Digital Goods

65 papers
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Digital goods are products that are created, stored, and distributed in digital form, typically delivered electronically. They encompass a wide range of items, including software, e-books, music, and digital media, and are characterized by their intangible nature and the ability to be easily replicated and shared over the internet.
The study — starting from the analysis of the concept of good in the legal perspective, its nature and its application profiles — outlines the issue of new digital intangible goods, in light of the recent european legislation on content... more
Despite global efforts to harmonize international trade statistics, our understanding about trade in digital products and its implications remains elusive. Here, we study five key aspects of trade in digital products by introducing a... more
This paper explores the distinctive features of digital goods—such as durability, low reproduction costs, and scalability—and their economic consequences. Unlike traditional goods, digital products don’t wear out, can be reproduced at... more
Die Digitalisierung hat eine neue Ära wirtschaftlicher Innovation eingeleitet, geprägt durch digitale Güter, die sich fundamental von klassischen Industrieprodukten unterscheiden. Plattformen wie Spotify, Airbnb, Uber oder Meta Platforms... more
We propose a rigorous modeling framework for characterizing the structural ability of organizations to respond quickly and effectively to unanticipated events. As such, we seek to provide a theoretical basis for improved crisis management... more
Do firms derive economic returns from business-to-business (B2B) initiatives? How do returns to startup firms compare to those for established firms in B2B initiatives? How do returns to B2B initiatives around digital goods compare to... more
This is the 10 th international workshop for technical, economic, and legal aspects of business models for virtual goods incorporating the 8 th ODRL community group meeting. This year we did not call for completed research results, but we... more
Superstar architecture can play a key role in the global positioning of museums in influential mass media, thereby successfully attracting cultural tourism (e.g. the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao, GMB). Yet, an evident shortcoming is the... more
Despite their potentially transformative impact, few studies have investigated how commercially-driven digital platforms such as mobile money facilitate ecosystem value co-creation in the global South. Consequently, using a boundary... more
The paper proposes an analytical framework for comparing different business models for producing information goods and digital services. It is based on three dimensions that also refer to contrasted literature: the economics of matching,... more
I accept responsibility for all errors that remain. 1 Globalisation is also used in the (earlier) literature to refer to earlier developments, such as the rise of transnational corporations. See eg J.G. Williamson, 'Winners and Losers... more
This article investigates the ways content producers, marketers, and other promotional stakeholders work to optimize cultural goods and services for platform-dependent production, distribution, and monetization. We are particularly... more
Increased use of the Internet for the distribution of digital products allows firms to embrace new business models. These models provide higher levels of product customization. In search of a better match between products and consumers'... more
The purpose of study is to evaluate the role and importance of e-information usage in struggle with informality in terms of accounting practices in Turkey. Revenue Administration has been working on efficient usage of e-information to... more
Метою статті є аналіз перспектив упровадження цифрової валюти центрального банку в українській економіці. Е-гривня може стати альтернативою традиційним інструментам платіжних операцій, забезпечуючи простішу, захищенішу та надійнішу... more
6 years since Digital India initiative, there are many benefits reaped. From myGov, world's largest digital democracy platform, to Creation of Aadhaar database, world's largest biometric-based digital identity; India has started its... more
Digital markets offer abundant free content but exhibit extreme concentration among content aggregation intermediaries. These characteristics are linked. In commoditized weak-IP markets, firms earn revenues by bundling free content for... more
This study examines how consumers collect, organize, and categorize images they find using Pinterest, a bookmarking and image sharing website. We re-visit McCracken’s (1986) theory of cultural meaning of consumer goods in the age of... more
Введение: в современном мире в различных сферах деятельности появляются новые проблемы, решение которых достигается использованием технологии распределенного реестра. Переход к данной технологии обусловлен тем, что централизованные... more
Introduction: Distributed ledger technology (DLT) is one of the most significant fields covering various aspects of modern ICT systems. Centralized systems of today can no longer guarantee the required level of availability and... more
Digital platforms are at the heart of online economic activity, connecting multi-sided markets of producers and consumers of various goods and services. Their market power, in combination with their privileged ecosystem position, raises... more
Many researchers are concerned about the appropriateness of traditional research approaches and methodologies in the analysis of a digital economy. Using the Experimental Digital Economy (EDE), a new technology infrastructure that we have... more
The objects we consume increasingly exist in digital form, from audiobooks and digital photographs to social media profiles and avatars. Digital objects are often argued to be less valued, personally meaningful, and self-relevant than... more
Social Media has altered the way in which people interact, collaborate and communicate. In particular, social network sites (SNS) have grown tremendously popular and are creating new forms of Web use. The social interactive nature of SNS... more
Given the increasing emphasis on online consumption in our digital era, the current study aimed to explore the avatar-self relationship in association with the concept of product attachment. Through constructing their own avatars and... more
The eclipse of Digital Natives and the dawn of virtual culture―how Gen A, Z are radically redefining the future of work, play, economics, and social life. We’re living through what is arguably one of the most exciting, confusing, and... more
Cloud Computing is increasingly becoming important in the generation, storage and transmission of information worldwide. In this paper, we discuss the potential of Cloud Computing in terms of how it can strengthen health information... more
The Development Informatics working paper series discusses the broad issues surrounding digital data, information, knowledge, information systems, and information and communication technologies in the process of socioeconomic development
Social networking sites have become an important market space in Internet. Social apps existing in social networking sites thrive in the environment provided by them. Companies are focusing more on social networking sites to promote their... more
The Development Informatics working paper series discusses the broad issues surrounding digital data, information, knowledge, information systems, and information and communication technologies in the process of socioeconomic development
Combinatorial Auctions are a central problem in Algorithmic Mechanism Design: pricing and allocating goods to buyers with complex preferences in order to maximize some desired objective (e.g., social welfare, revenue, or profit). The... more
Purpose Selecting an appropriate theory has always remained a critical task for the digital policy researchers. The literature seems to miss providing theoretical accounts of policy view of the digital platforms governance and offering... more
Crowdfunding is a fundraising process from a large audience to launch a new venture or entrepreneurial project. It is mostly based on the use of Web and represents a unique category of fundraising, with different vehicles, processes and... more
for many thoughtful and productive comments. We thank Blanche Segrestin for her careful review and insightful suggestions.
The effective management of digital rights is the central challenge in many industries making the transition from physical to digital products. We present a new model that characterizes the value of these digital rights when products are... more
This paper analyzes optimal pricing for information goods under incomplete information, when both unlimited-usage (fixed-fee) pricing and usage-based pricing are feasible and administering usage-based pricing may involve transaction... more
Electronic commerce has enabled the use of intelligent agent technologies that can evaluate buyers, customize products, and price in real-time. Our model of an electronic market with customizable products analyzes the pricing,... more
The impact of multi-channel technology-enabled digital goods on the sales of the physical counterpart faces uncertainty in the electronic commerce domain. We address the issue empirically by identifying the effect of the availability of... more
Combinatorial Auctions are a central problem in Algorithmic Mechanism Design: pricing and allocating goods to buyers with complex preferences in order to maximize some desired objective (e.g., social welfare, revenue, or profit). The... more
In contexts where fragmentation of information systems is a problem, data warehouse (DW) has brought disparate sources of information together. While bringing data together from multiple health programs and patient record systems, how... more
The growth in electronic publishing, advancement in e-book reader technology and the advent of the internet has led to the emergence of e-books and a rental market for e-books. When the product is available in both digital and physical... more
We are tackling the problem of trading real-world private information using only cryptographic protocols and a public blockchain to guarantee honest transactions. In this project, we consider three types of agents-buyers, sellers and... more
The purpose of the current paper is to explore the influence of identity on self-extension tendency and virtual consumption in online communities. The importance of material possessions for individual identity has been explored... more
Contemporary virtual worlds provide unique environments in which users may collaborate in the development of shared digital artifacts. However, the ways in which such collaboration takes place is to date under researched. This paper uses... more
Do firms derive economic returns from business-to-business (B2B) initiatives? How do returns to startup firms compare to those for established firms in B2B initiatives? How do returns to B2B initiatives around digital goods compare to... more
Проведен анализ мирового опыта в создании цифровых платформ и связанных с ними рисков. Всестороннее исследование российского и зарубежного опыта в создании цифровых платформ позволило сформулировать основные требования к таким платформам,... more
Reference is increasingly made to 'digital collections', yet this term encompasses accumulated digital objects of varying form, purpose and value. We review social science literature on material collections and draw from in-depth... more
In contexts where fragmentation of information systems is a problem, data warehouse (DW) has brought disparate sources of information together. While bringing data together from multiple health programs and patient record systems, how... more
Every day more and more companies rely on artificial intelligence, from small startups to large companies, among which stand out not only the IT giants Google, Microsoft, Facebook, IBM, but even those that seemingly far from this topic -... more