Digital Piracy/ Filesharing
Recent papers in Digital Piracy/ Filesharing
"The Piracy Crusade examines the music industry’s overreaction to the threat of digital piracy, and the resulting damage done to our economy, culture and society. It challenges the commonly-accepted myth that piracy is killing the music... more
Considers role of EU Charter of Fundamental Rights in shaping role of Internet Service Providers in Copyright Enforcement Online; includes analysis of recent controversial Dutch ruling: Ziggo BV & XS4ALL vs BREIN
Regarding efficiency, efficacy and incentive, free-sharing online (of recordings, live broadcasts , software and published works) outperforms market and property systems by reducing costs of production and distribution, increasing quality... more
Czech: Příspěvek se věnuje aktuální problematice nahrávání a sdílení filmů ze strany drobných " pirátů " a otázce legálnosti sledování těchto autorských děl uživateli. Smyslem příspěvku je zprostředkovat pohled z právní praxe panující v... more
Wolna kultura" to nazwa specyficznego ruchu społecznego, ściśle związanego, i to na różnych płaszczyznach, z przemianami społecznymi wynikającymi z przechodzenia społeczeństwa industrialnego na informacyjne. Aby osiągnąć postawiony sobie... more
While there may be a substantial potential for media and entertainment products in new electronic market channels, content producers and owners remain sceptical and are cautious to utilize these new market opportunities. Piracy and the... more
Peer-to-peer file sharing and other forms of free online music distribution have played a complex and contentious role in the ongoing transformation of musical culture and economics. While the recording industry decries these services as... more
Analisamos o fenômeno da circulação informal de cinema na internet, oferecendo uma orientação sistemática dentro do vasto universo das redes de distribuição que se encontram às margens do mercado oficial. A pirataria é estudada como uma... more
This paper proposes the design and experimentation of digital control of soft-switched interleaved boost converter using FPGA for Telecommunication System. The switching devices in the proposed converter are turned on and off with Zero... more
Access control is one of the key attributes of a virtual monopoly. Intellectual Property Law was initially developed as an instrument for creating such economic space. Meanwhile this area is constantly confronted with an issue, which... more
Moroccan post-colonial cinema has suffered from the lack of adequate channels of domestic and international distribution and exhibition for most of its relatively short history. Despite the existence of a burgeoning distribution business... more
This essay will attempt to summarize the field of intellectual property (IP), a term which encompasses specific rights to works that exist as ideas, such as copyright, patent, and trademarks. It will examine the history of IP in its... more
Excerpt from: V. Re (ed.), Streaming media. Distribuzione, circolazione, accesso, Mimesis, Milano-Udine: 2017
O objetivo desta dissertação é investigar a relação conceitual entre a Antropofagia e a Cultura do Remix, entender os conflitos no campo do direito autoral provocados pelas práticas de compartilhamento cultural, assim como analisar as... more
computer science student at Boston's Northeastern University. It provided a platform for users to upload and download music files in a compressed digital format (MP3). It provided Music Share software freely available for Internet users... more
How did we get from Hollywood to YouTube? What makes Wikipedia so different from a traditional encyclopedia? Has blogging dismantled journalism as we know it? Our media landscape has undergone a seismic shift as digital technology has... more
This chapter assesses the future trends and trajectory of the optical media piracy. It traces briefly the development of media piracy from the VCR technology using the cassette format to the current digital and nanotechnology using the... more
This book aims to identify, analyze, and systematize the available research on counterfeiting and piracy published over a thirty-five year time span (1980–2015) in order to highlight the main trends in the illicit trade literature,... more
The draft of a published paper on file system implementations
With the ever growing disenfranchisement of musicians and artists in the in ability of government entities to enforce stricter and favourable music quota which aim to increase the consumption of local music by increasing the current music... more
Piracy is taking on an entirely new character in the age of media in the cloud. Global technology and business models are evolving rapidly, while regulators and lawmakers are catching up in attempts to work out a new set of rules of... more
A lo largo de los últimos años, la influencia de las nuevas tecnologías en la industria audiovisual ha demostrado una ascendente e imparable importancia. La revolución digital, sustrato tecnológico de este proceso de cambio, ha provocado... more
Esta tese tem como temática a distribuição do entretenimento no campo digital – filmes, músicas, e produções correlatas –, e(m) sua relação com a tecnologia streaming (legal) e com a “pirataria” digital. Mais especificamente, este estudo... more
This dissertation is an analysis of criminal enforcement of digital copyrights. I argue that an international prohibition regime to govern intellectual property rights (IPR) has emerged through systems of international trade and law... more
The Czech theatrical market faces a major digital piracy problem. The availability of illegitimate digital distribution channels represents a challenge for managers, especially when original movies are uploaded to the Internet before or... more
Ort: das Internet. Zeit: 1998-2008. Über zehn Jahre hinweg schrieb die Internet-, Netzkultur- und Rechtsgeschichte mit. Neben dem Wandel des Internet zum Massenmedium, Dotcomboom und Abmahnwahn, dem Aufkommen der Blogs, dem... more
Analysis of the various levels of contemporary film experience in India, from changes in the industry's corporate organisation, through its generation of new genres and product differentiation, and onto contests with the pirate economy of... more
Esta tese tem como principal objetivo ajudar a preencher o défice de pesquisa teórico-empírica com origem nos países lusófonos em torno do confronto aparente entre os direitos dos utilizadores de Internet e a aplicação dos direitos de... more
This chapter provides an overview of the content of this book. It traces briefly the background on how the media piracy in the Philippines and Vietnam has grown through the years despite the hegemonic pressure of the United States Trade... more
This thesis examines the extent to which new practices of principled acts of illegal resistance that involve the use of digital technologies can fruitfully be interpreted as new forms of civil disobedience. The study focuses on three... more
Using Schatzki’s practices framework as a lens, this paper reports on the practices of university students accessing learning resources at a research-intensive university in South Africa. Using a mixed methods approach, 1001 survey... more
This chapter provides an overview of the content of this book. It traces briefly the background on how the media piracy in the Philippines and Vietnam has grown through the years despite the hegemonic pressure of the United States Trade... more
AFK - an acronym for “away of keyboard” widely used online - is an anthology of texts written for catalogues and exhibition brochures along the last five years, featuring twelve texts about eleven artists and an artist duo: Rosa Menkman,... more
This article argues that despite their inherent illegality, forms of media piracy are an essential part of the memory of Bombay cinema. While Bombay cinema’s history is replete with its encounter with myriad pirate forms—cheaply... more
Swedish filesharing site The Pirate Bay ( has continued to operate despite being convicted of facilitating massive amounts of copyright infringement, acting as a defiant statement about the resilient nature of piracy. Now... more