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Building Information Modelling (BIM) concepts and workflows continue to proliferate within organisations, through project teams, and across the whole construction industry. However, both BIM implementation and BIM diffusion are yet to be... more
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      AssessmentPerformance StudiesDiffusion of InnovationsPerformance Management
The notion of the change caused by smelting and melting technology during the 5th and 4th Millennium in the Levant is not well understood. Chronological errors and socio-economic misconceptions have been shrouding a clear view on the... more
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      Prehistoric ArchaeologyArchaeology of Ancient IsraelDiffusion of InnovationsIsrael/Palestine
Eco-efficient Product-Service System (PSS) innovations represent a promising approach to sustainability. However the adoption of such business strategies is still very limited because it often involves significant corporate, cultural and... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsProduct Service SystemSystem Innovation For SustainabilityEnvironmental Sustainability
The study of the impact of innovation and diffusion of knowledge on the economic growth of European regions and other developed countries is increasingly attracting the attention of scientists. Meanwhile, this important issue has been... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsKazakhstanKnowledge SpilloversRegional Growth
Abstract Competitive robotics programs are shown by a number of researchers to be increasing in popularity, with team organizations and competition events being successfully diffused and adapted across the nation. This study examined,... more
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      Robotics (Computer Science)Digital DivideEducational TechnologyDigital Literacy
A new and distinct June-bearing strawberry cultivar named ‘Saint-Jean d’Orléans’ is primarily adapted to the growing conditions of Eastern Central Canada. Its high yield of medium sized, ?rm, light-red glossy fruits, resistance to... more
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      HorticultureInnovation statisticsDiffusion of InnovationsPatents
Why do some athletes use performance-enhancing drugs (PEDs), while others opt not to use? Past research has focused on individual player attributes associated with PED use, but has left social factors unstudied. Utilizing novel datasets... more
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      Social NetworksDiffusion of InnovationsBaseballDrug Use
The global move toward reducing the usage of lead in electronics manufacturing industry is driving the industry to switch from tin-lead alloys to pure tin (Sn) for its component plating process. This transition has resulted in a... more
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      Cultural StudiesMusicMusicologyFolklore
The National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA) is considering the adoption of e-sports (i.e., organised competitive video gaming), which could be considered a radical innovation as it deviates in many areas from traditional sports... more
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      MarketingSport PsychologyGame studiesTechnology
This paper reports on a system dynamics simulation model which was developed to study the diffusion of medical technologies but which should be applicable to other sorts of technologies as well. The model addresses both the adoption and... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsSystem Dynamics ModelingModeling and SimulationMedical Technology
Esta ponencia resalta la posibilidad de asociar el concepto de innovación con técnicas, conocimientos y formas de vida que no provienen necesariamente del conocimiento denominado occidental; la posibilidad de no solamente revalorar este... more
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      Cultural StudiesWaterCommunity DevelopmentDiffusion of Innovations
The paper aims at building a model, which measures the company’s innovative leadership. Currently some innovation indices exist, but all of them evaluate innovativeness on a macro level and not on company’s one. The necessity of such a... more
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      BusinessProject ManagementInnovation statisticsDiffusion of Innovations
Diffusion of innovation: How the use of video games can increase the adoption of new technologies. Sphera Publica, 1 (17), 25-46. RESUMEN This research examines the influence of videogames in the process of adoption of New Technologies in... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsVideo GamesNew TechnologiesNuevas tecnologías
This paper examines individual differences in constraints on linguistic variation in light of Labov's (2007) proposal that adult change (diffusion) disrupts systems of constraints and Tamminga, MacKenzie, and Embick's (2016)... more
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      SociologyStatisticsLanguages and LinguisticsDialects of English
Can a fully-electric vehicle (EV) serve an on-the-go family's routine of work, shuttling kids, and road trips? Yes, with some grit and optimism! Here's how my family, living in a small Utah college town, incorporated a state-of-the-art... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsElectric VehiclesMarketing StrategyTesla and Alternative Energy
These are the notes I took for the innovation course module at Lancaster University.
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      Diffusion of InnovationsUsing Learning Logs
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      Diffusion of InnovationsManagement of Innovation
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      ManagementInnovation statisticsDesign for Social InnovationProduction
Development Communication covers the ground of social development activities of the Media. In common they revolve around persuasion, education and information. The role of communication in development is based upon social responsibility... more
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      CommunicationDevelopment StudiesDiffusion of InnovationsUses And Gratifications
The Internet has the potential to fundamentally change the structure of marketing channels, but only if consumers choose to adopt electronic channels. Thus, this paper aims to develop a more nuanced understanding of consumer channel... more
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      Information SystemsDiffusion of InnovationsAdoptionTechnology Acceptance
The study examines the problems faced by businesses when innovating and then commercializing their innovation. It is particularly focused on the role of standards, regulations and intellectual property rights in the commercialization of... more
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      Intellectual PropertyInnovation statisticsInnovation PolicyDiffusion of Innovations
Today, most companies have difficulties in following and meeting customer expectations. In a fast-changing business environment, companies can achieve a sustainable competitive advantage only by increasing their performance. The... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsInnovation and Knowledge ManagementInnovation Managementİnovasyon
It is increasingly acknowledged that we are on the verge of the next technological revolution and the fourth industrial revolution, driven by the digitization and interconnection of all physical elements and infrastructure under the... more
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      MacroeconomicsDiffusion of InnovationsPercolation threshold
Регионы России значительно отличаются по инновативности, или потенциалу внедрения новых технологий. Актуальность исследования процесса диффузии инноваций в России обусловлена необходимостью выявления регионов, в которых внедрение новых... more
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      Russian StudiesEconomic GeographySocial SciencesDiffusion of Innovations
PROFITABLE, FAST-GROWING COMPANIES like Microsoƒt and Home Depot are the darlings of Wall Street and the envy of their competitors. But what factors deter- mine their success? And what can managers do to emulate such stellar businesses... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsManagement of InnovationBusiness EcosystemsIncreasing returns
Аннотация: На основании теоретического анализа и обзора зарубежных исследований в статье аргументируется тезис о применимости теории диффузии инновации объяснению феномена отказа от вакцинации. На материале опросного исследования... more
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      Health PsychologyDiffusion of InnovationsRussiaDecison Making
This Impact Report identifies and summarises the diverse impacts, resulting from the £500m of UK funding of Science and Technology in 2013, using numerous quantitative metrics and short case study extracts. It shows how the varied... more
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      EntrepreneurshipManagementEngineeringElectrical Engineering
Un sólo razonamiento, el simple hecho de preguntarse: “¿Qué producir?”, puede conllevar la transformación de los sistemas productivos globales. La lógica de producción sugiere, de esta manera, una dinámica progresiva de cambio y novedad... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsEconomics of InnovationManagement of InnovationInnovación
In this Science-Fiction Prototyping article, I present an imaginative forward look at how artificial intelligence and virtual environments might change the nature of future education. The discussion is intended to be a somewhat... more
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      Creative WritingFuture StudiesHuman Computer InteractionInformation Technology
Исследованы пространственные характеристики инновационных процессов в России. На примере развития системы городов изучены формирование и изменение структуры инновационного пространства в прошлом. Выявлены ключевые волны диффузии городов... more
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      Russian StudiesEconomic GeographySocial SciencesDiffusion of Innovations
Une histoire civilisationnelle des céréales
Plus de 300 illustrations couleurs
En librairie le 5 novembre FLYER_HomGrain_Grand_public.indd 1 FLYER_HomGrain_Grand_public.
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      Nutrition and DieteticsDiffusion of InnovationsHistory of ReligionsDomestication
While technology use is becoming ever more ubiquitous in society, there are times when even the most useful of technologies faces non-adoption for a variety of contextual reasons. Educational institutions are increasingly relying on... more
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      Mathematics EducationMixed MethodsDiffusion of InnovationsK-12 Education
It is widely recognised that government intervention in development issues can shape people's perceptions and experiences. This study examined the influence of a Ministry-based extension system on community-based, problem animal control... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsHuman-wildlife conflictsAgricultural & Extension EducationInstitutions
Wong, David and Robert D. Woodberry. 2015. “Who is My Neighbor?: Cultural Proximity and the Diffusion of Democracy.” American Political Science Association, San Francisco, Sept 3, 2015 What explains the strong spatial and temporal... more
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      ReligionSocial NetworksReligion and PoliticsDiffusion of Innovations
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyDiffusion of InnovationsPrehistoric Technology
Fuelled by accelerating digitization, increased global interconnectivity, and transparency (coupled with shifting overarching political agendas, altered user expectations, and technological advances), the legal industry faces... more
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      Education Innovation and VenturesLegal ProfessionDiffusion of InnovationsComparative Studies on the Legal Profession
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Innovation is any positive change that has commercial value. It could be changes in the products, processes, thinking, governance or organizations. Given freedom, people organize themselves to find innovative solutions to the existing... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsManagement of InnovationTechnological Innovation
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      Organizational BehaviorCommunicationMedia StudiesNew Media
The effectiveness of deployment policies to promote the uptake of residential rooftop solar photovoltaic systems ultimately hinges on the behaviour of households who decide to accept or reject the technology. Over the past years, research... more
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      Theory of Planned BehaviourDiffusion of InnovationsConsumer BehaviorAgent-Based Computational Economics
En los últimos años, la irrupción de las nuevas tecnologías y la llegada del mundo digital se han extendido de una manera imparable, afectando a todos los ámbitos de la sociedad. La disciplina histórica no ha sido ajena a esta... more
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      HistoryArchaeologyRoman HistoryCultural Heritage
This paper is devoted to the analysis of evolution of innovation concepts, aspect and types. First emergence and evolution of different aspects and concepts of innovation are analysed, then the development of innovation concepts from a... more
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      BusinessManagementBusiness AdministrationEconomic History
Research into people’s digital news use centres on the here and now, which means sustained attention to the processes influencing changing consumption patterns is often perfunctory. Accordingly, this article advances journalism studies... more
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      Media SociologyMedia StudiesJournalismDigital Media
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      Knowledge ManagementDiffusion of InnovationsManagement of InnovationHealtcare
Sociologie van Planmatige Sociale Verandering is een sociologische bevraging van de algemeen verspreide processen van planning, organisatieontwikkeling of opbouwwerk in verscheidene maatschappelijke organisaties. Vanuit een... more
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      Social ChangeCommunity DevelopmentDiffusion of InnovationsImplementation Science
Scrum is the most adopted Agile methodology. The research conducted on Scrum adoption is mainly qualitative and there is therefore a need for a quantitative study on Scrum adoption challenges. The primary objective of this paper is to... more
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      Computer ScienceDiffusion of InnovationsQuantitative ResearchAgile Methodologies
This explorative study gives a descriptive overview of what organizations do and experience when they say they practice design thinking. It looks at how the concept has been appropriated in organizations and also describes patterns of... more
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      Organizational ChangeLeadershipDiffusion of InnovationsAdoption
The " chop " is a percussive string instrument technique pioneered by bluegrass fiddler Richard Greene in the 1960s and adopted into contemporary string styles by Darol Anger in the 1980s. This article traces the diffusion of the chop... more
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      MusicEthnomusicologyDiffusion of InnovationsViolin
The emergence of the blockchain phenomenon affects various aspects of human life. Public sector reforms are also influenced by this trend. E-government leaders around the world are tentatively beginning to grasp the potential of... more
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      Information ManagementInnovation statisticsDigital MediaDiffusion of Innovations
Innovations in business are undoubtedly a significant factor for economic growth, and franchising is a successful way of doing business -beneficial for both parties, but also requiring effort and/or capital from them. Regardless of their... more
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      Diffusion of InnovationsFranchisingInnovations