Ənənəvi folklordan fərqli olaraq, İnternet folkloru virtual kommunikasiyada ortaya çıxır. Ünsiyyət prosesində baş verən bu dəyişiklik təkcə formal əlamət və xüsusiyyətlərlə deyil, eyni zamanda məzmun və mahiyyət səviyyəsində də özünü... more
Modernity is characterized by presentism and by the spread of digital culture and mediatization. In these conditions, we think about the environmental problem, about preserving nature as a habitat for humanity. The problem of nature is... more
Digital performances have been remarkably influenced by the convergence of arts and technology which has recorded very significant breakthrough in the world of entertainment. Performances have grown beyond traditional spaces on account of... more
Γιατί η ενσωμάτωση των ψηφιακών τεχνολογιών στις επιτελεστικές τέχνες, όπως το θέατρο, η μουσική, η performance art, θεωρείται συχνά απειλητική για τη ζωντανότητά τους, δηλαδή για τη φυσική ενσώματη παρουσία καλλιτεχνών και κοινού στον... more
Sarah Crews is a senior lecturer in performance and media at the University of South Wales, where she leads the BA (Hons) Performance and Media degree and teaches new media performance, performer training for stage and screen and critical... more
This piece provides an overview of two artworks, On View (2019) and Human Unreadable (2023), both of which are conceptual artworks that include technology and performance created by Operator, my collaborative art practice with Dejha Ti... more
This essay explores the emerging phenomenon of dance as a collectible within the crypto landscape, exploring how blockchain technology is reshaping the way dance is valued and experienced. Through the lens of non-fungible tokens (NFTs),... more
ISBN 97912-5510-061-4 (print) ISBN 979-12-5510-062-1 (PDF) ISBN 979-12-5510-063-8 (EPUB) DOI 10.54103/milanoup.134 Questo volume e, in genere, quando non diversamente indicato, le pubblicazioni di Milano University Press sono sottoposti a... more
In this doctoral dissertation we aim to contribute to a theoretical framework for cyberformance, live performance taking place in virtual worlds, platforms and environments. This emerging genre is intermedial, multimodal, hybrid, liminal,... more
Towards the end of 2020 and throughout 2021 - the year in which the Greek state celebrated the 200th anniversary of the Greek Revolution and in the midst of the covid-19 pandemic - digital historical narratives were projected onto the... more
Alors meme que l'etau ideologique se resserre sur la creation artistique sovietique et que les pieces etrangeres sont de plus en plus ecartees du repertoire, Stanislavski a l'audace de monter, l'annee d'anniversaire de la... more
Resumen: Del mismo modo en que el ser humano ha sentido la necesidad de inventar mundos ficticios y virtuales, también siempre experimentó una atracción por las ideas amenazadoras y fascinantes del doble (doppelgänger), de los autómatas,... more
Mula sa dalawang salita: monologo at vlog, ang monoVlog ay isang hybrid na pagtatanghal sa internet noong panahon ng pandemya. May pagkakahawig at pagkakaiba ang monologo at ang vlogging: parehong iisang tao ang nagtatanghal at kailangang... more
This study looks into the nuanced interaction between AI-driven autonomy and animator control within digital animation, a domain witnessing rapid technological advancements. Focusing on the AI-rendering techniques demonstrated in the... more
Der Beitrag beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, inwiefern performative digitale Musikpraktiken als Grundlage für körperlich-ästhetische Erfahrungen in musikalischen Bildungsangeboten dienen können. Dazu wurden exemplarisch Videoaufzeichnungen... more
Gomes, C. (2021). A Investigadora enquanto Ciberperformer. In João Estevens (Coord.) Artes Performativas e Cultura Digital (pp. 78-103). Lisboa: Montanha e Rabbit Hole. ISBN: 978-989-33-2684-8.
Defining cyberformance as an emergent kind of art is the object of this paper. Cyberformance is developed through the Internet using digital technologies, like the computer, a narrower category than digital performance, that is defined... more
Czeskie twórczynie Zden Brungot Svíteková i Tereza Ondrová pracują z "granicami wyobraźni środowiskowej", proponując choreograficzne i somatyczne narzędzia nawiązywania relacji z otoczeniem ak ucieleśnić ruch skał, który jest niewidoczny... more
The Justice Syndicate is an interactive performance, featuring an audience who take on the role of jurors considering a difficult case. Participants receive evidence, witness testimonies and prompts to vote and discuss the case on iPads.... more
This report outlines the research methodology, research imperatives and process used in the development of the multi-user interactive installation "Sensuous Geographies". A collaboration between composer Alistair MacDonald and... more
This co-authored paper is a reflection on our collective and individual experiences creating and performing in dist[Sense], a virtual performance experience for one audience-participant and one performer-participant to be present together... more
In digital performance, video and sound technologies are frequently used to establish simultaneous presences of performers and their non-material counterparts. From the early explorations of closed circuit television by artists such as... more
This article proposes to address the tension between digital co-presence and embodied spectatorship inaugurated by the pivot to online and hybrid forms of (post-)pandemic performance through the lens of the postdigital. The term is... more
This article proposes to address the tension between digital co-presence and embodied spectatorship inaugurated by the pivot to online and hybrid forms of (post-)pandemic performance through the lens of the postdigital. The term is... more
En el marco de las manifestaciones ciudadanas asociada al Paro Nacional de Colombia, entre abril y junio de 2021, muchas propuestas artísticas resultaron significativas en la interacción social, física y digital. Algunas de estas muestran... more
This article focuses on the working conditions-including everything from the terms of employment to the rehearsal situation-of freelance dancers and of dancers within companies. 1 My experience both as a freelance dancer and as a... more
In Romania, sociological investigations on theatre are mere illusions that drift further and further away into the sky. In the last 30 years, a few theatres commissioned surveys to measure, as best as they could, the structure and the... more
The last fifty years of theatre have put us closer to one of the most spectacular facts of this art: every generation of theatre makers managed – we do not know if programmatically – to build its own repertoire based on its own reality.... more
The author discusses the Dictionary of Contemporary Dance (2022) reconstructing its structure and the main thematic areas. She refers to the metaphor of the rhizome book by Gilles Deleuze and Félix Guattari, activating it both in the... more
This report outlines the research methodology, research imperatives and process used in the development of the multi-user interactive installation "Sensuous Geographies". A collaboration between composer Alistair MacDonald and... more
From this last stage he climbs again to the starting point." (Diderot 1770; as cited in Wilson 1961). This is indeed an overwhelming act of acting and has often become a starting point for questioning the emotional conditioning, the... more
Το βιβλίο Ψηφιακό Θέατρο: η δημιουργία και η σημασία των πολυμεσικών παραστάσεων (ΗΠΑ & Ηνωμένο Βασίλειο 1990-2020) της Nadja Masura αποτελεί μια σημαντική συνεισφορά στην έρευνα και τη μελέτη του ψηφιακού θεάτρου, εξετάζοντας... more
Columbia * Figure 1: Eye movement without any skin deformation looks unrealistic (a). Our model interactively computes skin deformation introducing realism in eye movements (b). After training the model on one actor (c), it can be used to... more
6 3.3 Human-centered concepts in digital dance literature A. From frozen to live media B. Body incorporates the technology: Metaphysical Extension C. Body and technology "in dialogue"? 3.4 Conclusion CHAPTER 4. Technological performance... more
Muzyka baletowa w polskiej refleksji teoretycznej i muzykologicznej jawi się jak uboga krewna, a ta, która tworzona była przez kobiety-to czysta kartka 1. Aby chociaż w minimalnym stopniu ją zapisać, postanowiłem przyjrzeć się polskim... more
Figure 1: This paper investigates the perception of different emotions in reenacted portrait videos. Using a modified state-of-the-art technique that operates on the uv maps (b) of the manipulated meshes, we alter the facial expression of... more
Abordo desde la praxis artística sesgos e interferencias detectados como emergentes en la relación entre cuerpos y tecnologías. Abordo la reducción de singularidad efectuada por la biodata, los recortes de experiencia y la “aceptación... more
Art of (un) famous women. Set designer Aniela Wojciechowska in the light of unique historic collection of the Alfons Parczewski Pedagogical Library in Kalisz The article is and attempt to get acquainted with the creative output of Aniela... more
Books included in this cutting-edge series centre on global and embodied approaches to performance and technology. As well as focussing on digital performance and art, books in the series also include the theoretical and historical... more
This document is the author's post-print version, incorporating any revisions agreed during the peer-review process. Some differences between the published version and this version may remain and you are advised to consult the published... more
Technology in the animation industry has evolved significantly over the past decade. The tools to create animation are becoming more intuitive to use. Animators now spend more time on the artistic quality of their work than wasting time... more
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Introducción: Un uso positivo de internet y de los medios sociales, aprovechando sus oportunidades o afrontando sus peligros, requiere de habilidades digitales. La mediación parental es considerada como un factor crítico para que los... more
The emergent research project explores mediated realities and mnemonic structures by examining the modality of performative engagement through raumfindung (felt-presence), in an attempt to originate composition strategies and ordination... more