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      LiteracyNew MediaCosmopolitanismSocial Media
The need for literacy and the English curriculum to attend to digital literacies in the twenty-first century is well established. Although studies in digital literacies have examined the inclusion of computer games in schools, there has... more
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      Game studiesNew MediaVideo Games and LearningGame/Simulation use in education
Student as Producer Student as producer and open educational resources: enhancing learning through digital scholarship Sue Watling Sue Watling, Centre for Research and Development, University of Lincoln, Brayford Pool, Lincoln... more
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      Digital LiteraciesOpen Educational ResourcesDigital scholarship21st Century Digital Literacies
This opinion piece reflects on the place of writing and the pen in literacy practice in the wake of the so-called digital revolution and the advent of online classrooms that are built around digital input devices.
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      LiteracyEducationEducational TechnologyInformation Literacy
Table of Contents, Foreward, and Preface
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      Digital Media & LearningDigital Media And New LiteraciesDigital Literacies
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      Digital LiteraciesDerechos HumanosTICs aplicadas a la Educacion
Based on a review of more than seventy recent studies, this brief describes these approaches, particularly as they apply to high school students who have been at risk of failing courses and exit examinations or dropping out due to a range... more
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      Teaching and LearningEducational TechnologyEducational Equity and JusticeDigital Literacies
Muchos gobiernos europeos, incluido el de Noruega, tienen políticas educativas ambiciosas en materia de digitalización. Muchas empresas y responsables políticos prestan gran atención al uso de las tecnologías digitales en la educación... more
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      21st Century LiteraciesSociology of EducationEducational TechnologyTeacher Education
This study examines affective aspects of personal information management (PIM), which is a basic need in the digital era, characterized by overflow of information. Our basic assumption is that affective aspects accompany the PIM... more
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      Digital LiteraciesEmotionsPreservice Teacher EducationPersonal Information Management - PIM
The theories behind conceptions of digital literacies are the focus of this chapter, along with discussion of comparisons-focused pedagogical frameworks that address their development in the L2 classroom. As explained in the introduction... more
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      Teaching of Foreign LanguagesForeign language teaching and learningDigital Literacies
Do they have to be the same?" The pre-service teacher asking this question was wondering if the essay she had written had to be the same, word for word, as the digital multimodal composition (DMC) she was creating. Similar to the way I... more
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      New MediaTeacher EducationDigital LiteraciesEnglish Education
An emerging research base has highlighted various roles and responsibilities that parents of students with disabilities accept when they enroll their children in online schools. Since finding and using online texts and using various... more
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      EducationDistance EducationDigital LiteracyOnline Learning
Digital badges are web-enabled tokens of accomplishment that contain specific claims and evidence about learning and achievement along with detailed evidence supporting those claims. Badges traditionally consist of an image and relevant... more
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      EducationAssessmentDigital LiteracyEducational Measurement
The Internet is a significant information resource for students due to the ease of access it allows to a vast amount of information. As the quality of the information on the Internet varies, it is important that students are able to... more
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      Digital LiteraciesOnline Reading ComprehensionCritical Evaluation
Antero Garcia and T. Philip Nichols explore how classrooms and schools must reframe their conceptions of technology from a focus on tools that serve specific purposes to a focus on platforms and their ecologies. In doing so, they argue,... more
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      Educational TechnologyDigital LiteracyInstructional TechnologyMedia Education
This article positions remix as an agentive site for girls and women in their consumption and production of popular media, one that disrupts dominant gender norms and representations and the pervasiveness of male gaze. Noting girlhood as... more
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      Youth StudiesDigital LiteracyYouth CultureDigital Media And New Literacies
This paper offers a summative cross cultural analysis of qualitative survey data collected to investigate the impact of digital media on writing and reading within universities from different countries. It addresses the particular aspect... more
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      PedagogyDigital Literacies
This chapter draws on my ethnographic research of adolescent literacy, online affinity spaces, and young adult literature. Affinity space ethnography is a powerful methodology that can shed light on the culture of physical, virtual, and... more
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      LiteracyAdolescent LiteracyDigital Media & LearningNew Literacies
This article explores how research conducted in the emerging discipline of Game Studies may be used to develop tools for teaching videogames in the English and Literacy classroom. The article argues, by drawing on the debate between... more
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      Game studiesNew MediaVideo Games and LearningGame/Simulation use in education
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      New MediaDigital HumanitiesNarrativeDigital Literature
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      Refugee ResettlementDigital Literacies
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      Literacy21st Century LiteraciesDigital LiteracyDigital Media & Learning
This talk explores the challenges involved in teaching language and literacy at a time of ‘always on’ digitally-mediated communication in which meaning-making is shared between humans and algorithms, and in which the everyday texts people... more
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      Discourse AnalysisPragmaticsAffect/EmotionDigital Literacies
The paper deals with the influence of digital environment-digital media, in particular television and the Internet as the most influential mass media, on children through different cultural, social, educational and behavioral aspects. It... more
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      Digital HumanitiesSociology of Children and ChildhoodDigital LiteracyDigital Media
A paper-medium experimental literature artist book translated into an experimental digital artist book on the rhetoric of language and semiotics rooted in parallel with lived experience an human emotions.
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      RhetoricComposition and RhetoricLanguages and LinguisticsPoetics
Academic librarians working in higher education institutions in Sri Lanka have been enjoying faculty status for the last forty years. The study explores their self-identity, and their perceptions about the teaching role. In total, there... more
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      Information LiteracyInformation Literacy AssessmentKnowledge Organization SystemsDigital Literacies
Quali sono le ragioni della fortuna trasversale e solidissima del Rinascimento oggi nell'immaginario globale - letterario, filmico, artistico - e negli studi? Quali nessi profondi vi sono tra la rivoluzione della stampa, decisiva per quel... more
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      Digital HumanitiesRenaissance HistoryDigital LiteraciesFilologia Italiana Letteratura Italiana del Rinascimento
A brief review of this book by Renee Hobbs and David Cooper Moore.
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    • Digital Literacies
Appeared in Media Culture & Society Vol. 33, No. 2, 2011, 211-221. With the advent of digital technologies, awareness of media is acquiring crucial importance. Media literacy,... more
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      Information LiteracyMedia LiteracyDigital Literacies
This quasi-experimental, mixed model study explored the use of an instructional approach that provided direct instruction and experiences in multicultural education while empowering preservice teachers to examine their perspectives using... more
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      LiteracyNew LiteraciesMulticultural EducationDigital Literacies
The demands on today‟s digital society raise the necessity of students to acquire different skills and competences - a new kind of literacy. Besides digital skills, there is also the need of being in possess of social and soft skills.... more
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      Web 2.0Virtual EnvironmentsDigital LiteracyDigital Media And New Literacies
Wikidificador é um projeto em fase de elaboração, cuja proposta principal é permitir a construção colaborativa de roteiros de atividades para professores da área de linguagem, especificamente aquelas que contribuem para o letramento... more
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      Digital LiteracyDigital LiteraciesCritical LiteracyLetramento Crítico
In recent years, research on Instant Messaging has been growing with a shift from English-based CMC to multilingual CMC. As a result, two main features of multilingual CMC have been widely investigated: language choice and code switching.... more
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      Language and Identity, Online Communities of PracticeDigital LiteraciesOnline CommunicationCode Switching
Abstract: Students bring into the classroom their own mobile devices, but do not take advantage of the various features that the technology offers for supporting learning. This paper addresses two themes of this conference: e‐books and... more
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      Mobile LearningSpanish as a Foreign LanguageReading ComprehensionDigital Literacies
Using social media in a university English course, students created a menu of Instagram prompts after reading challenging texts and reported that this activity increased understanding. J ohn Dewey might be surprised to find himself on... more
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      New MediaEducational TechnologyTeacher EducationParticipatory Media
"Recently, educators have begun to consider what is required in literacy curricula and best teaching practices given the demands placed on the educator sector and on literacy in general. Multiliteracies and Technology Enhanced... more
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      Computer ScienceComputer GraphicsHuman Computer InteractionMusic
The widening participation agenda was instigated by a government seeking to develop skilled workers in the global economy, yet it has consistently refused to fund the burgeoning student population adequately. Managers and academics within... more
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      Educational TechnologyDigital LiteracyHigher EducationLearning Technology
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      21st Century LiteraciesMedia StudiesInformal LearningDigital Literacy
Programming languages universally rely on an algorithmic way to process and organize information—essentially a way to think computationally, which has been identified as crucial for problem solving in the new millennium. It is not... more
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      Computer ScienceProgramming LanguagesInformation TechnologyTechnology
Schools remain notorious for co-opting digital technologies to Ğbusiness as usualğ approaches to teaching new literacies. DIY Media addresses this issue head-on, and describes expansive and creative practices of digital literacy that are... more
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      New MediaMedia LiteracyNew LiteraciesDigital Literacies
The demands on today’s digital society raise the necessity of students to acquire different skills and competences - a new kind of literacy. Besides digital skills, there is also the need of being in possess of social and soft skills.... more
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      Virtual EnvironmentsDigital LiteracyDigital Media And New LiteraciesLearning And Teaching In Higher Education
Esse livro é formado por um conjunto de artigos que propõem reflexões, estudos e pesquisas de professores sobre novos letramentos que precisam ser expandidos em suas várias vertentes, visto que o letramento não se restringe ao ambiente... more
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      New Literacy Studies (Education)Digital Literacies
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      New MediaDigital MediaParticipatory CultureDigital Media & Learning
Describes a middle school teacher and three of her students engaging in shared inquiry in response to The Pearl. Notes the importance of the teacher both supporting students use of inquiry practices associated with posing questions and... more
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      Climate ChangeDigital LiteraciesTeaching LiteratureLanguaging
Common patterns of interactions are altered in the digital world and new patterns of communication have emerged, challenging previous notions of what communication actually is in the contemporary age. Online configurations of interaction,... more
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      CommunicationInternet StudiesSocial NetworkingConversation Analysis
As the media continually assails the public with images of war, misery and debt, one turns them into a fiction, far removed from routine concerns. One becomes immune to the reality of human conflicts, to the enduring North-South divide... more
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      English for Academic PurposesDigital LiteraciesRhetorical Studies
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      LiteracyNew MediaDigital HumanitiesLanguages and Linguistics
En el marco de los estudios sobre comunicación mediatizada por ordenador (CMO), exploramos algunas de las consecuencias que tiene en el campo de la educación lingüística la actual migración de las prácticas de escritura analógica... more
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      Discourse AnalysisDigital LiteracyComputer-Mediated CommunicationNew Literacies
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageDigital Literacies