Digital Memory

203 papers
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Digital memory refers to the storage, retrieval, and management of information in digital formats, encompassing both hardware (such as solid-state drives and cloud storage) and software systems. It examines how digital technologies influence memory processes, including the creation, preservation, and accessibility of data in contemporary society.
O presente trabalho examina a evolução dos direitos das crianças e adolescentes no Brasil, investigando o papel dos movimentos sociais, especialmente o Movimento Nacional de Meninos e Meninas de Rua, na consagração da doutrina de proteção... more
This study aims to explore how vulnerable communities, scientists and artists can collaborate to construct digital community memories to excavate opinion spaces related to socio-natural events, creating a shared and inclusive ground for... more
Die Studie „Ostfuturistisches Erinnern. Die Transformationszeit in postsozialistischer Videokunst“ befasst sich mit künstlerischen Videoarbeiten, die die postsozialistische Transformation thematisieren. Der Fokus liegt auf Werken, die... more
This article is on algorithmically generated memories: data on past events that are stored and automatically ranked and classified by digital platforms, before they are presented to the user as memories. By mobilising Henri... more
This study aims to explore how vulnerable communities, scientists and artists can collaborate to construct digital community memories to excavate opinion spaces related to socio-natural events, creating a shared and inclusive ground for... more
本文从跨越七十余载的两则“伊娃的故事”入手,强调数字记忆研究既要在“智识挑战”层面揭示实践逻辑,也要在“社会意义”层面发掘并彰显实践智慧。换言之,在追求理论创新之外,它还应该致力于“明智”。本文评述有关明智社会科学的倡议和争论,回溯亚里士多德对科学、技艺和明智的区分,梳理作为“术”和“力”的两条记忆线索,并从元话语、实践和伦理三个层面阐发数字记忆研究“何以明智”。通过将“技艺”与“明智”结合,发挥“讲故事”的力量,数字记忆研究致力于追求实践之知,以此通往明亮的公共对话,拥抱价... more
从“被遗忘权”衍生出来的“被记忆权”概念,聚焦于网络用户围绕信息保存、迁移和继承的权利。这一阐发将记忆权利限定在个体的信息或数据权利主张上,也让其带有几分被动意味。本文从记忆权利的内涵(主动与被动)、权利主体(个体与群体)、时空语境(数字与前/ 非数字)和义务主体(平台与公共机构和国家)等四个角度审视“被记忆权”概念,试图将之拓展为复数乃至复调式的记忆权利观念,由此激发其丰富的实证潜力和多元的规范及伦理意涵。
by Hongtao Li and 
1 more
This study aims to explore how vulnerable communities, scientists and artists can collaborate to construct digital community memories to excavate opinion spaces related to socio-natural events, creating a shared and inclusive ground for... more
This study focuses on the importance of a Critical Digital Literacy course by designing a specific course curriculum with approaches and activities to combat presentism and cynical attitudes in digital media. The constant and intensive... more
This study aims to explore how vulnerable communities, scientists and artists can collaborate to construct digital community memories to excavate opinion spaces related to socio-natural events, creating a shared and inclusive ground for... more
Clepsidra. Revista Interdisciplinaria de Estudios sobre Memoria invita a enviar artículos y participar de esta nueva convocatoria a dossier temático: "El giro digital en los procesos de memoria: transformaciones en la activación y... more
This study aims to explore how vulnerable communities, scientists, and artists can collaborate to construct digital community memories to excavate opinion spaces related to socio-natural events, creating a shared and inclusive ground for... more
Building the Aqua Granda digital community memory. This section focuses on the construction of the Aqua Granda Digital Community Memory itself. The first contribution is by the team from the EU ODYCCEUS project and Science Gallery Venice... more
This article suggests that the study of memory in the 21st century needs to be understood within a rapidly developing techno-social context that includes wearable and portable mobile technologies. Drawing on a pilot study involving depth... more
This paper describes the participation of the Organiser Team in the ImageCLEFlifelog 2019 Solve My Life Puzzle (Puzzle) and Lifelog Moment Retrieval (LMRT) tasks. We proposed to use LIFER 2.0, an enhanced version of LIFER, which was an... more
, Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a resumption and an expansion of a conflict that had begun with an incursion into eastern Ukraine and Crimea in 2014. In addition to the massive loss of lives and destruction of... more
The rise of digital platforms transforms contemporary warfare by enabling new possibilities for monitoring war destruction, identifying human rights violations, and commemorating individual and collective suffering. However, to achieve... more
This article is on algorithmically generated memories: data on past events that are stored and automatically ranked and classified by digital platforms, before they are presented to the user as memories. By mobilising Henri Bergson's... more
La proliferazione di tecniche avanzate di manipolazione dell'immagine e del video ha portato alla creazione di "deepfakes", un fenomeno preoccupante che combina le tecnologie di intelligenza artificiale (AI) e di elaborazione grafica per... more
The funders had no role in study design, data collection and analysis, decision to publish, or preparation of the manuscript.
Este artigo apresenta os resultados finais de um estudo que reune tres geracoes de bibliotecarios/as num grupo de foco para debaterem as mudancas atuais dos comportamentos informacionais, nomeadamente os dilemas eticos introduzidos pelas... more
The dynamics of digitisation and globalisation are synergetically and dialectically changing the ways in which human beings individually and collectively capture, document, share and preserve memories of the past. This paper develops... more
In the field of Digital Discourse Analysis proposed by the linguist Marie-Anne Paveau (2021), the notion of text is questioned, once the native digital text, endemic from the digital ecosystem, requires a differentiated perspective, being... more
The growing application of artificial intelligence (AI) in the field of information retrieval (IR) affects different domains, including cultural heritage. By facilitating organisation and retrieval of large volumes of heritage-related... more
This article explores how collective memory of the 1999 Marmara earthquake frames collective thinking of "the expected Istanbul earthquake" through numerous catastrophic earthquake scenarios posted on the prominent Turkish social media... more
Zaman ve mekân üzerinde dijital ortamların sağladığı değişim, bu ortamların kullanıcılar için hatırlatıcı olmasına aracılık oluşturmaktadır. Bilgilerin dijitalleşen platformlar ile arşivlenmesi ve ulaşılabilir olması bireylere kolaylık... more
The severe restrictions on public life following the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic affected Holocaust memorials and museums worldwide, especially in Europe, Israel, and the United States. These measures posed significant challenges to... more
The digital environment has enabled the creation of new genres and formats that give birth to an array of digital-born sources at the disposal of historians. The traditional digitised sources that refer us to conventional archives are now... more
This article examines the changes experienced by collective memory in the digital era. Contrary to the thesis that digital memory entails a new type of memory, which is radically different from the traditional conceptualization, I argue... more
On 24 February 2022, Russia launched its full-scale invasion of Ukraine, a resumption and an expansion of a conflict that had begun with an incursion into eastern Ukraine and Crimea in 2014. In addition to the massive loss of lives and... more
The rise of digital technologies has caused a major shift in memory studies. The unprecedented possibilities for storing and retrieving information enabled by platforms not only expand capacities for preserving memory-related content for... more
Concerns exists regarding natural disasters, but what about the resulting power outages? This study investigates the characteristics of a digital visual narrative depicting the loss of electrical power after a natural disaster to identify... more
The memorialization of mass atrocities such as war crimes and genocides facilitates the remembrance of past suffering, honors those who resisted the perpetrators, and helps prevent the distortion of historical facts. Digital technologies... more
Статья является частью исследования, посвященного изучению правового статуса и норм государственного регулирования питейного промысла в России. В статье приведен анализ формирования государственной регалии на пития с XVI в. и до начала... more
Une capsule temporelle est une œuvre de sauvegarde collective de biens et d'informations, comme témoignage destiné aux générations futures. Elle peut être intentionnellement créée et enterrée, souvent lors d’une cérémonie programmant... more
Today, social media plays a vital role in providing information to the public through various platforms including traditional and digital media. In March 2020, the government had announced the Movement Control Order (MCO) due to the... more
The aim of this paper is to research the impact to emerging theory based on the relation between the architect and his work in a digital approach to the process of design and realization by the principle of Digital Chain. Digital Chain is... more
by Hongtao Li and 
1 more
作为一场旷日持久的“灾难马拉松”,新冠肺炎疫情几乎触及到社会的每一个角落,众多个体的亲身经验在社交媒体上汇聚成多声部的疫情叙事,蕴含着巨大的公共记忆潜能。从数字记忆和见证书写的研究视角出发,本文借助“连接性见证”的概念,通过对豆瓣话题“#和新冠肺炎疫情有关的记忆”的分析,揭示个体如何见证、书写疫情,个体经验如何相互勾连,生成公共记忆。研究发现,身处疫情中心和世界各地的个体在豆瓣平台上展开多模态的记忆实践,接力完成了一场马拉松式的瘟疫书写。经由个体和社区层面的连接机制,这些书写... more
by Xinyue Zhang and 
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2020年东京奥运开幕式触发了中国网友对2008年北京奥运的追忆,掀起了一场对过往媒介事件的大规模数字重访。数以万计网民投入其间的记忆实践,展现出自发连接与集体追忆之间的张力,也在连接记忆和事件链的脉络中揭示出媒介事件的追忆机制及其后果。围绕着对2008年奥运开幕式影像的重温,以个体为核心的参与者在视频网站和社交媒体上抚今追昔,合力构造出追忆的热点时刻。由此展开的跨平台连接性记忆实践在行动、叙事和情感层面相互交汇、激荡,彰显出鲜明的集体性和强烈的民族自豪感。由是观之,连接记忆... more
论文以“蔚蓝地图”环保应用为核心,从连结行动和环境治理的视角出发,通过走查法、深度访谈和内容分析等方法,考察这款移动应用从设计到运用所激发的公共参与想象和实践及其历时性变化,以此探讨数据行动在中国的发展轨迹和运作机制。研究发现,在蔚蓝地图从小众APP发展为公众APP的过程中,一直凸显“万众参与”的连结想象;依托它展开的数据行动初期呈现为基于个体参与的“连结式”连结行动,后期逐渐转向由环保组织主导的“组织化”连结行动,并日益汇入环境治理的常规轨道。无论是连结想象还是连结实践,都... more
Background Holocaust memory and learning processes have become increasingly mediatised as a result of rapid technological advances. There is, however, little information available regarding how people learn about this topic informally... more
The memorialization of mass atrocities such as war crimes and genocides facilitates the remembrance of past suffering, honors those who resisted the perpetrators, and helps prevent the distortion of historical facts. Digital technologies... more
Este livro resulta de pesquisa desenvolvida em meio ao entusiasmo pela promulgação do Estatuto da Criança e do Adolescente em 1990. A década que se iniciava foi marcada por debates em torno de leis para regulamentar os direitos... more
大流行病迫使的禁闭和隔离导致了技术变革传播的加剧,这是在过去四分之一世纪实现的,智力工作转向家庭办公,以及在高等教育中转向视频小组会议和视频讲座,议会会议、宪法法院听证会和其他决策会议转向视频会议。这个社会是在互联网上组织起来的,由于它作为世界互联网的出现,部分是自发的,部分是由于美国领导下的第一批互联网科技公司的主导,故意将其影响扩散到全世界,所以随后互联网的传播与国家主权有了交集。... more
Dès l’Antiquité, la préservation de la mémoire du passé s’est accompagnée de l’idée que l’on ne pouvait pas tout conserver : un récit, un monument, une tablette d’inventaire, un sanctuaire, voilà autant de lieux de mémoire qui ne... more
Este artículo estudia cuatro intervenciones performáticas que de maneras diversas dan a conocer y problematizan el desarrollo de los juicios por crímenes de lesa humanidad en Argentina: Genocida suelto, de la Fuerza Artística de Choque... more
Selfies at Auschwitz have become increasingly popular, and have generated agitated public debate. While some see them as an engaged form of witnessing, others denounce them as a narcissistic desecration of the dead. We analyze the taking,... more