
The growing trend of collecting data about individuals to track past actions and infer future attitudes and behaviors has fueled popular and scholarly interest in the erosion of privacy. Recent shifts in technologies around machine... more
Artificial intelligence and the protection of personal data: methodological and procedural problems. The constitutional challenges posed by AI systems implicate a range of rights and interests (from personal freedom, equality and... more
This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to... more
The controversy on the border control system based on biometric information and deep learning in Incheon airport raised thorny questions on conflicts between public data utilization. This paper first lays out the detailed issues against... more
PurposeBig data and analytics are being increasingly used by tourism and hospitality organisations (THOs) to provide insights and to inform critical business decisions. Particularly in times of crisis and uncertainty data analytics... more
في القرن الحادي والعشرين، ارتفعت معدلات التلوث، وازدادت أخطار المشكلات البيئية، وأصبح هناك حاجة كبيرة لنشر الوعي بقضايا البيئة، والاهتمام بالتشجير ورعاية البيئة الخضراء، ولمواقع التواصل الاجتماعي دور مهم لإيجاد وعي بيئي بقضايا البيئة،... more
As smart devices are becoming commonplace in the home, people have begun sharing access to these devices with people beyond the home. However, the "all-or-nothing" approach to access control taken by most smart home applications may be... more
In this modern technological era, due to the technology advancement, antivirus plays a vital role in electronics devices such as desktop, laptop and smartphone. Android is an open source mobile operating system, the nature of open source... more
In cloud computing for optimized workflow scheduling, it is crucial to meet user deadlines while minimizing the cost of resources. This paper is a novel approach that compares Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) with the Buddy System in... more
The European Data Protection Board (EDPB) has released a GDPR compliance guide for small and mediumsized enterprises. In it, the table of the scope of application of privacy rights in relation to the legal bases of personal data... more
In the twenty-first century, human attention has become the object of interest of entrepreneurs, making it an object of supply. The development of technology related to attracting the attention of recipients is becoming more and more... more
This paper presents a systematic bibliometric analysis of the artificial intelligence (AI) domain to explore privacy protection research as AI technologies integrate and data privacy concerns rise. Understanding evolutionary patterns and... more
The use of dating app data to expose a gay priest by The Pillar poses important questions for the right to privacy in the era of big data. This paper addresses the lack of engagement with privacy within the Catholic theological ethical... more
This research explores the pivotal role of technology in various aspects of people's lives, highlighting the dominance of technological features in the present century. It emphasizes the nature of communication, knowledge sharing, and... more
Trademarked names, logos, and images may appear in this book. Rather than use a trademark symbol with every occurrence of a trademarked name, logo, or image we use the names, logos, and images only in an editorial fashion and to the... more
There is an abundance of digital sexual and reproductive health technologies that present concern regarding their potential sensitive data breaches. We analyzed 15 Internet of Things (IoT) devices with sexual and reproductive tracking... more
In the modern digital era, cybercrime has become a global menace that poses serious difficulties for governments, corporations, and individuals alike. Information and communication technology's rapid advancement has transformed many... more
Mobile privacy and security can be a collaborative process where individuals seek advice and help from their trusted communities. To support such collective privacy and security management, we developed a mobile app for Community... more
Our research aims to highlight and alleviate the complex tensions around online safety, privacy, and smartphone usage in families so that parents and teens can work together to better manage mobile privacy and security-related risks. We... more
Managing digital privacy and security is often a collaborative process, where groups of individuals work together to share information and give one another advice. Yet, this collaborative process is not always reciprocal or equally... more
The CJEU's pronouncements help in a correct reading of regulatory requirements, shedding light on aspects that have raised doubts by national courts in member states. This roundup often offers an interesting insight into data protection... more
This chapter reflects on how data privacy on third-party for-profit advertising websites geared towards sex workers is managed and which types of vulnerabilities are generated through this corporate model. This chapter begins with the... more
We propose that blockchain technology complemented by secure computation methods can foster implementation of a learning healthcare system (LHCS) by minimizing upfront patient-facing compromises with unsurpassed data security and privacy,... more
Security challenges are the order of the day in some countries around the globe, Nigeria inclusive. Series of measures were proposed and even implemented, but due to population size, lack of social amenities (i.e. Power) and time factor... more
On July 21, 2021, the Catholic Substack "The Pillar" printed an "expose" on Monsignor Jeffrey Burrill regarding alleged use of the gay hook-up app Grinder. Responses across Catholic-oriented social media were divided and demonstrated the... more
In March 2020, the Israeli government decided that its internal security agency may collect, process, and use technological information measures to tackle the spread of COVID-19. This was done by tracking the cellphones of those who may... more
Risk-based authentication (RBA) is an adaptive security measure to strengthen password-based authentication. RBA monitors additional implicit features during password entry such as device or geolocation information, and requests... more
Mobile privacy and security can be a collaborative process where individuals seek advice and help from their trusted communities. To support such collective privacy and security management, we developed a mobile app for Community... more